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RP: Bahram Wing [Bahram Wing Prologue] Hearth of the Frozen Saint

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The Pixel Knight
Inactive Member
Fort Jariaz, Mazerin
Upper Lounge
Yetsava 14th, 935
25:20 Commonwealth Standard Time

Bahram Wing's orders had stated that the new members of the wing should report to the offices of their wing commander, but he was nowhere in sight. Instead was a small note on his door's digital welcome screen, stating that he had sortied alone, would be back in 10 minutes and would meet them back at the fort's upper lounge. A place filled with small smokeless fireplaces burning in the corners, surrounded by fireproof velvet pillows and soft-looking couches, tall mugs of piping hot Mazrit Brandy were passed around. It was winter in the northern regions of tundra world, and despite the comfortable warmth of the fort itself, the crew were all too eager to warm themselves with drink and fires.

Such was the nature of the homemaking Mazerinii people, who valued the warmth of a hearth and a comfortable seat over any amount of riches. Many of the younger crew were rather handsome too, phenotypically fairer and somewhat more buxom than their sun-seeking kin of Hlarai or cosmopolitan Maekardani. Despite a small sense of antagonism with such ethnic divisions, no one seemed to be particularly hostile any newcomers, and the drinks continued to be passed around.

Mu'Tasim idled quietly near the center of the room, he had found himself a small, comfortable chair to sit in. The Sund Wakir didn't exactly look like the usual Vanguard of the room, with his Guard Banner on his belt, his large white overcoat, and think Book of Dreams situated on his lap. He sipped only a little bit of the warm brandy that had been passed around, praying to Abu'Nal lightly that he would have the strength to uphold his position. The guardian turned his head, to look around for other pilots who may be under his guidance.

Malik briefly made eye contact with the older Temple Guard. Quiet, he had refused to drink any of the brandy being passed around, but was active in the many conversations going on about the room, adding in his views. Many of the conversations were, infact, about the rumors about defecting officers. He tried to not concern himself with these troubling facets, instead talking with a group of other frame runners about their origins. It seemed that there werent many Cohronls here, and the few present were being eyed with suspicion. Malik had decided to go with "My father was a Sund-Wakir, my mother was a Mazerinni." Infact, this was only a half truth. While his mother WAS a Mazerinni, his father wasn't a Sund Wakir, a Cohronl that had Sund Wakir and Curdatl ancestery, but a Curdatl nonetheless. Realising that the temple guard was not only his elder, but most likely his superior, he saluted to the older man.

Mu'Tasim looked up at Malik, his glowing yellow eyes blinking up at the runner saluting him. In fact, he actually had to lean back to look up at the very tall Cohronl. The mix of violet eyes, and the big orange hair seemed to intrigue him as the guardian tilted his head, not responding for the moment. Though, he quickly realized his staring.

"Er... I'm sorry, can I help you?" Mu'Tasim questioned. Malik stuttered for a bit, lowering his hand.

"Sorry, Sir. I just felt that I should show proper respect to you, both as a man of the faith, and as my superior officer." Malik smiled, visibly relaxing, before becoming tense again. "Err, Sir!' Mu'Tasim chuckled for a moment, and stood up from his spot in the chair.

"It's alright, my friend, Ruh looks kindly upon your discipline and faith, but you should not feel so tense in my presence." His hand flowed from under the coat, for a shake. "I am Vaytulri Mu'Tasim Farouk, and you?" Malik moved to salute Mu'Tasim again, but stopped himself, shaking the shorter Sund Wakir's hand.

"Vayhsirin Malik Ibn Rashidan, at your service sir." Malik smiled briefly, and scratched at his sideburns while in thought. "Sir, if I may ask, why were you get assigned to this cold planet?" Mu'Tasim chuckled lightly at Malik's behavior.

"I am here to relieve the current Shrine Keeper's duties, and restore the Shrine here to its former glory. I will be acting as this Fort's Dream Priest until someone else if found suitable of the position." He did not feel it was too necessary to tell him about the Runner squad assignment.


"I know! That new Wing Commander Serhan is going to turn traitor, or I'm sipping lukewarm Mazrit with a Cohronl girl!" A pair of female recruits to the left of Mu'Tasim and Malik were talking quite loudly, half giggling as they took gulps of their hot drinks. The one who spoke first was a pale skinned Mazerinii with shoulder-length wavy white hair and light orange eyes, who seemed to speak with a great deal of sarcasm.

"You are, idiot.” The other, a tanned, gray-haired and red-eyed Cohronl simply looked at her and laughed. “I have to admit, the glasses thing kind of creeps me out and I can never find a word to describe him that isn't a synonym for shifty.”

"Exactly! The guy never shows his eyes, and you never let up about my jokes!" The white haired girl chuckled. “On the bright side, that shrinekeeper's replacement is quite the looker. Almost makes me wanna be religious again.”

“Only a martyr would ever be interested in a monster like you, Anik.” The grey-haired one retorted to her drinking partner, jabbing her in the side with her elbow. “So you might have a chance!”

“That was mean, Khiyai. His taste would be as bad as yours, having eyes for that garish Cohronl with the orange hair.”




Malik perked up at hearing the two girls, and almost visibly facepalmed. On the other hand, he almost visibly stared at the Mazerinii girl's chest. Well, What they said about Mazerinii females being "Buxom" was true. Coughing, he spoke up.

"You two need to slow down a bit. Yes, our commander does seem a bit odd, but I'm sure he deserves his position. I'll not have you spreading such lies and slander about our Wing Commander, at least, not infront of Vaytulri Farouk!"

Mu'Tasim blushed slightly at the comment made by the nearby women, almost causing him to break into another chuckle, but he raised his eyebrows at Malik's incursion on the near-by conversation. He did not speak, only focused his glowing, yellow eyes on the two women. The gaze he had seemed to be a mix of judgement and innocent curiousity.

'Ismat sat quietly, watching the others of the room intently. She held a cup of brandy to warm her hands, occasionally bringing the cups to her lips, and very occasionally actually sipping. At the loud gossip, 'Ismat instantly tuned in.

“Ohoho!” Anik leaned forwards, emphasizing the size of her breasts to the runner a little and reaching out to grab his left horn. She grinned and gave him a quick top-down glance. “I can see what she likes about you, even if it's too bright and filled with too many ideas.”

"Eeek! Idiot!" Khiyai pulled her friend's arm away and pushed her down against the couch they were sitting on. She seemed to be exasperated, annoyed and almost dissapointed that Malik was interested in someone with breasts much larger than hers. "You were supposed to hit on the other one!" Mu'Tasim made no attempt to interject, he only chuckled.

Any and all logical, comprehensible thoughts in Malik's brain dissolved, turned to mush along with his brain apparently. His height had some advantages, and also gave him some weaknesses. Luckily, Khiyai pulled her friend away before anything could happen. Quickly regaining his senses, he waved his hands. "no, It's not like that! I mean, Your chest may not be as large, but your waist is slim and your hips are wide!" Malik sighed, happy with what his solution, then he realized had just made it worse. "Wait, I didnt mean to say that!" Malik facepalmed. "I meant to say that I think both of you are beautiful!" 'Ismat sweatdropped as she listened in. This didn't seem like anything important, but still. She wandered over to join the conversation, plopping down next to the others.

"And what about me?" she asked, teasingly and with a mischevious smile.

"Oh... that's actually pretty sweet. Like glacier-carved cliff covered in honey." Anik began to laugh quite furiously, before glancing at 'Ismat, in a calm and objective appraisal of the newly arrived girl. She figured that this was all perfect, as she was quite pretty and would probably fluster Malik. "Yeah! What about her?"

"...cruel." said Khiyai as she simply blushed, eyes downcast and slumped her shoulders, feeling that she had lost against the other two.

Malik's brain, instead of shutting down to avoid making it's user look even more perverted, instead went into TRANS-AM. Smiling, Malik stepped back, pushing Mu'Tasim forward.

"I think that she's much more Vayulri Farouk's type." said Malik, but Mu'Tasim only smiled lightly, chuckling a small bit behind it, yet said nothing. 'Ismat frowned.

"Aaaww, I'm not to either of your likings?" 'Ismat pouted. "You still have a chance then, seeing as these," she gestured to her chest, speaking to Khiyai, "didn't work, so it's not that they're looking for." Malik twitched ever so lightly. Obviously, the Vaytulri had much better self control.

"Screw it. Khiyai, you should go out with my Cohronl half. Anik, you should date my Mazerinii half." He spoke confindently

"... Really?" Anik said quietly, her mouth agape. However, she quickly regained her composure and grinning, turned to Khiyai and nodded. "I guess it's appropriate for you types to share when supplies are scarce, right?"

"..." Silently, the grey-haired Cohronl stood up, hands placed over her red eyes. Ripple went through her body as she prepared to sprint, before she bolted for the door, mumbling something along the lines of: "Monsters! Both of you! There's no way I'm making myself a martyr for your twisted jokes!"

"But I didnt do anything." Malik stopped, still as a statue, mouth agape.

"No..." Anik swatted Malik on the back and chuckled."...but you said a lot."

"Sometimes, words speak louder than actions. Both physically, and metaphorically." Malik smiled, an arm wrapping around the Mazerinii's waist.

'Ismat just blinked. That was interesting. She stayed quiet now, unsure of how to act.

"Ahaha, yeah. Here's one." Anik giggled happily, as her hand crossed Malik's face, causing a sharp concussive sound to resonate throughout the room. The wavy-haired woman pushed him away and stood herself up, placing both hands on her wide hips, disappointed. "I was kinda hopin' you'd play nice long enough for Khiyai to speak up and tell me to take a hike. Guess I overestimated how long you'd go without saying something perverted." She said, sighing.

"That was a good one. I take it you know I don't hit women, correct?" Malik smiled sweetly, his hand squeezing into a fist.


Jlu was on her break from a normal day of care taking duties. It was hard work; so much food to prepare, sheets and towels to be washed. She was pretty exhausted. However, the work day wasn't over quite yet, and she thought a good drink would help her relax before she was forced to cook some more for all the hungry recruits. She was new herself, but already she was considered a regular. She'd made a few friends but they were still working. As the caretaker walked in she looked around the room for a spot to sit before turning her body to avoid being ran into by an obviously distressed woman.

"Aaah, careful! Idiot!" Khiyai screamed, as she crashed into the side of the doorway, having avoided an impact with the caregiver, but exchanged it for one with a moulded Strodirn door frame. Stoically, she remained standing and kept silent, rubbing the middle of her forehead vigorously. At least she was thinking less about him...


Malik stared down at Anik, his smile gone, stoicly glaring at her. His fist loosened, rubbing against his waistscarf, which seemed to twitch at his touch.
"Well, It's true. I refuse to hit women, even if they do deserve it." He spoke spitefully.

