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RP: UOC Government [Ayana's Office] Conference Contemplations


This is all very interesting, if brief. I'd like to believe it all to be sincere in the brotherly love aspects of it all. But it bothers me how much they go out of their way to accentuate the word 'peaceful'. I find it hard to trust them still but we have yet to sit down with them and talk this over. But that is the mixed blessing with democracy- it takes much longer to enact legislation and treaties when you have to take it before a committee of people, Ayana thought critically to herself. She sat behind her desk in the office of the Assembly hall, with the international news brief playing on a projection screen and her invitation to the conference on her data pad before her. Her face held a tired, pensive expression as she recalled the meeting with the Freespacers, Lor and Nepleslia.

I can't consider any nation willing to inflict what happened to the Freespacers completely peaceful and having changed... I know that they do not feel safe anywhere near Yamatai. But I still don't know the full story behind those events and I doubt that I ever will. It still leaves much to be though about and questioned.

I don't think I should do too much traveling after fainting on the way to the diplomatic meeting with the Abwehrans..
She frowned at the recollection of the medical work-up she was given upon waking from the incident. The Prime Minister's health had not been as it used to be when she was a Nekovalkyrja but then again, she had never been pregnant in an experimental biological body before. The notion of having a natural child slowly developing inside her for 7 months astounded her! It was a more daunting task than running the United Outer Colonies and now... she had to consider everything all at once. There were too many firsts, too many variables to consider in how to properly till the soil to create a good harvest for the nation. BUT someone HAD to go to the conference. It would pain her too much to not have some sort of presence at something she helped enact the first of.

But now it was a matter of who would be willing and able to go....
Ayumi was the first into Ayana's office after beeping the entrance. She was in pinstripes...again. The milling of her staff was cut short when the doors slid shut behind the woman, she smoothed her skirt in one hand and held up a pad in the other. "You've seen this, right? What are they thinking? The last one almost ended up as a war, what are the chances of this one..." Of course, the pink-eyed Jiyuuian had gotten a smidge ahead of herself. She sat down on the other side of the desk in one of the chairs.

"I think that I should go. We can't risk you, or backup uh...the little surprise. My office can be on the move as soon as you pick another, though I would recommend Mr. Shinichi." It was true they were already packing up things she'd need, one of her aides had become adept at raiding her house for trips even after such a short time in office. "We'll get ourselves backed up, then do what we can and I hope I have made it clear I will not compromise the integrity of our founding to anyone."

No time like the present to get some experience meeting our frosty neighbours to the west...there has to be something I can learn from this, even if it's never to go to one again when I wake up in a warm tank.

"By the way, are you feeling better? I've been worried ever since we returned. I thought sending a staffer to bother you on something minor just to check in for me was too underhanded just yet so..." A small smile crept onto the former actresses lips. She was trying to get something more than the tired looks she'd seen for months on end out of the stressed Prime Minister.
Ayana did smile, she was pleased with Ayumi's incentive on this. "I am doing a little better, no one has really let me do any housework or farm work, so it's hard to keep busy. But, yes, I have seen the news and the invitation. I was just thinking about my own health and the little one's... so I thank you for the concern." She seemed a little relieved as she turned over Ayumi's suggestion in her mind, she couldn't go, it was a risk to her health... and... if she fainted it would be harder to maintain some strength in front of would be allies.

"I have no problems with you going. Have you spoken to Mr. Shinichi yet? I also think he'd be a very good choice, this would give him a chance to enact his own proposal through finalization of a more formal treaty. I wouldn't be too surprised if the Crown Prince tagged along with you two, but I'm not sure what he is up to this exact moment. I haven't spoken to him yet about his own involvement with this situation but I would like very much if you and Shinichi represented us and our interests at Pisces.

It will definately be a good chance to show the other nations who we are and how we've grown."
The course the conversation took relaxed Ayumi in her seat, she carefully listened to everything, and put in her words where she could. Her smile progressively widened as their chat continued. "Well, good intentions can often have their little catches." She laughed, adding, "I think I'm almost a little jealous of you. Not that I would envy having to miss this, opening space between the west and us could go a long way. I just hope you'll look a little more rested by the time we're back." The truth was she didn't count on someone like Ayana being able to, more like she would be stuck to a screen somewhere like she would be.

