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RP (Aside 3.3a) The Tale of the Evyerska Twins

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Inactive Member

"Aldis," a voice called out to her from the darkness. "Aldis Eyverska. It's time to wake up."

The voice brought her to the awareness that she was lying on a bed of some sort, naked. She recognized her name, and flashes of memories that were imbedded into her mind came to her. Her name was Aldis Eyverska, though most would switch her name to Eyverska Aldis. She was created to serve in the Star Army of Yamatai. Her name, like her twin sister's, was generated not from the usual Old Earth Japanese inspired names mixed with Old Earth Norse. Old Earth? What is that? What does that mean? Perhaps I will learn it soon enough. Her name, instead, came from what they called "Vikings."

Opening her eyes, Aldis looked around at the stark white room where she had just finished getting her memories implanted. Memories of things that she had to know to be of use in the Star Army. Like her twin, she would be starting off as an Officer Cadet focusing on Ship Operations. She turned her head and saw her twin, laying on the pillow right next to her. The doctor that woke her up nodded indifferently and then spoke out loud, "Herdis. Herdis Eyverska, it is your turn to awaken now."

Aldis watched as her sister opened her little eyes and then looked around, almost as disoriented as she was. When their eyes met, they both smiled at each other and then sat up simultaneously. Both were still naked, but neither one were concerned about it. They moved together to get off the bed, Herdis floating just above Aldis' right shoulder. Now that their implanted memories were complete, they knew they had to go on to the next part: Clothing.


Herdis perched on her sister's shoulder, unable to stay afloat for too long just yet. She knew she would be able to after some time. They had just gotten their standard issue of clothing as well as their other items that they could carry with them. Until they were assigned to a ship, their armor and light weaponry would be put into storage.

The two sisters looked exactly alike. Both had light blue skin that was closer to periwinkle than true blue. Their hair was colored violet with streaks of neon pink shooting through it and it was styled in a type of french braid that made a nest on their head where their hats would sit, the ends tucked up underneath to ensure that there was no hair falling below the top of the collar. Unbound, their hair would fall in soft waves to the ends of their sholder blades. Their eyes were a lighter shade of purple that had the almond shaped appearance to them. Their ears were typical Neko ears, the tops covered in fur that matched their base hair color of violet and the insides were the same color as the streaks of neon pink. Their noses were shaped almost like a cat's nose, triangular, though the nostrils were placed in the same way as any other: the tip of the nose coming out just so as it curved back down towards their lips. Their lips, though, were full lips. Both of which had the same kind of curve to them that made the twins look as if they were smiling at some inside joke. Which, more than likely, was true.

Can you believe it? Herdis thought to her sister on their special link.

Aldis chuckled softly and thought back, Yes. Yes I can. We made it!

The two walked into the class room where they would have their first set of lessons. For the first week, they would be sitting in special chairs designed to interface with their SPINEs that would "teach" them their basic skills. The instructors that were conducting the class greeted them at the door. "Good Morning, Cadets. Cadet Eyverska Aldis, you will be sitting there. And Cadet Eyverska Herdis, you will be sitting over here."

The twins looked at each other. "Separate?" They mouthed to each other and then shrugged at the same time, nodding. Herdis floated off of her sister's shoulder and over to her assigned seat while Aldis walked over to hers. They sat down at the same time, though, and waited. Once the rest of the class was seated, the lesson began. They were shown how to connect the SPINE interface to themselves and then told to just sit back and relax as the downloads took place. Even as this was happening, Herdis was aware of her sister as much as her sister was of her. They moved synchronously, in spite of being almost a whole room apart. The instructors made note of this, though said nothing.


"Alright, ladies, it's time for lunch."

Aldis opened her eyes and, just as Herdis did at the same time, removed the SPINE interface so that she could get up. The twins met each other at the same spot they departed and Herdis took her usual perch on Aldis' right shoulder once more.

"That was-" Aldis started.

"-intense," Herdis finished in agreement.

Aldis nodded as the girls made their way to the mess hall, getting in line for their simple meal. They moved automatically along the line, Aldis taking Herdis' food onto her tray, then going to a table where they could sit, a smaller table set up for Minis like Herdis. The girls both sat and eat exactly the same way, each savoring their bites accordingly. When they were done, Aldis looked around. "Do you think-" she started once more.

