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RP: UOC Government Audience with the Lorath - 'The Helashio Issue'

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Ayana sat in her office during one of the breaks between the Assembly meetings. On her work computer, she was trying to come up with a logical, real number for the proposed Youth Budget but was having a rough time approximating how much it would actual cost to raise a Jiyuuian child.

A message would ping Ayana, from a one Xiaah Destiny Tur'Lista. It seemed that the queen wished for a private meeting with the Assembly member before she made her floor appearance.

Ayana considered the message with a contemplative smile before sending back a response. "Very well. I'm in my office, we have a few things to discuss."

It would be a few minutes before a knock came to the door. Destiny awaited just outside of the door, the Helashio tribe leaders behind her. They would wait outside the door unless they were invited in, as they wished to do.

Ayana moved from out behind her desk to the door and opened it for the awaiting Lorath. "Hello, good afternoon. Please come in and have a seat," she gestured with a polite smile to the chairs that were sitting in front of her desk. "Would you mind if Motoyoshi Tio sat in with us? I know he was also particularly concerned about the current issue."

Destiny shook her head with a polite smile. "Not at all. The more people we discuss this with to begin with, the better." Destiny was dressed in a loose fitting robe that brushed across the floor of a completely white color. Beads were sewn into the neck with colors of the three houses painted on the beads. At her waist was a cloth belt that helped to cinch the robe loosely, yet still had enough hold to have a plushie at her side. It was a plushie of herself, her face straight and oddly enough dressed in the same outfit. As she entered the room, she made sure to fold her wings behind herself so she could sit a little easier.

"I'll pass that long to him and hopefully, he isn't too busy with his own work so he can join us." Ayana moved back behind her desk. Her own outfit was simple and professional, with a calf length black skirt with a white and black kimono style blouse over top of it. She remained standing behind her desk as she waited for her guests to sit.

After a moment, the three Helashio elders entered the room as well, taking seats next to Destiny now. Each one was in a simple white robe as well, though they looked a little uncomfortable with them on. They made no complaint about it.

The Prime Minister sent a very brief message out to any available members of the assembly, "The Lorath Queen and the Helashio tribe leaders are here in my office if you'd like to address your concerns directly to them. - Ayana"

Alexander returned the message with a short reply. "I will be there shortly Madam Prime Minister. -- Alexander"

"I have at least one other person arriving shortly. Could I get you so water? Was your trip here pleasant and safe?" Ayana inquired politely.

"Some water would be lovely. And yes, the trip was rather pleasant." Destiny was still smiling as she nodded, leaning back in her chair a little as she crossed one leg over the other. The three Helashio elders nodded as well, though they seemed to remain rather impassive in their expressions.

Tio remained quiet, under the cloak of his Shroud Suit. He had little business in all this directly, he just wanted to be there. He leaned against the window frame, watching.

Ayana retrieved some cups from a little table behind her desk and pulled a silver pitcher from a mini fridge underneath her desk. She carefully set them all on the desk before she poured out the various glasses of water. "That's always good to hear. I'm sorry that we have been making some assumptions as to the living conditions of your people... it's rather ignorant but we're going off third hand information. I hope we can settle this without too many more misunderstandings."

"Of course Minister. That is why I am here, to hopefully clear up any misunderstandings. I would like to make sure that everyone knows the truth behind what is happening." Destiny nodded a little, relaxing in her chair still. With the roll of her shoulders she shifted her wings a little again. "Misunderstandings can cause more problems then people think..."

Alexander arrived a short while later in a crisp black business suit, and a crimson tie. His hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail as per usual and his glasses in place. The man dropped into a gentleman's bow smoothly before standing upright. "My apologies if I have arrived late." He responded, wearing a soft, apologetic smile. The Jiyuuian then found himself a seat close by.

The seated Helashio which were invited in had tried to look relaxed, however, they did seem somewhat uneasy. The whole matter of actually needing to be present before another government's ruling party just so they could live the way they wanted, the thought was troublesome to them.

"We haven't really started, I was waiting for you, Alexander," Ayana said with a smile to the assembly member before offering the Lorath and Helashio glasses of water. "I would like very much for your nation and culture to join us under your own sovereignty and retain its culture. The concern for us is very bluntly, how contrary it is for us to call ourselves free and permit slavery to exist in a nation that joins us."

The eldest of the Helashio, and the one which spoke for the other two due to their language barrier looked to Destiny for a moment out of reflex, but knew it was his place to speak at the moment. "Lady Prime Minister, would you abolish prisons for the sake of this same concept?"

Destiny simply let the Helahsio speak for the moment, opting to sit back and listen. They were here after all to speak their mind.

