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Azorean Disruptor

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I'm open to criticism, but I agree that this is a rather drawn out debate. Uso, I appreciate the criticism, but the name is staying because it describes exactly what it does. Also, I like keeping tech easy and user-friendly. Technobabble is neat and all, but almost nobody understands it completely. I'd rather have my players understand the tech then have it perfectly worded.

I hate repeating myself.
I think he's more getting at what kind of energy wave, because that makes a huge difference in how it affects targets. Especially since different types of waves would have completely different levels of use against say a tank versus an infantryman.
That is correct Aendri.

As you are stating this is not a laser, so it can't be firing photons of any energy level (ruling out everything from radio to gamma rays). That in turn means the beam can't travel at the speed of light (meaning that your stating this travels at the speed of light is wrong). If you are using a particle beam of some sort (like in star trek) then it will have to travel at less than C and will also have a variety of other effects (like serious beam bloom and the like).

I'm trying to point out that the tech is very poorly described and essentially just ripped off from the star trek episodes where the Romulans or Klingons show up to blast things.
Uso. Get off your Damn high horse and MAKE A SUGGESTION.

Help him. don't just be condescending telling him he's wrong and that it can't work. Help him make it work.

Seriously. All you do is come in here, cause drama, and don't help anything at all. If it's worded poorly, then help Fay reword it.


I and many others are tired of you coming in here and bashing other people's tech without being useful.
Well if you'll notice I pointed out that calling it a laser also allows him to use all of the tech that backs up how lasers work.

Calling it a disruptor is just ripping off of star trek and creates a variety of problems.

So I'm pointing out why ignoring my suggestion makes his submission wrong. Perhaps you should make a suggestion instead of just complaining Kai?
Uso is basically saying to call it something specific, or define the beam specifically, probably visually.

Not that a player would mind (who rather just shoot people) but more for the GM in case clever things come to play (such as beams crossing).

Though it has been said it is an Energy wave that disrupts, which to me sounds more like a shotgun like burst of invisible waves (like sound waves, excuse my limited knowledge).

I suggest stating that while it fires waves that disrupts atoms, that living creatures see it as a beam. Unless of course, it fires LIKE a wave beam (Metroid style, well, I guess explaining that in 3d is tougher). This way when someone fires one, the player and GM would know how to describe in a way a human can describe it.

I think that is what Uso is getting at, but naturally he sounds like a troll when he does since he doesn't go into detail and to the point. Be less lazy Uso.
You could do some research into things Scot.

A beam won't be visible by creatures unless something is scattering the beam towards those creature's eyes (like atmosphere or a ship being in the way) so having a long, solid, green beam makes absolutely no sense for an energy wave (see: laser) but works just fine for a particle beam which will be radiating energy away along the entire length of its travel as the particles in the beam loose energy.

The goal here is NOT to copy straight from star trek (or metroid in this case) but have some actual basis for how things work in this setting so players and GMs can interact with them.
It can be a blue beam and not be ripping from anyone.

In fact, you could change the color and it would work out, no one can really copyright science that hasn't existed yet, case in point Worm Holes and Star Gates.

If it's just copyright infringement, then changing it slightly is all that is needed, if your thinking it isn't original enough, than I have to say your a little mistaken, especially for a lv1 gun for a new race.
I think I understand what you are getting at. Lasers and disruptors are basically cousins. It's just a name, though, mind you. The Azoreans probably wouldn't know, nor care, about the difference. The real reason I chose green for the color is because it is my favorite color.

There, changed it to "Laser Pulse". I hope that is enough, because even though Star Trek and Star Wars both have "disruptors", Star Army has yet to develop one. I'm just filling in a gap in tech, therefore adding to the setting in a positive light.
Laser pulse is fine.

Also Stararmy did have disruptors a long time ago, but they were phased out along with the TTD and star destroyers because they didn't really work with the direction the setting was going. Disruptors are just a made up weapon type like Phasers or tri-lithium weapons.
Ah, I guess that makes sense. Well, this is supposed to be a tier 1 weapon for the Azoreans, and I'm sure that it will get phased out again eventually.
I mean those things were phased out because they weren't original to the setting. Yamatai used to cruse around with imperial star destroyers (star wars) back when they were the GSA (also a bit before my time).
The concept of Power Armor isn't original, but we still use it. It's just a name that describes exactly what it does.
There is a difference between power armor, something that has a grounding in reality, and a disruptor, something that is purely fantasy.
Uso said:
There is a difference between power armor, something that has a grounding in reality, and a disruptor, something that is purely fantasy.

What part of , "Let it go, move on with the name." did you not compute? Either move on, or I start making things disappear, and sending out PMs.
Uso said:
There is a difference between power armor, something that has a grounding in reality, and a disruptor, something that is purely fantasy.


isn't that what this site is about? the ideas and fantasy's of people who want to have fun. really. let it go.

Edit: Also... this is science-fiction. not fantasy. <3

According to definition, a disruptor is something which breaks, bursts, or interrupts an object or function. Judging by the function of the majority of plasma based particle weapons in use which are classified as molecular disruptor already in use in the SARP, this submission goes in line with the subject by using accelerated photons to deliver the same 'disruptive' effect. By my reckoning, this weapon can be called a disruptor, if not a high intensity laser weapon.

By that same reckoning, I don't exactly think that this deserves SDR 4 classification. Matt, with the Abwehrans, has given large scale laser batteries on starships an SDR 3 rating... when his race has had far more practice and time to refine space-faring weapon technology.

Example: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=ab ... ser_turret

I figure, the name can stay, but the SDR has to go.
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