Mu'Tasim's hand clasped heavily on Malik's shoulder, it's grip rather tense. "I believe you seem to forget your restraint, Malik. I suggest you find more attending words, or take a seat." His tone coming off a little harsh. "The same goes for you, Anik, you should more restraint in such situations. This is the sort of behavior that sent Mu'Klamal to his grave."

"Relax, honey. I'm not trying to get into a fight with a guy who just had an sea of arousal turn into an ocean of frustration." Anik sighed, before her features suddenly brightened up. "I just thought that she'd probably never forgive me if I brought someone she liked to our bunkroom, even if it was over a paltry Cohronl kid. Your friend there has the right idea." She said, amused and somewhat relieved.

Malik continued to glare at Anik, his eyes softening. "I apologise, Anik." The tall Cohron/Mazerinii sighed, and saluted to Mu'Tasim. "Understood sir. I thank you." Then, Malik put two and two together.

"Wait, Khiyai likes me?"


After dodging Jlu looked back to see where she'd gone, only to find she had run into the door frame!

"I'm not the one that ran into a door," She said matter-of-factly, turning and stepping toward her, her hands outstretched as if to steady her through thought. "Are you alright? You should be running blindly like that you know." she asked. Khiyai sobbed a little and forced a smile, small droplets tracing down the upper part of her reddened cheeks.

"Nothing, but thanks for your concern! It's just... hitting my head likes this hurts." She told Jlu calmly, half lying by omitting what hurt more. Though, she probably wouldn't have cried unless she had hit her head, but that was relatively moot.


"Apology accepted." Anik replied, making a small bow. "Do drop by our bunkroom though, sometime. She probably still likes you, or this Mazrit isn't bargain grade."

"Thank you Anik, I will. I would ask you to tell Khiyai that i'm sorry, but I think it's better if I do it myself." Malik smiled, a big goofy grin on his face and steped away from Mu'Tasim and Anik, moving around them and jogging after Khiyai, trying to catch her.

"Say... Vaytulri Farouk, right?" Anik asked Mu'Tasim curiously, glancing at him with slightly devious eyes. "Will you be holding prayer sessions? The last one didn't, and I kinda feel like settling back into good religious habits."

"Yes, by request of the High Guardian, I am here to replace the current keeper, and assume his duties. Prayer and meditation will take place twice, every week. Of course, if you are need of it, I am also available for private meditations when I am not occupied by other duties." Mu'Tasim nodded and spoke gently, his expression become a little more warm to Anik's question.

'Ismat giggled. "Private huh? I certainly hope that meditation is all you're doing in those private sessions," she teased.


Concern and a little disappointment marked her face; her break was cut short before it started!

"I can see; you're head looks like it's starting to swell. Come on, let's get you some ice," Jlu told the girl. She put her hand on her back and started leading her to the kitchen.

"Ah, thank you. That'll help for sure." Khiyai replied to Jlu, feeling somewhat better. She looked to the young Iroma, quite grateful for her help in spite of being a complete stranger. "Your features are very bright. Are you an Eyr Ranr?"

Malik looked around the room, quickly realising that Khiyai had not gone down the elevator.

"Yeah, Good job Vayshirin, you damn idiot." Malik sighed, about to lean against the wall and sigh, but noticing Jlu, and Khiyai in the corner of his eye. Smiling, he went over to them.


"Jeez! What kind of girl do you take me for?" Anik barked back at 'Ismat. "I'm just trying to get back into good habits. I grew up in the Ghen school, but haven't been doing any meditation so all that extra focus kinda bled out."

Mu'Tasim rotated his head in the direction of the woman who had not yet identified herself. She appeared his age, and seemed to hold the playfulness of such. "It depends on the sort of Meditation we perform, I believe you may be thinking of the Ahni Meditation. Those are usually performed better by the Dream Consorts."

'Ismat nearly faceplanted on the table at Mu'Tasim seemingly completely missing the joke, but reeled back at the yelling from Anik. "Ah, sorry. I was just kidding!" she apologized to Anik.

"At any rate, the Shine Keeper will be ejected and transfered tommorow. I will take time inbetween duty to rebuild and touch up the shrine, and then the next day I will hold a Jafar Meditation." Mu'Tasim explained, after 'Ismat's apology. He shivered a little more, pulling his robe a little closer to himself, he didn't feel too official freezing his horns off.


She brushed some of her long, black hair out of her face, "Why yes actually. How can you tell?" she said, looking into her eyes with her own glowing, black eyes. Jlu noticed from the corner of her eye that a man from a nearby table was walking toward them. She didn't know if he was gonna walk past or what, so she ignored him for the most part.

"You're quite a bit leaner than most of the girls here, and well... it's in my blood." Khiyai answered, trying to pretend that Malik wasn't coming closer, and was just passing by, or something as innocuous. Normally, she'd be so much more composed, but the almost idiotic manner in which everything had played up until now had her frazzled. "One quarter, on my mother's side. They say that the Cohronl owe their adventurous spirit to the Eyr Ranr, so I've always kind of looked back at my heritage with pride."

Malik opened his mouth, to apologise to Khiyai, but couldnt find anything to say. Thinking, he tried again, but couldnt find anything to say then. The third time, he could find something to say, even if it was stupid.

"Khiyai, I know you're angry at me. I was wondering if we could talk?" Malik asked as Jlu was about to thank Khiyai for her compliment, but the Malik had reached them and stopped, obviously to talk. She could tell by the way he hesitantly opened and closed his mouth before finally apologizing.

"Oh, so you're the one that upset..." she turned her head toward the Cohronl and said a little quietly, "what's your name? I'm Jlu, by the way. And I don't think you should," she quickly told the man, "She needs ice first."

"Don't worry, I'll go get it." Malik said, smiling at Jlu.

"... Aaah?" Khiyai said meekly, taking a seat on a free cushion so she could get here bearings back, and glancing up at Malik. "Thank you."

"It's the very least I can do." Malik scratched the back of his head, smiling to reassure Khiyai. Walking into the kitchen, he quickly returned with ice for Khiyai. He would, however, notice that the thick composite material of his left shoulder pad had a dangerous-looking cleaver embedded in it, too shallow to feasibly have harmed his shoulder but deep enough to look like someone had genuinely tried to kill him. Likely because he hadn't bothered to ask and intruded on the territory of the upper lounge's chef.


Anik remarked that for all his discipline and apparently good physical shape, Mu'Tasim still couldn't quite take the cold. It was probably the cape, by her reckoning. It was always the capes with temple guard and clergy, since they always wore niforms adapted for the warmer worlds like Hlarai and Maekardan. She smirked. "So, how does fair and icy Mazerin treat you, Temple Guard?"

"To be honest, I hate it, the cold I mean. I'm more used to burdening hot climates, like the deserts I'm from. My robe is designed to keep off the sun, but is too damn thin to insulate heat." Mu'Tasim spat bitterly, but his expression seemed to pick up, "However, I do enjoy the people here, that is one improvement, so I know my work in the shrine will go more smoothly than the temperature."

Anik nodded. "We like the cold here, but the hearth culture has always been very big 'cause it's such a bitter and hostile world." She explained, nodding again quite happily. " 'Hostile in her beauty, and deadly in her elegance.' is what some Mazerin folk say about our homeworld. The rest just guffaw and dig into their stew."

"That's very poetic, and very true, I've heard few dangerous things about this planet. However, the much different kind of climate here makes it almost exotic to me, if not ball-free- I mean, very cold." Mu'Tasim cleared his throat, and then shifted his attention to 'Ismat. He looked at her and then at Anik, in less audible tones, "Is she also a local? She seems rather shady."


"I didn't get a chance to thank you for the compliment. You didn't tell me your name either." Jlu sat down at the other side of the table, motioning for a waiter to bring a couple drinks.

Malik sweatdroped, and mentally reminded himself to never go into the kitchen again. Coming back, he knelt in front of Khiyai. "Is this the ice you wanted?"

"Ah... well. It's Khiyai. Khiyai Sahrzad, Mechanist." She replied, gratefully taking the ice and pressing it to her head. It almost seemed to be counter-intuitive, being on a permafrosted world that might as well be a desert by classification, and using ice when they were all trying to escape the cold. "Thank you again, Malik. Was there something you wanted to say?"

Malik blushed, sitting next to Khiyai. Not too close to her, but not too far from her either. "Well, I'm sorry about what happened with Anik. I thought that you two were teasing me, so I just teased back. I'm really sorry for being a pervert."

"Oh, nice to meet you Khi," she always shortened peoples' names out of habit. The caregiver looked over at Malik and easily noticed the cleaver's wound on his shoulder. She looked down at him and shook her head slowly, "Never ever interupt the head chef while he's working. That's practically rule number one in there. I'm assuming you didn't ask either,"

"Nope." Malik answered simiply.

"Aaah? Really? ..." Khiyai said, however, whatever kind words she had in store were muted when she realized that Malik did in fact have a meat cleaver sticking out of his shoulder. "Idiot! You're lucky that tonight's chef isn't that ex-circus performer, or you'd have died."

Malik noticed the Cleaver, and pulls it out. "Oh, this. I thought that it had fell out." Mal gently tucked it away, I'll have to return that later.

"Just give it to me; he has more than one you know, and I doubt he'd mind dirtying them up." She stuck her hand out toward him.

Malik handed the heavy cleaver to Jlu. "I can't believe that I forgot I had that sticking out of my shoulder."


"Dunno. Showed up a few days before you and pulled a few half decent runs on the frame sims, but she hasn't contacted any of the Frame Officers for an assignment." Anik answered, before making a rather cocky smirk. "Just another indecisive Runner. Me, I run in a VAHIN, yannow? Infantry is where all the magic happens, and we don't mess around. Yeah."

"...Hey, I'm right here!" 'Ismat pouted. "You couldn't just ask me? And what do you mean shady? Well sorry if I space sometimes...."

Mu'Tasim arched his brow at 'Ismat and then spoke a tad sternly, "You interject on conversations, yet never introduce yourself. You are either just detached, or shady." He then turned his attention back to Anik, "You know, I spent a few runs in a VAHIN myself, back when I was Vaybalri in the Vanguard. We usually showed bandits what it meant to be on the wrong side of a Ray-B." He chuckled.

"Oh... Oh! I never did, did I? 'Ismat Sitari, Vaybalri," she introduced herself awkwardly. "Sorry...." Well this wasn't a great start to her first few days there.

"You seem a tad nervous, Vaybalri Sitari, you're amongst friends here so there's no need to stumble or apologize." Mu'Tasim nodded to her, his glowing warmly with a smile.

"Heheh. Yeah, lighten up. The hearth is all the warmer because of the cold outside!" Anik did an energetic one-two punch combo, and flexed her left arm, grinning like a Gualmyan that had just caught a sandrat with its tail. "The Linear Shrike more my style, though the Ray is a dream when they've gotten saucy and think they can get away from you on the open plains."

