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RP: 188604 B7R, Operation Roach Hotel

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alex Hart
  • Start date Start date
Atmosphere of B7R

The two Sand Demons entered the atmosphere close behind the Phoenix. From there, their paths diverged. Corgan's ships slowed, swooping in low over the ocean. When they found a clear spot to land not too far from the Rixxikor's attempt at a unified front, they slowed enough to land. The cargo ramps dropped with a thud as the ship touched down, sending up a cloud of dust. Corgan jumped up and ran to his tank followed by the rest of his crew. Throughout the cargo bay, the rest of the Company jumped into their vehicles.

"Let's move, people!" He shouted. Alex's message came through his helmet but he didn't bother sending a reply. Major Stone, the driver, started up the tank and accelerated. The other six tanks and assorted armored vehicles gathered in the cargo bay shot forward followed by the other company of Infantry. The vehicles from the Claire pulled up beside them.

As soon as the smoke started to clear from the Kouken's barrage, Corgan gave the order to fire. He hoped to provide covering fire for the incoming mechs. At his order, the tanks opened fire with their main guns.

Taking advantage of the distraction provided by the Phoenix, the two dropships lifted off. They did a quick low sweep across the enemy's front lines with everything they had. Anti-ship turrets fired dual bolts of glowing plasma. Point defenses shot focused beams of plasma, and anti-armor rounds rained down on the Rixxikor from the anti-armor turrets.
Walking Fortress 1

The walking fortress closest to the beach continued to walk forward, the massive cannons suspended above its main body slowly tracking the starships above. It seemed to completely ignore Alex walking forward as his fighter made a close pass, one of the cannons firing shortly afterward, the shockwave from the blast tearing nearby trees from the ground and flinging them away.

The Pheonix's bombs came next, explosions covering much of the walking fortress without slowing it down much. In the next few moments the fortress would emerge from the smoke and aim one of its cannons at the Pheonix herself. As it rotated, a stream of fast-moving plasma would shoot out, scortching the tops of the trees nearby and then flying out into space as the cannon rotated towards its target. For a brief moment the ship and the stream would interscet, the heavy weight of the beam knocking out the ship's shields and flinging the whole craft down range.

The two strikes did seem to find their target. The joint in in the middle of one of the legs twisted and buckled as that leg tried to move forward, leaving the fortress with one stubby limb that it turned towards the ground, bracing it as best it could as it shifted around to try and walk on just the three remaining legs, continuing to move forward as the fortresses behind it continued their battle with the drones in orbit.

Landing Area

The Rixxikor had no shortage of small vehicles, tanks, buggies, and even dismounted infantry. There was something going on and thousands of bored Rixx were now trying to swarm the area... and shoot something. Their smaller vehicles were ill suited to prevent the rounds from Corgan's tanks, and the barrage from the two Sand Demons was more than enough to turn much of the forested areas into a rolling fire.

The Rixxikor Deathclaws, however, were well shielded and heavily armored. The barrage from the departing ships chipped away at their shields, exposing the metal hull but otherwise leaving them to fire back. The Deathclaw closest to the beach was already hunkered down, turning towards the two departing ships and letting off a stream of fast moving anti-aircraft fire while the small guns protruding from the front started sweeping around, the small anti-personel machinegun fire mostly bouncing off Corgan's tanks though it was focing the Ragnarok soldiers to take cover.

Of course there were plenty more Rixxikor, and dozens more deathclaws.

Another pair of Deathclaws would fly over the heads of Mr. Donovan's team, slamming into the ground near Corgan's soldiers. The huge claw on the underside of the armored bunker would graple into the ground and pull itself downward, anchoring the bunker in place as the large cannons on either side would take aim and the approaching tanks.

a fourth and fifth death claw would stop in mid air, dropping themselves down ontop of Mr. Donovan's group instead of continuing on towards the landing area. The massive claw on the underside looking to grab ahold of one of the mechs as the cannons on either side sprayed hot beams of plasma down into the forest bewlow them.


The view from space was fairly peaceful compared to what was on the ground. In the void, there was no atmosphere for the deadly beams to bounce off of. No indication that much was going on besides occational flashes from the surface.

Though from the look of things on Sensors, Vier certainly had her hands full.

In the spam of time that it took for Araxie to finish speaking to Alex, the senors of the Excalibur would read that another half-dozen of Vier's drones had been destroyed. The drone's own powerful laser systems abruptly stopping as massive shells or beams of plasma passed through the ships, sending their parts scattering outward.

