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Approved Character Arinori Emiyu

Sean_ODuibher said:
Given the context, I'm pretty sure that's a pluralization of NH-29, not a reference to the Stealth variant.

Yes, it was a typo on my part. I apologize for that. I need to stop typing so late at night. It's not like my grammar is that good to begin with anyway. XD

She's just a standard NH-29.
What's funny about this, is that I thought the same thing until I hit upon the use of skin holograms and what not. It's been that long since I've seen a Neko actually use that who wasn't some other kind of Neko (NH-27, 29 Signaler).

OK, then onto the real breakdown:

1. Why is she so different? Most all Neko have some individual characteristics, but Emiyu here seems to have every one imaginable. Why? How? Please explain.

2. Projecting longer nails and a tail goes beyond what an NH-29 can do, so those must be taken out.

3. Why does she get so angry? What stops her from just breathing, cooling down, and refocusing on something else?

4. Why does she want all this power? To what end?

5. Is she generous at all times? Someone who so heavy desires power seems not to be the type to be generous, at least how you have written it, as that implies altruism that might be detrimental in her quest.

6. In Skills, you have a seventh skill slot you can adopt.

7. In "Starship Operations," might want to qualify that as "Starship Operations (Weapons)," as that skill normally means a character can pilot a ship. Also, watch that spelling.

Overall: A very strange Neko, from the inside out. Getting more into why the character is this way, from the surface to the soul as it were, will better justify why such a unique character should be approved. This is important because Neko are meant to be, in a large way, uniform.

This character is pending.
1. Why not be different ? I wanted a Neko that was unique and while I understand that it is a long shot for her to have such unique properties, it is still possible. Some changes, like the hair, were chosen to complement the strange skin color which I've been wanting to do since I came on this site. White would work, but so would green..but that would be too out there, so I chose a more neutral color.

2. Understood.

3. You'll notice that I mentioned that she has these violent mood swings when under high amounts of stress, such as battle and the like. As I recall, Nekos already have a berserker instinct when they receive severe injuires. Hers may be triggered in the face of mortal harm. It's not that she will go off if someone dumps coffee in her lap, but if someone is trying to kill her then she'll go off on them.

4. Unless I am mistaken, most Nekos begin life viewing themselves as only weapons rather then living creatures. Over time, they seem to convince themselves as otherwise. Emiyu's fear is being nothing more then a number in a book, a statistic with no meaning or purpose. She wants to be important, to be successful, to be powerful which means she will never become a meaningless name and number in a computer system. Plus, the idea of power excites her, it's just the way her brain works. It's one of the reasons she became a Starship operator, to work with powerful machines. You ask to what end and I don't have a answer to that. If I knew the answer to that already then it defeat the entire purpose of my creating her and spending the time to play her out to that end.

5. Just because she desires power does not mean that she is a bad person. She may have a tendency to consider whether or not people can help her on her way to the top, but it doesn't mean she has to treat them like dirt if they're not. She's as inclined to help someone out as she is to use them and even if she sees no real use in them at the moment, it does not mean they may not be useful to her later down the road. Striding around with a self satisfied " You're worthless to me" attitude would only make enemies which would hurt her a lot then giving away some money or giving someone a portion of her time and she just happens to be smart enough to realize that.

6. I left that open intentionally since she really has not had time to gain that many skills. As she grows up, I will fill that in.

7. Understood.

I understand where you're coming from. But the fact is that , even though I've been turning the character concept in my head for weeks I,I found the concept that I was trying to get across difficult to describe in so many words. She's driven and her desire is power. She doesn't want to be just another neko, she wants to be something more. She's willing to give herself to do that, but she doesn't want to harm or destroy others to do that. She has a moral character, even if it is a bit warped. but then again, Nekos aren't monogamous anyway, her reasons for doing someone are just different then others.

She'll change as she is played out and polished more as a character, but as if right now she is , for the most part, a baby that hasn't had time to grow into anything.

Hope this all makes sense !
Sure sure! There's no problem with your reasoning; that I understand. But what's the IC reasoning behind it? Why does she do it?

It's important because it goes not only to her character as an individual, but also how actions could be interpreted by other Neko. They're going to see her, generally, as "different," "strange" and "off." That level of uniqueness is not characteristic of Neko, is what I'm saying, so understanding why she does it is helpful to put down.

Right, which is understandable. However, the way you've got it phrased, it sounds as if she could go off on someone during battle — when she's on the bridge, shooting starship-grade weapons. Her berserker rage won't benefit her much when she's not in power armor or melee combat.