When it came to Deguchi, the woman nodded slowly in agreement, "I'm sure if he's heard about this he's already chomping at the bit to go. He and I would be the logical choice to get the document into final stages. This is a very good opportunity. Not to mention I want to meet the other representatives-ah..." Knowing that she was about to ramble, she paused and got back on track, "We have less a chance of causing a scene I think than a combination of the others, though I worry if the Prince being there will have any ill effects with the public after the..." She hesitated, "...incident. That won't prevent either of us from going officially though, if I know anything about Shinichi's convictions. To tell you the truth my staff is already throwing things together." It was just in case, but she sent them a quick mental note that they were going for real.

"If he's in today, we could call him now." Something felt good about accomplishing government that way to her, with the excitement of the pending trip caught in her Ayumi felt like she was glowing.
Luckily for the pair of women, Shinichi had planned on dropping by. Not only check to see how the Prime Minister was fairing, but also to get her advice on some proposals he had been mulling over. There was a quiet knock on the Prime Minister's door, indicating that Shinichi was waiting outside, the Jiyuuian's face masked his worry that the Prime Minister was still ill.
"I agree, that would probably be a good idea. Most men don't like being volunt..." Ayana's ears perked at the sound of the knocking. Who might that be? Maybe the Prince? I still have a lot to tell him... if he hasn't figured this out on his own... She rose from her seat behind the desk and looked towards the door. She took a deep breath feeling heavy from the quick movement, "Come in, please. The door is unlocked."

She kept her eyes on the door as she waited for the second visitor to enter.
Shinichi slid the door open and entered. "Madame Prime Minister, Assemblywoman Mochizuki." Shinichi bowed his head to each of them. Perhaps now isn't the best time. Shinichi thought as his eyes shifted back toward the door. "Is now a bad time?" Shinichi asked, expecting the answer to confirm such, he was ready to admit defeat and make an appointment to meet with the Prime Minister. Probably should have done that already. Shinichi thought.
"No, not at all, we were just talking about you," Ayana replied with a friendly smile. "What's on your mind?" She had a pretty good idea what he might have wanted to discuss but it was always more interesting to simply ask than to play the guessing game,
"I hope you were only saying good things about me." Shinichi chuckled lightly. "It's mostly nothing that can't wait until later, though I would like to ask what the UOC plans for the International Peace Conference are." Shinichi replied.
"I was planning on sending a delegation to the Conference this time around due to my health and my pregnancy. I was thinking that sending members of the Assembly would also be a good way to allow you the change to actively be a part of foreign affairs and put forth your own policies on the matter instead of by proxy. As I mentioned to Ayumi, I expressly desire for the UOC to maintain its neutrality with our neighbors. I do not feel it is in our nation's best interest to start fighting other people's wars again but I do not want to stop trying to defend ourselves or providing humanitarian aide to nations or people's that need it. We need the commerce from an open market with the other nations to help our civilian population support themselves," Ayana replied thoughtfully, continuing to smile despite the pained expression in her eyes. She was starting to look queasy again and she shakily sipped some water, gesturing to Shinichi to give her a moment as she swallowed the mouthful of cold water.

"Excuse me, where was I? Oh yes, I know that our relations with Yamatai in particular is horribly strained right now but I think we need to sign the new version of the Armistice as well as put forth our intentions to Yamatai on what we want to do with them. I am tired of the mutterings that we are building a force to attack Yamatai or steal their secrets or any other such nonsense. Although I doubt they will believe anything we say on that front, we can at least put something or someone at ease by expressing that we do not want to fight them and just want to function on our own as we have been since we left Taiie."
Shinichi waited for the Prime Minister to finish what she was saying, as well as collect herself before he spoke again. "That's quite understandable. Wouldn't it be wise to bring Mr. Iga along as well? He seems quite knowledgeable about matters relating to trade."
"If anyone from the assembly wishes to go, I will not stop them. I just suggest some discussion via data pad between you to avoid any conflicts that might arise. I believe you would remember what happened at the first conference?" Ayana replied, some color returning to her face again as whatever was bothering her passed.
((People going to the conference, just start rping your appearances there please. ))
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