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AS per a request from Wes:


Inactive Member
I was told to repost this:
The beings I had in mind are indeed humanoid in appearence, but are shorter than your average human(called a... Neko is it? Still trying to get my terminology down). They stand roughly 4 and a half feet tall, and are fairly heavily muscled. They also are quite dense, as their muscles are genetically designed for maximum strength, and enhanced with bionic inplants. Their eyes are of no specific color. Due to the fact that most of their body's parts have been replaced with mechanical devices, and the eyes are no exception, the iris became vestigial and was replaced with yet another device that can simulate the eye color of any other being. No x-ray vision. Since they move around so much during battle, their backs are tiered with heat sinks that open up(much like spikes on the back of a hedgehog) and radiate heat.

They eat a lot. And by a lot, I mean roughly 2000 calories per hour to remain in top fighting condition. this does not include the minerals, vitamins, and metals(yes metals) they need to keep their bodies strong.

They are usually short-tempered or bored. They often openly mock local law enforcement, seeing as just about anything the law enforcement throws at them won't have any effect.

In battle, their refelxes shoot up to about 15 times faster, with attendant strength and joint strength. they are also very smart, usually finding new, delightful(-_-) ways to kill their opponents as they go along. Due to the fact that their reflezes are so fast, and their data processing speeds are so high, they can pick up a new weapon and within a few minutes figure out how to use it.

Pros: Incredibly strong, very fast, very smart. Ineffect, the perfect soldier
Cons: Prone to violence, someitmes kill just for shits and giggles, eat a lot, social outcasts.

And I thought I'd add this:

That quoted bit I wrote myself. It is the compilation of an idea I've been kicking around for a number of years. Infact, this site prompted me to actually write it down. thanks guys.
So is this up for consideration into the RP? Or is it just something you wrote for the sake of critique?
I can't say that I approve of it, then.

This has to be one of the most overpowered things I've ever seen on the board. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but, seriously, there are severe balancing issues with this race/creation.

I'll wait for others to input, but, in short, this is creation is just too Godlike to warrant consideration. (That's my 2 cents.)
Hmm... I dunno bout that. Your Nekos seem to be about on par with these guys. Same sort of enhanced.... everything. Granted, I don't know the true capabilities of these Nekos, but they seem to be about equal, if not stronger in some areas than others.
Wes is trying to scale it down, because as it is now, the game is unbalanced. Just because something is overpowered doesn't mean you have to make something of equal or greater strength. That's one of the reasons things get the way they are: tech competitions in Ayenee, where each side has to continually make overpowered devices to keep up.

Obviously, I agree with Tom. I didn't actually read the whole thing though, I apologize for my lack of time. Another thing I'm wondering is why every other new person on the board has to make their own race. It's not just you, no offense, it's just something I've noticed. Why not work with what's already here?
Syndrome said:
And when everyone's super, no one will be.

Seriously. There are two ways to balance something: you can tone it down, or add something to the other side that gives them a bit of advantage.

For example, Nepleslians totally suck at fighting naturally because they aren't genetically engineered, but their bodies are totally made for modification with implants and so people don't mind playing something weaker than a Neko as long as they can shoot missiles out of their groin area or see the entire spectrum at once.

Likewise, if something could totally kick a neko's ass, it just has to have other disadvantages - like being no fun to roleplay and being entirely dependent on constant nutrition/the Nodal system. I see this suggestion as a terrestrial counterpart to the NIWS.

As to why everyone wants to make a new race - it's the logical next big step after making a character. If the Nekovalkyrja and ID-SOL and Geshrin and Yamataians are created to taste via genetic engineering, why aren't there more experiments like them with comparable qualities?
No, just no. As to echo the others, it's not comparable to the NH series as much as you're trying to make it sound. I suggest you just make a character with an exsisting race? This can't be added in it's current form. Beyond that, there's no reason to be adding more races at this time anyway.
Well, my problem with it is that it's going for a niche that's already filled, basically reinventing the Nekovalkyrja. Nekovalkyrja have basically all these abilities already (even NH-7s) and can also float and they're extremely presentable/aesthetic--Nekos are also superior because they don't need any cybernetics mods after birth.