'Ismat nodded. "You can just call me 'Ismat. And still, I feel as if I should apologize about being... creepy." She blinked at Anik, before giggling at her actions.


Jlu took the knife with a bit of force, careful not to hit him, and set it on the table in front of her. She wondered where her drinks were.

"What do you do around here?" She asked Malik.

"Well... I guess it's only because I got jealous. Anik really tries to help me out with these sorts of things, but her plans... can backfire." Khiyai frowned, exasperated. "I'd almost be worried if you hadn't shown any interest in her, since she is so pretty, but still..."

Malik thought, then smiled. "Anik may be pretty. But I think you're more beautiful than Anik could ever be." Mal gave Khiyai a thumbs up, turning his head to look at Jlu. "Malik Ibn Rashidan, Vayshirin, Frame Runner."

"I guessed as much. All confidence, and no substance." Jlu smiled a wicked smile.

Khiyai patted Malik on the head and sighed. "I guess I'm subconsciously looking for a very courageous idiot so my children will be born average."

Malik chuckled. "I guess I am a hotblooded idiot then." He smiled, petting her on the head. "Oh wait, I want to give you something."

Jlu couldn't help but smile something fierce. Just the way they pet each other made cheeks rise; she couldn't help herself! she looked down a little to try and hide it some. After controlling it enough she said, "Maybe you two wouldn't be so bad together after all."

"Aaah? Why would I ever listen to my subconscious, anyway? It wants me to bear the children of an idiot!" Khiyai yelled, immediately withdrawing from Malik and standing up, the half-melted ice still pressed to her forehead. "I... have to go! Serhan's unit is coming in and there aren't enough Mechanists at Bahram Wing's hangar for maintenance. Th-thank you!" She said, scampering away, her cheeks hot enough to spot weld steel.


"You know, you struck me as the kind who would favor the spread of a chaingun. It is a very decisive weapon." Mu'Tasim chuckled, then turned his attention back to 'Ismat, "You know, Yetsava would disapprove greatly if we all looked at each other's outward actions. So, you have no need to apologize to me."

"Ah um... okay," 'Ismat replied. "Sorry... er... well... I haven't exactly brushed up on my Saints recently...."

Mu'Tasim chuckled a little bit, "That's alright, many people are not. Yetsava is the Saint of Beauty, who looks down all forms of prejudice and vanity. She is there to make sure that we stay together as a people, and not find a way to separate ourselves through petty judgement. Knowing that, you shouldn't be worrried about simple conflicts of social interest."

'Ismat nodded. "Mhm. Heh, I guess that's why you're a Temple Guard and why I'm just a Runner."


Malik sat there, shocked. Then, he realised. "Wait, did she say Bahram Wing?"

Jlu too was shocked at her sudden departure, "Umm, I think so. That's weird, I'm supposed to be joining the Bahram Wing myself."

"So am I. It seems that Khiyai has a crush on me but doesnt want to admit it, and she's also a mechanic for Bahram wing." Malik grinned widely, and started laughing. "Hey, maybe she'll get all worried if my unit gets damaged, and will try to play it off as being worried about the VANDR!"

Jlu arched her brow and smirked, "As I said, all confidence... I wouldn't be surprised in the least if she called you an idiot everyday."

"If she called me an idiot while blushing furiously?" Malik turned his head to the side, in a questioning manner.


"Well, Temple Guard are not the only ones who are open to the Vigil. Even you can embrace the guidance of the Makuori, they may I'Timad and Malakai may even grant you the light of becoming more confident in your speech." Mu'Tasim nodded to her, feeling confindent in his own explanations of the Makuori.

"Really? Hm... I might have to join you on one of those meditation thingies sometime then," 'Ismat replied with a smile. "Though private sessions might go just a little... far," she joked again, hopeing Mu'Tasim wasn't quite so dense as to not get innuendos.

"You mean, Ahni Meditation?" Mu'Tasim arched a brow, pushing the sexual innuendo to the back of his mind. 'Ismat banged her head on the table.

"...Ow. But, yes. I mean 'Ahni Mediation.'" Whatever that is...." Ismat replied.

"Unless, you are extremely sensitive, or just want to I highly doubt an Ahni Meditation could go any further than intended lengths." Mu'Tasim chuckled a little more.

'Ismat flushed lightly. She wasn't exactly expecting that reaction. If her assumptions were right about that Ahni meditation was... best to make sure. "Um... what is this... Ahni Meditation anyway?"


"Then I guess she means it," Jlu said with eyebrows raised. "How long have you known Khi anyway?"

Malik thought, rubbing his nonexistant beard. "We've only known each other for about three days. So, Maybe she's faking it."

"It's too early to tell at this point I think. I'm sure you'll find out once we start working in the Wing." Jlu winked at him, knowing she might have some sway on Khi's opinion of him, for good or bad.


"Ah, that would explain the roses on your cheeks." Mu'Tasim chuckled and took a seat, pulling his robe in closely. "You see, Ahni Meditation is where you would either find a comfortable position, or stance and remain that way in silence. Then I would try to relax you through massage, or some sort of touch therapy. Of course, it can take the form of sex, but I am not skilled enough with the Ahni style to really keep it at keep it at a level of 'Meditation' to do that." Mu'Tasim's cheeks flushed a red color.

'Ismat giggled. "Hee hee, I made the Temple Guard blush!" she teased, her own cheeks reddening at the thoughts of that kind of meditation. Mu'Tasim chuckled a little bit, this woman was fairly playful for her age.

"It is not hard, at least as hard as you think, I am just usually not the most experienced around such subjects." Mu'Tasim explained.

Nodding, 'Ismat didn't know really how to respond to the awkward topic. She took her now cool brandy and sipped, her eyes glancing to the side.

Mu'Tasim sat quietly for a few moments, eyeing her carefully. "Are you... V.I.A. perchance?"


Mal shrugged, leaning back in the seat. "Right now, I'm content to rest here until the wing is called in."

"Yeah, me too," She too leaned back. Finally, a waiter came with a plate of brandy. She motioned for him to lower to allow her to choose one, taking one from the left edge. She sniffed it and found it good, "Thank you. You want one Mal?" then she took a sip. Mmmm, sweet brandy. She looked at a clock on the wall; she figured by the time she finished her break would be over. Mal shook his head, refusing.

"I'm sorry, but no. I don't drink alcohol unless I absolutely have to."

"Suit yourself." said Jlu, the waiter walking off somewhere else. "I've been drinking the stuff for as long as I can remember. You know, since I was 10. It's in my peoples' blood, ya know?"

"I understand. But me? I don't drink alcohol, It's going to get in the way of my goal." Malik said smiling.


'Ismat blinked, before gagging on her brandy. She coughed as she set her cup back down. "Wh- what? Why would you think that?" She tought, Well, that was a fast end to an assignment. I have to be the worst operative ever.

"Well, you seem to carry an unusual detachment to the people around here, you don't feel to comfortable actually greeting those here. Plus, you're too old to be a shy greentounge. Essentially, you make it seem like you're here for reasons other than just being assigned here." Mu'Tasim explained, his glowing Yellow eyes focused on her bluish grey ones. "I'm not too far away from you as well, I could feel the nervousness

Crap. 'Ismat gulped. "Well... your accusation is wrong. I'm just a Runner, nothing more."

"Ahaha, damn suspicious, I say!" Anik exclaimed, returning to Malik and 'Ismat with tall glasses of steaming Mazrit, a little more than tipsy at this point, but far from drunk. "They say that not sharing is sinful, and I have decided to live righteously from now on! So some, absolve me by accepting my offerings."


Jlu paused mid drink, swallowed, and asked, "And that is?"

Malik smiled, giving Jlu the thumbs up. His violet eyes lit up, his orange hair standing on end. "My GOal in life, My ultimate dream, is to become an ace pilot! I want to surpass the famous Ice Wyrm someday!"

And the room went quiet.

Malik looked around, blushing.

"Am I really that loud?" He asked.

Mu'Tasim was about to respond to Anik's offer after his laughter to her offer, but stopped suddenly with the silence.

"I hear he was quite the monster in his heyday, but no one should have to remember a monster like that." Came a voice that was deep, bland and unexcited. "It's quite a boast, but really quite stupid."

"Yeah, and I wanna be the greatest cook in the universe!" Jlu exclaimed, but not quite as loud as Malik, "That guy's right though, you probably shouldn't talk about him like that." Malik turned around, looking to see the source of the voice.

What he saw was a figure nearly a half foot shorter than himself, but simultaneously imposing and weary. Orange glasses glinted ominously in the light of the room, beneath a head of short and messy dark brown hair. However, despite the conditions of his hair, the rest of the man was orderly, tight without so much as a single uniform violation, or for that matter, a smile. He was a man with a medium skin tone, a light brown constrasting his hair, with lines under his eyes and horns that were smooth, flat and a little short. Hearing the rather odd statement by Jlu, a minuscule grin crept on his face.

"Marranr Serhan Nejem, Commander of Bahram Wing. Seems kind of drafty in here." The well-kept man said in the same deep and bland tone.

Malik, upon hearing who exactly it was, promptly stood up, straightening his uniform and saluting. "Vayshirin Malik Ibn Rashidan, reporting, Sir!"

'Ismat smiled, thanking the distraction. "Hehe, thank you. But... I have to go to the restroom. If you'll excuse me...." 'Ismat stood and left the other two she had been sitting with and left.

Mu'Tasim nodded to 'Ismat, grinned and stood steadily, his robe falling into place and approached over to Malike, Jlu, and Serhan. He stepped in line with Malik and straightened himself, placing his Book of Dreams over his chest.

"Acolyte Guardian and Vaytulri Mu'Tasim Farouk, I was told by the Head Guardian to report to you, Marranr Nejem." said Mu'Tasim.

Jlu looked behind Mal at the man, wondering just who he was before widening her eyes. She haphazardly set her glass down and quickly stood up, moving beside Mu'Tasim to salute him as well.

"Greetings commander, Vayshirin Jlu Ciranth, Caregiver, sir!"

"Hmmm..." Serhan mumbled to himself, sizing the junior frame runner up, before his attention was taken by the more mature Temple Guard. He seemed to want to say something discretely, but did not bother whispering or approaching the white haired Iromakuanhe. "Good that you're on time. Now this Malik fellow, he IS as genuinely slow as he looks, correct? His body is tensed up in the patterns that suit a runner, but he doesn't look like he thinks half as much as he acts." He said to Mu'Tasim blankly, giving a small salute to Jlu.

"You would be correct, sir, but he has loyalty that even Ruh would admire." Mu'Tasim said in the defense of Malik.

"Sir, permission to speak?" Malik spoke up, smiling to himself, hands at his side.