Vier did start passing through ground targets to the Excalibur. There were dozens of deathclaws and other small vehicles that could use the attention of their starjammer lasers.
"Those cannons are huge. Their targeting might keep up but the mechanisms can't. Try to target the base of their arms, or get them to hit each other." Talking to just her pilot, Serai seemed oddly... Calm despite the terrifying battle surrounding them. She was busy taking in as much information as she could as they flew.
Jack pulled back to a safe distance to take up a sniping position, followed by Jay.

"Hey Jay, you know how a sniper like me is like a charity?", He said as he began to descend to his chosen position.

Since his angle of descent had him facing away from the front line, Jack could see the Pumpkin Eater making it's descent as well. Jack instantly brought his right hand to his chest feeling the necklace he wore of a chain with two cerulean blue feathers on the end. He finally reached the ground and turned back towards the front line and propped his sniper cannon on a small outcropping of rock for a steadier shot.
Isabelle was watching from the Pumpkin Eater. She knew she had her work cut out for her, as she would from any battle. Her right hand went to Jack's old dog tag that she still wore all the time, her only hope was that he survived this without a problem.

Of course at the moment they were still descending so anything she saw right now she wasn't going to be able to fix right away, and most of it wasn't anything major. Actually, if she were honest, she actually couldn't tell much of what was going on at the moment, she could see explosions and flashes of light and things like that but most of her view was clouded by it. She smiled to herself, she knew they would win this, so there was no reason to be pessimistic about anything as things were. She kept her bright attitude and kept watching as the Pumpkin Eater continued it's descent.
The Kouken-class Escort slammed into the ground as the force of the beam shunted it downward. With most of it's aft section now missing it would skip and tumbled off the forested treeline several times before disappointing into a lake.

Ahead of Corgan's Reavers

The eight Ashigaru mecha landed softly on the ground and rushed to the cover of the trees, only to be cut short as the death claws landed on top of their loose formation.

"Evade!" Mecha 5 (gunner) called as one of the claws came down seeking to grab hold of Mecha 8(sniper). Thinking quickly, the operator of Mecha 6(CQC) swung his longsword hard across the claws stalk. The second death claw caught hold of Mecha 3 who's shield prevented him from being crushed. He opened fire with everything he had, his laser weapons began pulsing for the base of the claws stalk and twin streaker rockets soared into the beasts belly as he accelerated hard to get free.

The rest of the team did similar, opening fire with everything they had and launching rockets sparingly, stopping only to defend with their shield, as they skillfully encircled the two death claws while skating across the ground on a bed of gravity to keep their speed up. They would focus their fire on the weapons until disarmed before moving in for the kill.
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Yinsar cracked his knuckles, and awaited for the go-ahead from command. It was given a few moments later, and Yinsar Kine's mecha launched into the fray.

He flew among thousands upon thousands of rounds hurtling through the air in either direction. It took a large amount of concentration from Yin to avoid destruction at every swerve. Even through the mess of lethal rounds hurtling through the sky, Yinsar Kin was able to find his way to Alex's side, albeit with much teeth clenching and sweating.

The Mouse may be crazy in the cockpit, but he sure as hell wasn't a fan of dying with no reason or amusement.

He pulled up along his commander, trying to keep up and using his heavy W3900 to lay in rounds at spots he or his HUD software identified as weak points. Most of these were near the joints of the massive walker, or small gaps in the armor created by some of the other firepower being laid down onto the monstrosity of a vehicle.
:: Excalibur ::

Errowyn was relieved from her post on the bridge by the relief crew, leaving her pretty much free to do as she please. She moved through the ship till she found Vier. She settled back and observed the action on the ground that was displayed on the various monitors and the radio chatter from friendly forces on the ground.

"Is there anyway that Excalibur's cannons add fire support against these Rixx's Death Claws?" She spoke loud enough as her eyes took in the data gathered on the Death Claws. "It would seam that Aether Cannons of the ship would be able to kill them a lot faster with precision strikes."
Landing Area
"Alright boys and girls! Green light! Jump!!!" Cyrus ordered, leaping from his dropship. The other soldiers did so as well. A stream of power armored soldiers fell from the sky, impacting the ground and throwing up dirt. "This is Ragnarok actual. I have made landfall, and am assuming command of Fyrst Company. Callsign changing to HD Actual." He reported, the HD standing for Hell's Dragons, the 'nickname' Fyrst Company. The other Raganrok soldiers of the company sent up cheers as they heard the callsign change.

"Let's move! Assume formation and show these bugs what happens when you face Ragnarok!"

