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AT-1 Guided Missile

Ok here's the issue; according to the wiki you have a missle that can carried and fired by infantry. That's not the problem, the problem is that you have, in you own words, essentially a nuclear missile that can be fired by infantry as well.

This allows a single infantrymen to take out large groups of enemy assets, tanks, infantrymen and if that infantryman has several of these Nuke's at their disposal... I'm sure you get what I mean.

Unless I am looking at this the wrong way, regardless, that is my concern.
I think if he removed the nuclear-annihilation capability it'd be fine. Thermobaric also seems iffy to me, but... Eh. Normal explosions have that effect anyway. Not sure why you need a specific warhead for it.
In that case, I'm satisfied with the changes.

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