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Approved Submission Azure Legion (Yugumo Merchant Spacy Operations Team)

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
At some point we should probably submit the Merchat Spacy itself, since it's got more value than just as an internal organizational unit of Yugumo.
At some point we should probably submit the Merchat Spacy itself, since it's got more value than just as an internal organizational unit of Yugumo.
Once I get the other pages redone I'll separate the spacy off into its own set of pages so that we can start occupation pages etc. The RP comes first, and then ill get the Pages done, Im working as fast as I can, but some pages have a higher priority than others. For now, the Yugumo Merchant Spacy is just the name of their corporate fleet. I want to get the rest of the Yugumo overhaul done, and with the Tengumo out of the way I can do that.
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