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RP: 188604 Aside- Cyrus and Errowyn's island

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gunhand4171
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Cyrus walked slowly up the ramp of the F6. He had left the rest of Ragnarok to coordinate the clean up. He decided to head back and try to make himself useful on the ship. As he exited his armor, he caught sight of the little neko pilot who saved his ass earlier. He smiled and turned to follow her. "Hey, hotstuff!" He called jogging up to her. "Thanks for the air support. I owe you one." He replied with a smile.

Errowyn looked at Cyrus, one hand on the rung of the ladder to head to the top airlock hatch. She returned the smile to him. "You can repay me by having your men and women keep a close eye on my fighter. When I'm not around." She climbed up the ladder and shoved the hatch open. With it being within the atmosphere, she could open the outer hatch also.

He smiled. "That can be arranged." he said looking up at her. He chuckled. "Have I ever told you that you have a nice ass?" He commented under his breath.

She stepped onto the top of the F6, called down, "You coming up? She left the hatch open as she moved to where her fighter was strapped to the top hull of the F6 Freighter.

"Of course sweetheart." He said as his metal hand grasped the ladder and pulled himself up.

"I bet this place is a lot better that Iceball we left." Errowyn spoke once he was up on top with her. "Could you get the other side," giving him a soft smile. She like this big merc leader.

He smiled broadly as he reached Errowyn. He pulled himself up, pressing against her as he grabbed the other latch. "Look at us, I don't think we have ever been closer." He teased as he pinched her side.

She moved quickly, using his weight and leverage to her advantage, tossing him to the top the of the F6. "Nows not the time for grab assing. I need to get these ships separate incase I need to use my fighter." She stood up once the strap was free. Her eyes sparkling in the ambient light as she looked at him moving to a new strap that held her Kawarimi in place.

He was surprised as he was thrown across the ship. He looked over to her with mock sadness. "I just wanted us to be close..." He teased as he got up and went about the process of unlatching the fighter. His one crimson eye staring at Errowyn intently.

She looked at him from her spot as she undid another strap. "there is a time and place for it." Giving him a smile. "I would like to. but now is not the time. As you probably tell your men, business before pleasure?" She tossed her strap over the Kawarime to the other side. and moved to the next strap in line. "I will give ya quick spin in the craft."

Cyrus smirked. "I thought your craft was a single seater." He said with a smile, as he undid the final latch on his side of Five. "There you go hot stuff. Five is ready to go." He replied walking over to her, offering to give her a boost.

Errowyn took an advantage of his offer for the boost up. She hit the controls to open the canopy up. "Two seater. 1 seater if my Daisy in here." She reached down to give him a hand.

He clasped her hand and pulled himself up and into the co pilot seat. "I haven't done this in a while. Mind if I plug in?" He asked as he pulled a small cord out from his cybernetic eye.

Errowyn helped him, up and get settled in, and she took the her seat in front. "Sure. But don't do anything." She connected up her SPINE. as she strapped in. The kawarime powered up quickly. She connected him to the communication system ONLY.

Cyrus plugged himself in, only to find that Five's system's weren't to happy to see him. "Don't trust me not to mess with Five?" He asked through the new comm link he established.

"My ship, my life. just like your guns are to you. or your equipment." Soon the Kawarime was lifting up off the F6 into the sky on and evenly, straight up till it cleared the buildings then the trajectory changed into forward flight, Straps automatically flipped around Cyrus, yet leaving arms free, yet comfortably restraining him. "Center button will release the straps"

He felt the straps come down and hold him in place. He smiled and looked down at the city, the fire mostly being contained. He looked back and closed his eyes, not wanting to see what he had done to the city. "So, where are we headed?" He asked quietly.

She focused the targeting computer on a beautiful lake away ahead of the Kawarime and transmitted the picture into his mind through the cybernetic link. "There" In the crosshairs was an island with room for the kawarime to land on. In manner of seconds just short of a minute, she had the kawarime slowing down and losing altitude to land on the island. Soft clunks were heard as the landing legs locked into place.

Cyrus looked at the island as they landed. He disengaged his eye and unstrapped himself as he exited Five. He opened the canopy and hopped down holding out his hands to catch Errowyn. "You wanted to have a date, you could have asked you know." He said looking up at her giving her a soft smile.

Errowyn laughed softly, as she exited and floated down into his waiting arms. "This way better." As she rolled from his grasp and began peeling off her flight suit without a sense of modesty. "I wanted to go swimming, and get cleaned up." Walking a bit saucy from him towards the lake, leaving a trail of her clothing behind her, till she was down to skin. Exposing all of her backside and the 6 dots that straddled her spinal column, 3 to a side. She reached behind her and placed a skin colored tab with 6 prongs matching her SPINE. She slipped it into place. as she was stepping into the cool clean water.

Cyrus laughed as she began to strip down and move towards the water. "Here is hoping my circuits don't fry." He said as he removed his shirt. His body was covered in scars, one large one running down the center of his chest. He through his clothes down in a pile and walked up behind Errowyn. As soon as she had her plugs in place, he picked the little neko up and ran into the water.

"Eeeeeeek!" Errowyn squealed with childlike delight at being picked and carried into the water. Enjoying the moment of being his arms. She wrappend her arms around his neck.

He held her close as he waded into the water. "Don't you look just adorable." He smirked as they sunk deeper into the water.

She squirmed as the cold water hit her warm flesh. She gave him a big smile of pure delight. "Your soooo handsome," Pulling her self closer and kissed him softly on the lips.

He kissed her back, stopping so that the water was barely touching her knees. He broke away only long enough to say. "You are soooo beautiful." He said placing his hand on the back of her head bringing her back in for another kiss.

Her eyes glowed with pleasure at the compliment. She returned the kiss, showing she had very little experience but was willing. Her feminine physique pressing against his masculine one.

He smiled with mischieve as he let his legs go limp, letting the two fall in the cold water. He floated and pulled her closer. "How was that?" He asked smiling.

She shreiked as the cold water engulfed her. She came up sputtering. She splashed him for answer. "Cold!" She was smiling. letting herself drawn to him. "We need to get clean." She broke free and dove into the water, to come up a few feet away from from him. She let her hair loose from the pony tail and dunked under again. Look of contentment shown on her face as she began to wash herself clean. "Thinking of moving your operation here?" She asked him as she looked at him with a smile.

He smirked as she wiggled free from his grasp. He dunked his own head under water. Errowyn would notic that he had no way to sneak up on her with his blue eye shining brightly under the water. His head broke the surface again as he wiped away the water from his hair. "I am thinking about it, but there is this certian pilot that I think I might have to follow around. Have you seen her? She is absolutely gorgus." He said with a smile as laid back on his back and began floating towards her.

"I will keep my eyes out for one for you." She teased, lightly. Dunking under the water and then pulling him under to place a kiss on his lips. Letting them float back to the surface and air. "I think we better move to the shore."

"Ummpf!" was his reply as he was pulled under only to receive another kiss. As they surfaced again He pulled her close to his body and he began to float again. "All right, but let's take the slow way back." He replied kissing the back of her neck as he held her.

"Sounds good with me," Errowyn spoke, using her innate ability to get them drifting back to the shore. She stayed close to him, liking his presence there with her.

He continued to hold her. "So, what do you think? Will you stay here... with me?" He asked blushing as he kissed her neck again.

"I am a mercenary in a way. I did hire on for two month with Uso. And if you decide to move here as your base you'll need a pilot to get contracts off world. As this gig is winding down." She looked at him after returning the kiss. "It'll be pretty much the same I gave Uso. Plus expenses. For upkeep of my Kawarime and missile for it." She broke free and left the water, letting it stream down off her body. She settled on a big patch of soft grass, letting sun dry her off.

Cyrus laughed as she walked away. "So you will stay here if I pay you... does that make you a personal call girl?" He teased as he to stood and walked up next to her. He layed down next to her and stared up at the sky.

At the words of call girl, Errowyn gave him a look that if looks could kill, his soul would die also.

He looked at her and busted out laughing. "Awe baby, you look cute when your mad!" He replied laughing, hoping to quickly defuse the situation he found himself in.

Errowyn expression softened as she look out over the lake. She wrinkled her nose. "I don't think so. No sex will be involved. So I think that term doesn't apply." Looking back at him. She leaned back on her hands and tilted her head back a bit. "Anyway....wait here. be back." She stood up and walked to her Kawarime, picking up her clothing and flight suit enroute. She accessed an exterior cargo hatch and pulled out a basket of food and a small travel kit. She returned and set the basket between as she sat down. She open the small kit that contain personal stuff. Combs and brushes and lady stuff. "Eat up." nodding towards the basket of food. She brushed out her hair.

