Star Army

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Ascendancy Industries


Inactive Member
Well first I'ld like to say I'm new to this RP, have done one before but didn't do much, this one on the other hand seems more like something I'll be interested in (so long as I can just design stuff I'm fine :D), anyway if theres any problems or erros do PM me.

Anyway hes my Industry that builds whatever, heres the first product :D

Ascendancy Industries
FCS-0512 Factory Ship

1. About the FCS-0512

The FCS-0512 is a self-propelled factory vessel designed to travel to minable planets rich in metals, then convert them into usable components then construct small to large vessels or intallations thoughout the gallaxy. The ship boasts a manufacturing structure that can rival a industry world in speed and costs, its role is to repair and manufacture ships on the front-lines of wars to keep suppies from other places mainly confined to food, fuel or medical.
While slow and "bulky" to steer, it does have a remarkable defence grid that makes this no easy target for anti-ship killers, though it has no offensive weapons that can take out anything bigger then a frigate.
The FCS type ships are also the only type of vessels in the Ascendancy Industries shipyards that don't carry a class name due to they are rather classed as tools mainly because most of the structure is airless and automated.

2. History and Background

Construction of the first FCS-0512 was made by its predessor, the FCS-0495 (now recycled into parts for more 0512s). But since the 0495 is less then half the size of the 0512, five 0495s had to make the ship in total, after that each 0512 can make another 0512 within a year, though there was no need to make more then ten due to lack of demand of the ship itself, they only want the products.
All of the current 0512s are owned and operated by the Ascendancy Industries company.
Plans are in process of a larger FCS type vessal that dwalfs the 0512 in all measures, yet nothing is confirmed and most information is just rumor.

3. Dimensions and Crew Compliment

Organizations Using This Vessel:
Ascendancy Industries
Type: Mobile Factory Vessel.
Class: FCS-0512
Ascendancy Industries development Department
Manufacturer: Ascendancy Industries
Production: Limited Production, order in advanced.

Crew: Recommended: 80, Minimal: 20.
Maximum Capacity: 200.
Appearance: Making Image, will get URL when finished.

Length: 500 Meters.
Width: Main-Hull: 50 Meters, Outta-Hull: 100 Meters.
Height: 100 Meters.
Decks: 10 Life-supportive, 40 Airless.
Mass: roughly 500,000 tonnes.

4. Performance Statistics

Speed (Ion-Jet): Max: 500 km/sec Cruising: 200 km/sec. Acceleration: 0.5 km/sec.
Speed (Interspace Folder): 50 ly/Hour, Maxium Distance per Jump: 1,200 lightyears.
Speed (Aerial): 0.5 km/hour (Not recommended)
Speed (Water): 25 Knots (Not recommended)

Range (Distance): 100,000 Lighyears before engine recharge.
Range (Support): 10 Years.
Lifespan: 20,000 years till refuel, other then that till next model.
Refit Cycle: Self-Supportive.

5. Inside the FCS-0512

Command Centre : Instead of a bridge like most ships have, the 0512s have a command centre thats devoted in controlling the manufacturing machines across the whole ship, though it also contains similar controls on standard ship control centres (bridges) although these are scaled back to as few consoles as possible.

Engine Hall : The Engine Hall is a large room thats more like a cathedal to power is another centre to the vessel, the main engine core, the experimental type 2 Fillament Core, the Fillament core uses Warp-Space Fillaments that funnel energy from the tidal forces in Warp-Space. The Room also houses monitors for the 8 Anti-matter reactors and the numerous backup fussion reactors.

Crew Chambers : Each of the crew chambers can hold 10 people in 5 bunk-beds, each chamber is shared between 4 groups of crew to save space and make better use of time in 4 six hour slots. Each Chamber has some food dispensers. The rooms lights can dim to simulate a night effect to make the crew feel more comfortable. Most of it is basicly decorated to encourgage the crew to decorate their own areas when they see fit.

