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Armor Questions


Inactive Member
I noticed that there was something called the Cyclone Suit model 4b in the Approved Additions to the SARP sub forum. Is it possible for an infantry character to have an armor of this type? Not only that but this power armor is for ground assault purposes. Does that cause it to differ in availability of it?

I think I am also confused along the lines of what races may use power armor. Are there race restrictions regarding power armor use? If so which races may use power armor?

Finally, I previously read that space power armor is not owned but distributed to troops on a need to use basis, but this type falls under the category of ground assault. So, for example, can an ID-SOL or an ID-SOL hybrid own his own suit of ground assault power armor? Or is it like space power armor, and can only be distributed by the military?
I noticed that there was something called the Cyclone Suit model 4b in the Approved Additions to the SARP sub forum. Is it possible for an infantry character to have an armor of this type?
Maybe. Do you mean privately-owned, or military-issued? Most power armor is issued by an organization. The Star Army, for instance, only uses certain power armors (Lamia, Mindy, Kylie, and Super Phalanx).

I think I am also confused along the lines of what races may use power armor. Are there race restrictions regarding power armor use? If so which races may use power armor?
That depends on the armor. Mindy armors can only be piloted by Nekovalkyrja, but a Kylie will support most human-based races within a certain height and build (They're not designed for really tall people).

So, for example, can an ID-SOL or an ID-SOL hybrid own his own suit of ground assault power armor? Or is it like space power armor, and can only be distributed by the military?
Yes, if he had the money for it. If he was in the military, though, it is doubtful he'd be allowed to bring it on his ship, or use it in combat.
Thanks for answering my questions. I have another one though.
I am trying to create an ID-SOL character, but I have no idea what he would use in combat. I'm thinking that he would use a type of flak armor, but I noticed that the cyclone 4b can be bought with ONLY the armor plates. This would then not qualify as powered armor because it does not have a reinforced joint system with motors. I like the idea of a heavy armor infantry, and think it would suit my character. But because the private ownership of power armor is restricted in the military, Would it be possible to own your own suit of non powered armor for use in combat?

Also Switching gears here... I have a few questions about weapons.
The Emrys Industries Gauss Flechette Rifle is the weapon I wish to use, but I want to modify it greatly. I am planning to buy a used rifle to minimize cost. I then plan to enlarge the barrel and shorten the length of it. Next I want to change the ammunition type to that of a metal rebar shaped object. This would create an electromagnetic rail gun that fires heavy ammunition capable of pinning armor and flesh targets against walls. I'm wondering if this endeavor is possible. I am also wondering how much this project would cost.
Emrys Industries would not allow you to tamper with their weapons in that way. In addition shortening the barrel would make it significantly less powerfull, and changing these things would make it fairly likely it would blow up.

However perhaps if you wanted this weapon you could ask Emrys Industries and they might make it for you.
Errr, unless your character is an engineer, I don't think he has the etchnical skills to modify a weapon safely.

He is going to be semi-technologically savvy (AKA: He has SOME skill in electronic anc mechanical engineering.

Emrys Industries would not allow you to tamper with their weapons in that way.

Are there rules in place saying that? Or is the weapon designed to not function properly if tampered with?

In addition shortening the barrel would make it significantly less powerfull, and changing these things would make it fairly likely it would blow up.

How would shortening a barrel make a gun less powerfull? If anything, shortening a barrel would most likely make a gun less accurate...

Also how would modification make the gun blow up? Does it have smthing to do with a no-tampering mechanism?
Personally, I don't see why Emrys Industries would give a damn about what their client did to their purchases. The client, to have access to a weapon in the first place, probably has authorisation, a permit or something... but after that?

The purchased gun is the client's and if the client wanted to 'soup it up', that'd be his business. Of course, that sort of tampering would void future services from Emrys Industries in terms of warranty and technical assistance.
Emrys Industries is paranoid about people stealing their designs. Its their new thing since the Lorath requested a large number of equipment. (Silly paranoia.)
Anonymous said:
Errr, unless your character is an engineer, I don't think he has the etchnical skills to modify a weapon safely.

