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Approved Submission ArcMark, The

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Inactive Member
Submission Type: Money
Template Used: N/A
Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:faction:uso:arcmark
Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=faction:uso:arcmark

FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) Yes
Faction requires art? I don't feel like it this time

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

The brand new page for the ArcMark. I'm not sure this actually needs approval, but I'm throwing it up here anyways.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'm not sure quite how this got approved, since this sets the Arcmark's worth to being 7.5 times that of the currency of the YSE.

On one hand, from a strictly mathematical standpoint, it's a clever move.

On the other, a burger meal isn't the best material good to base a currency off of.

Also, you can't be the one reviewing this, because of a conflict of interest. You manage the character Akemi and his business Akemi's, which is linked directly to this article.
Wait a minute, @Ametheliana. I don’t mean to be rude, but I believe there’s some issues with this submission in its current state.

Personally don't care about this anymore beyond making sure that this sort of information is transparently stated and apparent. Whoever does/doesn't want to accept it can voice their own opinions, but as for me I know I definitely don't want new players thinking they can just buy all sorts of stuff using an Arcmark by coming into Nepleslia when it's not accepted in places beyond an Akemi's (I assume).

This needs to be made clear, though. Not really sure why it was pushed through so quickly without even a mention (I am thankful the value was evened out a bit more, though, in the current version) as to this since it's a point made in the discussion about this currency.
The C9 thread states my concerns. It’s not a sustainable system. Candon Suites is smart, but he’s not trained to build an economic system, he’s trained to destroy them.
You'd be surprised. He's a delegater. He had a robot, Mr. Donovan, built to handle that kind of stuff along with a MimiCom to support the maintenance and occasionally snipe a guy. Also, there is always coordination with the USO via Vier who is an even more sophisticated AI. This is how they are currently simulating Yamatai's economy and one day it may not be viable, at which point it'll change again. At this time the economy is based on people not wanting to be murdered. I know, it's not the most elegant solution but it's a very compelling reason for people on 188 to keep their prices where FBS tells them.
In order to prevent any confusion and/or powergaming (via arbitage), shouldn't this section read that "1 ArcCombo with Fries and an Usoda from Akemi's is worth 0.50 DA and 0.25 KS" based upon what @Gunhand4171 said here? I ask because of the following scenario:

Let's say I control a player character from USO with 150 ArcMarks. I decide to have them visit Nepleslia - but once they get there, there's a problem. According to this, my 150 ArcMarks are worth 75 DA - yet according to this, my 150 ArcMarks are worth 1,200 DA. Which number should I follow?

EDIT: @Zack, please revert the article to this version as soon as possible, as to not to do so is to ignore the faction rights of every Faction Manager - @Wes, @Nashoba, @Soresu, @Kyle, and myself - who stated that the ArcMark is not accepted within their faction.
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All Zack's article suggests is that the ArcMark essentially functions like a company town voucher, which is pretty thematic considering USO. Much like currencies in real life, it's up to some company or bank to accept them in exchange for other dollar billz.
What he removed was the portion of the article describing how many nations did not accept the Arcmark, thereby violating the FM rights of their FMs.
Hey, if you don’t want your exchange to accept arcmarks you can say that your exchange doesn’t accept them.
@Alex Hart just because a Wiki page does not have information a faction manager wants does not inherently mean the owner of the Wiki page is violating his rights. Additionally, let's reduce the number of times we call something a violation. There is no point wearing out that word and losing its meaning.

It's true that the arcmark is worth more to some people and less to others with only one government recognizing it. That does not mean that citizens under that government will not exchange for it. Perhaps it would be better to list which governments and organizations do accept and convert it rather than which governments do not.
I had a whole thing written up going into some pretty deep economic concepts, but none of that matters. All Zack needs to do at this point is make an in-character ArcBase or MtUso exchange for his faction's silly crypto and all of this controversy won't matter much. It's one thing for space empires/factions to refuse ArcMarks as legal tender for financial obligations, but is anybody really going to complain if a player writes an actual currency exchange corporation article?

What I will say, though, is that caring super hard about the ArcMark seems to be motivated by OOC animus. In the specific case of Elysia, it's very contradictory to IC reality because Patricians literally barter with whatever they want and plebs are socially obligated to like it.

To quote: "Thus it is not unusual to find a patrician carrying around a purse of gold coins and gems, and these can often be used even when dealing with lower orders. Few Elysians will refuse a patrician's money in any case."

Like, in-canon, a Patrician could walk around with a pocket full of ArcMarks and probably use them to pay pretty much anybody except other Patricians (unless said other Patricians were really into Akemi's Burgers or collecting odd currencies, because rich people do weird stuff like that).

tl;dr: It's all silly.
It's hardly contradictory to IC reality, @raz; though it's ultimately up to @META_mahn, in my opinion the Patricians comprising the Elysian Senate simply don't consider a welfare voucher issues by a group of criminals, mercenaries, and pirates to have any value - especially when that group is led by a Nelovalkyrja.

A Patrician is under no obligation to accept the money of someone he or she considers inferior - and that, in my opinion, is what the Elysian Senate's in-character view of USO is: an inferior band of rogues that has delusions of grandeur regarding its importance (and relevance) in the Kikyo Sector.
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