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RP: Bahram Wing [Bahram Wing Side Story] Physical & Spiritual Doctors Meet

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Well-Known Member
It was more difficult that ever to meditate, Mu'Tasim had his face resting in the palm of his hand. Zus had thrown the guard off his track, and Reovan had induced his deep-seeded rage and bitterness. As a result, he had just taken to silently and patiently waiting for the day to end, which would take several hours.
How do the Shrinekeepers do it? He though, thinking of how a single Iroma could be cooped up for so long. He sat on a meditation pillow, legs crossed, facing the armored statue of Mu'Klamal.

It was during Mu'Tasim's contemplation, and comfort amongst his own thoughts that he would hear the shrine door, slowly creak open. The bustle of the Fort in the background of the opened door. A head peeked in, wearing sunglasses, the sun still bright over head, the chilly day. Amari had just finished up her round of duties in the medical ward, and had been allotted a bit of free time, her superior now taking over. The doctor had yet to come to the shrine, instead having dived head first into her work on her first day. But now, now she chose to come, make her peace, meet whomever was currently running the shrine, and try and meet those she may eventually find on her operating table, or out on the battlefield.

Once inside, she closed the door behind her, taking off her sunglasses she looked about, seeing a man sitting upon a meditation pillow. Amari placed the glasses in her standard white coat, and promptly, yet politely cleared her throat. "Excuse me, but where might I find the shrinekeeper?" She asked the man upon the pillow to whom she leveled a rather relaxed gaze.

Mu'Tasim sighed lightly, not exactly sure if he should be servicing visitors in his current state of mind. He turned his head to the side, catching a bit of her appearance out of the corner of his eye. "Look no further, you have found him." He said, without enthusiasm.

Amari gave Mu'Tasim a measuring look, a 'Hmmm' sound under her breath as she did. "Then I am pleased to meet you, Shrinekeeper." She said, and bowed slightly. "I'm a little new here, my first day, but, I'd come to pay my respects, and meet some of the people I may end up healing..." She also scrutinized his dress, arching an eyebrow at him, and his choice of Saints he sat infront of. "Am I disturbing you?" She asked.

Mu'Tasim leaned forward, and pushed himself up off the floor. "Oh no, I could use some disturbing." He weakly chuckled at his own joke. With a grunt, he stretched his arms and then straightened his robe, making himself more presentable. "I am Acolyte Guardian and Vaytulri Mu'Tasim Farouk,"a coarse hand extended from within his robe for a shake, his expression looked warm, but showed a bit of emptiness. "It is a pleasure."

Amari's eyebrow remained raised. "A Temple Guard, it is a pleasure, Mu'Tasim. I am Lanbalri Amari Al-Sumed, I'm the Field Physician here." She replied, looking to his extended hand before bringing up one of her own, albeit smaller, and softer hands to shake his. "You said you could use some something the matter?" The doctor asked as she took his hand in her own, giving it a shake.

It was Mu'Tasim's turn to raise an eyebrow, "Oh?" He chuckled, "I meant more of the fact that I've only had two visitors today." Though, the Guard's lack of guile was evident, the shake between them would have signaled her off his stirring, unrestful emotions.

Amari pursed her dark lips slightly. "Well, it would seem you're not in a rather...good mood?" The question came out after he spoke of the visitors.

Telling her exactly what had happened seemed embarrassing, so Mu'Tasim began to think quickly as he withdrew his hand. He felt a sharp sting of pain travel through his arm and up his back, causing him to remember his knuckles. "I, uh, well... It's embarrassing, but I crushed my hand in a exercise today, and it's been bothering me ever since." He felt he had lied successfully.

The doctor watched as he withdrew his hand, and listened to his story. She couldn't help but smile slightly at his slight pause, and 'uh'. Not to mention the choice of Saints he had chosen to meditate in front of. "You could've come to the infirmary you know." Amari said as she reached for his hand once more. More so out of examination, he was an awkward one...this Mu'Tasim. If not slightly somber. His choice of Saints, the story, the mention of visitors and the explanation he gave all seemed to have led to a rather bad day for the man, granted it sounded rather odd. "What form of exercise, if I may ask?"

