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RP: YSS Soyokaze (ASIDE 4.1) Gaining Wings

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Inactive Member
JP with SirSPT

The black eyed Captain sat behind her desk reading from a volumetric display. Behind her was her done painting of the bridge, in oils. It was complete with a few details that made it quite impressible the Soyokaze. Chusa Kuroiairisu Saeko took a sip of her tea from a little cup on her desk as she scrolled through their new flight leader, for the newly formed Zappa flight’s records. With them fully apart of the new Task force 77, the ship was finally getting her full complement of fighters restocked and fully crewed.

With a sigh he set the cup down and looked over at the model of one of the star fighters they had aboard. It held station floating in a anti-grav display on her shelves by her desk, ever ready to fly off and defend the models of the Soyokaze and her first command the Casper. It was an impressive fighter with is sleek lines and aggressive angles. She hoped that it would help her assault shuttle to make it through enemy fighter screens better with the fire support it could spit out.

Shanota walked up to the captain's, reaching up to knock before stopping. On the inside she was scared, this was her first assignment and she didn't know exactly to how to handle an interview. Should she be honest, maybe modest? Perhaps a little embellishment? She knocked subconsciously. Damnit, she thought.

A volumetric screen popped up on her desk show the fighter pilot standing outside of her office. She had set up the alert after a few of the newest crew being shy and hiding out there trying to come up with time to build up confidence. She giggled before taking a breath to hind her amusement and called out over the door's intercom, "Come in, and have a seat be right with you." She brought up a few extra screens on her desk to make her look a bit busier.

She silently exhaled and walked in, observing the apparently busy captain at desk. Not wanting to waste to much, she took her seat and waited, continuing her internal debate.

She stared through her displays watching the pilot come and sit down. It was interesting how much different the pilot neko moved compared to other neko, like some the infantry. After giving her a few moments to wait she closed down all but the small window that had Nito Hei Shanota Omoorai's records. "Thank you for that, I am Chusa Kuroiairisu, Welcome to my ship the Soyokaze."

Humble, she thought herself. "Thank you letting me aboard, Captain Kuroiairisu. She's a fine ship, if I may say so myself." She said a calm manner.

"That it is,, now please tell me why I should let you stay aboard with us?" She asked with what looked like her glairing with her completely obsidian eyes.

She took that as almost a challenge. "Well I was told this assignment was in need of some pilots and I'm sure that you've already been through my records." She held back a smirk. "Though that's all theoretic and papers and on paper, I seem like a damn good pilot. I'm sure I can prove myself beyond what the reports can say."

"Is that so?" She asked looked at the pilot and reaching for her stone cup of tea. Finding it empty she reached for the tea pot on the tray along with a second cup. "Can I offer you some tea before I start asking the hard questions to this interview?"

She nodded, somewhat parched from the trip to the Soyokaze. The thought what the upcoming questions had started to also take a toll on her thirst.

Giving the briefest of smiles she pours herself a cup and slid it over to the pilot before filling her own and taking a sip. "So please tell me about yourself. I have all the information on your training and your known skills, as you said I have read your records, but that doesn't explain who you are."

Taking a faintly audible gulp of tea, Shanota set her cup down before speaking. "Well if it isn't obvious, I'm pretty much more at home at being in flight. Some could say that the cockpit is my first home and the bunk is my second. As a matter fact when my contract expires, I'm planning on using my pay and get a small ship and explore the vast unknown. Just all the space, waiting to be seen..." She seemed to space out for a moment. "Anyways, I'd like get know my wingmates when I get the chance. Im going to be leading them into battle and I'd like to know whose tails I need to bring home. Other than that, everything you know's in the reports and... reprimands." She finished off the sentence with a slight hiss.

"Your basic contract only runs three years, that isn't all that long to save up for a ship and enough banked to keep it running and stocked." Seako Shrugged and smiled, "But I have seen less probable things happen." Looking over at her screen the captain looked at the pilot's records. "Tell me about these reprimands."

"Nothing out of the ordinary, really. Just a little 'outspokenness' and 'aggressiveness' on my part. I've keeping under control after the last reprimand." She inhaled slowly. "Anyways, I can always just extend my contract, right?"

"You can, if..." She let the word hang as she took a sip. "If you keep those issues under control. Whoever is your commander at the time could choose to deny your extension, but... if you fly right and keep on the good side of your officers; I don't see why you couldn't go as far as you want in the military." She smiled and set the mug down folding her hands together before her, "And now for the hardest of the questions. if you could ask your commanding officer anything you want, what would it be?"

She thought for a moment on what to ask. Wingmen? Fighters? Volleyball? She decided to keep it simple. "Is there any certain protocols I should be aware off that wasn't in the listings? All flights are in a certain formations or away teams are usually picked up while under lots of fire?"