"Actually, imprisonment was seldom used in Yamatai... if you violated the law, you were executed. I feel that imprisoning someone for violating the law is quite different from enslaving them. But there are many different forms of punishment- we have to decide as an assembly how we want to deal with those that violate our laws. You use forced labor as a form of punishment for breaking laws?" Ayana responded curiously as she settled into her chair.

The Helashio took in a breath as he gathered his thoughts. It was some trouble to convert Helashio tongue to that which could be understood by the Jiyuuans. "Forced labor is a separate matter all together. Forced labor can be utilized for community service projects. What we Helashio do is an honoring to our past and the ancestors of the Lorath which are alive today. Before I explain... tell me, do your people consider your elders, ancestors, and memories of these people to be sacred? Or are you like that heathen Uesu, who found nothing sacred?"

Destiny's hand found the Helashio elder's arm in a soft gesture. It was a simple mental projection, asking him to keep his tone and words courteous.

The elder gave a soft nod to Destiny in response, he did let his emotions get the best of him for the moment. He was glad to have someone to keep his mood in check.

"Yes, I do what I can to honor the memories and lives of those that have been lost to us," Ayana added softly with a short nod as she waited for the Helashio to continue.

Alexander sat with his hands clasped before him, listening politely to the conversation. The man took one hand away to brush a stray strand of hair out of his face, and took a moment to adjust his glasses. "We remember our ancestors, our elders yes. However, we do so in other ways. The simple fact of keeping their memory alive is a most sacred thing, to tell their story, to pass on their knowledge, to be proud of them. Remembrance need not be a physical thing so much as an emotional or mental one."

With a nod, the elder Helashio accepted the words which were spoken, and a smile crept across his lips. "I am glad, this means I will be able to explain our situation with greater ease..." The Helashio reached out and took the glass of water in hand before taking a drink to wet his lips before he would begin his long explanation. "I do hope you have time for an old man's ramblings?"

Destiny simply sat back and let the Elder continue, holding the cup of water in her hands still. She took a small sip but otherwise left the glass be.

Alexander merely nodded.

"I'd like to understand your perspective better," the Prime Minister leaned back in her chair and pressed her hands together on the desk in front of her.

"Well, this story goes back about... five thousand years, yes. Quite some time." The elder Helashio seemed very thoughtful on the matter. He was recalling knowledge which was taught to him when he was merely a young boy. "There was a time long ago when the Lorath were much different, and the Helashio were different as well."

So this is the Lorath... Tio mused to himself, he had to question everything in the seconds as he watched this unfold;as any good philosopher would. He wanted to know how they worked, what it was that made these people tick; it fascinated him. After all, it was likely that which had granted them survival, granted them the ability to overcome the trails. So much the same, but so very different. I like these people, there is more to them that what is on the surface;they have depth and are aware of themselves.

"Five thousand and some odd years ago... the Lorath and Helashio shared the surface of Lor. The Lorath were a primarily peaceful society, deeply focused upon their faith and religious practices. We Helashio were a budding industrial society, but we primarily focused upon agricultural ventures." The elder nodded time to time, as if giving approval to his own words. "Well, at the time, the Helashio and Lorath had a reasonable respect of each other's space. We did not bother them, they did not bother us. That is what peace is at it's fundamental level really... Well, sometimes, a group of people can do some very regrettable things, for regrettable reasons."

The Helashio elder let out a sharp exhale, as if disgusted by what was coming to mind. "The ones who made the mistake were my ancestors... A great famine grasped our crops and our livestock. The famine continued for many years because we did not know how to simply combat a fungus... a lowly fungus. At the same time as our crops failing, the Lorath's crops were in full bloom. We accused them of being demons, in league with the evils that be, that they sold themselves to be able to eat. Thus, my foolish ancestors declared a holy war upon the Lorath to persecute them and imprison them."

Tio's interest was perked at the mention of religion. He had been caught in an internal debate for many years as to religion; something Yamatai failed to offer, save for Chiharu -- a dead solider. He had pondered if the thousands of nekos created in an instant and killed in the next. Did they have souls? Did he have a soul? Now there was a new pondering --Did the Lorath and these Helashio have souls? It was something that was not about to be answered, or would be in any easy way. His own thoughts lead him far off now from the conversation. Philo...the love of...sophy...wisdom.

"The purging war lasted for mere months. The Lorath were isolated to a complex of cities, my ancestors were able to force them from their homes and into a pre-designated natural cavern, one of proportions of which even your people who can turn air into metal can appreciate." The elder could not help but to let out a chuckle at the mere thought of air into metal. "We herded the Lorath like cattle into the cavern... cattle which had a vicious bite as they were cornered. None the less, my people were fanatics, and fanaticism won out as we trapped the Lorath population in the cavern, sealed the opening shut, and imprisoned them beneath the very soil which sparked the conflict... That was our first mistake."

