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Azorean Edits


Well-Known Member
After some additional research and discussions both in the IRC and on YIM, I've decided that some changes are necessary on the physical aspects of the Azoreans. Nothing to horribly different, but I've learned that without a visual, cartilage ear part, it is almost as hard to catch sound vibrations underwater as it is on the surface.

Another reason for this edit is because ICly, they are RPed as being able to hear just fine on land. That is an unfortunate blunder, mostly on my account. The actual wiki article section would be changed to as following:

I've also added gills since someone brought up that their algae-hair might not be able to absorb oxygen fast enough to get into their system before they suffocate... So, here it is:

Thanks for reading! Any questions, comments, or concerns?
As the only Azorean PC so far I agree that these changes are definitely an improvement and entirely in line with the flavor of the race as a whole, as well.
*bumps slightly* (as it has been about 12 hours since someone last posted)

I've made quite a few changes to the fin-ear section due to IRC discussion. So... is it good?
Hm.. it's been three days. Does anyone have a problem with this? If not, then I hope that someone would approve this. :|
I'm fine with these edits; the seem mostly cosmetic. I have no issue with approving this, what say the techies?
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