As Errowyn walked away, she could hear the sound of a metal hand hitting a fleshly face. "You idiot! You called her a call girl! Are you insane!" He muttered angrily under his breath. As she returned with a basket of food, it made him feel even worse. He kneeled and bowed his head. "I am sorry for that comment. That was uncalled for. My mouth got ahead of my head, You planned a nice pinic and I called you..." He shook his. "Sorry..." He said running his hand through his hair.

"Yur a Neppy. I should have been expecting such remark." She reached out and lifted his face up gently. "dont worry. Im not used to the rougher side of life of being a merc. I haven't had a man yet. Just to busy with 5."

He smiled, leaning into her hand. "You have no idea how lucky I was to find you..." He said gently holding her hand their for a few more seconds. He then stood and went to retrieve his cloths, granted he was still in his britches. He came back with his BDUs on and sat down next to her as he began to eat.

The food was the local stuff. primitively made with the grit and all. There was a bottle of wine also of local brew.

Errowyn smiled as he began to eat. She was still naked as she brushed out her hair. Sunlight reflecting bluish of her hair as it hanged down in front . "Got one of the best pilot of SAoY, before I seperated from my Carrier."

Cyrus smiled. "You are the best pilot still." He smiled as he sipped on the local brew. He poured another glass and handed it to her. "Remember that game you played with Raph?" He asked with a smirk.

"the one I lost?" Errowyn spoke looking thoughtful as she took the glass of wine from him taking a sip of it and carefully putting on the ground next to her. "What about it?"

"Why don't we play?" he asked looking at her thoughtfully. "No one will be able to see you lose again..." He said teasing.

"We don't have enough to do it with." Errowyn spoke softly. She reached out and grabbed a chunk of bread and taking a bite of it. "This stuff is too weak for that type of game."

"All well, it was a thought. I guess I will have to just be romantic on my own." He smiled as he poked her side.

Errowyn went with the poke and fell over on her side, "you win." as she laughed softly, enjoying his company. Seeing that he was dressed. "You in a hurry to return?" As she sat up again, putting her brush away in her kit and zipping it shut.

"Of course not." He said looking at her. "I would like nothing more than to spend the entire day with you..." He said throwing his shirt off again.

Errowyn looked thoughtful as she made sandwiches for the both of them. She laid them out for them to eat. Just enjoying the company and the warm sun on her skin. No worries and no pressure for now.

He scooted closer to her placing his hand on her back. Cyrus took a bite of his sandwich as the sun began to set. He swallowed and looked at Errowyn. "You know, the sunset makes your eyes look even more imaculate." He said with a smile as he tilted his head.

"If you want, we can spend the night here. Or you have to get back?" She was enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful sunset. The lake reflecting the skys color back. It was peaceful and the fresh air was intoxicating She laid back onto the grass, using her folded up flightsuit as a pillow.

Cyrus laid back as well, but he pulled Errowyn off her flight suit and rested her head in the crook of his arm. "Let's stay here all night. They won't miss us." He said as he held her a hand over his chest.

She shifted closer to him and snuggled, getting comfortable with a view that was spread out before them. Her eyes lost focus for a few seconds and then a chirp came from 5. "Well be safe now. 5 is on watch now." She smiled her tone hinted that her ship was an living entity. her mechanical partner. "And if they want us., were linked with F6 and your coms grid"

Cyrus looked over at 5 and smiled. "I got her 5..." He said softly kissing Errowyn on the forehead. "She is safe here." He whispered again as he placed his head on hers and silently listened to the waves roll onto the shore.

She watched the sky darkened to the star studded sky. as the sun finally settled and the cool air washed over them. "I could stay like this forever... and ever." As strange new sensations filled her. She was liking it as it was something warm and pleasant.. Maybe the other girls were right when they talked about men in hushed whispers.
Later that night...

The pair had fallen asleep in each others arms. While Errowyn dreamed peacefully, Cyrus had the dream again. He was back on the ground, fighting the Mishu in the opening days of the war. He just steped off his dropship when it happened. An ambush waited for them. The thralls opened fire from all around them, tearing into his friends. He was struck in the face sending him spralling. Then one of the squids decended on Cyrus, a blade clutched in one of its tentacles. As it brought the blade down on his chest, he awoke in a cold sweat. He grasped his chest and felt the huge scar running down his chest. He looked over to the sleeping form of Errowyn and sighed. He cursed himself for almost waking her up. She shouldn't have to deal with his problems...

He let his head fall back to the ground as he watched a small metor shower streek across the sky.

She was instantly awake, yet kept the appearance that she was asleep. She had felt him have a muscle spasm and he was all sweaty. She rolled away from him to let him have his space in the easy manner of one that is asleep. She had put on his oversized shirt as it had gotten colder than expected. It looked like she had on a mini-dress.

He sighed and sat up. "I know your awake..." He said softly turning to look at her. "I'm sorry for waking you up sweet heart." He said rapping his arm around her waist and dragging her closer to him.

"Care to tell me?" Errowyn spoke softly, dropping the act of being asleep. She shifted so that she was semi-laying on him resting her folded arms on his chest propping herself up so that she look down at him.

He gave Errowyn a soft smile, bringing his hand up to play with her cat ears. "It was a bad dream. It was how I got all these scars... and lack of limbs." He said somberly as he looked back up at the sky. "It was..." He started to say, but he couldn't finish his thought. A lump formed in his throat and he began to shake. He closed his eye tightly. He gritted his teeth. "Not again..." He muttered under his breath as the tremmors racked his body.

She held him, yet ready to flee at a moments notice if things turned ugly. She made soft comforting sounds, hoping it would sooth him to help him recover.

His mind was caught in limbo, fighting to stay in the present. He felt the warm embrace of Errowyn as he shook. A tear welled in his eye. "I am sorry... I am so sorry... I couldn't save them..." He muttered. His tremors slowly began to decrease in intensity. He slowly stopped and looked up at Errowyn. He burried his head into the crook of her neck and let the tear fall. "I am so sorry you saw me like this... You shouldn't have seen that." He said hugging Errowyn. A small sob escaped his lips before he could contain it. "I am so sorry..." he mummered.

"Hey..Its okay. Better now, than later. At least I know what to expect and can react accordlingly." Errowyn kept her tone soothing "What ever it was.. It was beyond everyones control. Nothing couldve prevented it. Im sorry you that you have probably lost good men and wemen. Friends or lovers." Her eyes glowed softly as she looked over him, "Talk to me. Get it out of your systems. I dont know if I can help you or say the right thing. But Im here to listen."

"..." Cyrus stayed silent for a moment. "I don't think I can speak it out loud... but I can show you..." He said pulling the cord out from his eye. "You don't have to do this. I will be okay I promise." He said as he looked up at her. "You being here is enough for me." He said trying to talk her out of the stupid idea he had.

"Sorry. Your cybernetics whont mesh with my SPINE Interface." Errowyn looked thoughtful then spoke again. "just nod yes or shake head no." She paused then spoke, "Mishu Ambush?"

Cyrus sighed and released the cord, leting it reel back in. He nodded softly.

She nodded back and let the subject drop as she pegged it right on the nose. "I've lost fellow pilots of the squadron I was with to them." She looked up out at the distance. The glow faded from her eyes. "There were times I didnt want go out myself. to face them. But I did. Even seen my friends fly right into friendly fire, trying to get away from the Rippers, Battle Pod swarms."

He looked back her. "I... I'm sorry..." He said looking down. He summoned as much courage as he could and began to speak. "We...I was in the first wave of the The Rok'Veru Offensive." He started looking up at the metor shower still going on. "Our job was to flank the NMX from a superior position and help the main force advance. But, once our drop ship touched down..." A tear welled up again. "There were Thralls everywhere. My men started dropping like flys. I was hit in the face..." He said tracing his implant. "I hit the ground only to find a mishu standng above me... It..." he paused as the tear fell. He held up his metal arms. "It thought it would be fun to carve me up. It tore my arms off, cut my chest wide open..." more tears fell. "The few survivors of that massacre were forced to watch as I was reduced to nothing but..." His metal arms dropped to his sides. "To the sorry state I am in now..."

Errowyn listened to him without judgement, but One soldier to another sharing what no civilians would ever understand. The first hand experience the horrors and the deep sence of loss. Hers started right out of the vat. Her sisters lost to raditation exposure mutations, Comrades that were just a name and face in the squadron. The FNGs. Then those that were better expeinced than she was. So she could become what she was today. "We have our own demons, Cy. Some not as horrifying as others, but just as personal. She spoke softly as she rested on him. Seeing the tears. "Its when we lose our feeling, " She reached out and gently wiped a tear away from the corner of his eye, "..that when we should worry..really worry. You just as human as I am... Mortal..."

Cyrus shakily brought his hands up to hers and clasped them softly. "E, I don't know what I would do without you... I... I love ya sweat heart." He blurted

She didnt how she felt. But she knew she liked him a lot to feel comfortable around him when she was naked. "I.. huh.. love ..you...too?" It was obvious she was very inexperience in relationships other than those that develope between comrade at arms.