"Our second mistake was one which was far more foolish, and far more evil than what we did to begin with..." The Helashio frowned as he slouched in his chair and looked into the glass of water in his hands. "We forgot. We left them there to die, and we forgot about them. We forgot about the war which we caused, we forgot about the people who were slaughtered, we forgot about supposedly destroying an entire people. We forgot the face

s of those who came before us. For five thousand years my people simply stagnated upon the surface, forgetting, never wishing for more, never trying. We were lazy fools, content with our crops and our primitive ways. That absurd fantasy which was a life with no memories, and a life without recognizing what we did, that was our greatest sin."

"And so, five thousand years passed." The Helashio gave a laugh as he looked at who he was seated with. "Your people, you're mere children... I hope the depth of the concept of five thousand years is grasped and appreciated... I hear your eldest are merely thirty years of age. But that is off our subject..." The Helashio gave a slight cough before resuming his tale.

"Our past before Uesu has been swept away but please, go on," Ayana urged as she watched the Helashio's face with an expression of rapt awe of the story.

"We forgot for five thousand years, then we were sharply reminded. The soil broke, geysers of steam, ash, and dust filled our skies and blackened them. Those which were forgotten made their return. We stubbornly tried to keep them pent up. However, while we stagnated, they adapted and grew. The war between our people lasted for... about one hundred and fifty years, and that is not including the last legs of combat. However, the Lorath were kinder than we were. They conducted their combat honorably. Not a single bullet was fired by them, not a single bomb used. They killed us with bare hands, blades of fire, and their sheer will." The Helashio's eyes looked saddened. Despite the time, he still felt for his ancestors.

"As the war dwindled down, so did my people's numbers. However, the war also served to remind us of what we had done to the Lorath. This led my direct ancestors to meet with my Mistress Xiaah's grandparents. They were mighty figures, great beasts of flesh and wisdom... and they were kind. My ancestors offered the Helashio people's freedom as penance for what had been done to the Lorath. My ancestors vowed for five thousand years we would give to the Lorath our hearts, minds, souls, and bodies to repay the sin of forgetting everything which had happened... and so, the vast majority of my people agreed, and we were then bonded to our Lorath masters which we would serve until our debt was paid."

The entire time, Destiny neither smiled nor grimaced, no emotion graced her face. She had remained silent during the telling, and even after the telling of the Lorath and Helashio shared history as she waited for questions from Ayana.

"This is truly touching that is an agreement between your ancestors but what about your youth? It is indeed a horrible thing that was done on both sides, but do all Helashio indenture themselves to the Lorath?" Ayana asked as courteously as she could. "It's hard to find any grouping of people that are completely in agreement."

"That is why there are groups which are allowed to 'Free roam', they are watched by the Fyunnen of the Lorath, and the Lmanel as well to ensure they don't stir up trouble. These same free roamers are also to be relocated to a settlement in the Hici'emi system. There, they will be given the opportunity to live as they normally would, or to find employment. However, they are also treated as cultural outcasts. They are committing the same sin which damned us to begin with" The Helashio elder explained as he set his water glass down upon the Prime Minister's desk.

"Each Helashio born is given the chance to do as they please, whether it be finding a job within the Lorath society, both indentured and salary or wage, as well as given the opportunity to go off planet and find work. There are many Helashio now even in employment on Yamatai." Destiny explained.

"ah, I see, fair enough. If you choose to serve, why the need for the harsh brainwashing training collars I've heard about?" Ayana queried again. "Would you like some more water?"

"However, the majority of us do not ask for pay, we do not ask for a position in society, we do not even ask for the clothes which are upon our backs. We did not give any of such things to the Lorath, why should they give to us?"

"As for the collars and 'brainwashing'..." The Helashio elder pressed his lips together. "When a soldier enters a military, are they automatically granted a rifle and sent to the field?"

"Not at all. We sent them someplace to teach them the skills they need. But they have the choice to leave if the life of the soldier doesn't suit them. Our main concern as a people is that others be allowed to make the choice for themselves for how to live their lives, to us, using devices that force that training into someone over all else is wrong," Ayana added. "Unless I have been misinformed of how the training collars work."

