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RP: YSS Kaiyō Aside: The Emperor's Daughter


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
16日 2月 YE 46
Kessica Prime

In the aftermath of a recent battle, the capital city on Kessica, a planet known for its pleasant climate, presented a striking blend of resilience and recovery. Having been recently recaptured by the forces of the Star Army of Uesureya, it still displayed evidence of the conflict with the Mishhuvurthyar juxtaposed with healing and rebuilding efforts.

Skyscrapers, some still bearing scorch marks from aether blasts, stretched towards a clear, azure sky. Engineering shuttle pods and robots flitted between buildings, aiding in the repair of damaged structures, their metallic bodies glinting in the sun. A few buildings were adorned with large, shimmering force fields, acting as protective barriers against potential future attacks. Every effort had been made to eradicate signs of the hated Mishhuvurthyar's presence a year ago. Reminders of the battle to retake the planet stood tall next to Uesureya starport where figures from Legion 777 were cast in statue and adorned the courtyard where the final battle to take back Kessica had taken place.

The streets, clean and well-maintained, were bustling with life. Nekovalkyrja and other citizens of diverse species walked or hovered through the city, engaging in daily activities. Some areas of the city were filled with markets selling exotic goods from across the Kagami galaxy, a testament to the city's resilience and its return to normalcy.

The outskirts of the city blended seamlessly into the natural landscape of Kessica. Lush greenery encroached upon the urban environment, with gardens and parks offering serene escapes. These areas were frequented by families and individuals seeking peace and connection with nature, reflecting the planet's overall harmonious balance between technology and the environment.

In the heart of the city, a large, open plaza featured a monument dedicated to the Star Army of Uesureya. The monument, a soaring sculpture made of a shimmering Zesuaium starship parts salvaged from battle sites, symbolized the city's gratitude and remembrance of the sacrifices made for its freedom. Around this monument, people gathered, some in quiet reflection, others in lively conversation, embodying the spirit of a community that had endured and was reborn.

In a small coffee shop across from the monument, Taisho Ketsurui Yui met with Emperor Kitsurugi Uesu. "With the factories of Kessica back online, we're putting the new EUNA armor into full production," he was telling her. "The next step is to get the shipyards back online. The liberation of Kessica was a huge victory for us and a big loss for them and their production capabilities. If we can keep up to momentum we can start hitting their other manufacturing as well. I want to finish clearing this sector before we start hunting around in other sectors too much."

Yui nodded. "It sounds like, while we share common enemy, you'll be fighting your war and I'll be fighting mine," she told him.

"Is that an issue?" Uesu asked. "You were never one to ask for help with anything."

"It is not," Yui said. "Furthermore I will continue to provide you with some support to expedite your efforts. One of the key issues we face is simply finding the NMX and SMX in the vast Kagami galaxy and the ones here are something we can use to get our experience fighting them. For this reason, one of my best captains will be here to support your next campaign," the Taisho of the Star Army of Yamatai said, gesturing to captain Hoshi.

"I'm grateful for your help," Uesu nodded to Hoshi. "You were instrumental in getting this world back. If you're up for another one, I'd like to try."

"I was happy to help you before we retook the planet," Taiyou Hoshi said, having been listening intently to the conversation with a hand under her chin. "But I'm all the more happy to be there for you again now that we've done so here on Kessica. You warned us that the Mishhuvurthyar you've been fighting would be a challenging enemy and you were right; it was some of the hardest and longest fighting. But it was well worth it. What you've said now only cements that in my mind. You can count on my ship and I to be ready when you are."

"The NMX have discovered a network of wormholes that give them fast travel to various parts of the Kagami Galaxy," Yui said. "After the YSS Resurgence discovered these we started looking around and we found there is one that could connect the Uesu Sector and the Kikyo Sector, drastically shortening times to move between the Yamatai Star Empire and the Uesureyan Star Empire. The problem is the NMX have already discovered it and are using it as a back-door to the Kikyo Sector. They have set up considerable defenses on the Uesu Sector side. We need a special forces team to infiltrate and deactivate the defenses so that a Star Army fleet can come through and take control of the wormhole."

"I know enough about the wormhole networks the Mishhuvurthyar are using enough for an upcoming mission. I don't need to know much more to be able to tell that's a vulnerability we shouldn't let them have."

Hoshi tilted her head, making her light blue hair clump up on the Type 35 epaulets. "I've worked with Special Personnel Projects before, is that what you would need of me. Or would the Kaiyo itself be the infiltration team you're looking for?"

"The Kaiyō is one of those ships that has a record of pulling off big wins on limited resources. Are you and your crew up for it?" Uesu asked.

"Retaking Kessica was a challenge not just because of the enemy, but because such a large operation wasn't something my crew had undertaken yet. It was in large part possible due to the support of the joint task forces. This mission you're putting forth, it's much more in our wheelhouse," Hoshi said with a smile that crept up one side of her face. "I'm confident we're up to it."

"I feel like sending in a small team to sabotage and catch them by surprise will save lives over a huge operation," Yui explained. "If we alert them and give them time to react, they will send a much larger force based on my experiences with them so far in this war. However, if we take over the facilities, we can add its defenses to our own and counter their counterattack."

"That your experience points towards what my team is most capable of is auspicious. Either that or your simply chose the right ship for the job." Hoshi felt it was a little surreal sitting between Yui and Uesu, two of the most important people in Yamataian history, and had to collect herself momentarily with a nod of her head and a focusing of her dark blue eyes.

"Regardless," Hoshi said purposefully, "I understand the significance this installation will play in both keeping the NMX and SMX out of the Kikyo Sector and creating an easy route between us and Uesureya. We'll do what we do best—our best!"
OOC Notes
JP by Wes and Ametheliana
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