Crew Mess Hall : The Crew Mess Hall can feed 250 crew members in each food interval, its got automated food dispensers that offer a variaity of meals to suit most diets, it is brightly aluminated to provide a pleasent atmosphere. There are also a few droids that clean up any messes, but most crew are told to clean up after themselves.

Hallways : The hallways are wide and airly to make traffic easy, the lights and gravity plates are motion detective so they turn on only when theres a presence there to save total ship energy usage.

Generally Thoughout the Ship : Most of the ships habitable area it decorated with sky blue panels and daylight simulating light, most of the walls are a light grey with a blue-ish hue, the floor is a dark grey with coloured lines to emergency equipment for ease to find.

Construction Areas : The airless part of the vessel, controlled via the computer core and the command centre for manufacturing, refining and processing of all material collected by droid ships that decend onto planets or asteroid fields.

6. Ship Systems

Outta Hull: The Outta Hull is a semi-fluidic grey metalic susbstance, not much is known about it from outside Ascendancy Industries, but their are rumors that its also "living" in some way that make it able to repair all minor damage and mend some major damage, but no records have been found to support this due to no 0512 have been damaged in anyway. This "Hull" is about 1.5 Meters thick, and supports the intrastructure for the outta equipment.

Inner Hull: The Inner Hull is a flexable matrix of Tritainium alloys and some Myomer fibers to control inner ship movements to minimalise ship "quakes" that might happen.

Airlock System: The Airlock is one of the larger parts of the ship, it is located to the aft of the ship and is large enough for aleast 2 vessels about 100 meters long, 30 meters wide and 50 meters tall, one atop the other. It has an array of supports for ships in contruction or repair, its also houses the ships only escape vessel. Most ships that want to dock with the ship can enter here.

Escape Vessel: The Escape Ship is a frigate sized vessel capable of holding all 2,000 crew members in suppended animation for any length of time, though its not recommended for anything over a year. It also has some defence weapons and shields. It also has a Faster the Light drive too, but not much is known about the vessel.

Mining Beam : Although it should be classed as a weapon, the D7 Mining Beam is only used on planets/planetoids or large asteroids to mine for matter to process for construction, the beam is two part, first it blasts the stella body much like a weapon, then the second part uses a gravametric force to attact the particals into either the hold, or the processor appature.

Cargo Hold : The Cargo hold stores things in either their native state (like how they started) or in element containers for later use when recombined, the hold can store approx 500,000 tonnes of matter.

Environmental Systems: The Environmental Systems of a 0512 is the AP-05 Life System, its adaptable for any airborn viruses to get rid of them, it also can create a faint and pleastent smell that any crew wishes to have in the room they are in, for example the Mess hall may smell more like a type of food, yet that might be the smell of the real food masking the rooms air system. The most commen smells are mint and numerous types of flora. The temperatures are normally kept around just below body temperature and air temperature round 25 degrees C.

Air Recycling System: The air recycling system uses a blue coloured bacteria that lives in the decoritive panels that are in the hallways that recycle the carbon dioxide in the air using some matter from bio-waste and energy to convert it into usable oxygen thats put back into the air, any leftover carbon is used to make carbon steel in the construction area.

Bio-Material Recycling System: Most bio-material is recycled by splitting the substance into its elemental componants then converted into more oxygen, food for the Bacteria that recycles the air, then into food conponents again for reuse.

Food Dispenser Systems: The food dispensers use matter that was either just been collected from a planet, recycled or stored then arranges the matter on the atomic level into eddible food for the crew.

Sensor and Computer Systems: The Sensors and computer systems on a 0512 are split across the vessel, yet there is a main comuter core, yet there are about 20 comuter cores acorss the ship so that specialised systems need only go a short distance to the computer best suited to that task, eg. Mining computer is nearer the mining equipment then the engines. The sensors can scan numerous views, all light spetums, most other types of radiation spetums, also into warp-space, yet that is limited depending on warp-storms.

