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RP: YSS Kaiyō Aside: Onsen Ops

Sunny D

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15日 9月 YE 45
YSS Kaiyō II

Morgana reclined in the warm water of the Kaiyo's onsen. There was a small porcine bottle of Sake to her side floating in the water, kept up right by a wooden bowl which let the heat of the spring warm the alcohol. With her free hand she lifted the bottle out of the container and poured some of its contents into a small cup resting upon the stones that made up the onsen's perimeter. In her other hand was the tablet which barely left her side, linked to the lab back up several decks where the initial analysis on the so called "Enhanced Type" samples were being completed.

In the data was the start of some promising paths of research. The could see signs of Mishhuvurthyar Hemosynthetic Virus molecules in the data, though with certain structural differences indicated alterations to its design which would be in line with the reports she'd read. Antigens were significantly different, in that they were almost nonexistent. It looked as though they would come along and pilfer surface proteins from cells they'd come into contact with, which would complicate current mechanisms used by Type 31 and 33 bodies for identification.

Chemically there was some variance aswell, with the secretions missing some entirely. In exchange it seemed the molecules responsible for digestion were made more volitile via the additon of new radicals along with new molecules that operated in a sympathetic manner.

Though of most interest to the scientist were the alterations made on the cellular structure, notably the addition of new organelles to the Enhanced Type's cell. She could only conclude that these organelles were responsible for their most flashy ability, the ability to phase. Her vision tunneled on the new cellular structures, wondering if it could countered or exploited.

She opened up another app on her tablet, this one for encrypted text communications and opened a channel to the Kaiyo's MEGAMI.

Pixy: Hey Boss, thanks for running those tests.
Pixy: Have you looked at the results yet? I think that new structure in the cell is probably the most ripe for investigation.

"Yes, I in fact have made quite a bit of progress." In response to Morgana's texts, Boss spoke aloud as a wispy shimmer appeared in the air just over the onsen's steamy waters. Made out of blue sparkles, the face of the ship's MEGAMI glittered into reality as she looked on at the lounging scientist from above her.

"Its additional endoplasmic reticulum is still undergoing complete analysis, but you are correct in preliminary judgements. It shows an instability that progresses outwards and through the cell membrane. It then affects nearby Mishhuvurthyar structures with paracrine signaling." Boss said.

Morgana blinked as the ship's MEGAMI appeared, the surprise causing her to momentarily bring her tablet up to shield her. She inwardly chastised herself, thinking that she should have expected that. She expanded her arms and put the tablet down on the rocks.

"Yes well," She cleared her throat. "You're actually further in than me, I was just wondering what the activation mechanism was." she paused and looked up thoughtfully. "Paracrine signaling alone would be too slow and imprecise for the feats we've been seeing. Having one end of the tentacle phase so it can appear under the ground and grab someone with an unphased tip would require either an inhibitor, or the signaling molecules to have a range decay. In either case I would postulate that there has to be a primary activation mechanism which, if I was designing the system, would be similar to motor neurons."

"Inducing stimuli will help us deduce if there is a cellular inhibitor," Boss said as the rest of her twinkling body formed and she took a step back in the water away from Morgana. She was completed to show the full volumetric body of the MEGAMI, only she was wearing a grey-paneled type 35 instead of more appropriate onsen attire that Morgana donned (and instinctively hid).

"Direct contact is another option, but we will need to test further to find the true activation mechanism," Boss added.

"We should have simulation grade images of Advanced Type tissue structures on file. Are you able to compare the sample we have with those images?" Morgana replied, leaning forward slightly. "My thinking is we'll find deviations in neural structure if I'm correct, either additional synapse connections or a higher density of Axons... which would have additional synapse connections." She then nodded to herself with a hum "Hmm, synapse connections is probably where we should start." Her eyes flitted up, "It would also eliminate additonal Axons from changes in their sensory system."

"I will check for those deviations against existing data on the Advanced," Boss said with a nod of her head. "Initial estimates show those higher densities as you hypothesized, but we shall see."

Morgana exhaled and leant back against the stones "I guess we'll wait then." She then looked off to the side "What about you Boss? You have any thoughts? How we might even the playing field a little?"

Boss said, "Comparing the encounters I as a ship have had against Ghost Mishhuvurthyar and the Enhanced, I can say they have developed an unfair advantage in the past decade or so. Though Yamataian technology has not made the same leaps and bounds in that time, coming face to face with these issues will surely push our technological abilities to meet and match them. That is all to say, it will take time to truly even the playing field, but I find the direction you're taking to be nearing us to that goal."

