Star Army

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RP: Ayenee [Ayenee] Operation Silent Guardian

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Ayenee Capital City
0330 Hours, less than 24 hours after the attack on the Power Plant

A number of white vans labelled "AyeneeTV" and flatbed trucks with covered cargo sped past the city limits sign and into the city, turning just inside the city, on the side of the city where the recently-attacked Qel'noran Power Plant was located. Escorted by unseen forces, the convoy moved around the city, taking short stops to set up a large number of dishes on rooftops of buildings, connecting each to a quietly humming vacuum energy generator disguised as an air-conditioning unit. The dishes were almost an exact match to the ones used by the local satellite television provider, but had an entirely different function.

At the center of their network, a 5-story building (one of the tallest in its section of the city's outskirts) In the event that the plant suffered a meltdown) had been acquired by a "nonexistant" team of Star Army forces operating the guise of mercenaries and civilians. These human-looking black ops soldiers went to work in it, setting up a control center to monitor their projector dishes and the power plant itself, placing several low-profile sensors to face the plant.

This was the plan: The unmarked forces would keep watch during the next ten days or so, living on rations and waiting for a disaster; if the power plant happened to explode for whatever reason, the powerful forcefields that could be projected by the network of dishes would come to full strength just before the blast shockwave would hit the city, and protect the city's heart from even the most powerful detonation.

At the same time, for cover, hundreds of Ayenee Capital City residents would be recieving free satellite television installation (and free televisions, if they didn't have them), and all as part of a promotion of some satellite network that would relay channels from all over and Ayenee and beyond to ACC's TVs.
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