Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Section 6 Assistant to the S6 Director Not Assistant S6 Director


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master

There was an eery stillness on the planet. Just two days after Havok had ended and most residents were inside sleeping off the world's worst hangovers ever recorded. Those that were not resting were on cleaning crew. The atmosphere was placid and calm, though a clapping of flats against the cobblestone diminished that marginally.

A blonde woman with sharp and piercing blue eyes had slept the night before in a mediocre hostel after arriving mid-way through the festival the day prior. Currently, she was walking with a determined, fast pace out of the hostel with only a leather bag, a summer dress, and a charm bracelet on her. The bag was barely flled with clothes and had in it toiletries and a few trinkets picked up from the local shops. Her red flats matched the budding roses on the white, thin dress she wore.

A Raven sport with the S6 logo would pull into the hotel parking lot. The sports car honked its horn to announce its presence. The blonde waved her hand after raising her arm upwards and her bracelet's charms jingled in the sunlight as she skipped over to the car, flats slapping the cobblestones before getting to the paved parking lot.

"Thank you," she huffed out to the driver with a smile directed their way as she entered. "I'm Lindsey Leeroy, going to Section 6 HQ! But you know that, right?"

"Yes ma'am!"

After the driver gave his cheery response, he pulled away once his passenger was good and comfortable. The car travelled through the city and turned onto a large highway which stretched out into the desert. The vehicle picked up speed on the long road, and a large facility could be seen fast approaching. Both occupants would pass straight through a manned checkpoint, security personnel standing watch at their stations. The putter wall perimeter gave way to rows of suburban style two story houses. The main HQ of Section 6 was quickly reached, the car pulling up in front of the building's entrance.

"Welcome to Section 6 headquarters. A receptionist will direct you to which of the department's you're visiting today. Have a wonderful day Miss Leeroy."

"Thank you," she said, repeating some of the only words she had said in quite some time. She walked on her flats to the receptionist after getting out with her bag and self secure.

Walking up to the desk, she said with a smile, "I am Lindsey Leeroy, here to see Mr. Pine. Jack Pine."

The woman looked at a note on her pad briefly before returning her attention with a polite smile.

"The director is expecting you, his office is down the left behind me. It's a pneumatic door with wood paneling. Only one like it, so you can't miss it. I'll message ahead to let him know you arrived."

Again, the blonde said, "Thank you!"

She trotted down the hall until she was very near the pneumatic door and raised her fist to knock on it.

Jack rubbed his eyes before taking a sip of water. He signalled the door to open after hearing the knock.

"Welcome Miss Leeroy. Please, come in, have a seat and be comfortable. I understand you applied for the recent wanted ad we put out," Jack said gesturing to an empty comfortable chair.

The office was wood paneled on the walls, the floor carpeted. A decent sized onyx desk with carved designs on it sat at its center, a terminal screen built into its surface. Jack sat in a chair the same as the one gestured to, dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket with s6 markings. A liquor cabinet sat in one corner, a file cabinet in the other, photos were spaced across the walls. To be honest one might consider the design theme of the furnishings a mix of gothic and rustic.

"Yes," she said as she sat, crossing her legs. "I applied to become your assistant, Mr. Pine. I don't doubt you're in need of one. Section 6 is exploding quite quickly. You've made your mark on this planet, and beyond, without a doubt."

"Advance, adapt, overcome. Building a home and future today. We stand by that dream, that ideal. It's what ever person here works so hard to reach. We've made great strides from medical, engineering, to security. We've of course had our share of obstacles too. That's why we search for individuals with potential, even if they don't see it, we here want to help them be the best they can and reach their own goals. Tell me Lindsey, what is your goal in life? What can we help you reach?"

He said these words kindly and with an assuredness, but even he could not hide the subtle signs of how tired he felt. He really needed this position filled, things could be running smoother, and there was only so much he and Mark could do. Especially with how busy things had been. Numerous missions, and then diplomatic relations building throughout the west.

"I've always wanted to help people," she said to Mark, noting the enthusiasm depite the weariness that barely seeped in at the edges. "I want to help those that need it most."

"That's a noble goal, and one you'll find in common around here. It's good to know there are good people where ever you go. Tell a bit about yourself Miss Leeroy."

