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Approved Character Ashlinn Freyja Sarn

>.> *insert hurr derpa-durpa? moment here* Thanks Wes. XD I was wondering what was going on with it... I *JUST* opened it to edit it when I saw some of the items change to links.
Alrighty, one more look from me. It all looks good, but there's just one little detail that's sticking out. In her Pre-RP, Lorath is plural and singular, so "Yamatai's Lorathian allies" can be turned into "Yamatai's Lorath Allies". Sorry if it seems like I'm splitting hairs, but that's just the way it is.

Other than that, I'd say you're ready for some good ol' cross-cultural exchange, and deep space exploration. Approved.

By the way, thanks for the assistance @Wes and @Aendri.
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