Star Army

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[Azorea] The Pulsar


Inactive Member
<i> Space above Azorea </>

Floating in orbit around the planet, the Hammer Head gunship swam through the aether. Escorted by a sliver of Mako fighters, she was getting ready for her commissioning ceremony. Shuttles where zipping around from surface to the ship and the station platform that drifted alongside; each carrying dignitary and repair crews.

The sleek ship looks worse for wear with scorch marks and panels missing, she took quite a beating during the battle in the system, beating back the NMX with the Gartagans and Iroma. Surviving first contact with the enemy, the ship fought in tight with the larger ships zipping in and out between them. The Hammerhead took a lot of damage. The crew was the best of the trainees but still, being the first true combat starship, they were very inexperienced.

"Get those damned cables stuffed back into their panels," The Captain of the ship moved down the port side main corridor, "We got delegates backed up waiting to board and it still looks like the ship needs dry dock." She knew she was pushing the crew hard but there was a pride with being a flag ship. Captain Nayith stood almost overly tall for an Azorean, her uniform was a body glove with her rank stenciled on the left breast. Turning down a cross corridor she found a panel laying on the floor. She stopped and reseated it into place making sure that nothing behind it looked amiss. "We really did get hit hard," she muttered to herself.

As the door slid open to the bridge the bridge guppies all jumped and started trying to feed her information and communications that had come in. "EVERY ONE!! please take a deep breath," she moved to her chair and plopped down. "Ok first a progress report on repairs, then we'll get to the comm chatter." She smiled as her bridge crew each stopped in mid-sentence.

"Ma'am, we have 90% Main engine and power core, we can break orbit or make a controlled return to the wet docks back on planet, but we don't have yet the power to return to orbit at this time." The Engineer stood by his station and read off a few more numbers and percent describing various power systems.

"That is fine, as far as I know we won't be returning to the planet for a bit, the orders at this time is to repair and start a long range system patrol. A shakedown patrol. Not that we need it after that battle." Nayith smiled at the pride the crew showed at the mention of the battle. "Now what about the weapon systems I know the dorsal turret took a few hits?"

"Yes Ma'am," the engineer sat back down and started brings up the weapons systems, "The power relays are still being reattached, But the hardware has be repaired, or replaced, the ground crew brought up the Test type turret for use, while they build us a new one. the main weapons can be fired but until we get the power core back up to 100% we will lose propulsion for a few second until the compensator recharge."

Nayith nodded, "So run or fight. Luckily we got our fighter escort for now. Thank you, now who's been calling?" the engineer went back to sorting things at this station.

"Ma'am we have hails from every shuttle, good wishes from most city-states and a few special requests to board and tour the ship. There is a message from Senator Ryantax. it is address to the ship as a whole. Permission to broadcast it throughout the ship?" The young Comm's officer stood ready to send the the recording to the ship's PA system.

"Yes please, but first let me address crew," she hit a key on her chair arm, there was a tone that sounded throughout the ship, "Attention all hands, This is your Captain speaking, I want to tell you how proud you all should be feeling at this time. We have faced the foe that has rage a war throughout the whole of the Celestial Seas, we have bloodied the waters and came back, hurt but not defeated, We are the shining example of the Azorean future. The stars are within our reach. In a few hours our ship will go through its christening, She will be commissioned as the first warship of our people and the flag ship of the fleet. though we are the only true Azorean ship in the fleet, the Nevah will be joining us mid-way through our ling range patrol, just outside the orbit of the outer planets, at that time we will engage it in a simulated combat, followed by a few other scenarios."

"We have many requests for tours of the ship from dignitaries. I will be allowing them in shifts starting in an hour. All passageways and main chambers must be clear and ready for full expectation in 30 minutes. Remember who you are and that you represent the Fleet. That is all I have to say, now a recording Senator Ryantx had sent to us."

Clicking off the comm she turned to the Comms officer, "Please play it now." The young female quickly set the message to play.

::Greeting to the crew of the Hammerhead, I'm am sorry I can't be there to see the commissioning, After following the birth of this predator to its first fight and joining you throughout battle, I have been sadly called back to the senate to help with the treaty with the Gartagans being finalized. I want you all to know that I have the utmost confidence in you all, and the ship. I will follow your operations and work on my end to get you all some sister ships to join you. The big thing I get the privilege to announce to you all is that once you finish your long range patrol and war-games with the Nevah, the ship will return to the wetdock and receive its FTL drive. Making it the first Azorean made ship to receive FTL tech. With it I hope to join you on a diplomatic mission to Yamatai, the farthest any Azorean ship has ever traveled. With that I must wish you all the best of luck and my personal blessings, Remember you are a warship, a predator of the Celestial Seas, Never let anything, anyone, make you think otherwise.::

Nayith smiled at the announcement about the FTL drive. It would make her ship a true starship as opposed to a spaceship. To visit other stars was the very reason she volunteered for this service, "I would like to have the VIPs to be allowed to come aboard in groups of two or three, get a good tour and finish up here in the bridge, We should be able to get through them before the ceremony," Turning to the XO she continued, "I would like it if you got to that, and escorted them. I'm going to finish up some work up here, and then I'm going to go and freshen up before the first group arrives."