"At a certain age, usually about the time of the later stages of... well, I think your people call it puberty. We allow our young to choose what they will do with their life. The majority, choose to honor our debt to the Lorath. Upon this agreement, they are taken in as slaves and they make a binding agreement to serve." The elder explained as he thought back to his own youth. "Training is then given to grant these Helashio the skills they need to be able to serve properly. During the course of this training, the Lmanel trainer can install a collar to aid the young servant in learning their role, and how to appreciate their task. The collars are not just manipulative tools, they also grant rewards for good behavior, and help the young trainees perform as well as they would like to."

"Was there not a similar tool installed in your first power armor suits? That gave a pleasurable twinge with each kill?" Destiny asked Ayana, tilting her head a little.
"I'm not sure about the validity of that claim. That would give the impression that former Yamataian power armor pilots enjoy the sensation of killing people, and I don't feel that is true. I know that by going through a high stress situation like that, one gets a rush of adrenaline as a natural response. But now that we have our own equipment, the former Yamataian equipment doesn't apply. We are a different body of people with our ancestry in Yamatai, we haven't forgotten our roots or our elders, we just wish to do things differently.

The pressing concern that prevents us from accepting you is the perceived notion of forced slavery and the usage of the training collars. If what you say is true, then us outlawing slavery does nothing since the Helashio that have indentured themselves to service to the Lorath are there willingly. I would like there to be three representatives to speak for your planet, a free-range Helashio leader, a Helashio Elder and a Lorath. I would like there to be equal representation so that there is no confusion about what is going on," Ayana said after a long moment of silence as she contemplated her answer.
Ayana's Office - Lorath-Helashio Dispute Meeting Continued

"If you would not object to it, I would be the Lorath representative? If so, I do not mind. It will take a little time to figure out a representative from the free range Helashio, but of course we would be willing to go through with this." Destiny gave a nod to Ayana and smiled.

The Helashio elder frowned as he heard Ayana's words. "The free rangers... they will be troublesome when they hear word of being presented a potential position of power. They'll fight for who will do it." The gray eyebrows of the elder moved together in a bit of a thoughtful expression.

"We are only proposing one vote for Lor in the Assembly but I feel that since there is such a great concern over the voices of the Helashio, that this might be the best way to assure everyone of what their voices are and provide them with representation as well. But, I have no troubles with you being the Lorath representative," Ayana said thoughtfully. "As sad as fighting might be... everyone has the right to representation."

The Helashio elder remained silent, but he thought over the matter in his head, it was going to be a messy affair to be sure.

"We will be able to make them set aside their squabbling and choose the best representative." Destiny nodded lightly and smiled, looking to the elder. "If they will not listen to your words Elder, then you will just have to pick one."

"My word is listened to well by the sensible... there are groups which are insensible, and will cause much commotion over this. After all, it took an armed conflict to even try to save their lives when we were evacuating from the home world." The Elder explained as he thought back to the reports he had heard.

"To some words mean little, but actions mean a lot." Alexander explained. "Actions define the person, actions show who he or she truly is."

"And that, is why they fight." The elder stated in reply to Alexander's words.

"I hope that they will understand how important it is t be as unified as they can be in this situation. I know this is a great stress upon your people... and that what we're asking is a little intrusive..." Ayana said with a apologetic smile as she refilled empty water glasses. "I am curious to see how the training collar works for myself. I'm concerned about misunderstandings lost in translation."

"Fighting solves nothing beyond needless bloodshed and tragedy. In order to make the stubborn even try to listen one must be adamant and steadfast, do not sink to fighting, rise above it." Was Alexander's reply.

"Do not be mistaken Prime Minister. The collars do give out pain, but never more then what is needed. A shock here and there to straighten up those who have strayed. But never more then that." Destiny smiled a little and waved her hand as if she were brushing off the apology. "Nothing to apologize for Prime Minister, I would act the same way in your place. It is not a crime to wish for equality Or for the truth." Destiny said aloud.

The Helashio elder leaned to Destiny's ear and whispered softly. "Why not let her try one on?" He asked in his hushed tone.

Destiny's head tilted a little at the idea, before she gave a little shrug. Touching his arm, she sent a small message. "Did we even bring one?"

The elder reached into his plain thin robes and produced one from his pocket. "Use mine."

"Why do you carry this still? I told you to get rid of it." Destiny frowned a little and sighed, before she nodded. "Prime Minister? If you would like, or your friend here, I do have a collar here for your use. Of course, this is if you wish too."

Ayana nodded. "I wouldn't be beyond seeing for myself what it's like in one of the collars... how does it work?"

"In essence, with the collar placed at the neck, it will bridge between the mind and the rest of the body, giving the necessary shocks and controls to the body when it is needed." Destiny handed the collar to the Prime Minister with a smile.