The war overhead continued, the large walking fortresses trading blows with Vier's drones. However this did not seem to stop the smaller death-claws from trying to pounce on the nearby infantry. The deathclaw closest had numerous small machineguns in the front which opened up on the Ragnarok soldiers, spraying them with small rounds while the large Anti-Aircraft cannons on the sides started shooting at Ragnarok's drop ships, quickly knocking one out of the sky, then turning to track a second one as it came down to drop off more soldiers.

"I need a heavy to take that bastard out yesterday!" Cyrus ordered, as he drew his dual revolvers and firing at smaller targets."

One of his soldiers ran forward with a SFR-01 Rocket Launcher and knelt. "Watch the back blast!" He called as he fired a rocket up towards the deathclaw that was targeting the next dropship.

The rocket slammed against the shields of the death-claw, bursting into a jet of flame that splashed against the front of the bunker. In the next instant, as the death-claw tried to fire its weapons, the entire right side of the vehicle exploded, sending the cannons on the side flying off into the forest, a bright fire burning inside.

However, this did not seem to stop the bunker section from moving around. Despite the flames welling up from inside, it was able to turn towards Cyrus and his group, pelting them all with machinegun fire from the smaller weapons inset into the front, the bullets impacting all around Cyrus and his soldiers while the few Rixxikor that were around watched, cheer'd, and occationally fired rockets from the side lines.
Pumpkin Eater

The massive freighter would slowly touch down in the waters a few kilometers from the landing sight. They were well hidden by the curvature of the planet, and the only visible part of the fight from here were the beams of energy passing overhead. The ship's front doors would open, and the damanged skyguard fighters from earlier would start making their way there. In moments junker drones would climb out of the ship and start approaching the damaged fighters, some managing to land on the ship. Some pilots crashing into the water. Still others trying to land on the top of the frighter only to skid off the side.

While the spider-like drones did their best, they were clearly overwhelmed along with the rest of the support staff on the ship!


Vier, for once, looked distracted. It took her quite a few moments to respond, finishing up the commands she was entering into the console before addressing Errowyn.

"Most of the weapons on this ship are designed for ship to ship combat. Either their nuclear payload is too much to use planetside, or their sensors are not meant for targeting small objects through a planet's atmosphere.

We would need to get in closer, and limit weapons use to just the starjammer lasers." She explained. "I do not have a command node running on this ship yet, so I can not take control of the flight systems."

Landing Area

Yinsar, much like Alex, would find that a single shot from the W3900 didn't seem to do much to the walking fortressess. However as they got closer, the hundreds of rounds the cannon could quickly put out were chipping into the armor over the walking Fortress' legs. One joint had already been crippled, and their firepower was starting to chip into a second.

Also much like Alex, as Yinsar followed him through his swooping motion away from the walking fortress, the smaller Deathclaws would start shooting up at him. The multitude of small rounds quickly draining his shields, followed by a bolt of energy blasting straight through his wing! Along with the information flooding in to him from the screens in the cockpit, he would also get to feel the entire craft shake as its wing was shredded. The craft's onboard stabalizers quickly compensating for the damage. His engines seeming to be unhurt by the blast.

Meanwhile Jack would get a decent view of the battlefield. While the trees and vegitation prevented him from seeing the smaller individual Rixxikor that may be scurrying about, the tops of the death claws were easy to see as they poked above the treeline as well as the walking fortresses as they started to crest over the Horizon. He could easily make out a pair taking aim at Yinsar, as well as the two that were in close combat with Corgan's reavers and that mecha team.
Pumpkin Eater

A new-face woman in tan colored T-shirt with combat pants that matched the color of her shirt looked at busy spider-like drones and support staffs, while checking on her firearms while muttering in protest.

" Gah....What am I suppose to do in this ship? "

She obviously seemed to be depressed to the fact that she was in Pumpkin Eater, missing combat. She violently checked every chambers of her firearms to make sure they were loaded and were ready to use.
Jack took in the scene before him and ran the scenarios in his head for the best course of action.

"We both reach out and touch people, changing their lives forever.", He said slowly as he decided to take aim at the Death Claw on the right of the pair who were aiming for his comrades.

He had squeezed off the first shot half way through the sentence, then the second punctuating last word of the sentence. His sight then moved to the Death Claw on the left, followed by two more shots. Jacked considered firing on the one attacking Corgan's men, but the two were to close together to not have a risk of hitting an ally.
Pumpkin Eater

A new-face woman in tan colored T-shirt with combat pants that matched the color of her shirt looked at busy spider-like drones and support staffs, while checking on her firearms while muttering in protest.