On the other hand, these could make an interesting alien race I suppose, if we needed something else really really tough to fight besides the Mishhuvurthyar hoardes.
Well, my... whatever you want to call them, are indeed similar to the Nekovalkyrja. Which would seem to remove the whole "unbalanced" issue. Besides, these creatures cannot interact well with others AT ALL. I'd say that's a pretty big disadvantage. Flying into a rage because someone knocked over your milk? And eating a small herd of animals at every meal? Your Nekovalkyrja(how *is* that pronounced?) have the ability to regen limbs and organs, apparently. And battle tentacles. And psychic abilities. I dunno how much you can tell me about the Nekovalkyrja without revealing too much, but I'd say they're pretty well matched.

Perhaps a battle cyborg for the other side? I'm still trying to get the empires down here, but the Nekovalkyrja belong to the Yamatai, and the Nepleslian Empire has their Super Soldiers, but are they really on par with the Nekovalkyrja? Perhaps these dudes are the Nepleslian response to the Nekovalkyrja, phase two? Food for thought.

Wes said:
On the other hand, these could make an interesting alien race I suppose, if we needed something else really really tough to fight besides the Mishhuvurthyar hoardes.

Granted, an "if," but remember, I'm talking maybe two or three of these creatures total. Not, perhaps, hordes of them(unless the above idea seems to work). This however raises exclusivity issues.

Refugees form another universe, perhaps?
Space dwarves! XD

While we are at it, you could also include their trusty mounts : Giant Space Hamsters!

Okay, humor aside, why not throw a tangent over this? If going for synthetic beings is overdone, create something entirely new which could be added without a problem to the setting. It may be a tangent, but that entry of yours made me think about a race of short-statured nomadic space vikings.

Though to be honest, I think this game needs more non-humanoid alien creatures. This isn't Star Trek, after all.
Well, my... whatever you want to call them, are indeed similar to the Nekovalkyrja. Which would seem to remove the whole "unbalanced" issue.
The "balance" issue is between humans and super-humans. This wouldn't balance anything--It'd just increase the problems already existing by crapping on humans.
Besides, these creatures cannot interact well with others AT ALL. I'd say that's a pretty big disadvantage. Flying into a rage because someone knocked over your milk? And eating a small herd of animals at every meal?
That's why no one would ever want one of these things around (at least not any government).
Nepleslians totally suck at fighting naturally because they aren't genetically engineered
Actually, Nepleslians are essentially a race of fit soldiers, and tend to have a lot of engineered genes flaoting around the gene pool. They're known as the best fighters of all the human races, in fact.
The whole of neplesia is like a big arena. You can either go about your daily life and hope you don't get killed (fat chance - you're dead already with that attitude) or you can defend yourself through any means necessary. That means enhancements, guns and armor ALL THE TIME.

to survive on neplesia, you have to be pretty damn good... an average geshrin wouldn't last a week, trying to adapt to the environment the neplesians have cultured over centuries.
Wow, that's completely different from the impression I had @.@ It also makes Bonichi's history kind of off-kilter.
Not really... there *ARE* safe areas, but they tend to be owned by successful drug barons or corrupt polititians ... so I guess safe isn't really true, but it's better than most other places on the planet
You wouldn't want to live on Nepleslia if you liked peace, that's for sure.

Now only if the anarchists would get organized a little. We'd be in fine shape!
Wes said:
The "balance" issue is between humans and super-humans. This wouldn't balance anything--It'd just increase the problems already existing by crapping on humans.

What I meant by this is that you cant really call this creature overpowered, given the Nekovalkyrja. You're right of course, but extrapolating on what I said ealier, this could be the next "one-up" in the "who has the biggest gun" contest. An escalation, if you will.

Wes said:
That's why no one would ever want one of these things around (at least not any government).

There's no such thing as a superweapon no one wants. Someone would find a way to use anything. The fact that these things were created means they can be controlled, if only barely at times.
Indeed, the only use for these things is to drop them on a world with hostiles. give the little dwarven buggers some ale, point them in the right direction and tell them the bad guys insulted their noses. Just sit back and watch the carnage... kinda useless as anything else though, thus some ID-SOL's would do just fine.

Lol, dwarves.

What *are* the capabilities of the ID-SOLs and the Nekovalkyrja?

Edit: haha, laughing out loud got changed to "how amusing"
But we don't want a "who has the biggest gun" contest. It's become ridiculous. Also, I don't know about ID-SOLs, but there should be the TM for the NH-7 somewhere on the site.
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