"Weightlifting." Mu'Tasim said simply, if not quickly, not withdrawing his larger hand from hers.

She stroked the top of his hand with her other, 'leeching' some of the pain away from the man. She didn't have much of anything on her at present to heal his wounds beyond mere empathy or words. "You must have done it when changing the weights then." She surmised, paused and at the statue of Mu'Klamal. "Can you move your hand normally? If so, I imagine you feel pain, but, is there anything else I should be made aware of in regards to this?"

"Temple Guard do not feel pain, I can assure you of this." Mu'Tasim said, raising the injured hand and the flexing it, he gave no indication of pain. Amari's glancing behind him made him a tad curious though, making him think on what exactly she was shifting her gaze to. "In any case, my health and well-being isn't hindered by a few shattered knuckles."

"Temple Guard feel pain just like us all, they are simply more adept at disguising, and burying it." Amari piped in as he flexed his hand, which frankly told her he was doing it to show her. "Well-being and health can indeed hindered by such a thing I am afraid." The doctor said, not once speaking changing the relaxed, calm tone of voice she always seemed to use. "It just shows me more then one normally sees."

"Oh? What do you see?" Mu'Tasim asked her curiously.

"Why do people usually meditate, or sit in front of the statue of Mu'Klamal?" Amari answered his question, with another question.

"To meditate, is to focus, clear ones mind. It allows a person to push aside the fragile considerations of daily life and assume a greater a goal, bettering one's self for the task ahead. Now, Mu'Klamal... Well, being the Saint of Rage and Destruction, people who usually find their urges to release their a-" Mu'Tasim stopped abruptly for a moment, finally seeing where this conversation was going.

Nevertheless, he continued his explanation. "Release their anger or unneedly discards things that matter to them, difficult to control."

Amari smiled. "I won't ask, if you won't tell." She said, feeling it wouldn't be right to pressure the man. "Meditation is all of what you have just said and more. But all the same, Mu'Klamal teaches a lesson few seldom wish to learn, or learn too late, no?"

"True." Mu'Tasim said shamefully, feeling a little less than a Temple Guard.

"Nothing wrong with making mistakes every once and awhile, in Mu'Klamal's case, he made one, but a rather big one, and as a result, his tragic demise was the result."The woman kept looking from the statue to Mu'Tasim and back, before finally settling on the statue." In a way, he did something wholly good. He is the reminder of what happens when we let our rage, hate, and anger get the better of us. In his own way, he did more good then bad, and I think that is enough for him." She blinked several times, sighed, and looked the Temple Guard over. "I believe that is why he is so recognized a saint."

"You... " Mu'Tasim paused for a moment, and he looked at the metal-clad Saint. He also sighed for a moment and then switched his attention back to Amari. "You are very wise, thank you for your counsel." Mu'Tasim nodded to her, smiling sincerely. "In fact, you speak almost as if you were a steward yourself, I'timad must have blessed you with a golden tongue." He complimented humorously.

Amari blinked several times at the compliments and smiled a little. "I've been around a lot, went and spoken to Dream Consorts, and Stewards, but mostly, nothing beats life experience and your own insight." She winked at him and continued before noting his change in temperament. "I would have to say are the second one to say such things about me. Albeit the first was from a man who was somber, if not less then talkative and wore glasses. He spoke in a somewhat blank tone, never once smiled until I began speaking to him. He said I was able to transition a topic as smoothly as an Ivuori debater. So, perhaps I'timad did bless me, or I am simply lucky today."

"Hrm." Mu'Tasim seemed to get the picture of the Marranr, but could imagine such a stern figure smiling. Though, he dismissed the thought and moved on. "Well, by either Bukor or I'timad, I am glad you graced this shrine with your presence Lanbalri Al-Sumed. Though, I believe you came to pay your respects to the Saints here, correct?"

Amari simply nodded. "That is correct."

Mu'Tasim nodded gesturing to the statues nearby, "Well, I will not hold you any longer, you may make your prays to any particular Saint or Saints you wish to recognize."