"To do with the phasing abilities?" Boss asked and took a seat in the warm bath as she did. Still being volumetric, her personage didn't displace the water and her uniform didn't get wet in the bath waters. "I am not one for thinking tactically, but it would make sense that displacing the space around where a Mishhuvurthyar plans to phase into would negate its effects. What's more, getting at the root of the problem on a cellular level would mean stopping the enemy before it can phase away at all."

"I meant more generally." Morgana replied "I've picked up their phasing, but its a complicated structure so there might be avenues I've missed. And again, more generally, that Yamataian technology has stagnated in comparison isn't entirely true. They're still using older, pilfered NH types for their ground forces, meanwhile we've pursued different technologies."

She narrowed her eyes and shook her head "We're assuming they have far greater reach than we do, which would explain how they can develop new abilities without anything resembling an academic peerage structure. I believe they're finding it and incorporating it. I wonder if they even understand what they're grafting into themselves." There was venom in her inflection for a moment, "But there is so scant information about their social structure aside from its basically anarcho barbarism, and they somehow still churn out ships and troops at levels exceeding Yamatai."

"It is known that they had an established council of twelve elders that helped guide them," Boss provided. "Though they were mostly killed by Hanako-Shosho. There isn't great cause to see organized structure amongst them, but expecting too little of them is grounds for being caught unawares when they have surprised you."

"I'm taking purely from a academic and research infrastructure perspective." Morgana clarified "Anarcho barbarism is sufficient to give them enough tactical acumen to be effective, clearly, and their biology removes a lot of strategic concerns. Its simply how they are able to improve, then distribute their improvements which seems to be a mystery." She shrugged "Where are you at with the tissue comparison?"

"Almost to a good point to have gotten conclusive results." Boss said just as the wooden bowl that carried Morgana's sake passed through the MEGAMI's volumetric form. "Tell me, Morgana-shoi, why do you partake in the warm onsen bath? Surely with your light workout regimen, the muscular relaxation effects aren't your sole reason for working from this part of the ship."

Morgana glanced out of the side of her eye, a little taken back by the question. She didn't know Boss enough yet to know if she was intentionally being rude or it was just a query generated by a computer missing social tact. She decided to give the MEGAMI the benifit of the doubt.

"My head feels clearer here, if you must know." Morgana answered "To put it in an analogy you might be able to relate with, the overhead I have for processing here is higher than other places. At least when I'm alone." She shrugged and closed her eyes "There's likely more to it. We could probably design a bioroid avatar for you with an endocrine feedback system if you wanted to see if it improved your processes."

"I have my own corporeal form, but I have never utilized it within the onsen," Boss said, unsure why save for the obvious: that it just wasn't necessary. "Maybe I will have to investigate further to see if I receive the same benefits as you. I would be lucky to, by your description."

"I think an endocrine system is essential to get all the benefits." Morgana replied, reaching for her glass of sake. "But you might get some sensory feedback that does the same." She then chuckled "Though I imagine the excess heat would be unwelcome if anything. Maybe you should try an ice bath instead?"

"Perhaps I will stick to keeping my form in my coffin rather than too many new extracurricular," Boss said simply. "Hmm, hardness sensor base readings have been compared to the known synapses in the advanced type and there are several deviations. Loading the lab results into your pad now, Shoi."

"That's bit strange." Morgana said, perusing the data. She reached over to the ceramic glass and took a sip. "When I said density, I was expecting a higher amount, not for them to be a denser compositon. Why would they do that?" Morgana said to herself, narrowing her eyes at the data. After a moment she took in a breath "I can only think they're using differing structures to send different signals. One for the skeletal muscular system and one for the phasing organelles. You have a take Boss?" She peeked over her pad to the holographic avatar.

"I think you are on the right track," Boss replied. "And if your hypothesis proves correct, developing a limiter for the phasing organelles is more than likely something SARA and research teams could provide. But first, I am preparing the synthetic synpase as you requested and we can test the simulated neuron activity after its digital control interface has been properly programmed."

"It may take a few more minutes, but while we wait I wanted to know what path you believed the research should take if your first hypothesis proves correct and there is a way to hijack the neural signals to phase." Boss said, looking from Morgana to the entrance of the onsen where the showers and hallway beyond lay.

"Well, if we can identify the method of activation and duplicate it we can do one of a few things. If we can inhibit it, we can inhibit their ability to phase. If we can activate it we can render an Enhanced time a no factor. If we can partially activate it, we could phase out part of their carapace and attack them directly in their vitals, resulting in faster kills." Morgana explained clinically before she followed Boss's gaze "What is it?" She asked, looking at the closed door.

Boss' attention seemed more affixed to the combat concepts Morgana was laying out and merely said, "I believe the captain intends to utilize the onsen."