Cyrus hadn't noticed he added that last bit until the words hung in the air for a moment. He looked away embarresed. "I'm sorry" He said quickly. "I... uh... oh hell." He said smacking his face. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry." He said blushing so much his face actually radiated heat.

Errowyn spoke softly, "Keep hitting yourself in the face, you aint going have one left" Her smile showing her teeth was visible in the nighttime ambient light as she teased him lightly.

He smiled back softly. "It wasn't a pretty face to begin with. I don't know how you stand it..." He said looking up at her again placing a hand on her cheek.

She leaned against his hand, looking at him. "I am no beauty compared to most of my kind. So why judge someone on their looks?" She reached up and traced the lines of his face, lips with a soft caressing touch. Her lips parted a bit. Staring at him in the eyes with hers, as all new sensation warred within her. Then she hisses softly, "shut up!" As if speaking to someone unseen. "Not you..." refocusing at Cyrus below her. Now it was her turn to turn red as she rolled off of him and sat up.. She drew her knees to herself to hug.

Cyrus sat up and cautously inched closer to her once he was right next to her, it was his turn to comfort her. He wrapped his arms around her and placed her head in the crook of his neck. "It's okay E..." is all he said as he hand slowly moved up and down her back.

"I am fine" She softly snapped. As she rested her chin on her knees. "My sisters..." She fell quiet, staring out over the reflected nightime sky from the lake. "A curse and blessing." She whispered softly. Now it was her turn to feel uncomfortable. She stood and padded barefoot to the edge of the lake whre she paced a few steps and turned back to pace back and forth. Her lips moved in silent communications, eyes totally unfocused.

Cyrus stopped. He sat back and let her do her thing. He knew that she didn't know what to feel so he did the only thing he could do. He stood and walked over to the beach. He stopped several feet from her and just stood. He made sure he was close enough to act when the need arised, but far enough away not to be smoothering her. He looked up at the stars, wonderong what was going on in that head of hers.

Her neko ears swivelled toward him as he approach, even though she was deep in agruement with her "Sisters" She was aware of him as she moved back and forth. Sometimes she would wave her arms for no apperant reason. She exhaled and turned to face him. "Sorry.." She moved back to her where her flight suit and undercloths lay. She sat down, sighing softly. It was obvious that the /moment/ was gone. She was back to being the herself, the tough fun loving neko combat pilot.

He moved over to her and sat down next to her, holding her hand. He didn't say a word. He just leaned into her and softly rubbed her hand. If she wanted to talk about it she would, but Cyrus didn't think it was his place to intrude on her thoughts. After sometime he finally broke silence. "I am here for you babe." He said so softly that it was almost inaudible.

Errowyn spoke softly, "There were 6 of us in a new batch, during the second big war with the NMX, Mish, squid or what ever you want to call them. I and my sisters were exposed accidently to large amounts of radiation due to a breech or equipment failure..." she waved her hand as saying what ever. "... we were processed normally as all Nekos were. Born from the Vat. They developed with killing mutation which drove them to be recycled. I was the lucky one. I survived, yet I picked up hitchhikers. My sisters."

Errowyn turned at looked at Cyrus. "They were my Guardian Angels during the war. I accumulated an impressive kill count thus earning my call sign Hellcat. I was aggressive from the get go. The moment I became one with my craft. I was assigned to my craft and it carried the 5 on it already. I knew the ship and I along with my sisters would survive. We would take our licks and hits. A few times I almost didnt return to the carrier."

He looked at her, a spark of realization coming to his eyes. "So 5... They are your sisters contained in one vessel." He looked at her, wondering how she could stand 5 voices besides her own fighting for attention in her head. "So... is it you... when you push me away?" He asked cautiously

Errowyn titled her head to the side as she looked at him. "they live .... in me...or through me. Some how they are attatched to me living through me. I go through periododical check-ups to see if the radiation piosoning is mutating me or not. But I check out fine each time. Except for the strange mind spikes they record on their machines." She took a small deep breath, "5 is just an metallic machine extension of me. No one wants to fly it, afraid they will get whats effecting me." She looked down. "I dont know. I..it could be me. Afraid you are getting more than you bargained for."

This time it was his turn to console her. He softly grabbed her chin and lifted her head. "You know that I care deeply for you." He started. "If I have to deal with your five sisters popping up every now and then, I can deal with it." he said softly with a smile. "I bet they think I am a total idiot, and that I am not good enough for you." He said, teasing. "I don't care about any of that, I am here for you and I know that the inverse is also true." He said as he hugged her firmly.

She hugged him back, resting her head on his shoulder. "It mean a lot to me." She shifted within his embrace to straddle him to sit on his thighs and leaned against him, facing him . She smiled at him softly reaching up to brush some hair out of his face. "what a pair we are..."

He laughed as Errowyn shifted positions. He pulled her in close to his body. "Yeah, well you make up the..."

"insane part," She interrupted.

He held a finger to her lips. "No, you make up the beauty and brains." He said tilting his head.

She smiled as his finger rested against her lips, then parted as she gave his finger a lick. As she stared into his eyes. "I...its all implanted in me. I am designed for war. Only difference. I fly. I am just as ugly..."

He held his hand up to her mouth at the words ugly. "That is enough you." He said frowning. "You are stunning, and I will fight anyone who would say otherwise."

She looked at him, unsure what to believe. none had said the words to her before. It was always about the job. Her bringing in the damaged 5 on a prayer and will alone. Or successful efforts to crack open warship hundred fold times bigger than her craft, or crippling it so that her comrades and others can get by to do their jobs. Or the ships of the line could finish of another NMX war machine. "You are handsome in your own rugged way." When she saw him, she didnt see the ugliness of him, but the hell he had survived which he wore. Her uglyness was on the inside . Her Ghosts and drive to anhiliate others with what she controlled.

He looked at her and kissed her. He broke away only to say. "You are beautiful. Inside and out." He said returning to kiss her again. Cyrus had finally found someone who understood what it was like to fight demons on your own. But, now he and Errowyn would never have to suffer alone again. He broke away again. "I love you Errowyn..."

She returned the kiss when kissed, letting instinct have reign. She didnt know what this love was that he kept claiming. But it made her feel warm inside. Yeah she had seen the the usual lovestory vids. but she lived in the /here and now/ . She kissed him again. This time, hopefully her /sisters/ will be quiet.

He held her close, as they continued to kiss. Soon the sun began to rise and the horizion was set ablaze. He stood and held her bridal style in his arms as he looked towards the rising sun. "It's been an entire night..." He said softly looking down at Errowyn. "Want to say to hell with and spend a few more hours here?" He asked with a smile.

Errowyn enjoyed the sunrise leaning against him, letting him hold her. She had her eyes closed, soaking up the newnest of the day. "Im no hurry. They will call if they need us." She spoke softly. A mere murmur of a voice on the breeze. as she tood there in his shirt, black hair loose, curly as it cascaded down to her midback, glinting blue where the light shine on it.

He smiled and began walking to the other side of the island. The light makeing his crimsion eye glow brightly. He held her close to him as he walked. "So what do your sisters think of me?" He asked as he walked looking down at her.

"Mixed. From jealious to go for it." She spoke ruefully. She steps away from him and moves to Kawarime and begins to look it over. All business as she made the slow circuit around her craft, inspecting it. Occasionally giving him a view as she leaned over to get a closer look at something on her craft.

Cyrus sighed as she lept from his arms... again. He silently watched as she inspected 5. Finally he spoke up. "Ladies... If your done with Errowyn can we continue our date?" He asked hoping the ladies would hear.

Errowyn snickered at hearing Cyrus, causing her to shake in all the right places.Then ended up laughing. "Huh.. ..." then laughs even more. "Sorry... I need to check my craft." She floated up as the canopy opened to her craft. Unaware that she was giving him a view.

He looked up at her. "Uhhh..." He stoped dumfounded. Then turning beat red he turned around. "Okay babe, just uhh... make it quick please. " He said quickly.

"Okay" As she moved into the cockpit of her craft for the internal checks ..
Errowyn floated down from the Kawarime and openeda side panel. A small cargo hold. Which held camping gear. She pulled the stuff out and piled it next to her flight suit. She proceeded to set up a nice small camp site.

Cyrus turned to see Errowyn pull out camping gear. He tilted his head and looked at her. "You had camping gear the entire time? If I were a betting man I would say that you planned this..." He said with a grin. He walked over to her and began helping her set up the camp site.

"I was distracted," Errowyn responded as she laid out the sleeping bags. "Wonder if fishing is any good here?" She moved back to the open cargo hold and pulled out a fishing equipment. Collaspeable pole, fishing boxx with the basics in hooks, line and hooks.

He grabbed her line and tied on a hook and a spiner bait. "There, I bet you'll be catch something with that." He said with a smile. He went about setting up a large tent that was inside the cargo hold. Errowyn could hear him curssing as he confused step 4 for step 6. As such the tent had collapsed on top of him. "Oh, come on..." He siad fighting to find the entrance to the deflated tent.

