Star Army

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Approved Character Athrylis Adair


Inactive Member
Name: Athrylis Adair

General Information

Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Female
Age: 20

Family / Creators: Marius Adair-45 Katherine Adair-deceased Lucious Adair-deceased

Employer: Star Army of Nepleslia Intelligence and Pacification Group
Occupation: IPG Operator Initiate
Rank: IPG Operator Initiate
Current Assignment:

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'4
Weight: 100 lbs (~45 kg)
Bra Size: B

Build and Skin Colour: Fairly thin, with smooth Caucasian-flesh-colored skin. Her whole body is rather sinewy and lithe.
Facial Features and Eye Colour: Dull, gray-blue eyes, with features that aren't too sharp and aren't too rounded. They look very real, and only under close inspection could one tell that they were cybernetic from an ever-so-tiny metal ring around the iris.
Hair Colour and Style: Dark red hair, goes down to upper-mid back. It is kept down, with her bangs kept off to one side with a hair clip.

Distinguishing Features: Cybernetics: Cybernetic Eyes: Both of Athrylis' eyes are cybernetic. They have minor zoom capabilities (5x), can calculate range, and can see in infrared.

Arms: The whole of Athrylis' right arm, and the part below to elbow on her left are cybernetics. The right arm has slightly enhanced strength, able to hold roughly 100 lbs sustained. It also conceals a blade, much like a katar, within the forearm which can extend out of the wrist to a few inches beyond the knuckles.
The left arm also has slightly enhanced strength, but isn't not as much because the upper half of the arm is still organic. This contains a similiar blade to that in the right arm.
Both arms have a thin aluminum platemail on the top side of the forearms, for defense. They are also covered with synthetic skin, save for around the wrist. The wrist has a metal ring around it, that looks much like a tight metallic bracelette where the blade would extend out from.

Legs: Both legs are fully prosthetic. Enhanced to be quite a bit stronger, faster, and more durable than the average fully organic person, though not quite olympic level.

Psychological Characteristics

Quite un-emotional, and very obedient. She tends to stay distant from people. She is generally indifferent most topics.
In combat, she is usually ruthless and doesn't care about injuries. Basically, she does whatever it takes to get the job done.

Likes: Quiet, Nice Guys
Dislikes: People that take advantage of her
Goals: To prove to herself that she isn't just her father's tool.


Athrylis was born YE 10 to a family involved in largely gangs, and the resulting gang wars. She grew up decently sheltered from the violence by her mother. Her family was the head of a decently large gang, and kept money up through drug dealing, sending minions out to steal, etc.

When she turned 11 and grew much more aware of the actions around her, a rival gang attacked her family's home. Though they were repulsed, Ahtrylis' mother was killed. It was then that Athrylis was fully taken into the world of gang warfare.

She started training with her father and brothers, trying to help them become the dominant force in the area. Unfortunately, during another attack, one of her brothers was killed and she was critically injured.

To replace lost limbs, the Adair family got her cybernetics. After a brief period of getting used to cybernetics, she volunteered to do some more dangerous tasks for her father, such as being a bodyguard for her father.

As a false peace offering, Athrylis was offered by her father to another gang as a slave. She was instructed to wait until night to do her job, after all there would be many more prying eyes in daylight. It would also have been easier and quieter to off someone sleeping than someone who is awake and trying to run away.

The opposing gang accepted and took Athrylis. That night, after unspeakable things were done to her, Athrylis assassinated the upper member's of the opposing gang from within. Her father used her like this a few more times. In the final one of these 'peace offerings,' Athrylis was once again handed to another gang.

The only difference was that instead of the usual forced sex, the leader treated her kindly and with respect. He even treated her better than her father. Athrylis just couldn't bring herself to kill him. When she didn't return to her father after a few days, Marius took the job personally. He, somehow, got into the opposing hideout, and located Athrylis. Then, he killed the opposing gang's leader, forcing Athrylis to watch. She never learned his name.

This was the last thing she could take from her father. Athrylis left the family at the first chance she got.