Sure enough, the door opened and in the far changing room, flashes of pink and blue appeared as Hoshi turned on the shower and quickly rinsed. After she had turned towards the bath, she looked quizzically at Boss, standing fully clothed as she was in the bath. Only when she realized that it was the ship's volumetric projection did she turn and give a curt wave to Morgana.

"Mind?" Hoshi asked before approaching the rocky pool. She herself was naked, unlike Boss, but wrapping a small towel around the crown of her head to keep her hairline tidy.

"Not at all ma'am." Morgana responded as her gaze followed the captain. "Boss and I are just going over some lab results from the samples gathered from the mission. You might be interested in hearing what we've discovered so far. Though I think we're still in an early phase, there might be aspects of the Enhanced Type's biology we can exploit in future encounters."

"I'm happy we had you around this mission." Hoshi said with a happy glean to her smile as she stepped towards the rocks and dipped a hand in. "On Kessica, William and I took down one of these by burying it in most of a mountain's snow to stop its regenerative hemo from spilling out its wounds and healing itself. But we were fighting a ground operation and didn't have the resources to spend scooping and splices samples of it. Fill me in on your progress."

"To keep it simple," Morgana spread out in the onsen, once again, leaving her pad on the stones, "Their phasing ability is generated from organelles, small structures within their cells. We have determined that these structures are activated via Paracine Signalling, chemical signals between the cells. However, I am convinced that this is only partially the case as intercellular signaling are too slow and too imprecise for the feats we've seen thus far. We have also noticed some differences in the neural structure, so I was about to ask Boss to attempt electrostimulation to see if we can get the sample to phase."

The science officer then looked at Boss, "If you go ahead, make sure the lab is in Zero G and ensure the sample remains in the same frame of reference as the ship. If we do manage to activate the phasing we don't want the sample falling down the deck below and causing a contamination issue. Thing is crawling with MHV."

"I certainly second that." Hoshi's deep blue eyes went wide momentarily as Morgana added that last safety protocol and she nodded, feeling the weight and severity of the notion of her crew becoming infected. She got into the onsen and breathed out contentedly, "Any differences between this sample and what we know of Advanced could help greatly, but I'm sure you've already done that."

"One of the reasons why I'm working from here rather than the lab." Morgana said. "We have the clean zone, then the lab itself. I'd need to let the robotic arms do most of the work anyway, so may as well soak while working."

She then poured half of the remaining Sake into her ceramic cup before placing the bottle back in the float and pushing it towards the captain, "Feel free to have some. Anyway," she leaned forward "Aside from the phasing I've not noticed too many differences. Their digestive molecules are far more potent, while they've lost other functionality. Which would explain what..." Her clinical inflection became more sombre, "What happened to Muyomi."

Though Hoshi was planning on drinking the sake she had poured, she stopped short. Even Morgana's tone changed and the captain just pressed the slender cup to her lips then set it back on the float.

Boss interrupted the silence when she said, "I have just sliced the synapses from neurons and am preparing to stimulate neuron activity and recording results. I have also temporarily diverted CFS shielding to the lab in particular. Since we are traveling at sublight speeds, anyway, this shouldn't impede our journey."

"Thank you, Boss," Hoshi said, speaking towards one of the walls of the onsen rather than the volumetric projection. She knew the AI was everywhere on this ship and that the representation was more for their comfort than hers, so spoke to the walls moreso than the projection when speaking to her

"Interesting initial response of nano and femtomachines when stimulated." Boss said. "Shoi, I am again sending data and preemptive analysis to your pad now."

Morgana sighed "Well that potentially complicates things." She said, taking a sip of her sake "Still, seems like they reacted to electro stimulation." She pulled the pad over to herself again and took a brief look before leaning back. "Run the gambit on the sample as far as electrostimulation and see what happens. Make sure you're recording EMF output. If they're not completely foolish they'll have public/private encryption, but they might have done something like hard code the encryption keys."

The scientist then let out a thoughtful exhale. "Probably most promising avenue for this exploit would be the Paracine signaling chemicals. See if you can isolate the activation and inhibitor molecules."

"Working on such now," the MEGAMI said jovially. "Inhibitor molecule isolated, working on the activator now."

"I don't think I've had such entertainment during a bath in awhile," Hoshi mused, sinking further into the onsen as she did. "Now the next step beyond working in the bath will be combat in it. What do you think it'll take to convince Mishhu to stage the next battle in a hot spring?"

Morgana gave the captain a glance out of the corner of her eye, clearly uncomfortable with the thought. She then smirked with a silent chuckle "I'm not keen on the idea myself. But I'll say this much ma'm, if they violate the sanctity of bath time I cannot be held responsible for the avenues of research I go down in response."