She snickered hearing him cuss as she found a good spot to fish at. She casted her line out as according to the manuel that came with fishing box. She watched it go out a few feet and sadly plop into the water. "mmm..." She wound in the line and tried again. Getting it a bit farther this time.

As she fished, Cyrus continued fighting with the tent. It was finally up and everything looked right. But, as he went to exit the tent he learned that he skipped step 8... The tent fell down as he stepped out. Another string of curses flew as he fell to his knees. He ran his hands through his hair as he tried again to get their tent up.

"Eeeek!" Errowyn squeeled as the hook got caught in her hair on the next cast. She was about go and switch places with Cyrus. Let him do the fishing as she deals with the camp set up.

Cyrus's head popped up when he heard Errowyn shrek. He turned and ran to her, abandoning the tent. Once he reached her, Cyrus began laughing. "Hey baby, the hook goes in the water." He explained softly like one would do with a child. He carefully untangled the line from her hair and smiled. "Well, if you think about it... You are a catch..." He said laughing.

"Just get the damn thing out!" She ws getting ready to cut the line as the pole lay near the water. "You wanna fish/ While I set up the camp?"

He smiled. "Sure thing dear." He said as he finally got the hook out with minimal hair pulling. He grabbed the pole and masterfully cast the line far out into the lake. He slowly reeled it back in letting the spinner do it's thing. "Good luck with that damn tent!"

Errowyn waved as she scampered off, Within ten minutes she had the tent set up with everything fastened properly. She had plenty of practice in her long journey to that Iceball of the planet where she hooked with Uso and Crew. Unfortunatetly there was no cot, but Airmattresses that inflate and stayed inflated till you used them. Typical military equipment. At least the Sleeping bags could withstand subfreezing tempatures. She went back to the Kawarime and pulled out a small self contained electric grill. It was just matter of hooking it up the Kawarime power source.

As Cyrus reeled the line back he got a bite. He set the hook and began reeling. "Fish on!" He called as he struggled to reel it in. "Man this thing is huge!" He said as he reeled it in, let it out and reeled it in again. After several minutes of fighting the fish finally came to the surface. It was 3 feet in length and a foot wide. He grabbed the fish and hauled it up. "Got one." He said walking over to her. He paused as he saw that Errowyn had already set up the tent, and airmatress, and had the grill out already. "Damn girl, you're good..." He said walking up and pulling out his combat knife to clean the fish.

"Practice," Errowyn winked at him, "Ni-ice catch!" Spotting the fish. She ran the cable to the Kawarime external power outlet and plug the gril in. She came back and turned it on to get it warmed up for the fish.

Cyrus filleted the fish with expert precision. "Thanks sweety." he winked. He set the meat down on a plate and ran off to the center of the island where some shrubs were. He found some local flora that could be used to spice up the fish. He picked up several types and ran back over. He began to grind it down and into a fine paste. He rubbed the fish with his concoction and placed it on the grill.

Errowyn watched as she added the finishing touched to the camp. She moved her Flight suit inside the tent and on her side. Then closed up the small cargo hatch on the Kawarime.

Cyrus grilled the fish watching Errowyn finish up the camp site. "Great job sweet heart." He said as he pulled the fish off the grill. He placed it on a plate and passed it to her. "Here, tell me how I did." He said sitting down with her.

She sat on the grass and plucked piece of fish and ate it. She smiled, "It is very wonderfull, Cy. Sure you wasnt a chef at one time?"

Cyrus smiled. "You don't have to lie, I know it isn't that good. But, thanks for stroking my ego." He said with a chuckle.

Errowyn laughed softly as she ate the remains of the fish.

He smiled as he ate his half of the fish. As he finished, some storm clouds began rolling in. The sky became very dark, and rain began to fall, Cyrus laughed as he ran to the tent opening it for Errowyn. "Let's go E!"

She moved quickly, and disconnected the gril from the Kawarime. As first lazy drops hit, she scampered into the tent. They could hear the whine of the canopy closing on the Kawarime. She settled on her airmattress covered by her sleeping bag.

Cyrus zipped up the tent as the rain began to come down. "Well, we ate and now it gets all dark again." He said as a flash of lightning and the boom of thunder claped. Cyrus jumped, then quickly gained his composure. He sat down next to Errowyn and put his hand on her back. He grinned, as he turned to her and began to tickle her.

She looked at him curious, "I am not ticklish. I find it curious that men want to tickle females. Is there a purpose in tickling someone."

Cyrus stopped suddenly. He dropped his hands in his lap and looked down. "Uhh... sorry baby." He said softly. He turned to her. "I don't know why men do it. I guess it is becuase we want to play around and make y'all laugh..." He said quickly. He started twiddling his metal thumbs. "Though it is kind of hard for me to do that with these..." Cyrus said holding up his hands.

"The curse of battle and technology." She spoke softly. She stood up, letting her eyes glow. She reached up and flicked a switch and the soft glow of the lantern lit the interior of the tent so it was less gloomy. She moved and sat next to him. "What is it like being a Mercenary?" She sat indian style on her sleeping bag facing him.

Cyrus turned to look at Errowyn as she sat down next to him. As she asked her question, he laid back on her matress spread his arms out. "Well..." He began. "It is intresting work to be sure. You set your own rules, your own hours, etc." He said "But, the most important thing..." He said turning and resting his head on her lap. "Is you get to work jobs that mena something to you. Save the life a a boy who was kidnapped. Kill a mob boss who has terrorized a town for months." He looked up at her again. "You don't get thrown at sucide missions because some planet has something shiny. You do it because you care about the outcome. You want the kid saved, you want to help the civies, you... you want to be the good guy..." He sighed. "At least, that is my reason for starting Ragnarok." He finished.

"Have you guys done any missions yet? Or is this your first." Errowyn spoke softly as she listened to the rain fall from the sky. She played idly with his hair.

"Ragnarok has only been on one mission before this. I have been on six." He replied smiling up at her.

"You could say this is my first merc run." Errowyn sat there looking down at him. She studied him with curiosity.

"Really?" Cyrus asked. "What else have you been doing since...leaving the service..." He said softly.

Errowyn fidgets a bit. "You could say... I am between assignments and ships. While attacking a Mishu stronghold....Things went terribly wrong and the sector of space was very unstable with wormholes. The expendatures of energy kinda triggered a collaspe of the sector along with the wormholes. I was luckier than the others. I just killed a heavy cruiser. ... My last shot caused a major explosion on the Mishu Cruiser. The force blew me into a random worm hole. And been trying to get back. But. I keep getting delayed by pesky pirates and freespacers."

"And doing ftl jumps... from star to star, hiring out my services for missiles and repairs," Errowyn spoke softly.

Cyrus looked up at her. "I... I'm sorry baby." He said bringing a hand up to her face, softly rubbing her cheek. He was ripped apart and put back together, lost it all. But, nothing that compared to what Errowyn had went through. He looked deep into her eyes, like to deep seas. "You will never be alone again. I swear to you." He said sitting up and hugging her.

Errowyn hug him return, "Depends on Uso whether I stay or not. But I do need these missiles before I can continue my journy home. or continue my services here. What about your men?" She looked at him, liking the hug, not caing if he was part machine.

He smiled at her. "Well, if you stay, I stay. If you leave, I leave." He said pulling her close. "My people are my family. We might take up residence here, or we might head back to that ice ball." He said with a smirk. "...Or if you want... I can try and get you home. If that is what you want." He smiled and looked at her. "I just want for you to be happy."

Errowyn looked at him, braking the hug, as she scooted back a bit. "Can you find out if I have a double? They .. SAoY could have written me off and made a clone of me."

He looked back at her. He let her scoot back, but he gingerly took her hand. "I promise, I will do what ever I can to help you..." He said softly rubbing her hand with his thumb. "I will make some calls. I also know a former IPG operative..." He said with a smirk.

She stood up and paced to the tents window and looked out of it. "I would appreciate it." Watching the rain hit the water and streaming off her Kawarime.

Cyrus frowned. He stood up and started walking towards her, but stopped a foot away. He looked deep in thought. After several seconds he finally spoke. "Errowyn?" He said softly. "E, please don't push me away. When I say I want to help... I really mean it. I want you to share your pain with me, liked you did for me. I... I don't want you to hurt anymore." He said looking at her.

She turned and faced him. "Hurt? I am just... weird is all. "Loney? I dunno. I got my /Ghosts/ sisters to keep me company." She looks down bowing her head and fidgets, "maybe .. share my ... bed?" Timidedly. "Or Stand guard? "peeking up at him through her hair at him.

His face went beat red in an instant. "Uh... well... um..." He sputtered looking for the right words. "I... I..." He shook his head and took a deep breath. "The first option sounds nice." He said a little to quickly. He looked up at her again. He tilted his head, and leaned in for a kiss.