Computer System: The 25P4B Minor and Major computer cores use a bio-silicon combination, the cocmputers are a merger of living matter and technical marvels, yet still most of it are unknown as they are stored in a substatisis field to prevent access, the computers use a generated person of various gender, race and age to personifiy itself to the crew to make better relations with. Often they are female as they are more carming to the crew.

Propulsion Systems: The Ship uses a Ion-Jetstream system for intersystem travel, an ion jetstream is similar to a standard ion engine yet the ions are more confinded using a large magnetic field and more ions are added with the raw fusion reactor plasma. This on its own is marginally better then a ion engine, till its subjected to a stream of energy from warp-space then confined again in the energy loop 50 meters from the ship to funnel the matter in a direction.
The ships faster then light drive is the P8-566 Inerspace Folder, the engine somehow (details not confirmed) makes the galaxy the size of a planet the ship itself (which is in warp-space, not to distrupt the flow of the universe) moves very little then the galaxy is regrown to normal size, this process uses 90% of the main reactors powerusage and 50% of all other reactors power just to do this task. The view from the vew few windows is the universe fading and getting smaller, then the colours of warp-space replace this, warp-space is different shades of red, orange yellow and somethings white, then an hour or more later depending on the distance the same happens in reverse and your back in the galaxy again.

Close Quarters Defence Lasers: The CQDL is a defencive weapon designed for smaller ships that may cause a threat, they use a 20Gwatt focusing element that can produce a beam that can rip apart 1 meter carbon steel armour within seconds, it has a high refire rate yet for capital ships its not much use against, could be used for clearing an asteroid field.

Location: Covers all of the hull, apart from around the engines and airlock.
Primary Purpose: Anti-fighter, Anti-missile.
Secondary Purpose: Asteriod clearing.
Damage: 10cm of Carbon Steel/sec
Range: <1 AU
Rate of Fire: 1 shot/0.025 sec

Partical Cannons : A Partical Cannon uses charged plasma focused into a ball, then flung towards a target, since its charged it has a slight trail effect on the target and homes in if the target doesn't move much, it has a slower refire rate, but it powerful enough to pose a threat to Larger ships, can be used like a engine if the plasma is not confinded.

Location: Mostly around the main rims of the hull, although the are some near the airlock.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Secondary Purpose: Emergency Engines
Damage: 10m of Carbon Steel/sec
Range: 5 AU
Rate of Fire: 1 shot/2 sec

Quasar Beams : These are the most powerful weapons on a 0512, they use Quantum particals streamed with anti-protons to inflic anti-matter damage and radiation damage, the weapons require the use of the Main reactor and Faster then light travel cannot happen when they are in use, the beams are mostly used for Stations, but can also be used for anti-ship attacks, not often used.

Location: 4 exisit, one on each side, none top/bottom.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Station
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Damage: 10km of Carbon Steel/sec
Range: 1 Ly+
Rate of Fire: 1 shot/5 min

7. Vehicle Compliment
Numerous Droid collectors.

Forgot to change something I wanted to do last night :P
This sounds like something that could be part of that 'ghost' pirate fleet that was mentioned in the "New faction suggestion" thread. Strip-mining planets au hasard sounds like something they could do.
I've been making some amendments to the design, bit bigger, less people, more detail on some bits.
Will post up in morning, 2am here :?
Is this still in development?
yes it is, atm I've made my own stat sheet for my stuff, for the moment the Factory ships aren't quite ready, but I have got a nice frigate for you :P

Since my stat sheets are more technically minded, theres little paragraphs on it to talk about its insides, will draw up an image for it later.

I'ld be listing all my stuff on my Star Army area on my forum, I need something there :P

Moderator edit: Link removed. Star Army RP cannot use unauthorized external forums or websites.
Sure, you could do that. Not all of the HTML will be supported, I fear, though, so a plain-text version would be preferable. Also, regarding formatting--our template is there to be used, not ignored. If the design submission isn't in the prescribed format, it is not going to be approved for use in the RP.
well, most of it is similar to the main template, I could alter it if its not acceptable, most of it is system types and stuff, just that I designed it so the equipment are links to descriptions of that equipment.
Heres the text version.