" Gah....What am I suppose to do in this ship? "

She obviously seemed to be depressed to the fact that she was in Pumpkin Eater, missing combat. She violently checked every chambers of her firearms to make sure they were loaded and were ready to use.

Her voice seemed to be overheard despite the abundance of movement going on. The large spider-like Junker drones swiftly moving past her carrying spare parts and sometimes dragging U-1 fighters back onto the top of the craft.

"New Hire."

It was not so much a question, as it was a statement of who she was,

"You are supposed to be getting familiar with the crew as well as 'helping out however you can' as per Uso's instructions. Would you like to assist with recovering crew from downed fighters?"

The woman speaking was one of four human-looking crew members who all looked exactly the same. Black hair, Grey eyes, her hair pulled back into a ponytail and her clothing fitting tightly so that nothing was left lose or bouncing. A simple Grey top and black pants covering her form.

As she heard the voice, she slowly turned her head before realizing whose voice it was.
She slowly opened her lips then began to speak as she checked her shotgun's chamber.

" Welp, I would love to do anything to get out of this ship. "

"Are you familiar with how to fly a U1 craft yet?" The other woman asked.

" Uh....I'm sorry. A what? "

She asked as she didn't even recognized what that was. It was obvious that she didn't knew how to fly it.

"The variable mode fighter craft that the Skyguard pilots. They are U1s." She explained. "Perhaps it may be easier for you to ride a junker drone."

Without another word, one of the drones would walk over, bracing itself against the ship with three of its mechanical arms while the fourth reached over, gently wraping itself around her and setting her down on the top of the central spherical body.

"There are disabled craft in the water." She explained, the drone turning towards one of the fighter craft that had splashed down in the water, sliding down into the water and swiming over to it while doing its best to keep its passenger dry.

" Wait, but I don't know how to drive this ei- Oh SHI- "

As one of drone's mechanical arm gently wrapped around her, Sasha tried to explain to her that she didn't even knew how to drive this drone. But as the drone slid down into the water Sasha began to scream as she thought they were gonna crash.

After few moments while in water, Sasha slowly opened her eyes then slowly looked around, then reached for her radio.

" Next time, please let me know if this thing was gonna take me into water..... "

"You will be fine. Knowing how to swim is not needed here." The voice responded as the drone stopped next to the crashed fighter. The vehicle's cockpit was still above water, and the vehicle did not seem to be sinking.

"There is a rescue hatch on the exterior you can use to open the cockpit." The voice explained, the drone tearing a small metal panel off the side to expose the button, the young pilot of the craft looking too passed out inside to respond.

" Great....Pilot is passed out... "

She spoke to the radio as she slowly looked around the exterior of cockpit, looking for the hatch. She soon spotted the exposed button then reached for the exposed button, then pressed it. Sasha began to think of what to do next.

"CHSssss" Something inside of the vehicle released, and the cockpit slid forward off the nose of the craft, leaving the boy inside much more easily accessable.

" Welp, come on then... "

Sasha watched as cockpit slid forward off the nose of the craft, then slowly reached and grabbed the boy by his shoulders, pulling him into her drone at the same time.

"Ngh? WHAA!" The boy yelped, thrashing about as he was grabbed, then grabbing ahold of Sasha, his weight pulling her towards the cockpit of the craft!

" Wh- What...?! H-Hey! Relax! Relax and come here! "

As the boy yelped, Sasha letted out loud yelp too as she thought he was unconscious.
She then tried to hang onto her drone as his weight began to pull her toward the cockpit.
Although she was not stronger than him, but she was still harder to pull as she was bigger than usual Nepleslian females.

The drone didn't have a whole lot to hang on to besides one of its arms, the metal appendage moving closer so that she'd have something to grab on to.

"I... AH.... Uh...." The boy looked around, still clinging onto Sasha tightly as he looked around. Things seemed a lot less scary all of a sudden, "I uh...." The embarassment starting to show, "Sorry... I uh... I was crashing..."

" Obviously, you were. "

Sasha letted out small chuckles while looking at now embarrassed boy. She slowly pulled him inside the drone then began to glance at his face then at his body for any wounds.

" Are you wounded? Do you feel sick? "

She spoke as she looked around the drone for any first-aid kit.

