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[Axis] Anti-Beam Coating

The energy weapons you cited are, on their face, not equal to one another.

Use the DR scale, instead of a number of hits, to state the level of protection it provides. I.e., this can stop a PDR3 weapon 10 times, but is wasted after one shot from a PDR4 weapon. Doesn't have to be PDR, just using that as an example.

Also, what's the abaltive substance? Is it toxic when applied? When burnt away? Can it be applied to skin? Does it have a color when applied? How about a sheen or matte effect?

500 KS, by the way, seems ridiculously cheap for spray-on armor.

I tried doing what you suggested before, on an Origin Frame. Wes outright jumped it and said that being able to reduce the damage mechanically from an attack was overpowered. However, I will try this here.

Also, I did state that the coating itself is semi-transparent. It is now Golden. And is made from metamaterials and paint. And 500 KS is cheap enough when we have jet engines costing only in the thousands.
Sorry, missed the semi-transparent part.

What're metamaterials? What I'm asking is, is there a known SARP material you're using for this, or is it just submissionite?
Since you brought it up yourself in the IRC, Five, how is this as cheap as it is if you can just spray it on whatever you'd like and it's all of the sudden resistant to beam weapons?
I think it should be more akin to the stealth coatings we put on airplanes these days- those have to be applied a specific way and are quite expensive, but very effective.
I don't know. Anything on this? I plan for approval tomorrow-ish if there aren't any more objections or I don't find something.
before all the coating is burnt off. ABC comes in single use spray-on aerosol cans that cost 500 KS

Five may want to change that to what it currently costs.

Which brings me to my own complaint, which is the current cost. Given what this spray can do and what it protects the object from, I still think that the cost is to low.
It costs 5000 KS. Thats as much as a Jet Engine or Aetheric weapon in some circles.

I'm already looking at a cost of 100,000 KS+ for any Axis mecha, and hopefully I won't go above 200K.
Kyle, if you want to complain about prices you should look at most of the cars currently available in the setting. Theirs aren't truly representative of what they should really cost at all. They're not even the only ones; just the most obvious. I don't see why we should single out the ABC and Five by demanding something we haven't demanded of anyone else.
You're missing the point SSharp. This tech could be used on every item in the setting once it's approved, this will make some weapons more ineffective against armor or vehicles that it is applied to.

Because of that, and it's current price, it makes it to easy to get ahold of. All I am asking is for a small increase, at the very least 5000 ks, that's it.

What I'm doing is imagening how this technology can be used, heck, had this been me making this technology I'd have a price tag of nearly twenty to twenty five thousand KS BECAUSE of what this can accomplish.

It's a type of technology that could change the setting.
Orginally, when reading this I had a ~0~; (oh great)* face, but after seeing that its only for armor suits I have a ^0^ face. I think it will allow armor suits to shine against certain enemies (aka bombers) where gunboats and other large ship have intentionally derived weakness against.

Kind of like a rock-paper-scissor arrangement except
bomber-captial ship-fighter/mech

(*)I was worried seeing this in capital ships <_<;
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