Lightsword Class Frigates

Name: The "Lightsword" Class Frigate
Type: FRIG-0257.1
Class: General Operations Frigate


Background Information: Most Lightsword Frigates are used in Enforcement Units across Ascendancy Industries' space, thou there are a small number of them that are used for exploring new worlds for the Company to expand their own production and trade lines.
The Lightswords are a all round operations frigate, it can do many roles but specialised in none, it can threaten some larger ships with its Heavy Missile system, or mow down harrasing fighters with its Light Energy weapons, all in all, its quite fast for getting to places before the main fleet does to ensure their is a good chance for entering safely

Production Notes: First Design did incorperate a Heavy Energy weapon on the nose, but this would make the effectiveness of the sensor grid 25% less then peak rates, so all Heavy Energy weapon ideas were moved to a seperate model, the "Grandsword" Class Frigate FRIG-0257.2

Manufacturer: Ascendancy Industries
Production: 10 at a time
Approx in Service: 32 of this variant
Crew (Min/Max): 80/200
Length/Width/Height (meters): 125/50/25
Decks: 15
Mass (tons): 28,000 tons
Subspeed (Meters/Sec): 100 m/s
LightSpeed (number X speed of light): 50x
Fuel Range (years): 10 years
Food Range (months): 6 months
Production Life (Years): 50 years
Service Life (Years): 30 years
Pitch/Roll/Yaw (Degrees/Sec): 20 dps/15 dps/20 dps

Offendsive: Anti-Fighter, Captial Ship Harraser, Enforced Recon, Close Support, Interceptor
Defendsive: Anti-Fighter, Close Support, Invader Transport Killer
Cival: Cival Enforcement Units, Exploration

Power Reactor (Main): 2 x Mk 3 Anti-Matter Reactors
Power Reactor (Aux): 8 x Mk18 Fusion Reactors
Frame Material: Tritainium Alloy
Hull Material: Tritainium Alloy Plates
Armour Material (mm): 50mm Ceramersteel Plating
Shields: 2 x Ionoshpere Shielding
Computer Core: 1 x Ryddlesmen Processor
Subengines: 4 x IonJet 4 engines
Lightengines: 1 x Spacebubbler 42 Engine
Sensors: 1 x Ryddlesmen Detector (fore)
Cloak (% coverage): 80% Cloakablity
Cargo Space (tons): 1,000 tons

Light Energy (14 Slots): 6 x Hidian 7 Laser Cannons (general coverage), 8 x Lexington Partical Cannons (general coverage)
Light Ballistic (0 Slots):
Light Missile (0 Slots):
Heavy Energy (0 Slots):
Heavy Ballistic (0 Slots):
Heavy Missile (2 Slots): 2 x AfterMath Mk 8 Anti-Ship Torpedos (L&R side mounted)
Destructive Weapon (0 Slots):
Fighter Drones (0 Slots):

Support Craft
Shuttles (2 Slots): 2 x Evangel 5 Shuttles
Manned Fighters (4 Slots): 2 x Trinity Mk 7 Fighters, 2 x Gunmen Interceptors
Transports (2 Slots): 2 x WildBlunt III Cargo Transports
Power Armours (0 Slots):
Battlemechs (0 Slots):

Operation Costs (Credits/Month): 3,000 Cr/Month
Purchase Costs (Credits): 65,000,000 Cr

Most of it is similar, but I can't write paragraphs of describing stuff, I'm not really good at that, so its more like a technical manual :P
What's with "slots?"
the weapons are interchangeable per ship, there ships with different weapon configurations.

didn't mean Variant, meant configuration, Variants have different types of Slots, the .2 Variant has 6 Heavy Energy Slots but less Light Energy Slots.
I am now working on a Commando Corvette, the Invader Class, will post when done, similar format to above ship class, so not much to edit if needed for other template.