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Arbitrated and Seinosuke Iemochi Enlisted Status

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
I am requesting that two player characters on my plot remain enlisted, Arbitrated Iemochi and Iemochi Seinosuke. According to wiki and RP, they have never bought out their contracts. Them coming back to the YSS Kaiyō II to use SAoY equipment and man their stations would have been contingent on them being enlisted personnel. I have referred to them as their ranks and let them use the ship's weaponry and Mindy armors since coming back, it only makes sense that they have been enlisted for this.

@Ethereal @Arbitrated @Wes
I asked for one thread per character.

Are the characters still in the Kaiyo RP? Are you still their GM?

If not, when was the last OOC and IC date that they appeared in the Kaiyo plot and what was happening with them in the RP at that time? (link to the post if available).
Okay, wouldn't it make sense for them to have been in the SAoY the whole time then?

We could just say they were on an exchange assignment or something.

I'd like to hear from their players before proceeding further.
I think it's important to note that both characters' wiki articles have had substantive (non-automatic link update) changes for the past few months while aboard the Kaiyo II for its current mission, and the whole time those wiki articles have listed a Star Army rank and never mentioned leaving the Star Army. In fact, Seinosuke's article details how the character was assigned to Elysia Novus and promoted as part of the re-assignment before coming back to the Kaiyo II.

Kinda weird to try and retcon characters in the middle of a mission.
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As Wes said please don't speak for us or our characters in our absence, much like we wouldn't dare speak for you or yours. We don't recognise you as being able to do so since you don't know the full story and aren't their authors. Thanks for understanding, please wait for our side since they are our creations and we have rights regarding them as well as plans. Arbs will wake up soon and I'll be awake later then we can respond fully. Thanks again.

This article would not be possible if Seinosuke Iemochi was still in the Star Army at the time of the requested buyout. He has already performed work for the Elysian Senate in the timeframe given.

Additionally, in this thread, it is implied that there was a recognized leave of the SAOY by Ame. She recognized that they were bought out and had become civilians, quote, "I know there is a home and life for you elsewhere," recognizing the fact that the two of them were not just on leave but departed from the Star Army. This passes the approval for Clause 1 and Clause 2 of buyout, which is "Obtaining permission from the unit commander or ship captain," and "Obtaining permission from Star Army Personnel."

Seinosuke Iemochi is wealthy enough, due to his work as a warrant officer, to buy out not just him but also his wife. Clause 3 has been fulfilled.
The first line addresses their rank, though. That's a solid indicator she believes them to still be in SAoY. I was also implying that they have a home elsewhere as in, a new ship? Kaiyo is OFTEN referred to as people's home. I was saying the same for their new ship.
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Honestly, if those players want to leave the plot then they should leave the plot. Don't make up retcons and try to justify "buyouts" that only existed in your internal discussions and never came to fruition on the forums. There's no reason to pull out a bunch of excuses for why the characters Arbitrated and Seinouske aren't in the Star Army when the players themselves have written them as being in the Star Army for months aboard the Kaiyo II on its current mission.
They were never on a new ship. They were removed from Kaiyo, and rather than go to Fort Victory they instead wished to go to Elysia. They had some contact with a certain senator over in Elysia, and as a result decided it was an okay choice.

Oh, I also found this old DM.


@FrostJaeger And that's why they went back to Kaiyo.
@raz Except they haven't. They were at the very best in Fort Victory. There were entire key plot segments without the players.

EDIT: Ethereal has requested me to wait until he wakes up again. So in a great man's words...
All I know is that they never told me they were no longer SAoY and they played being enlisted while RPing on my plot for the past mission and a half.
As Wes said please don't speak for us or our characters in our absence, much like we wouldn't dare speak for you or yours. We don't recognise you as being able to do so since you don't know the full story and aren't their authors. Thanks for understanding, please wait for our side since they are our creations and we have rights regarding them as well as plans. Arbs will wake up soon and I'll be awake later then we can respond fully. Thanks again.

Shush. Wait. Stop pressing this issue without the people you're talking about being there, it's bad manners. Thanks.
In this post made today, Ethereal literally refers to Arbitrated's character as "Arble-hei." In this post from Tuesday, Ethereal refers to his character in narration as "the Juni." These are just two quickly-found examples out of many.

Combined with the fact that both characters' wiki articles list a Star Army rank, nobody thought that these characters weren't in the Star Army until today, including the players themselves.
I've asked that we wait for the players to post, and my request was ignored. I'm telling you now: don't post until the players have a chance to present their thoughts on how this should work.
First of all: *Tired grumbling of general displeasure* Thumb's hurt today because of an incident we had with a mallet. We get off of work and this is flooding the notifications.

Second: Y'all's need to calm down, so I'm going to provide some music:

Imogen Heap - The Walk
Imogen Heap - Hide And Seek
Lena Raine - Quiet and Falling

Okay, now that you've listened to at least one of those hopefully you've all chilled out a little bit. I'd rather avoid having any tension in this conversation from now on - this can be resolved peacefully and hopefully without me ending up in a panic attack.

So. On to the matter at hand.

There was a heavy amount of discussion about Arbles and Seinosuke's contract buyouts on the Elysia discord server several months ago. Also discussed was a buyout option for Alex's character Matsuvo, as well as Meta's character Meissa. I even calculated the estimated values of how much their contracts, combined, would take to buy out. However, Arbitrated and Seinosuke's contracts never were bought out - they had transferred to a Star Army base on Elysia, albeit going on leave together for a time while they were there. They never have officially left the Star Army of Yamatai as of this point in time.

During this time, if someone were to look at Arbles's wiki page, her placement would be listed as "Maternity leave". Not "Civilian" or something similar. In-character, during this time the home invasion.... event, happened. Shortly after, Ametheliana OOCly, but Teien Eden (the Executive Officer) ICly, sent a message to the Iemochi couple. They have been on the YSS Kaiyo II ever since, operating the ship's equipment with the permission of a commanding officer (if not both/all three I think there's three now).

My current information and sources point towards both Iemochis being still enlisted within the military. If they happen to somehow not be enlisted, then their time spent on the Kaiyo II may have a possibility to be called into question. If it is called into question, though, I would believe that responsibility would fall upon the acting command staff of the ship in addition to the Iemochis, rather than solely one or the other - after all, if they weren't enlisted, then the MEGAMI would almost certainly prevent them from using any of the major equipment such as Mindies and literally anything on the bridge (not without them being given permission to use those things by the command staff, at least).

I think I covered everything there, and we're hungry now. So we'll just leave this to be read or something I dunno.
Well, that was super easy. Thanks Arbs for clearing that up!

I'm not even sure who brought it up in the first place but apparently there was some confusion.

But it's clear now that both of these characters were in the SAoY during their Elysia stint and still are in the SAoY now that they're back on the Kaiyo.

This serves as a reminder to players with military characters to get your GM to post orders for you so you have a proper record of your character's career!

Thanks everyone. Since the question's been answered I'm going to close the thread.
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