Amari inclined her head as she looked to the statues, one by one. She finally settled on three. The doctor went to her knees, sitting in front of the statue Ghaliya, offering a silent prayer, her eyes closed as she did so. While it maybe typical for those of the medical field to pray to one such as Ghaliya, it was more for someone else then herself she prayed for. And she did the same to Ahni, and oddly, Mu'Klamal in turn. She took her time at each, giving a silent prayer, and even smiled every so often as she did so.

"You know, it does my heart good to see someone in here for the Vigil instead of seeing how wonderfully clean the Shrine is now." Mu'Tasim commented, smiling at her as she finished her prayers. He seemed a little surprised as well that such a person would give prayer to Mu'Klamal, but then again, he was the Saint of Mazerin as well as the Saint of Destruction.

Amari returned the smile in equal measure as she spoke. "It is not often I come to pray, since I choose to do so on my own. But, I try to make time to visit a shrine, or temple when I can. I believe that a prayer is the same no matter where it is given. Granted, being in the company of others while offering a prayer, or paying respects can be enjoyable too." A pause came as she indeed did look about the place, noticing it was quite tidy indeed. "But I have to admit, you do keep the Shrine rather clean, Mu'Tasim. I only wish my superior kept the Infirmary as tidy."

"Really now? Well, I usually keep very tidy as long as there's a roof over my head." Mu'Tasim said thoughtfully, thinking on how dangerous it may be to have an unorganized infirmary. "Bahbi's greatest advice is to keep one's mind, body, and workspace clear of all obstruction. Perhaps your superior could learn a bit from you." He grinned at her.

Amari pursed her lips, and tilted her head from side to side, the bells in her small braid tinkling as she did so. "Perhaps, who knows, maybe my superior will receive a sign to clean up the place. Perhaps one of the little animals will get loose while they're on duty and cause a bit of a commotion. I am sure the Saints would not mind such a small thing." The light of mischief flickered in her eyes all but within a second before vanishing.

"Well, the Saints aren't totally particular to order or chaos, as long as said 'chaos' is for the betterment of ones self or others." said Mu'Tasim half-quoting a verse from the Book of Dreams, his brow arched slyly "That usually justifies such a thing."

"Then who knows, perhaps the Saints may enjoy it. Teaching one such a lesson, in such a way." Amari said as she looked at the statues again, managing a small laugh. "After all, no harm would come of it beyond simply tidying up after."

"Well, as long as one does not get out of control with it, if so then a person would have to answer to Ruh, and trust me, I know how bad an experience with Ruh can get." Mu'Tasim said with a pained face. "If he hasn't come for enlightenment, he's come to extend your dream for eight hours and lecture you.

Though, I'm babbling, someone as Yetsavaly blessed as you has something better to do than burn the Nuocr's fuel with one of Jafar's Sons."

Amari sighed as she smiled. "A son of Jafar is as much a person to burn the fuel of the Nuocr with then anyone. But, I must go I am afraid. I've to send out requests for supplies and hand them in to the Quartermaster before the day is over." She held out her hand to shake Mu'Tasim's once more. "Thank You for allowing me to pay my respects, to the Saints."

Mu'Tasim extended his hand to shake hers, "No, Thank you, I'll finally be able to keep my mind calm enough to resume my meditation." The rugged hand he gave gripped her smaller hand, yet still being wary of it's delicate frame, and shook it. "Touch divine, till we meet again, Amari."

Amari inclined her head as she released his hand, and in reply to his farewell. As she opened the door, the bracing chill meeting her, she spoke again. "One last thing." She stated, all that could be seen of her was a small bit of coat, and the very tips of her horns. "I also added a few prayers to Ghaliya, and Ahni, to help a certain Steward heal what worries were upon his mind, and whatever conflicts were within his soul. To show him the path back to the road of happiness and well-being, and to thank Mu'Klamal for being the reminder that would help him back along that path." The door began to shut before she added, " Not to mention for their knuckles to heal." A gentle reminder of what had come of whatever exercise Mu and his 'weightlifting'. Then the door finally shut, the doctor gone, looking to hunt down where that Quartermaster's Office was.
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