"Well nothing that isn't listed, hmm..." She paused and took a sip thinking. "Well you'll have to keep in mind that you will be used to fly anything in the hanger, so make sure you are familiarized with everything down there. Makes sure you get plenty of sim time... We just got done with a planned sim that the crew wasn't informed of." She grinned thinking about it. "As for you formations and what not... That is up to you. You're the flight leader... Your wingmates are down in the hanger already getting familiarized with their fighters."

Her ears perked up a little. "If it's at all possible, I'd like to go and meet with them as soon as possible."

"that is good to hear. There are three of them, you'll need to find them and then locate the pilots quarters pick two next to each other and then decide who's bunking with you. Also I want you to get your fighter picked and so whatever you need to it to make sure you are comfortable to fly it."

She nodded, already half-way out of her seat before stopping herself. "Uh, are we done yet?"

"If you are asking to be dismissed... Then you might want to work on that..." She smirked and shook her head. "But ye go and introduce yourself to them."

"Thank you, ma'am!" She said before hurrying out to meet her new wingmates.

Watching the Pilot race out the door, Seako shook her head wondering if bowing or even saluting wasn't taught any more in the basics... With a shrug she poured herself another cup of tea and leaned back in her chair thinking.

Hanger Bay

Sitting in a side hanger of the Shuttle bay sat a pair of Ke-V6-1D “Hayabusa." They sat there freshly painted in the newly formed Task Force 77's colors and badges. Arrowed death bats, shaped with angled edges and covered in weapons, the two seaters rested locked in place by mag locks has a trio of nekos climbing about them looking them over. The fitters stood off along the edges of the hanger outcove, a group of gruff Yamitain and Nepleasan Males watched with interst wondering if the nekos were going to force them to paint the birds bright pink like the last group had.

Shanote hurried out into the shuttle bay, whistling at the sight of such craft. She had logged quite a bit of time in the simulators with the Hayabusas but seeing up close and personal for once was quite an experience for her. She took a moment to take it all in before rushing over to the trio.

The trio didn't see Shanote first come in, they continued chattering and looking about the fighters. But then Auska saw the Nito hei. "hey sisters..." she pointed and slid down off the craft. With a bow, "Hai Yamazaki Asaka, That is Sigridr Tamemoto, and my batch sister Koga Aoi. They are also Santo Heis." She smiled as the other two slowly joined her and bowed.

She returned the bow with her own. "Hei Shanota Omoorai, pleasure to meet you all." She looked over at the other nekos before back at Yamazaki. "So, I'm guessing we're going to be wingmates here? You guys know the ins and outs of these fighters?"

"We do," Answer the chosen spokes-kitty Auska. "We just was brought form the academy to join the Soyokazes fighter unit." She smiled and the other two nodded, Koga piped up with, "Yeah we are your wingmates."

She smiled back. "Good. Seems like I'll have the best out there on my wing, and I sure like to keep it as such. You all figure out your callsigns yet?"

"No.. We just got here... and we were told you don't pick your own..." the quiet Sigridr Tamemoto piped up from behind the other two. She quickly fell silent again and looked at the deck.

She folded her arms, thinking for a moment. "Well to Hell with that. Yamazaki, Koga, pick some callsigns. And Sigridr, heads up and pick a callsign or I'm going to start calling you downer."

"Oh.. Ok..." Sigry said quietly wondering why the new wing leader was being mean. The other pair were bubbly throwing back and forth different callsigns, some very crude others just silly. They finally after a few minutes decided on Hot-cha, and Kōmon. Though Auska frowned each time her sister called her Kōmon.

Shanota observed as the two bounced names off each other, occasionally chuckling with the few odd names. Finally when it reached her, she was ready with her name. "How about Kasai?"

Auska, now Kōmon, nodded and said, "You're the boss." She nodded before going over to the fitters telling them what to paint beneath each of the cockpits.

Downer quietly moved over closer to Kasai, "I guess I'll be you back seat...." she spoke softly, "since they are inseparable." She looked up at Shanota, hoping she didn't just upset her.

She shrugged, somewhat smiling. "Hey if it works, it works. And I wouldn't rather have it any other way." She patted Downer on the shoulder. "Anyways, we're getting flames under our cockpits. Unless you want something different under yours."

Hot-cha smiled and squeed as she pictured the flams on her fighter. The fitters on the other hand let out a combined sigh of relive. Downer let a real smile form on her face for a moment before asking. “Do you have our room assignments? We have all kits over there in the corner waiting for you."

"Yeah, cabin 6 and 7. Kōmon and Hot-cha, you got cabin 6. Downer, you're with me in cabin 7. Get your gear in there quickly, and then get ready for duty."

With a smirk downer went over to grab her kit, as the sisters continued describing the precise way they wanted the flames to roll across their fighter’s hull. As Downer returned she called to the sisters to hurry, with a shared grin the sisters raced over to get their gear. "We're ready" Hot-cha said.
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