The collar itself appeared to be a plain supple length of dark brown leather. However, on the interior it was apparent it was anything but that. A latticework of metallic mesh was visible, the device was quite complex.

Ayana accepted the collar and examined it very carefully, turning it over in her hands. "What are roughly some of the controls it tries to correct?"

"Most anything. All commands can be verbal or telepathic, so it can control a vast array of things, from a simple way of lifting, to a complex dance ritual." Destiny replied with a small shrug.

"Often it is used to correct 'flinch' responses, and suppress some of the more hostile tendencies which my people tend to express." The Helashio elder explained. "Also, it can be utilized to improve certain aspects of performance. Such as balance, touch sense, and even being able to clean the dishes better."

"How does it register what vocal commands are to be followed? When is it supposed to shock for correction?" Ayana asked curiously still as she turned the collar over in her hands. She wasn't prepared to put it on until she had some idea how the thing worked.

"Verbal commands are rarely used, so my kin tell me. Commonly, a remote control device or psionic methods are utilized to control the... well... control." The Elder explained as he thought back to his own time of training.

"Are the claims of the collar erasing memories true?" Ayana asked again as she unhooked the front of the collar and looked at it questioningly. "Are these programmed for an individual or just in general?"

The elder decided to continue fielding the questions, after all, who would be better to hear it from? "They are often programmed for the individual, and can be installed in varying degrees of invasiveness. As for the rumor..." The elder took the water glass in hand and took a drink before speaking. "The rumors are correct, but the practice is carried out in specific circumstances."

"Such as? I thought it was all voluntary or... are there exceptions to that?" Ayana asked again, watching the elder's expression curiously.

The elder's expression had made a transition since the earlier conversation in regard to the representative issue. He seemed far more relaxed, which he was. It was an easy matter to speak of what you had first hand knowledge of. "Exceptions arise when it is apparent that measures must be taken to insure the health of the individual. The removal of harmful memories such as traumatic
experiences is common, the removal of thoughts which would bring about harmful actions, and the removal of memories which should be considered secrets is common as well."

Ayana placed the collar against the flesh of her neck, and held it there curiously. "I know that we have the ability to do that sort of thing as well, with digital memory management but... is it really healthy for the mental well-being of the individual to lose pieces of their memory or what information might be of use to them in the future? I think that sometimes, strife in one's past gives people the strength they need to adjust how they live their lives... the notion of learning from a bad thing rather than repressing it. I know some nekos have had troubles from repressed memories later on in life when a similar situation occurs."

"My kin consider such things to be a burden not only to themselves, but their master or mistress. A common belief of my people is that we should not burden others with our grievances. Also, I do think it is much more productive to simply remove a memory, then to wait and see if the individual will have a psychological breakdown, which would be far more difficult to treat and have the potential to result in the individual harming themselves or others. After all, born life is not easily replaced, and measures must be taken to protect those who are alive."

Ayana looked puzzled at why such a method of coping was considered healthy as she fastened the collar on her neck. She toyed with it for a few moments, looking down at her desk before she looked up at the Helashio elder curiously, "It's worn like this?"
Shinichi walked into the room quietly, "I'm sorry for the delay, I was studying and missed the message." Shinichi said apologetically. "What have I missed?" Shinichi asked after giving a bow to both the Lorath representative and the Helashio representatives. As Shinichi's head rose he looked up at the Prime Minister and noticed the collar around her throat. Is that a Helashio collar? Shinichi thought before taking a seat nearby. As soon as he sat down Shinichi began to pull the data up on the Lorath and Helashio representatives, as well as the information about Helashio collars.

