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Assistant Android Series


Inactive Member
This is the first is a short line of Assistant Androids that are being designed and constructed by NovaCorp. Any feedback (IC and OOC will be apreciated, although can we try and keep the criticism helpfull? Also if someone has covered a point, don't post about it, I don't like how this sort of post get's too long and makes people not want to buy it. If you want tp give me your point of view, but don't think it's necesary to post, please PM me or YIM me).

Robotic Assistant Series

Personal assistant: 7,500ks

This android was created by NovaCorp to create a perfect secretary and personal assistant, obedient, polite and very efficient, while maintaining the form of humans, and not wasting money on strength and durability that wouldn't be needed. As such the Personal assistant android was created. Standing 5'8'', and with an average body size the personal assistant is a sleek looking tool, a chrome coating over it's steel body. It comes in a male, female or androgynous physical form. It uses synthetic muscles of a strength rivalling that of humans, utilising a poor quality smart material (a material that contracts when an electric current is flowed through it) and can be sprained or damaged like a normal muscle. The steel coating is far from complete, and most of the body shows the inner workings of the muscles, which have a completion similar to a smoother version of human muscles, however the head and torso is made without any direct entrance to the centre, meaning you can't deactivate it simply by fiddling around with the torso. The head has two camera type eyes, covered with a black glass lens. In the throat is a transmitter which the android uses to talk, and there are sound receivers where the ears would be and also in the hands. The eyes are slightly better than humans, and can see into the infrared spectrum. The sound receivers are only slightly more sensitive than humans. Both the eyes and the ears can record their sensations. The fingers are sensitive to touch, and the whole body can sense vibrations in its body, giving it a sense of touch similar to that of a humans. For an additional 750ks, the personal assistant can be fitted with an holographic projector, housed over the surface of the ‘skin' and in the torso, which can only project one form, which is chosen at purchase, but can be updated at a later point. The projector creates a good enough image to fool the eye at first glance, but with concentration you can see beneath it.

The android stands out better in melee due to the steel nature of its body, but a blade to its muscles short-circuits the arm. Weapons such as projectiles or energy weapons effect Personal Assistants almost as badly as they effect a normal human, the steel torso not giving much protection. The personal assistant can however wear armour like a normal human, and carry conventional weapon. Work is being done on an interface that would allow them to use power armour.

The personal assistant has a personality that is largely directed by the buyer, or can come in the default mode. This is basically cold and efficient personality, but cheerful and attentive is also popular. Other wise the personality can be like anything the buyer wants, or it can buy an additional feature (200 ks) which means that the android can develop its own personality. It has a mind like a computer, but has a reasoning ability rivalling, but not exceeding, that of a human. It has a perfect memory and increased analytical ability, but that is it. Its grasp of social situations is something which is not great, but can get better as the personal assistant learns. The usual functions of the android are to take care of its charge, make sure everything is in order, take letters dictated, and do everything that a personal assistant and secretary could do. It also makes a decent office worker.

Every day the Personal Assistant must spend six hours with a specialised cot with a cooler sized charger beneath it connected to the android by a cable which replenishes its batteries. For those that don't want to purchase the system, it can link itself to a power source using a specialised power conduit, but this is not as efficient, the android needs to recharge for 6 hours, and does not run at top efficiency.
I'll post more detailed comments when I get some time; Looks awesome.
C3-PO but cooler. A quick amendment to the above: speaks through it's MOUTH, via a simulated voice box. doesn't look so... tacky that way... plus we discussed that earlier Thomas!
Uso, I didn't respond to begin with because I didn't want the drawn out discussion/arguement like we've had on other threads. Basicly, first it looks different from C-3PO by the fact it's body is smooth, chrome, and the muscles are not mechanical, but actualy looks like mucles.

Secondly, the idea of an personal assistant android may not be original, but it is a good one. Also there was nothing like it on StarArmy, and I hope I have made it slightly specialised enough for you.

I'm not going to respond to anything else you post on this thread unless there is a really good reason. Just stop with the 'it's not original', or the 'someone else has done it before's. I don't really care about that. All I care about is that I've done it, I didn't see any around, and there now up for sale.
Aside from asthetic differences in casing and how it moves the overall look between the two is also the same. Also both have simmilar functions and capability, only the novacorp vertion has to lay down for a while to charge.

As far as this being specialised I'm going to have to disagree. There really isn't anything special about it, its just a generic bot. QIS produced something simmilar to do mundane tasks in the past but never offered it for sale.

As for nothing like it on stararmy, I belive most of the creatures made by PNUgen act as servants.
Look, I've wanted to have robots (including the generic kind) on Star Army for some time now, and these are an excellent start. Just because humanoid robots are a well-covered area in science fiction doesn't mean that this robot series is unoriginal. The robot's different in appearance, function, internal workings, the way it operates; it's no C3P0. Your comments seem like you're just trying to antagonize Thomas for being creative, and that's absolutely contrary to the purpose of this site. If you're going to post, post something useful, Zack. Why not make an "original" robot?
*stares at post for a while*

...damn... no gigantic mecha that don't appear to obey the laws of physics...


constant thrust = constant velocity!
it's no C3P0

quite the opposite, C3P0 is capable of doing virtually everything this can. It even has a simmilar look, androginous form, incomplete coverings, chrome plating, ect. Its lack of ability to grasp social situations is even C3POish in nature.

The only real different things would be the holographic projector and the need to charge up in a cot thingy.

The reason I am saying this is unoriginal is because it is. The apparance is similar, the function is similar, the internal workings I can't really compare, and the way it opperates is also simmilar. I'm not going to lie to Zakalwe.

Why not make an "original" robot?

There was a time when it was fun to make stuff for SA.
It isn't even clear what C3P0 is powered by or what his "muscles" are, so you have no basis on which to say they're similar. 3P0 is a dorky protocol droid built by Anakin. NovaCorp's is a sleek personal assistant (3P0 doesn't do manual labor!) made en masse.

They're both humanoid robots, but the semblance to the Star Wars bot ends there. Please restrict further comments to the non-"that's unoriginal" variety.
C3PO was a dorky android, but the series of bots like him in starwars which was not only first designed to be a sleek humanoid robot servant but also does preform manual labor in the Extended Universe stuff.

They are both humanoid robots, have similar external designs, *is to lazy to find my book on starwars tech to compare any internal workings*, and have almost exactly the same use.
Oh for God's sake, this is exactly what I was trying to avoid. C-3PO is a translation android, uses mechanical muscles, is not smooth, is winey, not much of a servant, and this is not at all like him. Where in star wars do you actualy see him helping Luke, writing letters, foliding clothes, aranging scheduales etc.
Episode 1: a P0 droid is serving drinks to jedi, the same droid also acts as an assistant to the vice-roy, Later C3P0 is left with luke's mother to help her around the house.

Episode 4: Luke's uncle purchases C3P0 to help with the whole farming thing

In jedi outcast II there is a protocal droid arranging secheduals on the landing bay inside that super imperial fortress thing.

Again in jedi outcast a protocal droid is helping with the mining operation for that lightsaber resistant material.

It doesn't matter if you intended to or not, this android still closely resembles the droids out of starwars.
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