The boy seemed to be clinging to her rather tightly, "I'm uh... I do feel sick.... I guess... I... uh.... I crashed..." The drone did not seem to have a first aid kit. Though once the two of them were safely ontop of the drone it began to swim back towards the ship. The boy himself seemed to be physically ok, though there was no telling if blood would show through the skyguard flightsuit that he had on.
Landing Area

The advancing row of tanks picked their targets and opened fire. Their 125mm gauss cannons focused on the exposed Deathclaws, hitting them with HEAT rounds. 25mm gauss rounds poured into the enemy infantry.

From behind the line, the APCs and AFVs mopped up any Rixxikor the tanks missed. Infantry followed behind, using the vehicles for cover. At the very back, mobile artillery rained HE-P shells down on the Rixxikor.

Corgan was having difficulty seeing anything with all the smoke from the fires and explosions. This was his first time on an actual battlefield. It felt different than he imagined. He really had no clue how to coordinate a battle like this.

"Vier, can you target those walking fortress things? We can handle the frog tanks, but you have to take those things out!" He yelled into his comms, barely able to hear himself speak with all the explosions and gunfire.
:: Exacilbur ::

Errowyn nodded as she settled in a seat next to Veir. "Need any help?" Powering up the console before her. Since the Excalibur had a full compliment of bridge crew, she wasn't needed and it gave her to much time on her hands.
Landing Area

Jack's first projectile would smash through the energy field protecting the death-claw while the second would crater in the centeral command area, causing the thing to topple over backwards as it started shooting, spraying fire wildly into the air as the flames started to consume it from the inside.

For the moment Alex and Yinsar seemed to be clear

Corgan, meanwhile was building a ring of fire around his position with shells repeatedly landing in the forest. The deathclaws quickly getting chewed up as they approached too close to the tanks.

"My drones are at capacity with degrading Rixxikor defensive capabilities." Vier responded clinically. Overhead beams were still being passed between the fortresses and the drones. Another walker started to stumble and melt, falling apart under the repeated strikes from orbit as another half-dozen of Vier's drones were blown apart.

While the Rixxikor seemed thrilled, they seemed to be occupied by Candon's mecha. Instead they began to change their mode of attack. A group of deathclaws far from the battle began to lob their projectiles at the landing area, globs of superheated plasma slowly arcing up into the air and falling down towards the landing area. The weapons seemed fairly inaccurate, missing entirely and landing in the ocean at first as they started to dial in their target.


"Yes," Vier replied, apparently not capable of doing everything on her own, even if she did put up that impression. "Please take this ship in close to the landing area. "We will need to use the ship's defensive weapons to stop Rixxikor artillery from destroying the landing force."
Landing area

Alex swerved around incoming enemy fire, and flew around to the front of the giant mechanized spider before turning to Araxie and speaking for a moment, "Hold on, I'm going to try something dumb." Then he grabbed the shotgun given to him by a friend, and plunged the fist of his mecha into what seemed to be the bridge of the craft.

He then opened the cockpit of his mecha and ran down its arm, leaped into the bridge and opened up on the disoriented Rixxicor. His mecha withdrew its arm and peeled off to the side walkways of the enemy behemoth, sweeping fire across the enemies there before he dashed along it and leapt back into the still open cockpit, shotgun in hand.

"Okay, that one shouldn't pose too much of a threat anymore."
Custom U-1 interior

"...Yeah okay I'm not sure what happened but I think it worked." Miss Serai seemed somewhat surprised by Tasuki's... Aggressiveness, although the effectiveness was notable.

"Next time you try this, let me get out, too. Those cannons could be useful." Cooly speaking into his ear, Araxie looked back at the tactical map. "That beach head is getting the hell shelled out of it. Eater's down there as well. We need to mitigate the enemy arty before it can hit something powerful."
Landing Area

The damaged Rixxikor walking fortress that Alex had hit continued stumbling forward and then stopped. It stabbed its damaged leg down through the ground as its arms continued firing into the air.

Just a moment or two would pass.

Then the fortress continued stumbling forward again.

The command area seemed to be in flames now, fires welling up and filling it with smoke... though this only seemed to slow it down a little bit. Inside, other command centers were starting to come on line. The fortress would sway side to side as they fought over which direction to take the massive weapon. One of the huge cannon-carrying arms would twist around the wrist joint, spinning the tip of its cannon toward Alex's U-1 and looking to send it flying, treating its cannon like a tower-sized baseball bat!
Jack watched as Alex had pulled his stunt and thought "Showoff", but after a few minute the fortress was still operational. That's when he saw the arm move to swat at Alex's unit.

"I don't think so bitch.", was all he said before firing three rounds at the fortress's arm, firing as fast as it would cycle.
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