Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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[[Azorea]] We Stand Alone


Well-Known Member
The entire world waited. They yearned to hear the news, whether good or bad. Today was the day. The day that the ACS Ameriss, hopefully the first Azorean starship, will launch. The excitement in the air was unbearable. No matter the outcome, this will be a day to remember.

Aboard the newly constructed vessel, the entire crew waited for the time to slowly creep by. Both shifts were ready to launch… and even die if that was the goddess’ choice. The rockets attached to the ship hummed slightly, which echoed throughout the watery depths. Located approximately ten kilometers west of Henatu to lessen danger to the people, the launch will begin in ten minutes.

Seconds seemed like hours as Rymas, the elected captain of the Ameriss, waited patiently to give the order to commence. Failure was not an option in his eyes. Yet, this mission could possibly fail even before it began! No… he told himself. Even if we should die, our deaths will not be in vane. Our future successors will have a better outcome then us for sure. He patiently waited for the time to slip by.

Rekorai looked up at the computer screen that indicted the engines status, "Everything looks good from here sir," he said to Rymas. It looks like she is going to launch beautifully, Rekorai thought to himself.

Rymas nodded and then looked over to the pilot, “Alright, it is time to go.” The pilot began to push a few buttons, which caused the entire ship to rumble and quake. A final countdown began as the rockets came to life. After the countdown reached its end, the pilot selected a few more buttons, causing the rockets to ignite with explosive force. The Ameriss rocked violently as it disconnected from the ocean floor and slowly gained speed towards the surface and beyond to the atmosphere.

When the ship broke past the watery surface, it felt like a sonic boom to the entire crew. The rockets continued to pulse as they hit the rough, atmospheric shell that has kept the Azoreans on their homeworld for so long. Rymas watched as, little by little, they pierced through the gales of wind and rain. He knew that the Azorean people were also watching. Not physically, but mentally, they watched as the Ameriss made history.

At last, the turbulent ride ended. As the Azorean bridge crew looked out the front windows, they stood in awe of the vast void of space. They had done it! They had done what no one else had ever done before! After a moment of utter silence, Rymas then opened a radio transmission to the homeworld, “We have succeeded, but we aren’t finished yet. The goddesses have favored us thus far. We shall not disappoint them.” After closing the channel, he noticed that the entire crew was on the bridge. He smiled briefly before stating, “Let’s get to our stations. We have a great job in front of us. Now that we are here…” He looked at all of them seriously before continuing, “We stand alone.” Everyone knew that this was unexplored territory. What dangers will greet them? Rymas didn’t have the answer, and a part of him now wished that he was one of the many Azoreans now celebrating under the waves of the Azorean homeworld in safety.
Rymas looked out of the starboard window of the ACS Ameriss at the homeworld. The sight was a swirling white vortex over top of a magnificent, blue gem. The captain thought that it was truly breathtaking. As he watched his home drift lazily, he carefully planned out what was needed to do next on the mission.

The ship was holding a steady orbit over Azorea. From what they could tell, there were two other planets in the system, with Azorea approximately in between them as they orbited a blue dwarf star. Whether these planets were habitable or not was unknown at this time. It would probably take several days to reach either at best their best speed.

Rymas shivered slightly as he realized how cold space was. It was much colder then the surface of the homeworld, yet definitely not as wet. His fingers drummed against his cheek as he was deep in thought. Was this mission a horrible idea? Were we even ready to travel here, in the realm of the goddesses? These questions and many more plagued his mind.
Rymas finally made a decision. He made his way towards the bridge, taking care not to disturb the sleeping personnel in the compartment between the bridge and the middle section. In another hour or so, they would be manning the ship as the Azorean captain and the rest of his shift took their turn to sleep.

Once he was on the bridge, Rymas nodded to his bridge staff, "The Parliament has given me authority to explore our home system as I see fit and, I have made my decision. We will record the Subran's moons of Erusia and Tabenit, but then we shall head to the planet farthest out in the system. It will take three days to reach it and another couple days to record enough information. Let it be so."

With that, the bridge began to work simultaneously with engineering to get the ACS Ameriss' engines started up. The small vessel soon scooted through space to take a closer look at one of Azorea's two moons.
"Greetings. This Commodore Yuki Toshiro of ship Yggdrasill. We locate you by radio waves from 35 Light Years. Translate your language through radio broadcasts, and come to make peaceful First Contact."

This radio broadcast, in broken Azorean, rang out through space within Azorea's system; as a air of ships approached. they made no effort to conceal themselves, and their comparatively large Antimatter reactors could easily be spotted as the strongest detectable unnatural power source in Azorean space--after all, the Eucharis and the Malchick were both concealed at this moment in time.