"Mmm?" Serhan looked back up at Malik, after grabbing a fresh drink from a trolley. "Granted, though I don't see why you'd need to ask off-duty."
Malik thought about that, but said nothing on the subject. "Sir, I may not look like the most intelligent runner, and it's true. It's completely true. The only things I have any sorts of intelligence in are piloting a VANDR and fighting." Malik smiled, and winked at Serhan.

"You know, I don't want to be an offense, but do you realize how stupid that makes you sound?" Mu'Tasim said aside to Malik.

"I see. I'll see to it that Jlu takes care of dressing and feeding you, in that case." Serhan replied, taking a small sip of his drink and adjusting his glasses.

Malik grins, looking at Mu'Tasim. "That's the point. Though maybe it's not such a good idea to make my wing commander think of me as an idiot."

"Oh please don't make me Ser; I'm a caretaker, not a babysitter." She eyes Malik for a moment before looking back at Serhan.

"I'Timad needs to sit you down, trully he does." Mu'Tasim said exasperatedly to Malik.

"You know, if you actually whispered, I wouldn't hear everything you were saying." Serhan continued, before looking back at Jlu and shrugging. "Engineering can put together a drone for you to program. I'm not sure if it would be any more or less degrading to him than he already is to himself, however."

Malik lost his smile, looking directly at Serhan. "Sir, I need to speak to you."


Zus, from the corner in which she had been sitting, looked over at the spectacle. Great, another idiot like Zalus she thought, rolling her eyes, and following Serhan's speech. for such a bland person, he had an admirable sense of humor. or was he serious? Zus couldn't tell; she'd have to find out.

Reovan, who had been sitting across from Zus, chatting, looked over at what had caught her teammate's attention. Some brash fool it seemed. She had to admire Marrnar Nejem's entrance, though. He seemed to have a much better personality than his buddy back on Maerkardan. The Crimson something or other. Vaygraiv Frazig. She finished off the drink in her hand at set the empty glass on the table beside them. "Well, well." she said, looking back at the fairer skinned girl, "Perhaps we should go introduce ourselves?"

Zus Smiled at her friend, somewhat mischievously. "I see no harm in that. He does seem a better man than that asshole back at training" The fair skinned Blonde stood up, depositing her own beverage on a table. "Well?"


Jlu relaxed her stance and reached over to quickly grab her drink. She took a sip before replying to Serhan, "Drones aren't nearly as interesting though,"

"Yes, yes, and I need a shower. But first, this drink..." Serhan replied, shooing Malik away with his free hand. He wasn't particularly in the mood to deal with a person who had gone to such great lengths to make himself play the fool. He nodded to Jlu. "If we replaced everything with drones, we'd all be out of a job."

Malik walked away from Serhan, taking a seat nearby to peoplewatch

"Marranr Nejem, I know you are in the process of enjoying a refreshing beverage." Mu'Tasim started sternly, "But I'd like to know where I could find Shrine Keeper Habeem, I am to make sure he is ready to leave by the day-after-tomorrow."

Jlu moved over to the table to lean against it, resting her hands and upper thighs on its edge, "So commander," she said innocently, "Where do you think our travels will take us? I've always wanted to see the universe."

Malik piped up from his seat. "Maybe we'll meet aliens!"

"Hmm... I did recall seeing him going into his quarters in corridor E5. The room leaks a smell of Salcra Weed, so it should be impossible to miss... as long as you don't reach it and wait around, then lose your way" The bespectacled officer answered the Temple Guard, glancing at Jlu and Malik. "As the finest soldiers of the Graiv Haidan, our travels... as far as the VANDR hangar and as near as your quarters. Everything else is done by a machine that rips your mind from your body and yields to your rule."


Returning the Eyr Ranr's smile with a grin of her own, the Sund Wakir girl stood up alongside her friend and the two of them walked together to the group surrounding their new Commanding Officer. "Divine presense," The dark-skinned girl pleasantly offered in greeting as the pair approached.

Malik stood up, walking back over to the group. He didnt smile, he merely nodded to them. "Greetings, my comrades."

In concordance with the dark Sund Wakir, Zus bowed her head politely, saying "Adravni, Marranr. I must say, you seem a lot nicer than your cohort back at our training place."

Mu'Tasim nodded to Serhan's response, and then looked to the two young ladies that approached them. He turned full-body, causing his robe to flow with his movements, and faced them. "Well, Jafar's blessings to the both of you." He nodded to them, smiling warmly.

"Ah, Adravni, recruits." Serhan's face glinted what might be seen as a half-smile in ideal lighting conditions. "Sankhur is as reliable and trustworthy as he is a liability to your worthy trust. Now then... my drink."

Reovan nodded to the Temple Guard, "Adravani, Dream Steward," she greeted him in reverence to his position. Something she had learned well back in the Monastery. "I'm Vayashirin Reovan Mehta," she introduced herself, still looking over the well-built Sund Wakir in front of her.

Mu'Tasim couldn't help but form a wide grin on his face with the mention of 'Dream Steward', it was the first time someone had refered to him as such. "Why, it is refreshing to meet someone who keeps respect of the vigil and those who bear it." He replied to her, extending a hand to her, "Acolyte Guardian and Vaytulri Mu'Tasim Farouk, it is a joy to meet you, Vayashirin Reovan Mehta."

Zus stood by, satisfied to watch as the others interacted. Perhaps she could glean some information off their behavior. With a smirk, she sat down nearby, flagging a waiter for another drink, which she took and sipped happily.

Fort Jariaz, Mazerin
Upper Lounge
Yetsava 14th, 935
25:50 Commonwealth Standard Time
Recruit JP Part II

Fort Jariaz, Mazerin
Upper Lounge
Yetsava 14th, 935
25:21 Commonwealth Standard Time

Technical staff seemed to be filing in an out of the upper lounge, now that the evening shift was over and the few entirely sober people in the room were getting up and heading for the exits, likely given the lowly assignments for the graveyard shift. It seemed like it was going to settle into a nice, quiet night, but a rakish man with blue markings on his face and the look of a person who did not leave an office very often rushed in, his eyes intently scanning the room for someone. He seemed to be panicking, or at the very least, doing his damnedest not to be chewed out by his superior. Who, or what was he looking for?

Savitar groaned, rubbing the back of his head as he walked into the upper lounge the hard soles of his boots ringing out with each step.

"God damn it man I hate it on this damn iceblock.." He muttered in pure dismay, wondering what he did to get sentenced there. The renegade-styled Cuadatl was wearing a fur-lined heavy coat with nothing under it with his uniform pants and boots. He carried himself with inexhaustable self-confidence with a constant smirk. And he was fond of showing it off. Malik turned, catching Savitar's eyes by chance. Almost immediately, there was a Spark. Not a spark of love, nor of Science, but the spark when rivals meet. Anyone who knew the two of them would be able to tell that Malik's unwavering loyalty would conflict with Savitar's rebelliousness.

Savitar perked a brow, his purple eyes catching Malik's and her tilted his chin up some and looked down his nose at him and snerked. "Hey, are you gay or something? Stop staring at my muscles." He said, showing a bit of fang in his joking, yet challenging grin.

Zalus poped his head up behind Zus quietly.

Malik continued to glare at Savitar, but smiled and held out his hand, for a shake. "Malik Rashidan, Vayshirin, Bahram wing."

Savitar laughed a bit and nodded and took his hand for a shake, his grip strong but not tight. "Savitar Ananta, same station as you...and rank." He said. "Nice to meet ya."

Malik's smile wasnt the goofy, large one from before. The best description of it would be that of a cold smile, with the inner warmth slightly visible through the ice. "Likewise." Rashidan took this moment to size up the shorter man. "A Curdatl, I suppose?"

"Of course. Can't imagine being born any other way." Savitar said with a firm not. Savitar did notice the ice and would internally cackle at that, man why were these soldiers always so frigid... they probably needed to get laid. "How about you? I can't tell by how you look since I don't put importance on the differences between us.


Not taking notice of the swarthy Curdatl's entrance, Reovan continued talking with Mu'Tasim. "Thank you," she replied, admiring his staunch and formal attitude. He was so young for a Temple Guard, and fairly good-looking, too. His horns could stand a good polishing, though. "My mother worked in the Monastery on Maerkardan," she explained.

"Yes, but it is admirable to carry the vigil this far from home. Many forget that Mu'Klamal is the Frozen Saint of Mazerin, and think that they are far enough from their guide to neglect them. Especially with Keeper Habeem's poor work ethic." Mu'Tasim commented on the younger Sund Wakir. She was almost excessively beautiful, her deep orange eyes mixed with a dark tone of skin, though obviously very young. By all of Abu'Nal's might, he tried not to stare at her large chest while he was at, which seemed fairly well-endowed for someone of her ethnicity


"What are we up too dear? Listening in on people's conversations... I can't say I'm any better right now." Zalus ducked back and walked around to sit with the two. He took a drink from his beer then sighed. "I am sorry for fucking up. I'll whatever you want as penitence. That is barring anything that would render me sterile or dead."

Zus turned at Zalus' appearance, looking at her teammate disinterestedly, and ignoring him until he mentioned doing something she wanted to make up for things.

"I'll hold you to that" the Eyr Ranr replied, a devious smirk on her face. Good, Already people owe me favors she thought, glad that her ability to gather information in this place was already growing.

Zalus smiled alittle. "I am good at finding things and also I'm a pretty good at give massages" Zalus took another drink from his beer and looked back to Zus. "So do you have any idea what you might want?"

"Not at the moment, No" Zus responded. her smile evaporating as he mentioned massages. Zus' conservative upbringing made her wary of such things, especially from other Eyr Ranr. "But I promise you I will find a way to make you useful" she said, mischievous smile returning for a moment. "How is the cold suiting you? It's a bit much without the proper gear, I say"

"I've been running around a bit to keep warm but it isn't that bad. So what have I missed my doll? anything fun or interesting? Also nice kick to our offier-friends head. He won't be forgeting about that anytime soon I'd say!" Zalus looked around the room to see if the officer was there.

"Don't call me doll. And The bastard deserved it" Zus said, elbowing Zalus in the ribs. "Just be glad you were behind me or you would have suffered the same consequences" she said, looking none too happy. Zalus was annoying, but at least he wasn't the worst Zus had come across.


Shokhi might have found it ironic were he not so nervous - but after spending his childhood among the Ivuori craving after small-talk and idle parlance, he had more or less slipped into the old habit of being a wallflower during his insofar brief military tenure. It was, perhaps, the greatest contradiction in himself. He loved to talk (and talk and talk), but when the opportunity was there he didn't know where to begin. Oh, but opportunity indeed presented itself when Shokhi caught sight of a rather flummoxed man who he presumed to be a secretary (or some other unfortunate desk job). Yes, that would work out... he made a quiet approach. "Excuse me sir? Is everything alright?"