"Yes ma'am, I'll give you a call when the first group boards the ship." The XO frowned at the idea at playing host but that was his orders. Turning he headed to his room to put on his dress uniform.


The last of the tours was just finishing up; Nayith gave a sigh of relief as the escorted group left the bridge. "I thought they would never leave, well how about we get this show underway? Helm please bring us to a heading of 3749 and adjust the speed to intercept the viewing platform."

The helmsmen looked up at the veiwscreen then back to his controls, his semi-webbed fingers flew across his station, "Aye Ma'am 3749, speed minus 259," And after a brief pause he continued, "Interception at T-5 minutes."

"Very good. Comms please open the channel with the Ceremony freq, and bring up the ship wide intercoms."

Throughout the ship the intercom chimed, followed by the Captain’s calm, strong voice. "Attention all hands Stand fast for the commissioning ceremony."

the ship’s crew moved to the wardroom, it was going to be cramped but at least there they would be able to watch the ceremony happen on the screens there.

On the bridge the crew didn't leave, they were too busy piloting the ship into a mated path with the platform. With a flourish of style the pilot rotated the whole of the ship and brought the bow at a close one hundred feet of the main viewing port. The main screen showed the large group of spectators and Dignitaries looking back at the ship.

It was at this point that Senator Wesseta.

As far as the species went, Wesseta seemed to be a biological impossibility. A good seven inches taller than the average male, stocky shoulders and a surprisingly muscular build meant that he was quite the noticeable figure amongst the populace. The suit he wore was tailor-made rather exclusively for him, primarily for this very occasion. He walked with a purposeful stride as he approached the podium, taking a moment to look out the viewing port at Hammerhead floating outside the station. It sat there, silent, and beautiful despite the mars across her surface. The first ever Azorean craft to take to space and, should the future go well, the first ever Azorean craft to receive an FTL-capable engine to reach the stars.

Truly, it was something to behold, he thought, and it had been decided to be his honor that he be the one to christen the ship. A formality really, he knew, with the battle so recently fought, but it was done more for the morale of the people than out of any sort of necessity. A symbol of hope and strong progress for the people to look to when times would get hard. And he knew that they would inevitably get hard. No sea was peaceful forever.

With a position granting him authority and power, his silence staring at the ship was likely going to be told by the reporters as a moment of profound thought, as he contemplated the fate of the people, and the impact this would have. In reality, the secret victim of stage fright was buying every moment he could before turning back to face the crowd. When he finally did, he adjusted the nearby microphone appropriately, cleared his throat for a moment, glanced at the cue-cards he had on the podium waiting for him, and then began. It was broadcast for everybody to hear.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today marks a tremendous day in our peoples' history. Not only have we taken to the stars, an amazing achievement in itself, but only so recently we have made contact with another people from distant stars, and we have proven our mettle in battle against an enemy that has terrorized the galaxy for the last several years with no mercy for those they have faced. On this day we have proven that though we may be young, the Azorean people have shown that we are tough, we are smart, and we are not ones to back away from an enemy who comes to challenge us on our own doorstep. What has been done here today is something that will live on in infamy." A pause, letting the words settle.

"The captain of the fine vessel behind me, her crew, and those who supported this have made themselves a permanent part of our history. This is a day that will be remembered for an eternity, for all to speak of. It was no small feat and those involved have proven themselves to be prime examples of our people. It is my honor to stand here today and present to the achievements of this great crew. From here, they will go on to patrol our system, show themselves in maneuvers with the Gartagen fleet, and in time they will soon hold the title of our first ever Faster Than Light-capable vessel. And she will sail on to continue to help our relations with the galaxy grow, and sail as the flagship of her fleet."

Then, with a delicate touch, he reached beneath the podium, and retrieved the small sphere of water: a bright blue swirling piece of symbology.

"And with this," He held it for all to see, "I christen her, Pulsar, Flagship of the Azorean fleet."

He walked over to the windows, one in which a specially made chute was placed. A duo of technicians stood by in military dress uniforms, one opening the hatch to the tube, and the other standing by the console to prime it for the Senator. He gingerly placed the sphere inside, it was closed in, and with the main button of the console lighting up to glow a dim green it was clear it was ready for launch. He stood there, pausing for cameras to observe, and photos to be taken. Then with one firm press of the thumb, there was the sound of the holding for that sphere being depressurized. All watched through the windows as it grew smaller and smaller: soon virtually disappearing against the hull of the Hammerhead. But anybody watching didn't need to see to know what happened.

Upon impact with the Pulsar's bow, the sphere broke. It was nothing absolutely glorious in appearance or fashion, just silently bursting open on impact. Crystalline fragments drifted away, while a good majority of the contents were vaporized to leave only the barest mark on the hull of the vessel in the form of a small patch of ice glistening from the light of the sun but unseen to anybody. It was small. Insignificant, really, some would say. The applause within, starting to build virtually from the moment of launch, was nearly deafening now. But nay-sayers would still talk of how it was pointless or trivial.

But Senator Wesseta knew the truth.

In that very moment, more had been declared in the vaporous extermination of a small handful of water than had been said in any other moment in Azorean history. It was a single declaration. The Azoreans had come to the stars.

They had come to stay.

((ooc: With Guest Star GuruofOLOY as Senator Wesseta))