"-there are others like us?" Herdis finished once more and they smiled at each other.


They both spoke at the same time on the answer, giggling as they both enjoy being in synch. Aldis could still remember a time when they were both the same size, but when they opted to go into this program, they knew it would be a matter of time to get used to being different sizes. So far, Aldis thought Herdis was doing well enough. She still worried, though, that something could go wrong. The twins had always been in synch. Even now, they were still that way. But with this ST, it seemed a

When Herdis reached over to touch her cheek, Aldis gave her a small smile and they both knew the worry was on both of their minds. She reached over and touched a finger to Herdis' cheek and nodded.

"It'll be okay." They both said in unison and then shook it off as they got up and went back to class.

Next week sessions: Etiquette

"You will encounter many races in your service to the Empire," Said the instructor, extending an open palm to a blackboard behind her where several photographs of various member races were displayed via volumetric projections. She was a rather serious-looking Neko whom all the other instructors called 'Kino-heisho', and over the last twenty mintues she'd made it very clear in which situations one was permitted to disrobe and in which situations such a thing was frowned upon. Fortunately, no one had disrobed during the lecture. "The most common of our bretheren are Nepleslians; entirely organic lookalikes of our Yamataian progenitors. As you can see here in the picture," She indicated a shirtless, tattooed man who was disassembling a large pistol, "They are usually very straightforward people who might use the word 'dignity' instead of shame. This one is a male, and perfectly typical of the race. Has anyone here tried speaking in Trade yet?"

At this point, the instructor raised her other palm to the class, awaiting a sign of excitement, a raised hand, or an outburst in the aforementioned language.


Herdis was listening intently, as well as she knew her sister Aldis was, to the ongoing lecture. They both had shared looks of amusement when Kino-heisho had stressed to the others when to undress and when not to. Herdis raised her hand and spoke in Trade, "Yes, Kino-heisho." Aldis had her hand raised as well and added, "We both have."

"It's good to speak to Nepleslians in Trade, for it is their language. It's also good to remember that they can't communicate telepathically like we can. Have either of you taken a moment to familiarize yourself with regionalist dialects?" Kino asked with raised eyebrows, keeping her hands very still to keep the focus on her students, "The data isn't part of your natural programming, but you should be able to access it through PANTHEON. Everyone try to access the data, now."

Herdis nodded with Aldis and they, like the other students, adopted blank looks for a moment as they accessed the data requested. Though the girls each found differing dialects, they knew they would still be in synch with how they wanted to communicate.

Kino clasped her hands over her thighs and bowed shortly to all of them. "Okay, then, I'm going to say something to our two volunteers in one of Trade's many dialects. I want you all to note what it means, and then my two volunteers will respond in dialects of their own and they'll say what they actually mean. This way, you can see these dialects in action." For her next act, Kino held a thin-fingered hand up to her mouth and cleared her throat. For a second, her face reflected pure serenity. Next, it became a wide-eyed symphony of smiling entreatment.

"Ya'll see them 'ar airbike races on the tube lass' naght!?" She asked, almost bellowing in excitement, "Shore was a right darn-tootin' ole' time when numma thirty-seven hit that post, weren't it!?" This, she followed with her normal calm look, sternly awaiting a response from the mis-sized twins who'd made the unfortunate mistake of speaking up.

Herdis didn't even look at her twin as she started off, "Aw, shucks, ma'am-"

"-it was, like, amazing!!" Aldis continued. "And then, when, like, number forty-four --"

"--hit that, there number thirty-seven soon aft'r." They both nodded and smiled at each other, giggling.

There was a nod of approval from the instructor. She didn't look happy about it, though. "You will all have to decipher these kinds of dialects from Nepleslians any time you interact with them. You will find their vocabulary to be as numerous as their place of origin-- so much so that some grow up in neighbouring districts and speak completely differently to one another. At this point, I'd like everyone to break into pairs and hold some non-telepathic conversations with one another in Trade using whatever dialects they'd like. If at any time you come across a word you don't understand, feel free to take a moment to look it up. Nepleslians are often impatient people, but our minds work much faster than theirs. Don't worry about taking too much time to respond. When everyone is finished, I'll review your results while you all take a short break and we'll move on to Phodians."

As the class broke up, Kino took a seat at her desk and telepathically signaled Herdis and Aldis with a quick, 'You two should come see me.'