She smiled as she placed her hands on his chest and stood on her tippy toes and kissed him. She liked kissing as it made her feel good and wierd in a good way. She broke her kiss. "I must exercise. I dont want to lose my touch." She removed the his shirt from her and walked naked out into the rain.

"O...Okay." he said watching her step out into the rain... naked. "Wait up!" He called throwing his shirt own shirt off and following her out into the pouring rain.

Errowyn wasn't that far from the tent as she was moving through several martial combat movements that helped keep ones body limber and well toned. Her hair wet and dark against her skin conforming to her physique as she twirled into low kick and sweeps, some low jump kicks along with flurry of fist strikes and parries. Eyes closed as she moved throuh the routines and Katas of each series of attacks and defensive maneuvers, Ocasionally she gave soft yips to enhance striokes and kicks.

Cyrus stopped outside the tent as he watched Errowyn go through her movments. He was in awe of how beautiful and gracceful she looked. He finally walked carefully over to her andtook up position across from her. He didn't know the Yam's martial arts, but he knew 'fightn and dyin.' He closed his eyes and held his arms up. He began to shadow box, throwing out quick jabs and crosses, while dodging unseen attacks.

Errowyn kept her distance, so her movements and would collide or accidently interfer with each other, as she finished the last routine, the rain had passed on, leaving behind the glistening grass as the clouds began to break up and let the sun shine through.

Cyrus opened his eye again as he finished his shadow boxing. He looked up as the clouds cleared. He smiled as the sun shined through. Then he looked down to see Errowyn. His smile broadened as he looked at her. "All finished over there." He asked.

"Yup," Errowyn began to move off. "You wait here," then scampered off into the bushes, disappearing from view.

"Okay babe." He said as he watched her disappear from view. He turned his back to the bushes as he watched the waves roll in. He closed his eye and enjoyed the sound of the water, the smell of the fresh rain on the grass. He could have stayed in that moment forever, but he knew that the best wa yet to come.

"Look what we got here, boys!" A Mans voice broke idyllic setting

"Mmmmmhhmmmmm.... One of those sky peoples!" Another spoke up

"Twak will be pleased." A more serious sounding voice spoke.

"Just a little fun? She askin for bein all neked and all!" Another voice spoke with lewdness in his voice as if this was his lucky day.

"Whot about the other one?" First voice spoke up.

"He whont try anything as long as we has his girlie!" Second voice responded.

Cyrus wipped around in a flash. As he heard the voices coming from where Errowyn was. "If you put one hand on her I will FUCKING DISEMBOWL YOU!" He growled as his servos began to whine. His hands began to spin and his eye changed form it normal bright blue, to blood red. "You have one chance to leave with your lives. Let her go, or I will help you see what your lower intsetines look like..." He said.

"Yeah! Right! Dont move and your lady liv... OOOOOoOOOOOOOooOOOOoOOo..." His voice went falsetto, "Get that whore!" And fell quiet.

Thumps and gunshots were heard, A stray projectile careened off the Kawarime.

Cyrus ran after them at a full sprint. He couldn't let them hurt her... He busted through the bushes and grabbed the first man. He lifted him up in the air with one hand and brought him a few inches from his face. "Big fucking mistake." He said as he slammed the man's head into a tree repeatidly.He droped the man and began walking towards the others. "You should be focusing on me. Because I am going to kill you!" He said running head long into the next man.

The group was momentary stun at the sight of Cyrus allowing him to get the drop on the first man. Two more already laying on the ground, One had his head facing the wrong way and another rolling around on the ground with his hand between his legs. The last one had a growing wetness around his crotch and he turned and fled for the boat resting on the sand. Errowyn spat blood to the ground and had a nice shiner to her right eye. She looked at Cyrus. Shrugged, "Blindspot. Thought 5 would be able to cover." She had a bloody grazing wound on her left upper arm near the shoulder.

Cyrus ran to her. As he did he mad sure to kick the man who was rolling around with so much force that he would be singing falsetto for the rest of his life. Fotunately, his life wouldn't last much longer. He reached Errowyn. "Baby, I am so sorry." He said looking her up and down finding the gash on her arm. "Shit." he muttered "Come here." He said picking her up and walked back out of the forest. He moved to 5 and gently set Erroeyn down. He climbed up into the cokpit and grabbed the emergency first aid kit. He dropped back down to the ground with a thump. He knelt down next to her and started cleaning the wound. "Baby..." Was all he could say, sadness in his eye. "This is all my..."

Errowyn looked at him, eyes glittering, "Im fine. Just go make sure that bastard doesnt get away!" Errowyn took over cleaning off the blood from her shoulder wound. It had already stopped bleeding. She put some skin patch on on the wound and smoothed it out. At the moment more worried about patching up.

He nodded. His sadness quickly being replaced with rage. He ran back towards the men. As he passed the man he kicked, he stopped knelt down ad picked the man up by his hair. He continued to the other side of the island where the last man was trying to get his baot in the water. He threw the man he was dragging at the boat as he walked towards the other man. The man by the boat panicked and pulled out his revolver. "Stay back!" He yelled as Cyrus continued to walk. "I mean it.." The man said as Cyrus grew closer.

As Errown cleaned her wound she would hear gunshots. Three to be exact.

Errowyn moved quickly, to the tent, put on her panties and grabbed her service gun, and ran towards the sounds of the gunshots, coming out of the woods near the altercarion, with a quick glance around as she raised her gun in one fluid motion. an extra long bang was heard as she shot so fast that three bullets impacted into the guy with the smoking gun, drilling him in the chest, shattering his heart into pieces within. Glancing at Cyrus, she moved quickle to the remaining guy sprawled in the boat where he had landed. She put a round into his head. killing him. Then at Cyrus.

Cyrus looked down at the new holes in the sides of his chest. He dropped to his knees. "Little punk..." He said as he collapsed from the pain.

She moved to him, checking his vitals. Making sure they was strong, "You will live." She cleaned and bandaged his wounds. She was expressionless as she treated him. Sighing, she gathered the dead natives and searched them, removing everything. Leaving them naked and dead. Once done got them in the boat and gave it a good shove out into the lake to float off. She returned to Cyrus and picked him up, using her inate ability of gravity manipulation. She carried him back to the camp and Kawarime.

"Well this is embarissing." He muttered as he was lifted into the air. "That little shit had a good grouping..." He remarked absiently as he Errowyn carried him.

She snickered." But not as tight as mine was, nor accurate either. Our little vacation has ended. I need to get you back to the city. She levitated up and eased him into back of her Kawarime. Once he was settled, she returned to the ground and moved to the tent to get dressed.

Once dressed, she returned to the Kawarime and soon they was heading back to the city and medical aide for Cyrus......
The Teams medic look at Cyrus laying on the bunk of his shipboard cabin. "About time you woke. Boss. you maybe part machine, but they will be useless if your organics die." He turned to leave.

Cyrus stirred. "Huh..." He said looking up at his medic. He rolled his eye at the man. "Yeah yeah." He said as he closed his eye again. He was still so tired... He turned his head listening to his medic leave. The ship grew quiet for a moment as a new set of footsteps entered the ship.

Errowyn soft voice was heard and then the Medics which lasted for awhile. the door opened, Errowyn walked into the room, and up to his bed. She looked at him. "Three bullets. want them?" She looked at him, "Uso is quite upset at our little jaunt. And for you getting hurt." She sat down near him. She had her hair down and loose.

He opened his eye again giving his girl a weak smile. "Hey baby." He said weakly. He frowned when he heard about Uso. He shrugged, which caused him some pain. He grimaced, trying to hide it. "She'll get over it. Besides I can pull Ragnarok so she can live with it. How is your arm?" He asked grabbing her hand.

"My arm is fine," Errowyn turned, showing him her arm. There wasnt even a scare or anysigns that she had been grazed by the bullet. "I just stopped by to tell ya, I am heading out on a supply run with Raphael, on the other ship."

He frowned. "Oh...okay..." He said turning his head to look at her. He sighed. "I'm sorry I ruined our date baby." He said. "IF I would have just took that guy out we could have just stayed their a bit longer..."

Errowyn laughed softly, "nothing to be sorry about. It wasnt your fault that them idiots decided to show up when they did." She gave his handa squeeze. "Besided, we set our tent up on their supplies stash." She looked at him, a bit sad. "we did a good thing. Showed what passed for the law around here. We did these folks a big favor."

He looked up at her, noticing the change in her face. He brought his hand up to her face. "If that is true, then what's wrong?" He asked, concern easily shown on his face.

"Just thinking of them other girls they had captured." She spoke softly."All they are good for is... menial work now. And been disowned by their families. Twek...their leader is still on the loose." Errowyn looked at him, then out the small viewport. "So close..it couldve been me.