The man nodded and fidgeting nervously, retrieved a note from his pocket. "Err... yes. Th-there's a notice from security for a certain Serhan Nejem, apparently important enough that he was the only person who should see it!" He held it out and shook his head. "The upper lounge is t-t-too rough for me! Could you t-take it to him instead?"

"Serhan Nejem." Shokhi furrowed his brow inquisitively. "Yes, of course I can help you." He took a moment to scan the lounge over, looking for Serhan. The glasses, as Shokhi saw it, should have been a quick giveaway, and indeed - they were. It didn't take more than a moment to pick him out. "Ah, this way, sir." He glanced back at the poor flustered creature with a friendly (though somewhat amused) expression, and guided him through the tables to where Serhan... and Jlu... were settled. And upon arriving he stood to attention quickly. "Marranr Nejem! I apologize for disturbing you, but..." He stepped aside to allow the man with the... message... to take over.

The man nodded his thanks and made a quick getaway into the hallway, vanishing from view.

"Hmm." Serhan glanced over at Jlu, his expression blank hidden by the fringe of his hair and his orange spectacles. He hadn't even started into his drink yet, somehow receiving the ominous feeling that the moment he did, someone would attempt to talk to him. "You do know how to cook, correct?"

Still leaning on the table, swirling brandy in her hand, Jlu looked over at Serhan drinking, and then back over to Malik. She knew she had forgotten something. That stupid boy still has that gash in his shoulder. I bet he doesn't even feel it. He will once it starts getting infected though... Jlu turned her head back at Serhan, "Yes of course, sir. I've been at all my life, so I like to think so. Why do you ask?"

"I'm taking care of a daughter in the neighboring arcology and she's been getting stubborn with kebabs and floatcrab chowder. I'm seeking a recommendation for a good book of recipes so I do not stagnate." Serhan explained, raising his mug to finally take a sip. After all, if it was just him and the girl, he would be able to pace drinking and talking. But as he heard Shokhi call him, he merely furled and eyebrow and set his drink down, suddenly feeling gently dragged into oblivion by the tides of his own ironic thought. "Hmm... my drink. Disregard rank while you're off duty and explain yourself, then."

Dis...re...gard... rank. Shokhi felt a distinct burning sensation in the bridge of his nose, trying his best not to bristle. "Err. Apologies. Serhan, this man here..." He nodded over his shoulder. "Has a message for your eyes only. He was looking very lost and flustered when he arrived so I took it on myself to help him, but now I am less sure about that because-" He abruptly cut himself off, looking quite tense. No, probably not a good idea to finish that sentence, because I find you to be terrifying. It was unbecoming of a member of the Vanguard, it was!


Malik responded to his 'friend', the ice somewhat melting. "I'm Cohronl. Well, Cohronl and Mazerinii."

"Hm I see, nothing wrong with that." Savitar nodded an dlooked around for a moment, looking at the others, the handshake long sense released. "Are all of the Bahram wing members here? I heard someone mention that they were."

Mal looked around, noticing who was all here. Feeling helpful, he pointed to Mu'Tasim. "That's Vaytulri Mu'Tasim, of the Temple Guards. He was assigned here to replace the current Shrinekeeper." His eyes then strayed to the girl talking to Mu'Tasim, and almost to her chest, but he caught himself with thoughts of Khiyai.

"Is that..Reovan?" Savitar asked, looking over at the girl, swearing she looked like the fellow racer he'd met on his leave before coming to this rock. He tilted his head and looked over at them and adjusted the collar of the coat, the black fur fluffing out some.

Mal turned to Servitar inquisitivly. "You know here from some where?"


Looking up into his yellow eyes, Reovan hardly noticed his difficulties keeping his gaze on her face. "Well, I'm glad that you've come here to keep us on the right path," she admitted with a smile. As she heard her name, the young Sund Wakir girl turned and saw a Curdatl man she'd met before. "Savitar?" she asked, incredulously, surprised not only to see the man inappropriately dressed for the weather, but someone she'd never have guessed to meet out here and a member of the Astral Vanguard.

Savitar nodded. "Back home, we went racing before getting stationed here." He explained. "It's pretty wild what you can do out in the desert with nobody else around." he chuckled a bit and perked a brow. And looked to Reovan when she approached and nodded. "Hey babe, you miss me?" he teased the extremely attractive woman.

Malik's brow twitched. "I think I missed the subtext in that. And I'm glad that I did."

"Excuse me for a second," Reovan apologized to Mu'Tasim so that she could greet her friend.

Mu'Tasim nodded to Reovan, letting the woman go off and recieve her friend. The Temple Guard looked around for a moment, noticing most other people continuing conversation with one another. He figured it may be the best time to go through a Ruh Meditationt to catch most of what all was being said. So, he closed his eyes and seemed to zone out for a moment.

Reovan walked over to the Curdatl in a fur coat, the Sund Wakir girl stood on her toes to give the man a peck on the cheek. "Divine presence, you look good," she told him, taking a step back to look at his inappropriate attire. "Except for that coat," she said with a laugh, "Where the heck did you find something like that?"

Savitar perked a brow at her little peck and was tempted for a moment. As he shifted around, his muscles flexed and rippled through his abs and chest under the coat as he did. "I found it out in the desert in some wrecked box." he said. "It fit so I decided to keep it." he said. "Aint' stealin if the box is wrecked right?" he chuckled. "And... my stuff got lost in transport so I'm stuck with this for now." he said. In a moment he reached up and gently ran his hand along her jawline and looked into her eyes. "But it's good to see a beautiful face here." He said and returned her gesture by kissing her forehead lightly.


Zalus rubbed his ribs where he was hit. "I was on your side in this. The guy was a douch・ It was unnessisary for him to test us like that and put you through that shit. No need to elbow me... you are stronger!" Zalus took another drink. "So where is our Reovan?"

Zus subtly rolled her eyes, while looking away from Zalus. "I believe she is talking to people. I lost track of her when you interrupted me..." she said, looking around the room before finding the Buxom Sund Wakir. "Ah, there she is, Talking to some strange man in a weird coat" the Thin woman stated, pointing out the pair quickly.

Zalus got up. "Hey, lets go see who he is. I would think they might have some history judgeing by that kiss there." Zalus tilted his head towards Reovan. "Come on it might be a little more fun that sitting here."


"I see. Read it it out then, please. I'd rather finish... my drink." Serhan replied, pulling his glass up to his lips and finally taking a few sips. At this point, the drink of hot Mazrit Brandy was only lukewarm, but it was better than nothing, as he needed to rid his mouth of the sickly sweet taste of Prajna.

Before Shokhi started reading the note, Jlu interjected her reply to Serhan's question, "My family didn't use books to cook very often, but one they always used whenever things were growing...well, stale...was the Magnificent Maerkerdan Meals. Cute title, right? It has dishes from around the world in it; I doubt even if you make all of them you'd get tired of it."

That request made Shokhi even more uncomfortable, if such a thing was possible, but he saw no value in disobeying it. No, better to ingratiate himself with the terrifying bespectacled commander. "Ahm..." Shokhi cleared his throat, then announced - in a rather captivating tone at a rather prodigious volume - "Security cameras have shown your daughter sneaking around the base, again. Take care of it before I have to send in some of my staff, again. Signed by Eihruk." He wrinkled his nose just slightly, very much wanting to get away right about then. "I'm sorry... should have read that... more quietly."


Zus rolled her eyes again, Zalus was still annoying, but he was right; it would be useful to learn a little bit more about someone Zus considered a friend. She got up gingerly, keeping her drink in hand this time, and followed the other Eyr Ranr, at a short distance, anyway.

Zalus walked up to Reovan and her friend smiled. "How are we doing today? Reo when were you going to introduce us to your friend?" Zalus held out his hand to the man wearing the fur. "Zalus Ka'Salm at your service."

The dark-skinned, orange-eyed girl was completely flustered by Savitar's display of bravado, "Ah... Oh... Uh... yes," she managed to stammer out. Something about the way this guy carried himself just destroyed all of her common sense. "It's... good to see you again, too." Gingerly she lifted her hand to touch his chest, but thought better of it and curled her fingers instead and let her hand fall. Surprised by Zalus from behind, she attempted to introduce the two, "Oh, right. Zalus, this is Savitar. He and I met a little while back on Maerkardan. Savitar, this is Zalus. He and I were in runner school together on El Bazr."

"Oh I see." Savitar said with a soft laugh and nodded his head and offered, shaking Zalus' "Interesting. It's good to meet you." he said, giving the hand a firm shake. "It sounds like we all have something in common then, but I was taking correspondense courses for that one." he said offhandly. "If you're wondering about this coat, my stuff got lost in transit up here. they told me it should be here tomorrow."


Serhan nodded calmly as Jlu spoke, picking her words apart and ensuring that he would remember the important parts of it. No more would he have to deal with food containers returning still full, or a child that would not eat by bedtime. Because, of that message. The unexpressed Ivuori did not flinch, spurt or panic, though he did admittedly take in his last gulp quite hastilyy, to the point where he wondered if half of it had gone into his lungs. He glanced back at the young enlisted man and in a tone that might be horrifying in its cool, unflinching ease, nodded. "I... see. Do as you please during your break hours, Frame Runner. I only as for your sobriety when we sortie."

"I... ah..." Shokhi decided to excuse himself very quickly. "Thank you sir." And with that, he turned about and took a very direct course away from the source of his immense discomfort. Coincidentally, this course - which Shokhi didn't plan out very well - brought him into a rather direct confrontation with Savitar's back. In a very literal sense. With a muffled squeal of surprise, Shokhi - ever the master of fitting in - stumbled back a half-step. There were... so many people crowded together here. He was quite unsure what to do. It seemed he had broken away from terror and stumbled into a hornet's nest of his peers. Whom he didn't feel terribly peer-like with just yet.


Zus stopped short, standing next to another oddly dressed man, though his attire seemed more official than the other man's. Figuring she could use him as an excuse to be this way, she turned to Mu'Tasim, and asked "May I ask what kind of outfit you are wearing? it is rather intriguing, to say the least."

Mu'Tasim could sense that Zus' statement was directed him, and opened his eyes, breaking his focus. His yellow eyes glowed lightly as he smiled at her and answered her question, "It is the Ceremonial Sun Robe of the Temple Guard. I wear it as a sign of status, and a sign of my ability to act as an ordained priest of the Vigil."

"Temple guard? Sounds exciting. How does one rise to the status and ability to wear such garments?" Zus asked, genuinely curious now.


Zalus nodded and looked back towards Reovan then to Savitar again. "I would rather say someONE in common. Our beutiful little dove here." Zalus patted Reovan's shoulder in sport.

Savitar chuckled. "Oh there's no competition there my friend." he said, giving Reovan a smooth, discreet wink.