He is going to be semi-technologically savvy (AKA: He has SOME skill in electronic anc mechanical engineering.

Modification of a complex weapon such as the gauss flechette rifles requires more that some skills in mechanical and technical areas. You'd need specific tools and parts. And good knowledge of the tech behind the gun, and good knowledge of the way the gun works, blueprints and such.

In addition shortening the barrel would make it significantly less powerfull, and changing these things would make it fairly likely it would blow up.

How would shortening a barrel make a gun less powerfull? If anything, shortening a barrel would most likely make a gun less accurate...

It's the design of the gun. The longer the barrel, the more coils. The more coils, the more the projectile is accelerated.

Also how would modification make the gun blow up? Does it have smthing to do with a no-tampering mechanism?

Zakalwe is the designer of the tech behind the gun (I mean, how the gun uses the coil-gun tech, not the coil-gun tech itself :p) and the gun itself. I think that if he says that it is likely to blow up, then he might be right.
To make the sort of changes you're suggesting you'd need specialised equiptment, a lot of knowledge about the weapon, access to materials that make it up, the ability to replicate the coils in the barrel of the gun as well as make sure that that fits in with the power distribution systems.

You'd have to be able to basicly have access to the facilities of a corporation to make the modifications to the weapon that you described. It's very likely to blow up in your face with the modifications to the barrel. The workings of the gun are very delicate in that way, it can handle being thrown around, but trying to change something in a Gauss based weapon would be disasterous.

The Emrys Industries Gauss Fletchette Rifle does not have tamper proof settings precisely because tampering can have and usually will have such disasterous effects. Also if Emrys Industries finds out you have been tampering, the consequences will be dire.

Emrys Industries is likely to have a product revision installing Tamper Proof precautions relatively soon.
DocTomoe said:
Emrys Industries is paranoid about people stealing their designs. Its their new thing since the Lorath requested a large number of equipment. (Silly paranoia.)

There's a limit to the sort of follow up a firm like that could do. They'd keep track of a weapon they'd sell to someone that that person would sell used to someone else?

"Oh yeah, we've kept track of model 1234B-0087Y-887. I was bought by Mister John Smith, but he was killed by Miss Johnson... but then she was scammed into selling it to a fence that sold it again to the Nairan rebels. One of their operatives, Duddy Schisels, decided to tinker on the barrel of the gun, changed the scope mount and tweaked the coils."

"What? They tweaked a Emrys weapon! SMITE THEM REBELS, WE SHALL!"

>_> Seriously, what could Emrys Industries do? And that's even assuming they can keep track of it after the registered user bought it.
Gauss weapons do not "blow up". If s/he screwed up the alterations (which is rather likely unless they are very knowlegable in the sciences andengineering involved) it would simply not work, or possibly burn out the ciruitry. It would not blow up.

In terms of materails, you are wrong. They could get the right things. machineing tham would also probably not prove all that bad. There are assuradly spare parts andthe likethey could get anyway.

As to tamper proofing, how praytell would you do that? If someone knows what they are doing they could bypass anything you put in the gun.
If you make the barrel wrong the force from the electro-magnets inside the barrel will make it explode.

Making the materials needed for the electro-magnets in the barrel require specialised materials. They have to made specificly for that barrel, as well as requiring the materials that make up a high efficiency room temperature electro-magnet capable of accerlating projectiles to the velocity that are found in the Gauss Fletchette rifle.

