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Are child characters allowed? And if so, any restrictions?


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
I ask this question mainly because, ever since I started up Takeyu I've had idea's for his younger sibling who survived the boarding of their ship by pirates.

The thing is; I don't know what is fully allowed - or if - child characters are even permitted here. If they are, I'm certain there are restrictions in place.

I guess what I'm also wanting to know; at what degree am I allowed to create such a character, can she be a slave? (Note: I do not support slavery, but in the context of a story, it has its uses)
Also, just to answer your question about slaves. There was a law passed relatively recently in-character, *IGNORE*that basically states that Slaves can only be held for seven (7) years before being released (of course this law was written by the YSE so they could maintain their large army ;) )*IGNORE* that slavery is illegal in YSE territories. Before that, there was an entire species enslaved1, and even the major nations were rife with it.

Although I doubt pirates would care about such a law...

So yes, seeing as just about the entire SAoY is conscripted, slaves are in, and pirates are in. ;)

[*cough* This is based solely on my limited knowlegde, as the events happened before I entered the site. I believe them to be accurate, but will edit/remove them as the Admins pick away at this post.]

1: The Helashio
Doshii Jun said:
Kyle: Child characters are OK, especially when they're essentially NPCs. Is that what you're going for with Takeyu's sister?

Thanks Jimmy, and you to Doshi :)

But to answer your question Doshii, Takeyu's Sister is an NPC, yet not an NPC.. ughs how I explain this :oops: . I planned on RPing what happens to her after she becomes seperated from her older brother, I write her story out and see how long I go with it.

My idea was that, at some later date when Takeyu is either higher up in rank, or perhaps gone through a few deaths (which sounds very odd to me :shock: ) I would bring his sister into the picture, having been either rescued at some point or having escaped captivity.

This would also allow me to possibly set up a scenario that involves Takeyu, perhaps based after he has spent time within the Star Army.

Though for all intents and purposes, though I'll RP her from time to time, she is basically an NPC since I won't focus on her very much until after I bring her into the Star Army (if that's possible)

However, because of her NPC status, I'm guessing I have to go through the same process as I did with Takeyu? Writing up the character bio and getting it approved yes?
Slavery is illegal (period) in Yamatai. That doesn't mean you can't have a slave, but in Yamatai you'd want to keep it hidden from the law.

Child characters are okay, but their skill areas should be realistic.
Really, then what does the Yamatai government call their creation of nekovalkrja soldiers? I don't mean to sound combative, but I'm merely confused, sorry if I'm dragging the thread off topic.
Soldiers are not slaves, which is why the Sprites were outlawed. Normal soldiers even though they are made are more like Indentured Servants. They can buy out of their contract with the Military, or have someone buy them out if they want.
Thank ya for the answers and clarification.

I have other questions; but I'll wait until a later date, or ask them in IRC since they are rather minor :)

Well, I can't agree to that from a moral standpoint, but if Wes is happy with the status quo, then so am I. I'm not here to rock the boat. Again, apologies for dragging the thread off course.