Reovan turned with a glare at Zalus, "Hey, hey. Who's a dove?" she asked, more annoyed at the interruption of the moment she was having than at the pet name. Though, that was annoying in of itself as well. She put her hands on her hips, ready to chew the Eyr Ranr out, "Like I'm some bird flying in the sky? I'd sooner be called a sandrat. If anyone's a dove here it's you."

She marked this declaration by pointing her index finger right on Zalus' chest.


"Now if you'll excuse me commander, I'll be back in a moment. I have...something to take care of," she told Serhan. And with that Jlu walked past the man into the hallway and toward the kitchen. It was next to the lounge, and she could have walked through the waitress's door. Instead she went to the back and calmly took out some gauze, tape, anti-biotic, and a cloth out of the first id kit on the wall. Nobody minded, as they all recognized her. She returned holding the items inconspicuously and made an effort to avoid Malik's gaze. Suddenly behind him, she wet the cloth with a good amount of the burning liquid and slapped it right onto his wounded shoulder! She started to thouroughly rub it in.

Malik instinctively cringed in response to the cloth, but calmed down when he realised it was Jlu. "Oh. Hey Jlu."

At that she pushed it in a little harder, "Hey! You know you shouldn't walk around wounded; it might get infected you know. You can dress yourself, right? Of course," she handed him the gauze and roll of tape while still making sure she didn't miss a spot, "What's so bad about being called a dove? The sky is a wonderful place!" she said in relation to Reovan's comment.


Savitar stepped forward suddenly at the bump into his back and turned around slowly, like he was going to explode in rage. But turned his purple hues down upon Shohki and shook his head with a chuckle. "Are you ok?" he asked. "Or'd you trip?"

"I... wasn't watching... where I was going..." Nervousness gradually gave way as Shokhi realized he hadn't ruffled any feathers. At least not too much. "It's just like..." He caught sight of Reovan and, being rather inexperienced in unofficial encounters with the female persuasion, he abruptly cut off again. Maybe he had ruffled feathers? "I... ah..." Rather than trying to say something clever and memorable, he just... looked about the rapidly growing congregation. Decided to declare himself. "I am... Shokhi." Declare himself informally. Although he was awfully quiet for a declaration.

Savitar's sharp ears caught Shohki's introduction. "I'm Savitar Ananta, one of the Frame Runners, but right now I'm just freezing cold." he joked. "And don't be so shy man, speak up, let the world hear what you gotta say." he said and nodded. "You only got one life, so ya best live it up and make yourself heard." He told the shy-seeming crewmate. He shifted his glance to Jlu and shifted his stance accordingly, the lng tails of the coat billowing out slightly. "I agree with Reovan, you might fly as a dove but the moment you crash, it's over." he said metaphorically.

Malik wished that he could just step away, and not get involved in any arguements. But, alas, that wasnt so. So he had to do the exact opposite! "Hey, All of you! Stop arguing over stupid little things!" He smiled, now that he had their attention. "If you havent noticed, we're all members of the same wing. Bahram wing! You do know what Bahram means, right? It Means Victory! And the entire commonwealth is on the brink

"Whats with everyone jabing me today?" Zalus rubbed his chest where he had been poked. "I'll leave you two be then, so I don't get jabbed again... Dear." Zalus backed away from the two while keeping an eye on Revovan. "Now what do I do?"

"So, Do you want to bicker amongst ourselves and fall towards defeat, or do you want to spiral upwards, and achieve victory, the Bahram Way!" Malik started.


This was an emergency, the sort of thing that lesser parents would enter a righteous rage over and storm through the halls like a static storm across polar Maekardan. However, his mind refusing to allow his body that rush Serhan stood himself up, and cleared his throat to get the attention of his wing. Glasses glinting ominously, as the lighting converged in an unusual manner. "Ahem."

And again, the room went silent.

Malik immediately snapped to attention, saluting Serhan. "Sir!"

Savitar laughed suddenly at Maliks' declarations and punched him in the shoulder in a "brotherly" way and nodded. "Damn. Right. You said it. We're the best here..." he said and looked at him with a slightly evil grin. "So stop spoiling the fun, even the best need to have a break and be stupid periodically." He got it in before Serhan silenced teh group, luckily. Savitar stood at attention just a bit...more relaxed in fashion.

Shokhi had been about to say something clever and memorable - now that he had been egged on by Savitar - but he was quite effectively saved from himself by Serhan's impeccable timing. And he snapped smartly to attention, staring wide-eyed at his commanding officer.

"We-..." Mu'tasim stopped abruptly, respecting Serhan's call for attention.

Reovan was about to say something to Zalus, she didn't know what, but as the Marranr called for attention, she looked over his way. For some reason, the whole attitude of the room seemed to change to something ominous.

Jlu had stopped rubbing Mal and started rubbing her hand on her coat, looking past everybody to try and find Serhan. It seemed he had something to say.

"There has been an incident which requires the attention of Bahram Wing. Meet me in the hallway." Serhan said with an almost contemptuous lack of passion, heading for the door way. Before exiting, he glanced back at the crowd in the lounge. "The rest of you may continue."

Mal relaxed, turning towards his comrades. "Well, it seems it's time for us to shine." HE motioned for the others to follow, heading out into the hallway.

Zalus exited to the hallway and stood at attention in front of their commander. His chest still iched a little from the poke.

"I'll explain it to you later, for now it seems we've a task to complete." Mu'Tasim nodded to Zus and continued to the door, his stride causing his thin Sun Robe swaying as he followed the Marranr intot he hallway.

Is he always like that? He's colder than this planet is... Savitar thought at the Marranr's statement. "Yeah I know." Savi said and followed them out, his hands in his pockets as he walked along. Possessing a deadly swagger that bled of suppressed excitment as he walked. "Wonder what the issue is." he mused to himself and leaned against a wall in the hallway.

The Sund Wakir girl looked around. Bahram Wing? That was her, she glanced to her comrades Zus and Zalus and nodded to them as she headed for the hall, quite surprised at some of the others that also were apparently assigned to the wing.

For just a second, a small head topped with wavy blonde hair and a small pair of antler stubs peeked into the squad room, the fairly large looking red eyes blinked for a second as the small person looked around for a second, before noticing Serhan, epping rather loudly and ducking back out into the hallway.

Hmm... that was not the yelp of any child which is not mine. You are close, Arzu. The officer thought to himself, as he moved into the hallway. He gave his glasses a gentle pushing up with his left middle finger and fished his wallet out of his right. "Now then... the incident."

Shokhi was beaming with excitement - though he said nothing, it was plain and obvious that it was a great effort for him to keep from spilling over the sides. A chance to shine, as Mal had put it, was everything Shokhi ever hoped for at any point in any epoch of his life! He just... didn't do so well at shining around new people. He followed the others out into the hallway, trying not to hop-skip too much along the way.

The caretaker wasted no time in following their commander, even quickly walking past a few people to get there. She placed the bottle and cloth next to her almost empty glass she'd left on the table before continuing.

The young Iroma girl peeked around from a corner down the hall, pouting and glaring in childlike malice at Serhan.

In the corner of his eye, Mal noticed a small little girl, though he wrote it off as nothing more than an illusion

The girl noticed Malik seeing her, Arzu waved to him to get his attention.

Malik waved back, smiling with a big goofy grin

The youngster pulled the bottom eye lid of her left eye down and stuck her tounge at Malik before disappearing behind the corner.

"We have an intruder, one that is devious, manipulative and understands the layout of this base to an extent that surpasses all of you. Her stature allows her to blend in and hide in locations that you would not look, and her hacking abilities are surprising." Serhan retrieved a picture from his wallet and held it out to the wing members to see. "I am rather proud of my cute daughter, but she has become troublesome recently." He said, his voice almost taking on the slightest sliver of pride.

As if on cue, the elevenish girl cross the hall from a distance, taunting them with a one-gun salute. Then, she ran off.

Savitar glanced at Malik and wondered just what in the world was he smiling like a doofus at? But he'd just write it off as he shifted his position and put a foot back against the wall behind him as he waited to hear what was going on. Wait, WHAT?! They had to find ...some kid...? Talk about asinine. But dutifully, he looked over at the picture and memorized it. You need to keep a tighter handle on that kid then, this isn't a playground. He thought.

"Aww, but she's adorable." Jlu said, and under her breath, "but I can imagine why she'd want to explore..."

Malik raised his hand. "Wait, Your daughter? Would she happen to be blonde, and have red eyes, by chance? Sir?"

Shokhi found himself rather shocked by Malik's lack of attention and composure. Though he brushed it aside, instead devoting his full attention to Serhan only to find himself quite disappointed. They were chasing the Marranr's daughter? What sort of assignment was tha- and Arzu darted across the intersection, saluting them. Shokhi stammered a few times...

Savitar didn't waste time and instead took off down the hall after Arzu. "That's her you idiots." he said, looking back for a moment. "Come on. Same girl as in picture... geez"

Zalus pointed behind their commander. "Sir it would apear that our prey is taunting us." Zalus nodded his head toward the girl

As soon as she saw her, JLu flew into a jog toward the girl, "Hey, come back! I'm on your side!"

"An incident which requires our attention, indeed," Reovan parroted quietly as she folded her arms. They had to chase this guy's kid? Maybe her intial reckoning of Serhan was off. He may not be as bad as Sankhur, but this was still pretty bad.

"Well, it's no use for me to chase her. She'll run away as soon as she se- OH! I have a plan!" Malick snapped his fingers. "Anyone know where we can find chocolate or candy?"

"It is reassuring that you were able to retrieve the words relevant to the picture I've shown you, Malik. Yes, those colors are red and yellow." Serhan said blankly, putting the photo away. He noticed that she had been already tracked, and he felt a combination of relief and disappointment. Had he overestimated her cunning? "There are vending machines, but such tactics are reserved for men with white hovervans. Do not forget that I am a father with a father's protective duties, Vayshirin."

"You're supposed to catch her!" Savitar laughed at JLu and shook his head. "Now get back here shrimp!" He called tauntingly after Arzu.
When Savitar rounded the corner, he would notice nothing aside from the standard station personnel, aside from what looks like a discarded air ventilation cover on the ground.


Zus, whom had tagged along, smacked herself lightly in her own face, holding the hand there "Idiots" she muttered "you do not catch errant children by running after them. You must outwit the little bastards." She said, lookign for a computer terminal to find some sort of layout for the base.

Reovan couldn't help but giggle at Savitar's playful attitude towards the "mission," but didn't move. Instead she turned towards Zus at the terminal to see what the Eyr Ranr would find.

Shokhi watched as Arzu ran, and several others immediately took to chasing her. He didn't join the chase, as it struck him that - as Serhan had said - she had a far better understanding of the base than they did, after all. Indeed, Shokhi's reaction was much like Zus - and hearing her comment he followed after her. "If they keep chasing her it will give us a good idea which direction she has to go. Maybe we can make a circle and cut her off..."

"Who says I want to catch her?" Jlu replied to Savitar.