Cyrus fought to sit up, fighting the pain. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to him. "I would never let that happen to you. I will find this guy... and I will kill him." He said with a hint of malace.

Her expression turned hard and cold as she looked at him, "The list is long and a very good bounty is on his head. Apperently their currency is gold coins." She held up a gold coin the size of a golf ball in diameter. "6 thousand for his head and pecker. 10k a live." She tossed the coin onto his chest. "That is 95 percent pure."

He grabbed the coin and turned it in his hand. He gave it back to her. "I don't care. This is personal." He said swinging his legs over and sitting up. "He hurt

She pushed him back down onto the bed. "Its going to take time finding him. You get better. We dont need anyone holding us back. We aint leaving till I get back." Picking his feet up and laying them back on the bunk. "Besides two of your brutes whont let you get very far anyway." She sat on the bunk next to him.

He blew out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "You know those brutes will kill me, if they saw that you were man handling me..." He said with a soft smile. "Have I ever told you how cute you are?" He said intertwining his fingers with hers.

"Cute?" Her eyes widen, giving her that young girls soulful look, even though she sounded indigant, "What happened to beautiful? Do I have to get them brutes to come in here?" Then she laughed softly.

He laughed. "Damn it woman. Want me to show you what I think?" He said pulling her down into the bed with him and kissed her. He broke away. "How about that?" He asked with a smirk.

She returned the kiss, and listened to him when he spoke. "MMM.... I think its the drugs that got you all addled. Anyway you're lucky you're down for the count for awhile." She laid next to him for a bit. "I gotta be going soon." She easily slipped away and stood up. "I will check in on you before I leave on the supply run."

Cyrus frowned. "Oh your no fun..." He teased as she stood, grinning like an idiot.

One of Cyrus Men came in carrying a plate of freshly cooked food. He gave Cyrus a big toothy smile. "Damn I wish I had your luck." He set the food on a side table and lifted Cyrus up into a sitting position so he could eat. "Sorry miss, go get your own before therest of them pigs eat it all."

Errowyn nodded and escaped out of the room to get something to eat. As the big Merc looked at Cyrus. "Dont go for it. Them Nekos are all alike."

Cyrus's happy go lucky demenaor dropped in a flash. He looked up at the merc. "Your new here kid, so I won't throttle you for that comment."His is hand gripped the sides of his bed leaving crummpled metal. "Talk about her like that again, and I will space you." He said looking over at the food. "So... what's for dinner?"

"Spud with grit, Gravy with Grit, veggies of some sort. Mystery meat with maggots, Boss." The big Merc took the cover off the plate exposing a perfectly prepped foods to eat. "Did she tell you about the gold coins Boss?" He took her seat and the chair creaked abit.

"That it is 95% pure gold? What about it?" He asked digging into his food.

"Some of the boys saw something like a bank. And you know how talks gets around and planning a little withdra...." He looked at Cyrus.

"Stop." He said flatly. This time Cyrus smacked the back of his head. "Were you dropped as a child? Born without a chromosome?" He asked.

He smiled, "ID-SOL, through and through... built for killin, looting killin and looting and a litle..."

"Yeah yeah yeah." He cut the man off again. "Son do you know what the goal is?" Before he could utter another word Cyrus spoke again."The entire reason for us being here is to put Ms. Uso in charge. If we go around looting the town bank then all we do is ruin all that we have been working for. Think with that tiny brain of yours for a minute." He said with a smile.

The big Merc looked dazed for a looooong minute or five. "A base?" Looking at Cyrus, "More troops?

He patted the merc on the face. "See I knew there was a brain in there. Now, I have a better idea for you." He said looking at him. "Get out there and track down a man named Twek. That dick hurt Errowyn, and has a bounty of 10k gold coins on his head for the shit he has done." He smirked. "That is how we make money my boy. We do the right thing and get paid big money to do it."

The big ID-Sol man looked scary and intimading as is. Just when you think that was his best... it got even uglier and more Intimading. he roared loud enough to shake the viewport glass, "NO ONE HURTS OUR FIGHTING ANGEL! HELL IF IT WHERENT FOR HER, WE;LD BE DEAD!!" then he calmed down and lowered his voice, "Twek will be served with an apple in his mouth!" He nodded sagely as much as he could do so.

Cyrus patted the man on the shoulder. "Good my boy. But, we need pecker head alive..."

"So he can breath through his nose," He grinned, "I will pass the word."

Cyrus smiled. "Spread the word. First one to find him gets a bonus." He said grinning broadly from ear to ear.

He got up, nodded, "you eat up, need seconds Boss?" He paused before taking his leave with the dity plate and silverware. "got plenty."

He shook his head. "I'm good. Thank you. I am just tired. Those damn meds doc gave me are kicking in." He smiled. He closed his eye and dimmed his cybernetic eye as he started to fade out.

Word spread like wildfire amongst Ragnarok about Twek, bonus Fighting angel. There was purpose once again for the troops as they bragged that they was going to be the first to find the chump. Even Bets were being placed and taken note of, for the sums were large. well as high as a full month paycheck at least. ...
Errowyn leaned on the parapet of the palace fortress they had been using as a base and Usos base of power. She was lost in thought looking out over the city. Thinking about her Kawarime and it next major overhaul as it was getting a bit sluggish in responce time. She took a sip of water, watching people .. the natives.. go about their business. So far it had been ferrying people and supplies in and Rag-mercs were getting antsy at the guard duty they had to pull on her Kawarime when she was gone with the F6 on supply runs.

Cyrus snuck up behind Errowyn. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in close to him. "Hey hot stuff, you looked troubled. You okay?" He said kissing her on the back of the head. His wounds had been healing up fairly well, but it was still quite sore.

Errowyn tensed up then relaxed when it was just Cyrus. "I need to get to a tech base for some serious techwork on my Kawarime." She just leaned against him as she stared off into the distance.

Cy smiled as she leaned in to him. "I have a tech specialist you can burrow if you want. They could help you out." He said as he pulled out a bottle. "While I was couped up in this place I found this in the cellar. I might have gotten yelled at for sneaking off, but it looks good." He said handing her a glass and offering to pour her some.

She held her glass so he could pour her some, "It is not software. More mechanical." She liked his presence.

He poured her a glass. "I'm a fairly decent hardware guy... I mean look at me. I am mostly Hardware." He teased filling his own cup and tapping his glass to her's. "Here's to you." He said with a smile

She took a sip after the tap. "Precision parts are wearing out and the tolerances of them are getting to the point where it could mean failure at the crucial time. Maybe one or two more flights." She looked down at her Kawarime and sighed softly. She took a drink of the wine, turning to face him as a breeze blew her loose hair across her face. She leaned against the stone work of the castle.

Cyrus took a drink as well. "Do you think on that supply run you can find me some spare parts? I should be able to fix it with the right tools. I will have 5 good as new." He said leaning against the railing. As the wind blew the hair out of her face he said. "You know I would say you look beautiful, but that word really dosen't cut it..." He said with a smirk.

As the sunlight shifted toward the evening and causing shadows to play across her face. She took a sip of the wine, "Tools there is abundance. Need lathes and such to get the precision and tolerances to specifications. Im really finicky about that. If I die out here. I am gone..." Errowyn look at him. "Yeah.. I wouldnt want that to happen." She gave him a soft smile.

Cyrus smiled. "Woman you are so finicky." He laughed moving over to stand next to her. "I will get 5 working. You can even standover my shoulder while I do it." He said draping an arm across her.

"Its my life while I am running independant," Errowyn spoke softly, "Ive been through hell and survived." She snuggled up against him, "How you guys holding up?" Looking up at him.

"I have been lookig at setting up a base in the mountians far up north. The Gleipnir base will be everything I could have ever dreamed of for us." He said looking down at her. "Though I did pick some very cold mountians to put Gleipnir. I miss New Belfast just a tad." He said poking her.

She pokes back, "Refill," then holds her glass out, "That Iceball we just left for here?"

He poured her another glass. "Yes that Iceball. It was my home for many years..." He said remanencing.

"You can have it." Errowyn smirks and takes a drink of wine. "Even as a neko. I still get cold."

Cyrus smirked. "What? You don't think I wouldn't keep you warm?" He said pulling her in close.

Errowyn laughs softly, "Not when you have go chasing after thugs!"

Cy kissed her lips gently. "Oh, you are no fun." He whispered.

Errowyn kisses him back softly. mmmmm. purrs softly. " but then I wuoldd have to settle down and get a job to store my Kawarime." She looks up at the darkening sky. "I'd miss the solitude of space."

He smiled. "You wouldn't want to settle down even if it was with me?" He asked sarcasticly. "I even own several businesses. You wouldn't have to work anymore. We could fly where ever you wanted to." He shrugged. "I don't know. That sounds really nice to me." He said kissing her on the head.

"I an still way too young to settle down. I am like ...3." She smiles at him. "Still got a lot to experience!"