Eventually, the Yggdrasill detected the Azoreans' ship, and began to move toward it...
Rymas couldn't tell what to make of it. When messages to the homeworld had remained unanswered, he ordered the Ameriss to turn around. The captain decided to ignore the new energy sources until he was sure that the homeworld was safe. The scoutship trudged back towards the homeworld as fast as they could possibly go, but it would still take them approximately two and a half days.
A communication signal was directed to ship. The voice in the message was feminine and seemed to be speaking their language. "Attention, this is Eve of the SRSS Leviathan. We are offering expedient transport back to your planet. Do you wish for this assistance? Please respond"

Eve continued making the same transmission in hopes that they were picking it up.
After the fifth or sixth cycle of her transmission a reply arrived to them. The captain had already made up his mind after the second or third repeat, but Azorean radio waves are a bit slower to send over a long distance. It would read:

ACS Ameriss said:
Attention, unknown vessel:

We do not know who or what you are, nor what you have done to our homeworld, but if you wish to assist us, then you have our permission as long as it does not injure any of my crew.
After receiving the reply Eve looked back to Shaun who nodded. Opening the com back up she sent another transmission. "Attention Vessel. We have received your response. Our intent is to tow you back to the planet. We are however unable to land ourselves so we can only get you close enough for you to do the rest. Is this acceptable?"

Shaun looked at Ken "Alright, lets get ready to help them and then you guys can head out."
The captain then replied promptly, "Agreed. We have yet to test the reentry capabilities of this ship, but in theory, it should be able to. We will contact our government before that, however." Rymas wondered if these aliens were trustworthy. If they were going to harm his crew, then they probably already harmed his planet. If that was the case, then there was no point in living anyways.
((was waiting on Ken but so I can help this along.))

Eve sent one final responce to the vessel. "Copy that, We'll be approaching shortly. We'll be towing you."

Eve nodded to Ken "Alright Ken! Lets get these people home!"
Rymas waited patiently, wondering what these aliens were going to do. He twiddled his thumbs as his ship slowed to a stop. The entire crew seemed to hold their breath as the other ship did its thing.
(Sorry about that ^_^;;; Didn't know where the thread was.)

Ken pulled the Levi up to the smaller ship, nodding to Shaun. Shaun hit some buttons, allowing the other ship to link up to the large hauler. It was then the captain of the ship, grunted, passing out in his chair. Eve gasped, running over to him. "H..he's out cold. He seems to be having a relapse." she said, picking him up and moving him. "I'll take him to his room and watch him. I guess you're in control, Ken." she told him, disappearing into the room.

Ken sighed, slowly and gently towing the ship towards the atmosphere. "Let me know when to unhook you. Don't want to get too close."
After they were towed to a safe distance of their homeworld, the ACS Ameriss sent over another message, "Thank you for your assistance. We will contact our government and attempt to land if they wish for it. Thank you again." The small ship then sent a message down to their home, requesting further orders.
Ken smiled, sending a short reply. "Your welcome. It was a pleasure helping." he said, before sending out a general broadcast to all surrounding ships stating intention to leave the system. He had just finished putting in the coordinates for this system, and was making sure his log was up to date. All he had to wait for was a signal to go, and the ship would be off.
After receiving new orders as well as information on these 'aliens' from the homeworld, Captain Raytim messaged the Leviathan. "Thank you again for your assistance. We've received new orders, so we will be off then." After this short transmission was sent out, the ACS Ameriss moved towards a nearby moon. They would take orbit around the homeworld fairly close to this moon.
A message relayed itself throughout the ship:

Azorean Parliament said:
Attention, all Azorean personnel aboard the ACS Ameriss:

We have decided, due to recent events, to scuttle the Ameriss' mission for now. Please take measures to land safely back on the homeworld. We will all pray for your safe return. If you survive, you all will be given a decent vacation, bonus neeer, as well as a promotion for each and every one of you.

An additional message arrived privately for Rymas:

Viceroy Raytim said:
Captain Rymas:

I wish to inform you that, although you will not be getting a promotion, I assure you that you will receive the next command available. Such a command will become available very soon. I wish you a safe return.

The entire crew were silent. It appeared that they would have to attempt to land... which was theoretically possible, but it was never tried... until now. After a silent prayer, Rymas gave the order, "Alright, everyone.. Let's do this!" The bridge exploded with activity as the small ship crept towards the planet. The atmosphere would be a rough re-entry, but the water afterwards should soften the descent... by a lot.