Savitar looked at vent and looked up to study where the vent went and went to find a terminal to pull up a map of where it went. "No need, she's limited in where she can go. Check all the vent openings." he said to Zus and Shohki.

Malik thought over Serhans words, and sighed. "I'll just go help out." Drooping, he took chase, though not in a very spirited way

As if to further taunt the runners, Anzu ran across the OTHER T intersection on the opposite side of the hallway everyone was clustered in. "You won't catch me with these people Abu'Ser!" She called back as her footfalls started to fade.

Mal stopped in his tracks, turning around. "Okay. Who knows where the vending machines are?"

"Heh..." Savitar said and worked on pulling up a map of the building and tried to see if he could figure out where she'd go by tracing the corridors where he was. "You know we can just let her run her course, she's a child so she'll tie of the game after a while." he suggested.

"Who needs vending machines when I've got the whole kitchen?" Jlu commented.

Zalus walked to the first hall way and sat down and waited. The girl was faster and knew more about the place than he so why run around. Let her make a mistake and come to him.

All Zus managed to find was a basic map. it didn't highlight much info other than hallway and room layouts. it did, however, show where several interconnected rooms, one which lead through to where Arzu had just run. Taking initiative, the Eyr ranr bolted through a door, disappearing , then appearing again in a different hallway which was was absent of bahram wing members.

Arzu looked over her shoulder from a room father down the hall. "Gah!" She gasped, before shutting the door.

Reovan looked over Zus's shoulder at the terminal and glanced over to Shokhi and nodded. She pointed at one of the other empty rooms, "I'll take this one, then," and headed down the hall to await and see if Arzu would pop out there.

Mu'Tasim quietly observed as the military wing jumped quickly into action to find the loose child, he did not seem too impressed so far, but that orders were orders. He sighed for a moment and leaned against a wall, observing the others in the halls and how they seemed to criss and cross the area.

Savitar found what he was looking for and made his way, casually through the hallways, going the opposite way Arzu had been heading when she passed them. Perhaps he'd run afoul her and chase her toward someone else.

At the door Slamming, Zus turned her head. Obviously, that would be their prey. figuring it futile to run, she tryed to remember the layouts she had looked over, but knew this way was dead for now.

Taking his time, Serhan merely began walking to his office. He was not in a rush, and figured that given the extra time it would take for Arzu to travel through the air vents, he could use freely by walking at his own pace. There was no sense in wasting his energy, after all.

Shokhi gave a sharp nod to Reovan and then moved quickly to take up his position. He wasn't sure they could cover enough space, especially with half of the Bahram Wing still running around like decapitated waterfowl, but it wouldn't do any good to join that contingent. So he moved quickly to take his place.

Malik suddenly had a burst of inspiration, and decided to follow the child's father.

Zus got another idea. She wandered about, going through many rooms (often apologizing to their occupants) before finding what she had been searching for. A small, dark space between a cabinet and a wall, with a ventilation duct opening next to it. figuring the girl could fit into a space like this, Zus crammed her slim frame into the crevice, lying in wait

Heading in the direction of his officer for a short time, Serhan took a sudden turn and entered the nearest lavatories. He grabbed new panel on his way in and went into a stall, closing it behind him. With the extra time he'd bank as his wing attempted any number of tactics, he might be able to be current on the news and take care of some necessities.

Arzu looked at Zus through the vent cover. Grinning and waving, Arzu continued to crawl through the vent, while the Runner was crammed right outside, with no leverage to get at her.

Malik paused as Serhan went into the bathroom, and sighed again. He went to the nearest wall, leaning against it, banging his head on it.

After watching everyone take flight, fast or not, Jlu headed down the hall and back toward the kitchen. She knew where they kept all the sweets in the back and quickly grabbed a couple bars of Mazrit flavored choclate, filled with all the stimulants a young girl needs, She started back down the hall calling the girls name and unwrapping a bar for herself.

Savitar listened as eh walked, paying close attention to the vent's and tapped on them sharply to make the sound resonate down the vent itself. He would then listen to hear if she moved as a result of it to get an idea where she was going.

"Oh no you don't!" Zus muttered, backing out from the space and removing the vent cover. Though tall, Zus' slim frame was still small, and she was able to wedge her way in, chasing after the girl, albeit at a slower pace.

Shokhi also noticed the ventilation ducts, though he got a rather different idea from Zus when he took note of the one nearest him. He wasn't going to try to pursue a small girl into the duct. Instead, he determined it would be a better policy to drive her out. Which in this case came in the form of making noise. A lot of noise - where Savitar tapped sharply, Shokhi abruptly took up a measured, vicious banging to create a terrible, dissonant ruckus throughout the ducts.

As if by providence, there was sudden sound responses to Savitar's actions, a series of quick tumbles lead into a side room.

Like Serhan, Mu'Tasim had felt less need to dedicate himself to his task. In fact, he felt it extremely foolish to be doing what seemed an irresponsible father's poor work. The Guard sighed for a moment, wishing his was back on Maekardan, seemingly realizing why the High Guardian assigned an Acolyte like himself to such a place.

Reovan took an empty seat in the room and waited. If the girl was coming that way, at the very least she might be warded off by someone in the room. At least, that's the excuse she'd use for taking a break. Chasing after bratty kids was not her idea of anything in her job description.

Arzu looked behind herself and noticed the Runner in the vents too, at this, she picked up her pace and vanished around a bend from Zus.
Savitar paused, listening but it didn't sound right but he followed the sounds into the side room and looked in carefully, keeping light on his feet to avoid being heard the best he could. If she was't in there, he'd move something to block the vent itself.

What Savitar found was a ball rolling on the floor, but no child.

Zalus walked down the hallway like nothing was the matter. He tried not to stand out as he kept his eyes open for the child. he saw Reovan enter a room and desided to follow her in. He peeked his head into the door. "Hey there. I'm not going to get jabbed again if I come in will I?"

"Tch." he said and looked around for something to block the vent off with, something heavy perhaps or the grate itself if it was on the floor. "Why not trap the rat in the maze..." He muttered.

"Urgh!" Zus growled, picking up her own pace. Although she managed to move faster, she also produced a lot of noise. at the very least, others could follow the noise Zus made to track Arzu. The frame runner kept on, turning the corner in hot pursuit. Mentally, she scolded herself for falling victim to the young girl's trap and being stupid enough to actually chase her.

Malik sighed. There was no way him, with his size, would be able to keep up, or fit in an air vent. Besides, it wasnt really an order. Shrugging, Malik decided to screw hunting Serhan's daughter, and instead to get a glimpse at the wing's VANDRs

Jlu continued to walk, mostly toward the sounds in the vents, assuming them to be someone crawling in them. She didn't get too close though, to make sure nobody heard her call out, "Come on Arzu, I know your daddy's mean, but I'm not! We can play all sorts of stuff together!"

Arzu was further down the vent, at least five meters. Looking back again, she smiled at Zus and then *dove* right down, there was a hollow clattering sound. Followed by the sounds of footsteps. She seemed to have descended down to the floor below.

Letting out a little laugh, the orange-eyed girl attempted to set her teammate at ease, "Not unless you're going to tell on me for keeping watch here." She nodded to one of the empty seats, "It might take two people in case she comes this way."

"This is completely asinine..." Savitar said and would exit the room, hearing the echos of the bumps and leaned against the wall, thinking on it. She could go anywhere in the building save the restricted areas that were too dangerous for normal clearance so that was a plus. Conversely, she was small and could get into the vents but that sound hinted that she was down lower. Meaning she couldn't climb up the same way. "Hmm" he said, rubbing his chin as he returned to the starting point and went to look for Reovan and Zalus. He'd.soon find them both in one of the side rooms and shrugged. "Yo."

"Ugh." Zus rolled her eyes, following the girl down the hole. she found herself on another floor, having fallen down from the ceiling. she knew she had no way to follow the little girl, obviously gone by now, so instead she made her way back upstairs, finding someone she recognized from Bahram wing in the form of Mu'tasim. "Well, Temple guard, It seems the wart has eluded us. She's changed floors."

"True, it seems that most of you neglecting one thing about children." Mu'Tasim said plainly, his eyes seemed to inspect her a little more, "Are you alright, you look like you've fallen into the dirt."

Shokhi decided his making ungodly amounts of noise wasn't working very well. And so he took on a new tactic. Which is to say he was so totally done with attempting to lure her. No, instead Shokhi made his way back to the terminal where he had first seen the map. The base had an intercom system, yes? He made use of it! "Attention all personnel. We have been infiltrated by a small child posing as the daughter of Mrannr Nejem. She is to be considered armed and extremely dangerous. This is not a drill. Repeat, this is not a drill." He paused there.

"Oh my, just look at the time," Jlu had turned a corner and was staring at the face of one of the base's many wall clocks. It's face told her that her break was over and that she was late. Oh well, if I tell them what happened they shouldn't mind. She turned around and went back to the kitchen, putting on her apron and preparing to explain to the head chef exactly why she was late...

Zalus took a seat next to her. "I'm sorry for fucking up in the mission and calling you a dove. My calling you dove is a refferance to your Beuitiy." Zalus looked at the closest vent then back to Reovan. "So I'm going to give you the same deal I gave Zus. I will do whatever you want me to do as penitance as long as it doesn't render me sterile or dead."

Reovan raised up her hand in greeting, "Yo. Come to join us?" she asked Savitar. She nodded to another of the empty seats beside them. "We're watching this way vigilantly," she said with a wry grin. To Zalus, she hushed him with a simple, "Stop being so silly."

Malik ignored the announcement, still heading down to the Bahram Wing hangar

"Im fine. The vile creature taunted me, defeating a trap i had set, and instead i fell into her trap, following through the vents." Zus looked down at herself, just now noticing how dirty she was, and busily starting to dust herself off "This is no proper way for Frame runners to be utilized" she muttered, Serhan's status falling several notches in Zus' mind, coming that much closer to Sankhur Frazig.

Savitar nodded adn went over to join them and took a seat next to Reovan and leaned back some. "I know. I was thinking we could close the vents and force her to come out where we want her too." he said with a chuckle. "or we can just wait it out, kids' gotta eat sometime or use the pot."

Shokhi waited a few seconds, then continued the announcement. "All personnel, we have been infiltrated by a small child posing as the daughter of Mrannr Nejem. She is to be considered armed and extremely dangerous. This is not a drill. Standing orders are to capture by any means necessary." With that, Shokhi backed away from the intercom for a moment, and decided to wait and see what happened from there.

Arzu decided enough was enough too, and in an act so brazen it was down right suicidal, Aruz actually buzzed the assembled runners on the floor, dashing right past the entire lot of them, actually doing a slide drift to clear the corner and continue down the ajoining hall.

