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(my first time in star army of yamatai so heres my chars bio)
Arikamaru Misturigo, a strange man who is known to wear a a suit of cyber armor (in avatar) and has a stealthy talent and usually seen alone. Arikmaru has been known to be hired for murder an d smuggling... t a high price....
Gender: male
Hieght: 6 feet 1 inch
Hobby: piloting ships
and sniping
usually found in space and in strange places.
Arikamaru is known to be a quick draw and
can take out a killer in 1 second flat.
He was once wanted until his name was cleared
He is sometimes social and will defend friends if neccasary.
Arikamaru... A strange man he has no origin of family nor does he know if he does... he doesn't know why he was put on the universe. He thinks that some people take him wrong just because he looks like a soldier doesn't mean hes one. Today Arikamaru usually goes to planets visting and hunting down animals that are not going endangered..
Arikamaru wears tactical armor desinged by him (as shown in avatar) he usually handles an aassault rifle and grenades just incase. He is somethings accused for murder ( you can see why) He owns a ship that he found after he found it. For some reason it was full of supplies.
Arikmaru has no memory of his past and is sometimes tricked into ways of learning his past. He woke up one day at the bottom of a lake he was running out of oxygen and rose up to the surface. he was in a murky lake with mist and swam to the shore he gasped for breath and decided to find out what is going on. When he stood up his vision was blurry and then regulated and he walked ahead. There he found a Ship that can accomidate about two people it was also full of supplies. Today he is flying to a planets to explore this "new world" he was set into.
Arikamaru is a great Enginner, Tactical fighter and an excellent pilot his cons.... He is horrible at Math and is worse then math at history.. and much more. All that he has done is desinging he made his own armor.
Arkikmaru is usually seend desinging in his spare time and sleeping since he is a litte "short" on money he sets his ship to auto and sleeps he has moneey just not enough for a living. Sleeping in his ship is his most defensive moment since his ship is armed it isn't easy to get in.
(I hope this can get aprroved thanks for letting me do all this if u do)
Skills need to be elaborated on,
seems like somewhat of a Master Chief clone.
Also, cliche story about being mysterious and the like. You also need to get your cyber armor approved before it
can be used in the roleplaying setting. Also you might
try using proper grammar.
Please, Akira, if you want any serious consideration from us, go consult the New Player's Guide and then read up on the Character Creation Guide. The guide to military roleplay will also be handy. I believe you should try doing a hefty amount of reading on the forum proper too - just pick up a plot (like the YSS Ongaku, for example) and get through it to have a feeling of what the universe is like. Some more reading after that wouldn't hurt too much either (like bits and pieces on Yamatai / Kyoto or Nepleslia; the first mission of the Sakura is also a good read).
I'll be nice and simply delete your post instead of relying on more drastic measures (like a NIWS). You, on the other hand, must revise your character sheet if you want to be approved... it's seriously not good at the moment.
I have to admit, though, character creation is pretty scary. The temptation to degenerate into very, very horrible things is huge. (I should know, I used to succumb.)