As he reviewed the information about the collar his face became very concerned. "Excuse my rudeness, don't those collars have a function that allows for the wearer to be completely controlled mentally by it's owner?" Shinichi asked. "This may be a repetative question, since I wasn't here earlier. Correct me if I'm wrong, is that a Helashio slave collar you're wearing Madame Prime Minister?" Shinichi asked.
"It is a Helashio slave collar, I've had it on for less than a minute so I have yet to form an opinion on it. I figured trying one on would give me a better perspective on things at the moment," Ayana added thoughtfully as she toyed with the clasp on the collar. "I intend to look up the specs later but I was curious. I also figure I have some... support if anything untoward happens."
<RuneAndrew> Tio remained invisible, he was not impressed with the whole ordeal. He wouldn't ever put such a device on, he was happily in control of his own devices.
<Soresu> "I would be careful with it none the less...forgive me for saying, but I would think reading the manual would be a goodthing in such a situation." Alexander pointed out from his seat.
<Yoroko> Shinichi sat back in his chair, his face unamused. "Madame Prime Minister, may I be so bold as to remind you of your position. You are the Prime Minister of the United Outer Colonies, and while I don't mean any insult to our Lorath allies, I do not believe putting yourself in the position to have your mind potentially altered by such a device to be a wise thing to do. Again, this is meant...
<Yoroko> no insult, but a matter of security. It is understandable that you would wish to see the effects of the device first hand, however given your position this is something that you should not do." Shinichi said
<KimG> "Not at all. I forget what I'm doing now sometimes.... I guess I am grateful I was trained by actual training than a collar for farm work," Ayana commented as she unbuckled the collar again and held it in her hands, away from ehr neck again. "Now, is it true that this can kill someone remotely?"
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<JoMidori> Destiny gave a small nod and sighed, her ears tilting back a little. "Yes, it is true. But as all things, there is a explination. Should a Helashio get to angered, to out of control, or to sickly and unable to work or take care of oneself. I know for a fact that I would not like to be in a state of a inability to even do the most base of functions. But of course, that use for the collar is(cont
<JoMidori> placed behind heavy safety barriers and and restrictions, needing certain levels of clearance and passcodes to even do such a thing."
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<DocTomoe> The elder Helashio nodded softly. "Indeed, it is a rareity that the function is ever used. The only times which the function has been used, has been to end suffering or to prevent a greater tragedy from taking place."
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<KimG> "...why not let the Heloshio retire somewhere with the free range Heloshio if they are unable to work? It seems a little... harsh to not let the individual chose their future for themselves."
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<KimG> Ayana asked as she leaned forward in her chair, still turning the collar over in her hands. "If they feel that they cannot live that way... then there could be toher ways of going than with a button on a collar."
<Soresu> " they have a say in if they wish death if able, or is their family or Elder decider on such a thing when it comes to pass?" Alexander asked gently.
<DocTomoe> "The free-rangers do not take kindly to those who are in service. They're too defiant. Also, to spare the individual the pain of illness is a mercy which us Helashio have carried out for a very long time, even before banishing the Lorath below ground. We do not belive in a need to force a person to suffer through their elder years. As for those who are disabled... that does not happen often due to Lorath medical technology." The
<DocTomoe> Elder released a sigh. "I assure you Prime Minister. We are treated very well, even though the technology involved has a potential to be brutal. However, if you think of it, everything has a potential to be misunderstood."
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<DocTomoe> "Yes, the Helashio does have a say in if they are ready to move on from life. It is only common sense to ask. However, if they are inflicted with an incurable dehabilitating illness, sometimes I, or the other elders are asked of our opinion."
<JoMidori> "The families are also of course taken into account. Since death is such a hard thing, we wish for everyone to know the reasons, to know what has been done to save the Helashio, and to know that what we do with the collar is simply a last resort." Destiny shrugged a little as she answered as well.
<DocTomoe> "There is also the matter of moving the conciousness to another body, if it is a matter of the individual being too crippled to continue in their original flesh." The Elder continued to explain as he looked upon his collar in Ayana's hands. "As for those who are dangerous, every attempt is made to try to correct the problem."
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<KimG> "But... if they are serving by choice... why would they need to be violent? I'd think that if they have chosen to wear the collar then they might not actually need it if they are willing to learn and to serve," Ayana offered the Elder back his collar with a soft smile. "It's an amazing thing... we live in such a time that the flesh that holds us dies before our soul is ready and that... we still cannot simply learn from the past rather than be consumed by it."
<DocTomoe> "Mmm, violence can be caused by a number of factors Prime Minister. My people are commonly violent, it is in our very genetic fiber. Sometimes, our brain chemestry gets the best of our concious thought." The Elder explained as he took his collar into his hands and slipped it into his pocket. "Irrational behavior does happen."
