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Ayame Updates


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I added an interior page to the Ayame's information section. It's needed one for a long time. What is has so far isn't that much, but it's a start. If we could include more information from the old and new Celia RP, that'd be awesome.

It's also time (according to the still-in-progress YE 28 fleet plan) to upgrade the Ayame, so anything on the ship that needs changed or upgraded should be mentioned now, so we can get started. ^_^
Nothing from any of the Celia RPers? Geez. Alright. I'll just increase the description of current systems, I guess.
More powa! Arrh-arrh-arrh-arrh...

Um, yeah, I got nothing. Sorry. ^_^

The Celia is really a mobile command post and support platform for the Yui scout ships. It serves its purpose fairly well as it is, if you ask me.
Since the last time I've updated this topic, I've add more interior descriptions ot the Ayame. Is there more you'd like to add (or see me add)?
Make the Yuuko-gunboat!

Those Ketsueki need to be replaced, now that they aren't in production anymore.

Might I also mention that the 3rd XF doesn't have a whole lot of newer ships? Wouldn't it be the time to update it to the Type 29 Fleet plan?
Kotori said:
Make the Yuuko-gunboat!
Ah, I'll see about working on it when I get home. The previous page for it was lost with my laptop's hard drive.
Interior descriptions of:

Mess Hall + Kitchen (take it from available IC posts if you want)
Gym / Sparring Room / Swimming Pool (this is one room, really)

Would be much appreciated.

Also, can an Ayame-class really carry 50k Lamias? That's awesome.
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