He busted out laughing. "When you say that you make me feel old." He smiled. He ran his fingers through Errowyn's hair as the sun fell below the horizion. "Look at that." He said looking up at the sky. It was a scene out of a movie. So scerene and peaceful.

Errowyn turned and watched the explosion of colors as they shifted through the spectrum starting at yellows through reds and purples to black star studded sky. She leaned against Cyrus. enjoying the moment with him. "Its moments like this I truly enjoy." She spoke softly. She turned to look up at him, "I guess we better head inside."

Cyrus could have stayed in that moment forever. He and Errowyn in each others arms as the sky was set ablaze with color. "If that is what you want..." He said with a mischevious grin as he picked her up bridal style and began walking towards her room.

She hung to him, with her arms around his neck. Once in the darkened room, "get a fire going," She whispered to him waiting for him set her down.

He set her down on her bed as he went about lighting a fire. His cyber eye allowing him to see in the dark. After a few minutes of messing around he had a nice, warm fire going in the hearth. "How about that?" He asked

While he was getting the fire going, Errowyn slipped behind the privacy screens and changed into some silk night gown she had found during one of her forays through the palace. She stepped out from the behind the screens and padded barefoot across the floor, pausing by the bed and grabbed the pillows. Then moved before the fireplace and dropped the big pillows on the floor and then settled on a pillow. Soaking up the heat of the flames and listening to the soft pops and crackles of the logs being consumed by the flames. "Wonderful. Too bad there is no serveants to fetch snacks for us."

As Errowyn came around to sit, Cyrus's mouth nearly hit the floor. "Babe, you... you look amazing." He said as he sat down next to her. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. "I don't know. I think this is just fine." He said with a smile.

Errowyn leaned up against him, relaxing. "I am hungery. High metabolism."

"Hold on baby." He said pulling a small comm device out of his pocket. He tapped it. "Hey, would anyone mind bringing me and or flygirl some food?" He said waiting for a response. Several people reported in to jeer and tease Cy. "I got ya boss man." One finally said as he fliped off his comm unit. "There you go. Only the best for you." He said leaning his head aginst her's.

"Thank you," Errowyn spoke softly as she relaxed, enjoying the togetherness with Cyrus. "I always wondered what it was like to be royalty." A soft smile graced her lips warming up her expression.

"You are my princess." He said taking her hand and kissing it. "And I, your slighty battered knight." He teased.

She gave a soft giggle as she purrred again. "well need to fix the battered part. Gotta look good if you are going to be hanging out with a princess."

Cyrus smiled. "Anything for you ma lady." He teased. "I will be your knight in shinning armor." He said kissing her neck.

She laughed softly, relaxing. "What are your plans for tomorrow? How is Twek Hunting going?"

Cyrus looked down at her. "I thought I was supposed to serve ma lady?" He said teasing. As she mentioned Twek, a quick flash of anger could be seen in Cyrus's eyes. "He is a crafty little shit. But, we will find him soon. For now, let's not think about him." He said pulling her closer.

Errowyn snuggled in close, liking the warm sentations within her as she was in his embrace. She just watched the fire, waiting on the food to show up.

Cyrus rubbed her back softly until a soft knock came from the door. "Here is your food love birds." The man said with a smirk.

"Thanks." Cyrus nodded bringing the food and placing it between the two. "Here you go baby." He said with a soft smile.

Errowyn smiled, "thanks," She ate with manners after adjusting herseft. She just concentrated in releiving the hunger and the demands of her body. She would talk if spoken to, but right now she ws enjoying warmth, light of the fire and quiet peacefulness of place she was at. She glanced up at Cyrus, looking at him as the firelight made the shadows dance on his features.

Cyrus smiled as she ate. He didn't dare break the silence, just allowing Errowyn a chance to eat. Cyrus laid back putting his head on the pillow, as the fire danced and crackled. Cryrus removed his shirt to reval the bandaging. A dark blot soaked through one of the bandages. "Oh hell..." He muttred as he withdrew his hand from the spot. He sat up again and began unwrapping it.

"I am getting you a Medic," Errowyn spoke softly when noticing the bloody bandages.

"No!" Cyrus replied a little to quickly. "Umm. Sorry..." He said as he finished unwrapping the bandage. "It's dark red, so it is old blood. The bleeding stopped, now I just need to clean and rewrap." He said dropping his head. He grabbed a cloth from his pocket and poured some of the wine on it. He quickly placed it on the wound, stiffling a curse. He then took out some gauze and began to wrapping himself, though he had a little trouble getting it around himself.

She stopped eating and moved to him. "Let me help," softly, taking the bandages from him. She began to wrap the bandage around him tightly so that they stayed in place. "Was that from those thugs on Our Island?"

Cyrus nodded. "Yeah, that little shit with the revlover got me good. Doc says I am gonna have another nasty scar for my collection..." Cyrus said with a grimace. He looked at her, a soft smile on his lips. "Though I would do it all again if it meant that I could stay here with you forever..." He added. The fire making his crimsion eye look even brighter.

She laughed softly, "He should have bounced the bullet off your head to knock some sence into you." She teased as she tied off the bandage in place. She then returned to spot and resumed eating. "Maybe I should go out and use myself as bait to see if he takes it." She looked at him. "I"ve seen a few Nekos on your team."

"Absolutely not..." He replied sternly. "I don't want you out there... not again." He turned and looked at her. "I don't want to take that chance." He said, a hint of fear in his eye.

"I am suppose to stay here locked up?" Errowyn spoke softly. "Even this place can be broken into."

"No... its just that..." Cyrus sighed. He looked up at her ashamed. "I am scared of losing you."

Errowyn looked at him, and then looked at her food as she played with it. She never had anyone concerned about her other than what the military demanded in keeping troops up to standards. She took a bite of food and chewed slowly. She was a fighting machine to be in the thick of things. Not one to shy away from the dangers of various places she visited. "I would miss you too, Cyrus." softly after she swallowed her food. "I am happy when I see you and...comfortable in your presence."

Cyrus scooted closer. "And I feel the same way baby." He said taking her hand in his. "I am so glad that I stumbled into your room on our layover. I actually believed that you didn't like me when we first met..." He said softly stroking her hand.

Errowyn smiled at him and resumed eating with one hand as she squeezed his hand. She finished off her meal and shoved the tray off empty dishes away from them. "More wine? Or we out?"

"Of course..." He said as he poured a her another glass. He poured him self a glass and took a sip. He rubbed her neck and leaned his head against her's.
Errowyn was busy checking out her Kawarime, doing basic maintenance on 5. There were a few Rag-Mercs patrolling near by to keep an eye on the ships. She was thinking of the trip she took with Raphael out to the Warehouse in the mountains as she did basic stuff for her craft.

"Is it ready?" Cyrus asked over a private squad channel. "Aye aye boss." Came the soft reply of one of his new recruits. "The preperations are complete and the area is secure." Cyrus smiled. "Good I will be there soon." He walked up to Errowyn and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey there baby, how is 5?" He asked with a soft smile.

"Gonna need a serious over haul in about few months. Which meals I will be returning to that Iceball of a planet to have my craft worked on. And its going to be expensive" Errowyn spoke as she finished up her task and closing the panel on her craft.

"Well I have a supprise for you..." He said stepping behind her and covering her eyes. "Come on. I have been setting this up for weeks..." He said with a grin. "It has been hard to hide it from you... but I did it!" He said proudly.

"lead the way?" Errowyn spoke as she stood there.

"Okay..." He said leading her across the way to the back of the Ragna-chopper. As he walked her up the ramp he signaled the pilot to take off. He took his hands off her eyes and let her take a seat in the huge cargo helo. "It's not here, but I have a feeling you will like it..." He said with child like anticapation. He sat down next to her. "I have been working on this for a solid week now. Slipping in and out to get things done." He said as he rubbed his neck.

"It better be good. I dont like wasting my time. When I can be taking care of my craft." Errowyn relaxed back as best she could in the shaky ride of the helicopter. She was grumpy and so far Uso, been keeping herself scarce.

"Yeah, I know. Somethings been bugging you, so I thought I could try and cheer you up..." He said with sigh. 'I hope I didn't waste her time...' he thought.

After a few minutes the helo touched down and the cargo ramp opened, and familar site awaited Errowyn. It was their Island... but Cyrus and a few volunteers had been busy. A huge clearing had been made and cabin was sitting there. Cyrus had to bargin to have use of a fabricator, but he got it. There was also a small dock for boats and a bouyed off swmming area. He watched as the cargo helo lifted off and flew away. Cyrus looked at her apprehensively. "So... what do you think? I thought you could use a place to unwind so me and a few of the guys built this." He said, a hand open towards the cabin.

