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Armor Designs

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Inactive Member
ON> KFY Facility, Central

Rena smiled to Oniyuri and walked over to the Raven and indicated the wings on the helmet. "Well I'd like to get a good set of sensors installed on it. The ones it has are sufficient but are sometimes the system is affected by weather and such." The blue-haired girl said. "It already has a great AI system."

"Can the AI candle the additional input?" the geisha asked, looking it over.

"Probably with some modifications but it's a unique system my father created though he never labeled it." Rena said. "It was the AI that suggested I upgrade the sensors." She smiled.

The dark-haired girl nodded. "It does not appear that installing additional sensors would be too difficult. Which types did you wish to include?"

Rena blushed a slight pink; "Uhm...what other types are there?" She asked curiously. She knew the basics of computer systems but was still learning.

Oniyuri couldn't answer the quuestion until she knew what the power armor already had. "Do you know what kinds it has installed?"

"Ah, I remember now." Rena said, remembering the first message the AI had relayed to her. "It needs a way to detect stealthed enemies clearly, it can already give suspicious notifications." She said.

As a geisha, Oniyuri suppressed her negative urges, including the one for irritation that she experienced when Rena did not answer her question. "May I ask what sort of sensors it already has?" she paraphrased her inquiry, wondering how exactly it would detect stealth armors. There was no certain way.

She blinked. "By making notice of generalized variations in temperature." Rena said. "As for sensors, it has a 180 egree visual field capable of giving clear sight up to 200 ft away. It also has a sensitivity to psionic and magical energy as well as enhanced audio feed." She explained. Rena was alittle afraid she was making a pest of herself, but she felt like she had to overcome her fear if she wanted to complete this armor.

"Hmm," Oniyuri tilted her head a little. She figured 180 degrees seemed like enough for a human-piloted armor. She didn't see how general temperature variations were going to help know where an enemy was, though; that sort of thing sounded more useful for weather than for combat. "So, it has basic thermal sensors, psionic sensors...what do you mean by 'clear sight?'"

"I'm not really sure honestly. I just find when I use it that I can visually "see" up to 200ft away to the point of counting bugs on a leaf." Rena said with a nervous smile. There was so much on this armor she didn't totally understand.

"So, basic optics, then. Is that electronic or analog zoom?"

"Electronic." Rena said confidently.

Oniyuri nodded, although she would have approved if there were lenses in place of pixels. Electronic magnification couldn't really complete in terms of quality, then again this was a combat armor, and space was at a premium, so it did make sense. "Do you have a radar system?" the place-faced technician asked Rena, since that was the only thing that seemed to be left out.

"No.." The little elf-girl said.

"Can you tell me, Rena-san, what the purpose of this armor is? That is, what you mean to do with it as a pilot?" Oniyuri needed to know in order to recommend the best choice of options in the armor's upgrade. She stood patiently with her hands behind her back.

Rena smiled "Infantry purposes and possible boarding with minimal collateral damage, that's why it doesn't have high powered weaponry other than the knuckle bombs." She said. "And to provide Star Army soldiers of the human variety as an alternative to going out of their way to get Phalanxes from the NDI." Rena said looking hopeful.

"This armor is a prototype that you intend to mass produce, then? I'm surprised anyone could make a power armor like yours. There are so many intricate parts to each power armor, from the thrusters to the electronics. It's impossible for a single person to have make each individual piece. You will need to track down where each system was obtained from if you wish to build another. Hmm...a you thinking an anti-personnel role? Humans in the Star Army are not limited to the Phalanx."

"Yes." She said enthusiastically. "But...from I have heard, only you lovely nekos can pilot any of the available armors." Rena said. "I um..didn't build it, my father did; he didn't really tell mother and I much about it other than giving me a way to be independent but safe. He did his best before he died in the battle of Nepleslia.."

Oniyuri shook her head slowly, "Both make and female humans of the Geshrin and Nepleslian type can pilot the Kylie M3 Power Armor. It has been adopted by the Star Army and is slowly replacing the Phalanx in many units. This is, of course, provided the pilot meets the size requirements; they must be 1.52 to 1.78 meters (5' 0" to 5' 10"). If you iwsh to optimize your power armor, you will need to know what you wish to do with it." The geisha gave a smile and offered, "Tea?" While she'd been speaking, one of her maiko had entered the bay with a fold-out table and a tray with a kettle and glasses.

The blue-haired girl sighed, a bit sad but trying to stay upbeat and smiled at the mention of tea. "Please. Forgive me, I didn't know about the Kylie armor," she said humbly. "I just wish to use it for my own protection I suppose, I'm afraid I am a little too poor to afford a Kylie " She said, her eyes subtly filling with tears as she started to feel like she was fighting an uphill battle here. "It's all I have left..." Rena said. "And I'll do anything to see that it's optimized." She added quietly.

"I understand...but please realize that designing and building a brand-new design costs far, far more than purchasing a mass-produced power armor model." This girl, in Oniyuri's mind, wasn't being very realistic. Modifications were not free, parts were not free, especially not specially-made ones. She didn't want to crush this girl's dream, but it was hard not to. It was difficult to take something like this and expect a few bells and whistle let it compete with the very best. Not wanting to see the girl give up, though, she decided to try and guide her into a suitable direction. "Rena, do you want this to be a mass-production model or a personal one?" she asked the girl seriously.

"I understand you completely, and I want this to be a personal one." Rena said as fiery, burning determination shone in her eyes.

"I'll see what I can do to make this a unique custom power armor, then," Oniyuri nodded. "Would you like to stay here for the night?"

Impulsively Rena gave Oniyuri a hug in thanks. "I'd enjoy that. But how can I repay your kindness?" She asked, pulling away but blushed, embarassed at her immature outburst.

"If the design is successful, would my company be able to produce a version of it?" Oniyuri asked. This way, she would be able to get funds by claiming it as a research project.

"Of course, but the original design to my dad: Koji Larian." Rena said.

"Of course," the geisha nodded in agreement.

"Thank you so much Ms. Oniyuri." Rena said and saw her opportunity. "One more question: what are the requirements to join your company?"
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