"I guess you could say I didn't have a normal up-bringing, but I barely know anyone that can say they did. My mom was the only one that raised me and it wasn't easy for her to be away from her partner, she was very lonely. So I took care of her day in and day out," the blue-eyed beauty seemed to grow pale. "I know that is a little bit close to too much information," she gave a soft, embarrassed laugh, "but it's molded me. I got into the internship program at a news station and it took me away from my mom too much, so I quit to work from home."

The blonde went on, "Five years later, one month and," she looked away from Jack and to the wall, "five days ago," she looked back to him, "she died. I've been looking for a, uh... I almost just said I was looking for something to take my mind off of her death. That's not what you want to hear, is it?" Her smile was hurt and broken, not quite reaching her eyes. "I wanted to find a job to keep myself occupied and out of the house I grew up in. It feels... Empty, now."

"No, it's okay. We get a lot of people with sad pasts, looking for a new purpose, guide, goal. I myself never knew my parents, I grew up on the streets, so you can see why I started this. Now I have a home, a wife I love, kids who have been a joy to me. They filled a hole in my life that had long been left open. I hope you can find the same here. It may be a dustbowl now, but one day we can make this world a beautiful home," Jack said feeling for the woman, "Is there any questions I can answer for you?"

The blonde looked a little less upset as she said, "I am happy that I have found a place here, then." She looked like she was struggling to find out if she had any more questions. "Oh! I know a question I have for you. When do I start?"

Jack chuckled, "When would you feel comfortable starting? You may want to take the day to move into your house first."

"Yes," she said, eyebrows creasing, "I think I might like that. One of those," she pointed towards the door, "two story houses is just for me?" She looked very happy.

"Yes. As well as one of the cars like the one that brought you here, along with a few minor items in addition. Power and water are also taken care of by underground facilities, so you don't have to worry about a utilities bill either. Any last minute questions before I hand over your keys and the requisition for the other items? About the job, area, S6, any of the staff," he asked as he pulled out a pair of keys from a drawer and set them on the black desk.

She looked at him and said, "Where should I show up to work? Who will I need to know the names of besides you, if I'm to be your assistant? Is there any protocol to working here that I need to know about? How to lace my shoes and dot my i's sort of stuff."

Jack picked up a pad with a blank screen, he looked at it and data began to rapidly flick across the screen, "This has the name of the head of every department, as well as their team supervisors. The people you will most commonly see are Rose Pine, head of advanced R&D, with Sarah not too far behind, Haruka Yamamoto our medical head, my wife Isabelle Pine our engineering head, the co-director Mark Oaklen, SABERs Lt. Commander Jay Nagato, Seraphina Cerulius a team lead for Rose, Nora who has been a representative for us lately as my granddaughter, and of course Miss Tasuki herself.

"You'll start your day here where we will discuss plans for the day, and any new ones that need to be made. Then I'll have you do things as needed, basically collecting reports, managing data here and there, and making sure that the department heads are doing alright. There is no dress code, unless for formal occasions, or safety gear, if at all needed.

"Your position is of great importance, and carries my authority by extension. With your help to keep things running more efficiently, I can focus on the larger things and bring progress forward. I hope I'm not overwhelming you with this, I realize it sounds like a lot, and a very weighted position. I assure you however, you, I, and the department heads. We all carry it equally."

"If this were anyone else in this position," the blue-eyed woman said to Jack, "I would think they would have difficulty with the task of being your assistant. But it's me, and I trust in myself being able to take on this task more than anything! I deeply thank you for giving me this opportunity of a lifetime!"

She stood and gave Jack Pine her hand to shake it, ready for the meeting's adjournment.

"My daughter actually had the position before, but given she joined SABER and their recent boom in contracts, she became full time. And I greatly appreciate your help, I've been needing someone like you for a while now," Jack said shaking the hand with a smile.

"I've been hoping to help someone for a good time, now," she replied as they shook hands. When they had stopped, her hands held one another in front of her rosebud dress. "I'm glad that time has come."

"I'm glad we could help each other then. Go enjoy the new house, maybe meet some of the others around here, tomorrow will be a big day."

She smiled wide and was soon out the door.