<Soresu> "Irrationality is within every being. As is the tendancy for violence." Alexander pointed out.
<RuneAndrew> Tio suddenly found himself wanting out of the office. He watched, reluctantly now. Now, they argued the nature of the beings of the universe, their ability to be violent. A discussion he had proposed once for his students at the University back on Taiie. Was the default nature good or evil? His conclusion, was one that most could now swallow, this reminded him of it.
<JoMidori> "The Prime Minister is right Elder. I have never once seen you lift a finger to harm another." Destiny nodded in agreement with Ayana with a small sigh.
<DocTomoe> "And that is why I am an Elder, I have grown past my primal tendancies. As have most Helashio which serve. However, there are those who are outside of my control, who are primal, uncontrollable, and irrational." The Elder spoke with somber tone. "My people have two extremes, that has to be taken into account."
<KimG> It's hard to get around an Issue so troubling on the morality of our public when those whose live it have conditioned themselves to feel what they are doing is right... again it comes down to perspective. Ayana inwardly mused, wishing that Tio was present to offer some more insight. "I appreciate the perspective that you are offering us, Elder and we're in a complicated position of trying to get around the era of slavery for our own people..."
<DocTomoe> "Mmm... how did it become a 'problem'?" The Elder asked, he was confused as to why a culture would want to move past such a thing.
<KimG> "...and I understand that is your cultural history, it's your past and your people's code and you feel that what you are doing is right. So I am uncertain of how to really proceed here," Ayana said thoughtfully with a sigh.
<JoMidori> "How is this slavery though? That a people willingly place themselves into a state of indentured servitude. Slaves are given the bare minimum to live, the Helashio have everything they need or want. They are clothed, fed, given choices whether to actively take part or to leave and go out on their own." Destiny spread her hands out now as she watched the Prime Minister.
<Yoroko> "Forgive my rudeness, I'm not quite fully familiar with your culture yet and was woefully late to this meeting, but why not simply do away with the collars and allow voluntary servitude? There seems to be no function that they perform that a Helashio hoping to please his master would need. As for out of control Helashio, a simple military officer or police officer would be able to pacify...
<Yoroko> ...them no doubt." Shinichi said plainly. "And I highly doubt that the Helashio exist in such extremes as you have mentioned here, even here we have people of extremes, but most are moderate and capable of controlling themselves. I see no reason why a 'free' Helashio would be unable to do so.
<RuneAndrew> Section two of our constitution describes the basic and fundemental rights given to our people. Our concern should be if the Lorath are willing to adopt that, and live by it as closely as we try. Tio broke his silence, but only to Ayana.
<DocTomoe> The Elder let out a sigh. "Representative. You fail to understand my people. When we were forced to evacuate Lor, the Lorath had to engage the more radical groups of my people in combat to pacify them to take them off of the planet. As for the collars, they are useful for many other purposes. Which we would have made apparent to the Prime Minister if you did not complain." The Elder's tone was begining to sound like he was losing
<DocTomoe> his patience... he hated having to explain the same points repeatedly to people who did not understand.
<JoMidori> Destiny looked to Shinichi and smiled a little. "All servitude is of course Voluntary. That would defeat the purpose of this meeting then, to explain the difference between the slavery we are accused of, and the truth of the indentured servitude." Again Destiny placed a calming hand on the arm of the elder, before she continued. "It is as the Elder said. During our evacuation, we were forced to (co
<Soresu> "Well then, I would volunteer to wear the collar in the Prime Minister's stead if you wish to demonstrate." Alexander offered as he readjusted his glasses.
<JoMidori> use Military measures to ensure we evacuated all the Helashio from the planet. Many of those Helashio, for their own good, were forced to wear the collars in order to push them to the ships with little to no struggle or fight." Destiny smiled still, not in the least bit fased by the conversation or much else.
<KimG> Ayana pursed her lips together. "The concern is mostly that slavery is considered to deny an individual their rights and freedoms. Would your people be able to live by and support those fundamental rights and freedoms for both Lorath and Heloshio?"
<DocTomoe> (Helashio* Repeatedly)
<JoMidori> "Of course Prime Minister. We do not hamper their rights, nor their freedoms. They have everything that any other citizen has. They earn their living, just like anyone else has to." Destiny shrugged a little and looked to Ayana again.
<DocTomoe> "What I don't understand, is why everyone has to meddle in what has worked just fine for the last few centuries?" The Elder still sounded quite disgruntled, he was becoming tired of the meeting at hand.
<JoMidori> "Because they wish to make sure that everything is fair and right. There is nothing wrong with this Elder. It would be hypocritical of them to say one thing, yet sanction the exact opposite course of action." Destiny replied.
<RuneAndrew> Tio stated bluntly This means you'll need to be ready Ayana, this comes down to vote....Sitting in here does little else other than delay the inevitable... He said, noticing the turn in conversation.