If I wanted to tamper proof? Several measures. First make the inner workings of the weapon hard to access by way of sealing the important bits in a way which would require specialised equipment to get through. Secondly link it to some form of transmitting device which is activated when the device is obviously tampered with, as decided by a simple onboard sensor system. Thirdly, rig it too explode. If they knew what they where doing they would need detailed information about the interior, and if they did why would they need to tamper with it?
If I wanted to tamper proof? Several measures. First make the inner workings of the weapon hard to access by way of sealing the important bits in a way which would require specialised equipment to get through. Secondly link it to some form of transmitting device which is activated when the device is obviously tampered with, as decided by a simple onboard sensor system. Thirdly, rig it too explode. If they knew what they were doing they would need detailed information about the interior, and if they did why would they need to tamper with it?

If a consumer buys a gun, isn't he entitled to do whatever he wants with it? Usually companies don't care what you do with a product, because you bought it. If a person tampers with a gun, wouden't the company like that? If the gun broke, then the consumer would have to replace it. :| I think companies would also like the chance of saying, "Our gun has the most/best/evil hop-ups out there!".

Emrys Industries would not allow you to tamper with their weapons in that way.

Emrys Industries is paranoid about people stealing their designs. Its their new thing since the Lorath requested a large number of equipment. (Silly paranoia.)

How would opening up a gun be prohibited though? It would be impossible to steal an idea from an exhisting invention. This is because of patent law. Anyone who opens any generic product, TRIES to replicate it, sell it, and profit would be royally screwed over by international law... Wait.... is law in this RPG is similar to human law? :?
(I don't have time right now for a proper response for your post Zakalwe, I'll do it later.)

To NeoWillz: No it is not. Patent law does not exist here, rape is legal so long as it is conducted by "authorized government agencies", corporations can threaten member states with military attacks, the enconomy is a fantasy land (seriously, a economist would cry if they saw how this boards "economy" functions),and the following is a example of a perfectly accpetable buisness paradigm "Seru does not create something because it will sell,... That it won't be profitable doesn't matter to him, at least not much."

In short, everything seems to operate in a sort of controlled anarachy. With that control being the SA there to take out your planet if you piss off Useu (the emperor guy), or any ship captain in general in fact.

Hell, Neplesia doesn't even keep with that thin venere of order from what I have heard, since it is considered perfectly reasonable for civilian vehicles to be equiped with a half foot of alloy plate (since numerous groups run around with weaponry that could take down anything less it seems).
Something has just come to my attention with this gun:
Emrys Industries Gauss Flechette Rifle ("Needler")

* 2455 KS
* Electromagnetic railgun
* Dual rails, comes with 4x red dot scope
* Battery and magazine go in rear covered compartment

So it is not a coil-gun, which makes it hugely easier to modify, though you still need to know a good amount about the mechanics of it to safely brace the rails after the modification.

What Sada Sakue said still stand though, shortening the barrel will have serious negative effects on both power and accuracy. Since you want to massively increase the size and mass of the projectile (many, many, many times the mass of the needle round the weapon is designed to use) you will probably want to, if anything, greatly increase the length of the barrel to get as much power out of it as possible.

And with the barrel enlargement, you want to brace the ever loving crap out of it, or the force between the rails will forcibly push them apart very fast.

But in the end, you are not really modifying the gun, you are remaking it. As such it would probably be best to just salvage the firing circuitry of the needler rifle; forge (or buy) larger, more resilient rails; get some new power circuitry (since the emerys industries one is not designed to handle the energy of the new, much heavier weapon, and would probably burn out) and put it together as a new rifle. Of this, the rails would be the hardest, though not impossible, to make. You would probably be able to find some heavier-duty ones from some third party or get someone to make them if your character lacks the metallurgical skills and the equipment. Much of the assembly would probably be possible by someone who is posses moderate to advanced skills in the requisite engineering and technical skills, but you would probably want to get someone who s very skilled to design the rail supports so that they are sufficiently resilient as to not blow up when firing, and so that they maintain alignment.

Lastly, keep in mind that the gun you are going for will have huge recoil, most likely even for a I-SOL.

The above was posted by me, I had not noticed I wasn't logged in.