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Attn: All Freespacer players


Inactive Member

I would like to request your involvement in the IC discussion being hosted here. I would also like to hear your thoughts as players in this thread as to how matters should be handled and the direction(s) the Spacers should move. Other players are welcome to post their thoughts as well.

At this time, my plans are not set in stone. I have set up some tension between the Guild and Cult of War. Other issues could be created from the demobilizing non-Spacer IWL characters.

There are also possibilities to formally expand the Spacer presence in the Blue Rift Expanse. There is also some discussion about returning to the Great Lighthouse, Freehold Factory and Journey's End. I, personally, am not terribly keen on it since it will put the Spacers right next to Yamatai again. I would like to turn those systems into memorials for the dead. A sort of "Never let this happen again" area. But again, nothing is set in stone.

Alternatives and completely random ideas are welcome too.

Thank you
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I'm short on time, so I'll try to be to the point.

The Freespacers are an Anarchy - a group of individuals that do their own thing, and only listen to someone else if they feel like it. I suggest staying away from the word 'disband' - if anything, I believe Hassan would announce to Freespacers that he is giving up on so-and-so cause and say why; the rest will follow if his argument is sound enough. Persuasion, not order giving, because nobody is hard-bound to follow like a military is. They all do whatever it is they do out of personal motivation - it's also why they're known to be whimsical.

I also found the vocabulary too formal and stuffy as well. Since Freespacers are always connected to the Polysentience, and always talking to each other, nobody would ever be alone, but at the same time, there'd be no personal privacy. Try thinking of a big, giant family or a neighborhood or town where everyone knows everyone else. Friendly like due to the 'proximity' to each other.

I would also suggest against disbanding the Wired Rovers since they're a classic too, having been with us for so long.
I was under the impression that the dialogue was a private meeting, sort of. But since it isn't, I posted.

I played into my character's metaphorical ideal of harmony (Their name literally means two parts working in tandem) which is coincidentally with my own views on the matter. In any case, the IWL's continued existence is basically a death sentence for any involved.
Well, he did ask for our IC involvement.

I assumed it was being held in the open over the Polysentience, otherwise, there'd be no way for our characters to give feedback. Plus, I felt that it makes sense that the Freespacers would have much fewer barriers between their average people and anyone 'elite' or 'important '. And, despite the 'chaos' of so many voices speaking up at once, as AI's or cyborgs, they'd have a much easier time processing it than typical humans. It'd be something surprisingly democratic in a sense now that I think of it, and surprisingly similar to the Geth in a in a way too - and not a bad one.

As for the Wired Rovers, I would think that Prince Hassan trying to disband them would again cause another schism or fiasco - given the required/general nature for someone to even be in it, many would see that as a betrayal or selling out in a sense. Meanwhile, the more pragmatic of the Wired Rovers would most likely wonder why Hassan didn't just make the point that they should just avoid poaching Yamatai's assets whenever possible, given the indiscriminate and genocidal nature of their enemy.

In regards to my character, she's Infantry, and originally a Militant War Automaton. It's IC for her to be impolite.

Also, I do have a complaint, though probably not what you may think. It's good to have this discussion going on both IC and OOC, but it's also a little irritating that there's so many topics addressed right at the beginning. It makes it tougher to discuss it all OOC, even if it does make some sense IC. There was too much covered before anyone else could say something.
Exactly the sort of stuff I want from characters. I am less experienced with the Spacers so I still need to learn.

And all points brought up ICly are valid points that I knew about when I posted.

Re: Wired Rovers - they will not be disbanded. But beyond that, I am still pondering. I would not dare disband the Rovers. My own brain would revolt against it.

I imagine the Polysentience RP will fade within a week or so but it was important that I make sure Spacer characters get involved. I realize that I made the decision without consultation and so things are less well thought out than they otherwise should be.

Keep the input coming!
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