"No, no it 'snot. Honestly, I am a Temple Guard, not a babysitter for a child who's of poor parenting. I should be dragging Habeem out of his drug-filled room and throwing him into the next shuttle out of here." Mu'Tasim began to get bitter, angry even. Though, he seemed to recover himself, "However, we cannot control fate, and it's obvious we cannot control this child. I see no reason to persue her further."

Arzu slowly peered around the corner back at the Runners and the Temple Guard.

Serhan frowned for a moment when the PA system was accessed under the premise that his daughter was a dangerous spy, and plugged the small news monitor into the back of his neck through its extension plug cable. He mentally accessed the PA system and hoping to prevent a tragedy, began broadcasting. "This is, Marranr Serhan Nejem. Disregard the previous order and return to your current duties, there is no infiltrator and the alert sender does not have authority on this base." He said, allowing himself a small relieved sigh as he disconnected.

Zalus got up and went to the door. As he looked up and down the hall he saw the girl turn the corner towards them. "Oh hey! Hows it going over there?" Zalus waved to the little girl. "Hope you're having fun. Not as much as us though!." Zalus then went back into the room

Arzu pouted some.

Zalus Poked his head back out and called down the hall. "You are welcome to join us!"

Malik sighed. There was no way him, with his size, would be able to keep up, or fit in an air vent. Besides, it wasnt really an order. Shrugging, Malik decided to screw hunting Serhan's daughter, and instead to get a glimpse at the wing's VANDRs

Zus, finally noticing the girl at a nearby corner, simply looked at her 'Ugh. And there's the brat now. What shall we do? try and find some form of nonlethal weapon and just disable her next time she nears us?"

Mu'Tasim caught a glimpse of the girl, and instead of breaking into a chase, he only glared at the child. He raised a finger at her, his voice rather intimidating. "You! Children like you have nightmares for seven years with behaviors like yours! The Makuori curse unfaith and undisciplined younglings, you have been warned!"

Savitar chuckled, he knew this game: he played it with his family as a child. The memories flooding back as he watched Zalus call out the door like that. "She's a kid, doing it for attention. If we don'y give it to her, she'll lose interest in the game." he said, tilting his head back, the light gleaming off his cropped horns. "What do you think Reovan?"he asked her pleasantly.

Arzu expression turned fearful this time and she flees down the hall.

Mu'Tasim growled as the young Nejem turned tail and ran, "AND MALAKAI CURSE YOU FOR YOUR COWARDICE!"

Shokhi didn't much like Serhan's snubbing of his master plan. No, he didn't like it at all. So he accessed the PA once more, and made a very different announcement. "While there is no spy, it should be noted that Mrannr Nejem's daughter is on the loose, and he is making little effort to keep her in check. Perhaps Eihruk's staff would do well to get involved!" A different angle with the same tactic, but Shokhi was not easily dissuaded.

A response came from the direction she ran. "You people want to shoot me!!"

Mu'tasim shouted back, "If I wanted to shoot you, I would have done so already!"

"Sounds about right to me," the young Sund Wakir agreed, leaning back in her chair. "Hey, Zalus, why don't you see if you can scrounge up some of that brandy that was in the lounge earlier and let's wet our throats while we wait?"

Finally exiting the bathroom, Serhan extended his arm and waited. He could hear the sound of a child running in his general direction, and it should be easy for him to grab a hold of her, if his timing was okay. He would have to, else he'd have to buy Eiruk's staff another case fine Hlaraian wines for their trouble.

Arzu returned to the T intersection, huffing and looking as angry an eleven year old can... Before she threw something at Mu'Tasim, and ran off again. It was a ball. and it was going rather strong, though being a child, it would miss Mu'tasim anyway.

With swift move, Mu'Tasim drew his Faelraig, and batted the ball back down towards the intersection.

Zus whispered to Mu'tasim "Give me a boost, i can crawl through the air vents and get her. she seems fairly stationary right now." Zus looked up at the nearby air vent in the ceiling, getting ready to crawl some more.

"Heh." Savitar let out as he listened to what was going on. "It sounds like someone's losing their cool though. The poor girl's probably scared by now from that shouting." He said and waited for a bit. "If she gets hurt because of this it'll be a shame." he said and relaxed a bit. "Yeah Z, get us some of that stuff won't ya? I'll pay ya back."

"Alright, be careful." Mu'Tasim bent down to boost Zus.

"And now I'm a booze runner... Awsome!" Zalus exited into the hallway and walked back towards the lounge

Getting up on the temple guard's hands, Zus was quickly boosted up. Quietly movint the vent cover out of the way, she quickly slipped in before replacing the cover and silently crawling toward the hallway Arzu had been assaulting them from.

Arzu was running down the hall, heading for her father's office, the agreed goal. When she ran smack into her father as he exited the male lavatory.

Zus followed the girl down the hall, when she stopped (running into a well-placed man) she jumped down from the nearest vent, landing with a light thud "They you are you rascal!" she said to herself before looking up to see Serhan "Oh! Sir!" she said, standing up fully and saluting him.

Arzu scooted behind Serhan.

Serhan immediately grabbed a hold of the teenage girl and pulled her in for what might be show of affection that was uncharacteristic for such an unemotional man. "Hmm. Twenty feet better than last time." He said, before looking back at Zus. "Good work, Vayshirin. I'll be sure to chide her for her wrongdoing, and have some kind of reward for Bahram Wing."

Arzu looked up to Serhan. "They wanted to shoot me."

Zalus was about to pass the commander and his daughter when Zus fell from the ceiling. "Well it's good to see that she is still intact!" Zalus kneeled down and held up his hand for a high five. "Good chase there!"

Mu'Tasim turned the corner and approached Serhan, Arzu, and Zus, his face stern. He stopped next to Zus, not feeling the particular need to salute the Marranr. He did not speak, only observing the Marranr and his daughter.

"Yes sir, thank you" Zus said, placing her head in her hand again. "Don't mention it." Ignoring Arzu, Zus turned to Mu'tasim, an exasperated sigh escaping her lips.

Eventually, Shokhi found his way to the Marranr's office, though he didn't take any particular hurry in getting there. A bit of intuition that turned out to be right, there was already a bit of a crowd there. Which worked fine for Shokhi. He saluted sharply, but didn't say a word. Or, really, show any expression. Just the salute was enough, he felt.

"Ruh would appraise your loyalty, at least." Mu'Tasim patted Zus on the shoulder, smiling a little bit. Each pat would probably feel to her like a bit like frustration and a little approval through empathy..

"Oh? I do remember that Shokhi fellow sending some messages on the PA system." The girl's father answered, thinking for a moment. "Hrm... Hlaraian Wine. A bottle each, and five for the shrine. I don't like owing people favors, as it stands, but it is an Ivuori custom to reward your subordinates well for work that is beneath them." Serhan said to the three wing members in front of him, still holding onto his budding daughter, not displaying any extremes of emotion.

Arzu points at Zus. "She wanted to shoot me with something called no-nle-thal so they could catch me. That's against the rules, right Abu'Ser?"

Meanwhile, not realizing the chase was over yet, Reo attempted to make some small talk with Savitar, "So, are you still using that gas propellant in your jets, or have you moved to the liquid stuff?"

Mu'Tasim's eyes widened greatly at Serhan's reward, "F-five bottles for the shrine!? Most base shrines barely have any sort of wine present for ceremonies!" His expression and mood seemed to turn, "Thank you, sir!"

Savitar thought about it for a moment, enjoying his time with Reovan more than the game. "I've shifted to a mixture to using the liquid fuel first then the gas as an afterburner of sorts." he grinned a bit and offered her a handsome smile.

"Thank you, Marranr" Zus said, bowing to her commander. She made a mental note to donate her bottle to the shrine, as well. She wasn't a fan of wine, instead preferring stronger stuff.

Reovan grinned and shook her head, "Doesn't that just clog up your air intake system? I mean, you'd have to clean it out every time to make sure you could still burn when not using the propellant." Feeling relaxed talking to him about liftcycles, the Sund Wakir girl sank further into her chair. "I bought some of the liquid stuff, just in case I got to meet you again," she admitted, sheepishly. "There's no way I was going to let you win."

"Yeah I know. It did after the first couple runs so I switched to straight liquid with a bit of enriched liquid as a kind of booster." Savitar chuckled. "And I just remembered...we never did set a goal to see who won. I think we were going to go until one of us ran out of fuel first." he laughed a bit more, relaxing obviously. "Besides, you do have some real skills. I'd love to race you again and pray we don't get smashed by a sandstorm." he said and flushed faintly. "I still have that blanket you lent me."

"I suppose I should escort you to the linear rail back to the arcology. So no more mischief for now, understood?" Serhan said to Arzu, a thin smile on his lips. He left go of her and grabbed a hold of her wrist, beginning to walk away from his runners. He concluded their little misadventure without so much as turning around to speak. "You're dismissed. We begin patrols at the mid-day sun, no exceptions."

Shokhi had never actually ingested alcohol. So it was a bit of a... bittersweet reward, as he saw it. Hlaraian wine. He supposed there was no time like the present to try it out for the first time, yes? Serhan dismissed them, and Shokhi raised an eyebrow bemusedly. This had been, by a wide margin, the most pointless exercise he had ever taken part in...

"I'm sorry Abu'Ser, I though I could make it this time." Arzu said with a slight pout as she walked with him.

"No High five I guess." Zalus said as he stood up and walked back towards the room the other two were waiting in. He poked his head in and called over to the two. "The hunt is over and we got booze as a reward! Lets go!"

Feeling her cheeks burn from his comment, reminding her of what had happened at the end of their race, Reovan buried her hands between her knees and looked over towards the wall away from Savitar. "Well, I got another one, so it's no worry," she told him, both glad and a little ashamed that he had kept it.

"Well, now that this is over with." Mu'tasim turned to Zus, nodding to her warmingly, a smile on his face. "I don't believe I caught your name." He extended a hand to the taller girl.

"Mmm... let's change the location, next time. My subordinates have become too competent for this to become a safe practice run for you." Serhan said bemused, as they continued away. That Shokhi would be one to watch, since he actually thought of things in an efficient manner. That the runner with common sense would be an Ivuori, was a surprise he saw coming once he was able to think on it.

Later, all the members of Bahram Wing would find their own interests for the evening. Even, later at lights out, most of them would find their bunks and sleep for the evening, getting ready for their next day. The day when they would step into their VANDRs and become Bahram Wing.

Fort Jariaz, Mazerin
Upper Corridor
Yetsava 14th, 935
25:45 Commonwealth Standard Time

Editors Note: We have a large amount of people participating in these weekend JPs. This makes it extremely difficult to parse text so that it appears somewhat understandable when we post it. So please, stay in past tense, don't use the /me function in IRC, and write sensibly and clearly so that your editor can understand what he or she is reading. Thank you.

Editors Note to the GM: Sorry if this seems a lesser quality than the previous edit. The chase scene with Arzu was hard to properly set out.
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