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Azorean Disruptor

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A Phaser is a Phased Array Laser, Uso.

That isn't fantasy, just hard to do.
Well DocTomoe is obviously entirely wrong, as he is using the wrong definition as pertaining to this submission so I shouldn't have to go further into that.

Fiver is making the same mistake, as a phased array laser would actually be phased array light amplified by simulated emission of radiation or palaser. Phaser is you just wanting to copy star trek, which has Phasers that fire beams of rapid nadions (completely made up).
(Though of course in reality you'd just call it a laser either way, as the word laser is independent of the lasing medium)

And of course if this is a laser there is no reason not for it to be SDR 4, a sufficiently powered weapon would be able to reach any level of the DR scale and with a laser there is no problem scaling up energy levels. Of course you would know this if you used common sense instead of fantasy justifications.
Uso. It's a name. It's a laser, but they call it a disruptor. this is a different species, a different faction, with a different culture and different words. If they want to call it a disruptor, they can.

As for Doc talking about the SDR thing, He's just saying that a newer, lower tech race would not really be able to make a laser of that power, just yet. they simply do not have the technology for it, although that can probably be debated.

Also, Since when is the Dictionary wrong? I read the definition linked, and it is the proper one for what we're talking about here. just because its examples are not geared towards the cellular level does not mean the word cannot be used that way.

Fay: The SDR is simply too high for your tech level at this level. You're just starting. SDR 2-3 would be more applicable and fair for your base level of technology. The Abwehrans have been at this a fair hand longer, and are only pulling SDR 3 on a full blown ship. So if you would be so kind as to acquiesce and let me know via PM?

Uso: Continuing down this road isn't winning you any points, or favors. He can call the submission anything he wants, within reason. Continuing to pressure him on the subject isn't using common sense in the slightest. PM will be sent to Wes as well.

However. This Disruptor is Approved for IC Usage pending recommendation.

Otherwise. Topic locked due to continued bickering on a otherwise insignificant portion of this submission.
I don't see how a single weapon has more than one damage rating. Shouldn't there be multiple models or something?
Different figring modes, the NSP's have multiple modes of operation. just an idea.
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