Herdis and Aldis looked at each other. They spoke quickly in their own link.

You think- Herdis started.

-she suspects? Aldis finished.

They both nodded and, simultaneously, made their way down to where Kino stood, waiting for them. As they got near enough, both bowed to her and murmured, "Yes, Kino-heisho?" Herdis, as usual, was on her sister's shoulder, hovering only as they bowed.

"I've seen a lot of Yonto-Hei at this facility." Kino started, nodding in response to their bows, "I have not seen any who speak with such..." Normal beings used this pause to struggle for a word. Machines used this pause to simulate an air of sophisticated tension. Perhaps also as a means to create something for their students to emulate. "Unity. Have any of the other instructors said anything to you about this?"

Herdis glanced at Aldis, just as she glanced at her. They both nod and look back at Kino, stating at the same time. "Yes, Kino-heisho."

"Though most just-" Herdis started.

"-tend to let it pass." Aldis concluded.

They both looked at Kino and tilted their heads the same way. "Is that wrong?" They asked at the same time.

With a sigh, the instructor leaned back in her chair and cradled an index finger beneath her lips. She took a long hard look at her desk as if the answer to their question were printed on its pristine surface.

Herdis watched her with a sense of growing anxiety. Maybe it was wrong of them to be so in synch. She shook her head a little and waited.


Aldis was just as anxious as her twin. She had worries herself over if their being in synch would hurt them. But that's how they work. It was how they were programmed. And they liked it. Even as her sister shook her head, Aldis did the same thing. Both remaining quiet as they waited for the answer to their question.

Finally, the answer came. Kino shrugged and spread her arms across the surface of the desk. "Not precisely. I just worry that it may be..." Throw in a little more of that manufactured tension to convey the gravity of the situation, "Unsettling. Have you met any other students or instructors who speak in the way you do?"

Both girls tapped their chins in thought and then shook their heads as they spoke in unison, "No, Kino-heisho."

Aldis started this time, "Though maybe we could try to speak one sentence at a time?"

Herdis nodded and added, "That way it is still in synch."

Aldis continued, "But we can complete our own thought."

Kino searched the two of them with her eyes. One corner of her mouth lowered a little, and she sighed again before saying, "I think, as an etiquette instructor, I may be a little overzealous. I don't want to oppress either of you, or alter your personalities. However; if it isn't painful for you to speak in this manner, I think it may be to your benefit when dealing with new people. This phase of your training is when all Nekovalkyrja are meant to become themselves, so it's important you understand the difference between pursuing happiness when not on duty and interacting with people when on duty. If the two of you are ever separated, these kinds of attachments could be painful for you."

Both girls looked relieved at what Kino said to them and they smiled at her in unison, though Aldis started first. "We do understand, Kino-heisho, that we have to show how we can be individuals."

Herdis nodded, "While at the same time showing how connected we are."

"We know we could be separated sometime during our careers, " Aldis added.

"And we both do have slightly differing skills that were implanted into us," Herdis continued.

Aldis looked over at her sister and started off softly, "Though we both were under the impression-"

"-that we were to be assigned together," Herdis said as she looked at her twin. Then both shrugged and looked at Kino as they stated in unison. "At first, anyway."

"That is likely the case." Kino admitted, "Looking at you two, I have a feeling that the vat-techs were trying something like that. Or they were trying to be cute. As it is, just keep in mind that some people may find it odd for the two of you to act in such a way. Be wary of your fellows, even as you form connections with them. I know I've covered deceit. Well, we sometimes use deception to make people happy, too. It's-- ah..." For once, she was actually struggling with a word and not just feigning it for a turn. Kino looked back at the twins and gave them the closest thing she had to a genuine smile. She was not really the smiling kind of person, so it was a weak smirk at best, but it was there. "Just keep in mind what other people see when you talk to them. You two are unique, and uniquity on occasion draws ire. But, I think you two are also very special for it; and you'll probably do great things together. You can return to your seats. I think everyone else is finishing up with the assignment, but I have seen enough to know you two understand dialects."

They both nodded and returned to their seats as requested, both girls a bit more subdued than usual. They looked at each other and then smiled a little, knowing that they would both be okay. It'd take time, but others would get used to them in time. They were a team, at least for now.
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