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Azorean Equipment List

Articles with red links cannot be approved.
All red links and unapproved submissions removed. Dusk added some flavor, which I appreciated and edited as well.
I think all you still need is the overview under the title header.
Yay, overviews! Alright, I hope that is what you meant by an overview. I'm not really sure what else I should put, so how does it look?
Yep I meant to say this earlier but sandbox was mainly an organizational thing for Fay, me, and SentientRace to be able to easily move articles once they get approved. I was also to allow Wes or another moderator to keep an eye on us more easily if he so desires.

I added the description because I wanted the Azorea Equipment List to be different and more user friendly than other lists. Often times their is so much tech on a equipment list that it can be overwhelming for new players. With descriptions, it much easier to search for the technology you are looking for .... well one can hope....
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