<Yoroko> Shinichi frowned again, "Mr. Romani, I do not believe that any member of a government should put themselves in a situation to be affected by such a device. Again I do not doubt our hosts intentions, but our level of work is in fact critical to the government's function. If this device is to be tested, it should be on someone who cannot affect our process. Not on our leaders." ...
<Yoroko> ...Shinichi said flatly to Alexander.
<DocTomoe> "And this distrust, its aggravating." The Elder mumbled quietly.
<Yoroko> "
<Yoroko> <c>
<KimG> " I know. I hate discussing relations with a nation without actually talking to the people that run it. This is insight we'd be missing otherwise... as cyclic as it is. I wanted to be clear on how they saw it without a third party misinterpreting." Ayana replied patiently to Tio.
<Soresu> Alexander nodded and sighed. "However, I would not mind being the ah...preverbial "Guinea Pig" in this, you forget sir, prior to becoming Jiyuuian I was Nepleslian and have done my fair share of things. This both intrigues me, and I find it essential to be done. I would be placing trust into the Elder's hands, and respect and understanding." The Assembly member replied
<DocTomoe> "Mmm, you'd be placing your trust into my Lady Mistress' hands." The Elder corrected as he looked to Alexander.
<Soresu> "Either way good sir, I do not mind doing this." Was Alexander's reply. "I would hold an equal amount of trust and faith."
<Yoroko> Shinichi sighed audibly. "I think this is highly unwise. That is all. Would we put our commanders with clearance codes to our most advanced weapons in this situation? No, and neither would the Lorath. In that same mindset, why then should a senator whose power is almost the same except in a political sense do this. It is irresponsable."
<RuneAndrew> Most of this comes from propaganda anyway...One way or another this debate will never have a full discourse... Tio said, invisibly laying his hand on her shoulder. We need them, they need us...that too has to be taken into account.
<Soresu> "That is if your Mistress would accommodate a humble man's request to further the road of truth and knowledge." Alexander said as he looked to the Xiaah and then to Shinichi. "How do we learn but with trial and error, and exposing ourselves to dangerous situations? I do not believe this to be so, I have trust in our guests and friends."
<KimG> "I agree, we're talking about them joining us. So we should extend some trust," Ayana smiled at the assurance of Tio's invisible hand on her shoulder. Of course, but if we can't get past the feeling of going against our beliefs and standards, it'll cheapen our stance."
<JoMidori> "Truth is always a road best traveled down. Of course I would be willing to do so, but I do not wish to step on toes if the other senator still has problems with such a act." Destiny looked to Shinichi now, tilting her head a little. Her ice blue eyes seemed to take on a piercing quality as she watched the senator for a reaction.
<Soresu> "By wishing to go down that road I am putting my faith and trust in you ma'am." Alexander replied kindly as he too looked over to Shinichi.
<Yoroko> "Either way, the real issue here isn't the slave collar. It is the matter which is your history, our cultures, and beliefs. As you indicate, according to Lorath culture, this is not slavery. According to our culture and history, this heavily resembles slavery. How can we then without heavy consideration allow something that to our own eyes resembles slavery? It isn't just us here in...
<Yoroko> ...this room that are affected, it is our constituents. In their eyes, what will this signify? What will it signify for those who wish to re-enact slavery? This is a very tentative situation.
<KimG> Ayana reached up to the shoulder that Tio had his hand on and rubbed at it, giving the Crown Prince's hand a gentle squeeze before it resettled on the desk in from of her again.
<Yoroko> "
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<JoMidori> "Slavery is a stripping of rights and freedoms. Granted yes, before what there was was slavery. We went out and captured Helashio, we pressed them into service. But now, since we first became allied with Yamatai, we have been forced to slowly but surely give the Helashio more and more freedoms, until eight years, when we would have to completely free them. From reports I have been hearing, (cont
<JoMidori> Helashio buisnesses have been opening up on our planet, as well as Yamatai and multiple other planets. There were a few buisnesses in Hotaru as well. The Helashio have a entire planet to themselves, to do as they wish. We no longer force them into service, we give them the option." Destiny shrugged a little to the senator now.
<Yoroko> Shinichi nodded before speaking again. "How is this option presented? I keep hearing about it, I am curious about the specifics concerning it."
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<DocTomoe> "Ugh, again with the explaining! Enough with it... can't you people just vote for this thing or something? I'm tired of saying the same thing over and over!" The Elder was very much to the edge of wanting to stand up and give a good shouting to Shinichi.
"Again, my sincerest apologies for having missed most of the meeting, however I represent my people. I have been elected to represent the views of them, as well as uphold the beliefs as a nation that we agree upon which were set in the constitution, before I can do so I wish to fully understand the situation. Since I am neither Lorath nor Helashio I am unknowledgable by nature in this field. Furthermore, this is a matter that we cannot decide lightly due to the implications for our own culture as well as yours. Again, please forgive my lack of knowledge." Shinichi bowed to the elder out of respect as he spoke.
Ayana's door opened slightly and Fritz poked his head in. He breathed a barely noticeable sigh of relief upon seeing he had not missed the meeting and then entered the room. He sent a telepathic message to Romani as he closed the door behind himself.

What'd I miss? We vote or anything yet?
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