Errowyn left the helicopter when it landed. She moved away as she took in the view of what Cyrus and his men had done. She listened to him as looked the place over as the Helicopter left. She moved towards the cabin, she liked what she saw. There was plently of room for her craft and maybe the F6. She entered the cabin and looked it over. "This pace is wonderful." She took in the hand crafted furniture made by the natives. She went from roomto room cheching it out. It was a simple home with two main rooms. Bedroom and commonroom with kitchen. She nodded her appreciation. "I think I will move out. Kawarime and all." She moved from the cabin and took in the dock and swimming area. She smiled warmly at Cyrus. "I am definitely moving out here. At least no-ones taking pot shots at me, like back in the city."

She moved about the island and even to the other side of it. "Need to put in early warning detecters here. " She would speak to hereslf out loud unless Cyrus followed her.

Cyrus smiled as she took everything. As she walked to the other end of the island he smiled. "Taken care of. I have Trail Cams spread all over the island. If it sees movement it will snap a pic and send it to you and me." He said pointing to one of the cameras. "We don't want a repeat of last time." He said with a smirk. "So, what do you think E?" He asked, like a child giving there parents a present they made themselves.

Errowyn, pulled out her Remote and activated it. She pressed the bottun on it after extending the Atena.

Meanwhile back in the city at the palace. Her Kawarime fired up and the canopy closed as it began to rise start up. Legs retracted by the time it cleared the tallest part of the palace. It fire the main Aether thrusters and shot off Zeroing on the box that Errowyn held in her hand....

Errown moved back to the cabin leaving the her Remote active as she dog trotted back to the area in front of the cabin where the helicopter had landed. She waited there with a smile. A faint sonic boom was heard then a few seconds later a dot grew in the sky zeroing in on the Island. Soon 5 was landing neatly a few feet away from her and began cooldown and the canopy opened. "5" Shut down." The Kawarime closed canopy and powered down. Errowyn looked at Cyrus, "I hope you have a ride back,"

Cyrus looked up as 5 came in for a landing. "Nope, I sure don't. I will radio in if you want to kick me off E's island." He said pulling out his radio and waving it at her. "I'll leave if you want..."

"Naw.. as long as you get the food, firewood, take out the garbage. Dont snore and eat with manners." She moved to her Kawarime, opening up the small cargo hatch to pull out her survival gear. This time being more selective in which she took out and replaced. Stowing it and securing it so it whont shift in violant maneuvers.

"Gahh! You sound like we are married or something." He laughed. "After I built us a home from the ground up... Want me to cook too?" He asked with a smirk.

"Only if you want to. Errowyn laughed softly as she carried the bedrolls into the house, "A little help with the rest?" Nodding to a few things left on the ground near the Kawarime

He smiled and silently carried the last of her things into the house. "Where do you want me to put your things?" He asked as he carried them in.

"Bedroom!" she spoke from the bedroom as she was laying out the bedrolls on the mattress of the bed.

"Alright!" He said walking in and setting her things down. He rubbed his head. "So if it wasn't obvious before... you do want to me move in with me? Right?" He asked, unsure of himself.

"Sure you can move in with yourself," She smiled at him as she passed him by and going back to the Kawarime to a different side of the craft. She opened up a cargo hatch on that side.

"Why do you never give straight answers?" He huffed as he continued to help her move in.

"Well you said you wanted to move in with yourself." She pulled out camouflaging system for the Kawarime and began to assemble the netting and poles.

"You know good and well what I meant woman." He said

She ws laughing as she worked. "I dont care. But dont you need to be close to your men?" She finished assembling the nets and rolled it up in a log tube. Grabing one end, she rose in the air and floated over the Kawarime, dragging the net with her. Once the netting was drapped over the Kawarime, She began to unroll it covering up her craft., letting the ends drap to the ground. She then floated off the Kawarime to the ground and stretched out the edges away from the craft and staked the edges down. Then assembled the poles and spreaders once the edges of the net was staked down.

"Well, I will be busy yes. But, it will be nice to have my little hide away." He said grabbing her and kissing her. He broke away and looked at her. "I did this all for you. This is first and foremost yours. If you want me here I will stay if you want me to leave I leave. This is your home here. I thought it would be good to get you away from that stuffy palace...and Uso."

As Errowyn assembling the poles and paused when she was grabbed and kissed. She smiled as she resumed her work. Then with the poles and spreaders, she began to lift the net off the Kawarime and planting the poles in place. "Hey you are welcome to stay here as much as you want. There are times I would like my space." She assembled another pole and placed it on the opposite side of the first pole she had placed. She smiled at him sas she moved to assemble more poles and spreaders.

Within a few hours, she had the net up and off the Kawarime in its little shaded place and concealed from passing natives on the lake if they get to close. It also made the area a bit cooler than being out in the open sunlight."There!" She moved around the net again and made adjustments to blend even the netting to look more natural.

Cyrus left her to her buisness as he walked into the cabin. He pulled out a skillet and began to cook. He hated to admit it to his men, but he actually enjoyed cooking and wasn't half bad either. He prepared a nice filleted fish for their dinner and and baked a cake for dessert. Once Errowyn had finnished seeting up her nets for 5 he wlked over to her. "Dinner is ready when you are. " He said with a smile.

Errowyn secured the bags that the net came in along witht the poles. She had them neatly stacked inside the Cabin, near the door and out of the way. She sniffed the air and smiled at the smell of food cookuing. She looked over at Cyrus amazed that he even knew how to cook. "I may keep you..." She spoke jokingly as she moved to see what he was cooking.

He held the door open to reval that he ha set out a fine handspun table cloth, handpicked flowers and lit candles. Plus a roaring fire in the fire place. "Suprise." He said with a tired smile. "Made it to easy to set this all up once you started working on 5's new hiding spot. Something special for my girl."

Errowyn nodded with a smile, "it smells good as she settled at the table to watch him.

He placed a plate of fish with fresh veggies and a glass of wine. He did the same for himself except he had a glass of straight bourbon. "Dig in. Tell me what you think."

Errowyn took a taste of everything on the plate. She nodded her approval. "If you ever retire from being a soldier, you can hire out as a cook.This is good," She fell silent as she ate her meal. Lost in thought and enjoying the comfortable atmosphere of the dinner with Cyrus. "this is really nice."

"That's not all." He said as they both finished eating. "Here I made some cake as well. Home made icing too." He said placing a piece of cake infront of her as he made himself another drink. He alse topped off her glass as well.

"there ya go.. all around cook, just need a kitchen and few hired help. Start your own resturuant." She smiled at him. She tried the cake and nodded her approval. "very good."

He smiled at her softly. "It's not that good. You're just stroking my ego." He said with a tired smile. He took her plate and his and cleaned up his mess. Putting away the dishes and throwing out the trash.

Errowyn helped him clean up. "Seriously. If I didnt like it. I would ordered out." She smiled at him and gave him a hug. "I'm not shy when it it comes to good food. and I give credit where it is due. not 5 star food, but it a lot better than what I can do."

He smiled and hugged her back. "Thank you baby. But, I have one last supprise." He said picking her up and placing her on the couch infront of the fireplace.

She watched him with curiosity.

He stepped out of her room with a small wrapped box. "I found this in the market place, hand crafted." He said handing it to her and sat down next to her.

She took the box and unwrapped it, looking it over. She opened it up and eyes widened, "You got to be kiddening me!

He shook his head with a soft smile. "For my diamond in the rough."

She took the diamond necklace out and looked it over. "I hope you didnt just bully your way for this." Looking at him and studying him with her emeralds eyes.

"Of course not baby. Paid for it with actual money. Also had to trade some stuff, but it was worth it to see your face light up when you opened that box." He said "Like it?"

She flung herself at him and hugged him tightly. "I will safegaurd this. This is really nice!" She settled back on the couch, "Here put it on me!" holding it out to him.

He took the necklace and placed it her neck, locking the clasp in place. "It brillant, but not as much as your eyes." He said tilting his head.

She jumped and went looking for a mirror. Once she found one in her stuff, she came back admiring it. "Maybe I need to change. These coveralls dont do it justice."

He gave a soft laugh. "Anything you wear will do it justice." He smiled.

"Be right back!" She disappeared into the bedroom and stuff was heard being moved about. Then it went quiet. She came out wearing the nightgown she wore back at the palace. "Ta Da?!" She spun herself in a circle.

Cyrus stood and held her in his arms. "You look beautiful. More brillant than a supernova." He said smilling. "I am the luckest guy in the galaxy." He added

Errowyn came still and pensive as she looked in the flame. She looked up at him. She spoke slowly. "I am glad you feel that way." She took a step closer to him, "Cause I feel the same way for now. That I have met you. I"ll treasure this and remember you. no matter what the future brings."

He brought his face close to her's and kissed her softly at first. He broke away and smiled. "I love you Errowyn." He said almost inaudibly.

She kissed him back as the sun settled on the cabin in the middle of the lake..... the end.. for tonight at least.

He smiled. "Is it time to turn in?" He asked

"yes" She was tired and moved to the bedroom, ....
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