"Mmmmm," Hoshi made a quiet growl of a sound that would have been unprofessional in any other setting. "Maybe I'll have to set such a thing up, then. I wouldn't want to stop you from discovering any path to eradicating our enemies, Morgana-shoi. I hope you know that." She sunk deeper still into the water until her eyes slid closed and her blue and white hair was all that could be seen, floating on the surface of the water.

"I've found the activation molecule to be quite slippery." Boss told Morgana. "But have isolated it and am ready to reproduce the experiment in stimulating them. Directing results immediately to your pad."

"Synthesize a small batch and inject the sample, see if it phases." Morgana said before muttering under her breath, "Would have much preferred if we could have stimulated it electrochemically but better than nothing."

The scientist then turned to Hoshi. "As far as I'm concerned captain, the enemies use of MHV and psionics basically escalates the conflict to the point where nothing is off the table. Our higher ups may disagree, I sometimes get the feeling they wish to win through 'honorable' tactical victories." She narrowed her eyes slightly, "I suppose it doesn't hurt if its' all theoretical. Deployment of anything I can come up with is ultimately up to you."

"My apologies," Boss said, but continued with the test.

"There's a saying," Hoshi had come back up to hear Morgana speak and now gurgled out her words into the water. "She who underestimates her enemy will not live long in this world. But you're underestimating your superiors. They'll do just as much as you or me. The people that won't are our neighbors. Those that saw killing all of the Kuvexians on their banking planets as genocide. Those who won't fight the Mishhvurthyar themselves but will benefit from us protecting the Kikyo Sector. Those that continue to blame Emperor Uesu for the plague are the ones we will be hurt by."

"Listen carefully," Hoshi had since stopped speaking into the water and was staring intently into Morgana's green eyes with all of the captain's usual kindliness gone. "I don't care if it's on my ship, on a research facility for SARA, or in Yui's own office, find what it takes to kill the Mishhuvurthyar before they kill us. The only ones stopping you are the first ones to die when the Mishhu invade our sector."

Morgana felt small, frozen for a moment in Hoish's cold stare, but as the captain spoke she countered with her own intense gaze, though hers reflected the scorching fires from the Battle of Yamatai. "Understood Captain. Any avenue that may result in victory will not be ignored."

She couldn't maintain the exchange any longer, and broke the gaze to look at Boss. "It's not your fault Boss, we'll play the hand we're dealt. We've also established that the femtomachines react to nervous signals. We might find additional exploits in that."

Hoshi made a soft grunting noise and lifted her arms out of the water, rotating them slightly. She massaged her left shoulder and made another vociferation as she closed her eyes. Whatever she had tapped into while speaking to Morgana she was seemingly ridding herself of as she meditatively stretched her arms and back in the warm water.

For her part, Boss had disengaged from the conversation momentarily. Brought back by Morgana's words, she check in on what the analysis in the lab decks above had come up with and pushed the process further.

"I understand, Shoi." Boss said, "From what the testing is showing, there is a 50% efficacy rate amongst the batch analysis. Some are phasing while some with the synaptic stimulation are merely engaged with femto swarms around their organelle structure."

"That's still huge." Morgana said with wide eyes "We manage to partially phase an Enhanced type's carapace we'll be able to hit its vitals more effectively." She then had another thought. "Are you able to test the inhibitor molecule to see if it stabilises the phasing?"

"That does indeed sound huge," Hoshi murmured. "Mind if I drink to that?" She took her first sip of sake and sighed out afterwards.

"Verifying now," Boss said and was quiet for a long moment. "Stabilization is imminent, I'm changing the molecule's membrane to be more compatible with what we're seeing in the test subject's."

"Excellent. So we should have the option of either forcing a partial phase resulting in easier penetration, or preventing them from phasing." Morgana said, getting to her feet, before looking over at Hoshi. "I also have another idea based off your anecdote about killing one of them in the cold, but I'll keep you in suspense on that one." She had a slight smirk as she talked.

"In suspense," Hoshi said and a smile popped up on her face. "I like that. Earlier, I didn’t mean to rattle you. But you’re intelligent and driven. Most scientists are only one or the other, so I don’t want to squander that—nor you. As you know, you have my full support for any ideas you may have, but remember what I said."

"Don't worry Hoshi-Taisa," Morgana turned to Hoshi with a smile. "Message received and understood."

"I'm prepared to be amazed by whatever you have to show me next. I surely was today." Hoshi said with a nod.

The scientist climbed out of the onsen and grabbed a towel, leaving the captain alone in the bath. The thoughts of a dozen projects came to her mind as she walked through the bulkhead door, she had to hurry to organize her thoughts.
OOC Notes
JP by Amethelian and Sunny D
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