That's why I ask about the anger. If she's on the bridge, she won't have an outlet for that anger and rage. She might be fast-tracked for a warrant officer position, depending on her performance, and a berserker at the weapons chair likely wouldn't equate to an officer.

Brief version: Can she keep her cool when she's in battle?

Sounds all good to me! Just put a version of this in the bio.

The question about the end is answered enough by what you said — she wants to be important, be someone, so on. How that all works out is up to the RP.

All good points. Summing them up in the bio is all you need to do.

6. I left that open intentionally since she really has not had time to gain that many skills. As she grows up, I will fill that in.
I actually would like you to avoid this, but hear me out.

In the past, new players have tried to stack combat skills in order to buff up their characters against perceived threats. This isn't a problem by itself, but the RP that goes into obtaining said skills can be rather weak (a single joint post of a person learning the things necessary to take Survival & Tactics, for instance).

By taking all seven skills at the getgo, a new player won't have the opportunity to tack on a new skill without some serious RP, as it takes time to add a new slot. For example, I've been with the site for almost six years, but my character Yukari only has eight skill slots (and the eighth one is "Command.")

This isn't about not trusting you — the thought you've put into your character suggests you're serious about the roleplay, so I have no worries there. Rather, I don't want to give new players who follow you a leg to stand on — "Well s/he took only six skills at the getgo, so why can't I?"

Something you can do in the future — at least, no one's told me you can't — is break out a specialization within a skill. This is something your character especially is good at. Again, for example, Yukari's a pistoleer and a sharpshooter. Those are specializations of the "Combat" skill. To compensate for that, Yukari's not very good with knives or melee weapons, nor is she very good with explosives.

Nekos are not necessarily monogamous. Some are in very committed relationships, others not so committed.

Anyway, you've summed her well enough with the line about "she wants to be something more." Her morality can be more easily pinned by her actions in the RP, so no worries there.

Just add those things I suggested above, and you'll be good to go.
I apologize for my poor wording in my Bio. I'll admit that I expected some incongruities in the bio and as I read it over I would go back and change something to make it sound better. This bio in particular was quite the challenge because Emiyu is complicated in some areas.

That may very well be something that she has to learn to overcome in the future and may make it harder for her to reach the top like she wants to.

It does differ depending on where she is at the time. If she is on the bridge, and the ship is getting really pounced and she feels they are really going to die if that keeps up, then she will loose it . What that means is she will train every single weapon on the vessel on that target to the exclusion of all others until it blows up, which could cause problems . But she is not going to lay into the unfortunate navigation officer beside her if she feels she's going to die, if that is what you mean.

If she's planet side or fighting off a boarding party then things could get bad for her. I imagine she will be able to master her impulses better as she grows older.

Sounds all good to me! Just put a version of this in the bio.

The question about the end is answered enough by what you said — she wants to be important, be someone, so on. How that all works out is up to the RP.


All good points. Summing them up in the bio is all you need to do.


I understand. I'll correct these mistakes right away.

I appreciate the time you've taken in explaining these things to me. I'll go ahead and say that I enjoy having a roster of characters to choose from. So, over the time I'm here, be it months or years, you'll be seeing a handful of characters from me to give you fair warning. I'll get better at this and we won't have to have debates over character attributes every time.
Don't sweat the "debates" at all. Most of it is minor stuff; the rest is to help you consider things about your character.

I notice my first point wasn't quite addressed in your reply. Are you saying she doesn't know why she changes her skin color and such? That's what I was asking; why does she change her skin color with holograms and such?
Sorry about that.

I assumed that she was born with different colors or rather I hoped that I'd get away with it. A IC explanation would be that she was just born that way . Perhaps the tank she was grown in was not properly cleaned and the chemicals affected her growth to that degree.

If, however, I am not allowed to keep her appearance as it is now and have to resort to using the holograms to give her her unique coloration, then I would say that it is the same reason she has a desire for power. She wants to stand out, not blend in with the millions of other nekos . She also likes attention on a basic level. So, if she can make someone double take or stare then she feels as if she's accomplished her goal on a momentary level.
Please go with the second one. That's a good explanation and avoids the ultra-rarity of your proposed skin color.

The use of holograms, as you've proposed, is a first for the site, so Emiyu will be very, very unique!
Very well.

I may not be able to edit everything at once, but I'll make sure to get to it bit by bit as I have time.

I can keep the figure at least, right ?
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