Once out in the world, Athrylis would need some way of taking care of herself. After several failures at getting a civilian job, Athrylis applied to the military. There, she was approached by a field intelligence officer for the IPG.


Fighting: Athrylis has been trained extensively in hand-to-hand combat, and also with close range weapons. She is especially skillful at using the weapons in her arms. She was also well trained in doing quick, silent kills (assassination stuff)

Rogue: She is pretty good at sneaking around, going unnoticed. She learned this from her father, after many many tests on trying to sneak around at night. She'd have to sneak through an area, and not be found by her father for a time depending on the test.

Entertainment: Recieving impromptu training of 'entertaining' people, especially men, Athrylis can do a decent belly dance, and can act into the fitting role.

Maintence and Repair: Part of her training was learning on how to take care of some of the more common guns, mainly pistols. She can take them apart and clean them, keeping them in good working order. If one were to jam or something, she'd have quite a bit harder time.

Physical: Her rigorous training with her father led her to be quite agile and limber. She learned basic acrobatics.

Domestic: In servitude to her father, Athrylis had to cook and clean around the house.

Medical: She learned rudimentary first aid, for treating minor injuries up to some small gashes. Nothing too fancy.
1. First and foremost, I need either Kim or Sub to come and give you the OK to join their group. Otherwise, this bio won't go anywhere.

2. The cybernetics are a bit advanced. I also need Kim or Sub to come in and say those are OK.

3. The history ... huh? So this small family was fighting a gang by itself? With no one else? How did they afford the cybernetics? What did the father do for a living? 'Involved in a gang' doesn't say much. Why did she allow the sex to happen; why not just kill them outright before the sex happened? Why didn't the gangs pick up on this tactic?

How did she get into the Military? How did she get picked up by the IPG?

Basically, it's a lot to swallow.

4. The skills need to be more standardized.

a. Rogue needs to be more specific. Not making much noise with heavier cybernetics doesn't quite compute, especially if they're not tuned for sneakiness.

b. Maintenance and Repair needs to be more specific. What guns? Anything else other than guns? What level of maintenance can she perform on them?

c. Medical needs to be more specific. What's "treatment?" What does that cover?

Overall: It feels shallow, and a bit special. I see that you're going for the tortured, hot badass chick that's had her dark past and all, but there's no real depth. What do you want out of this character? What's the goal, if any?

This character is pending.
Thanks Sub; forgot to send you a PM about this.

I'm cool with everything cybernetic-wise ... except the Durandium armor plating. That's getting out there a bit. Some kind of ceramic or aluminum armor I'm down with, something around the (old? current?) DR 3 range, but Durandium's serious shit, and spendy as hell. Let's avoid that.

I don't really get how the blades work. I'm cool with them, but ... does her hand kind of pop away and shink! the blade comes out? Is it through the hand a little bit, all Wolverine-style?
The Wolverine-style blade would work (Logan's come from his forearm and pierce through the knuckle area) and since her hands are cybernetic healing up the wound caused by the extending blades wouldn't be a problem.

I was wondering how wide the blades are and their orientation, vertical or horizontal.

As for the family-vs-gang thing, since it says "family" after her brothers and mother are dead, I'm assuming that there are more family members involved than just her father...uncles, aunts, cousins? Is that correct, Kyoki?
Blade thing, it comes out of the wrist, just over the back of the hand. Semi-wolverine like i guess... just further back.

For family gang thing, the father runs the gang, so the family is like a 'royal' family in their own gang kinda thing.

and i'll change the plate-mail stuff to aluminum o.o

couple other minor changes in there as well, i'll do more of it later... i just can't focus right now.

Edit: Ok updated.

oh ya, and for the reason why other gangs might not pick up on the tactic of the peace offering thing, opposing gangs, i'd assume, wouldn't want to transmit vital info like that to another.
... *nods* Alright. This'll do well. Thanks for your patience, Kyoki.

This character is approved for IC usage. Please add this character's bio to the wiki.