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Approved Character [Ascension] Kiana Adrasteia

@Ethereal - here's my (very - I got to get better at writing these >.< - belated) review of Kiana Adrasteia.
  • Major Things
    • As they're big birbs, would you mind changing the names Kiana, Acacius, and Euthemia to names that end in -al, -el, or -ul, please?
    • Would you mind making Kiana older, please? Twenty is a bit too young for a high-ranking flag officer, in my opinion - especially since she would've only been eighteen when the Elysian Celestial Navy was (effectively) disbanded in YE 32.
    • As there - to the best of my knowledge - wasn't a rank named "Stratigos" in the Elysian Celestial Navy, would you mind if Kiana was the Legati of the Kalikolo Fleet at the time of its disbandment?
    • Would you mind adding a Skills Learned with the names - not the descriptions, just the names - of seven skill areas, please?
  • Minor Things

Again, sorry for how late this is >.<;;
Updated a little, I've been super busy with end-of-term work. I've added a lot minus skill and more description.
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