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RP: Bahram Wing [Bahram Wing Side Story] Sandrat Race

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The Six-Shooter of Love
Inactive Member
Atangr Camp, The Nuocr Expanse, Maekardan

Landing her liftcycle at the edge of the large Sund Wakir settlement, Reovan swung her leg over the frame and slipped off her helmet. The young, dark-skinned girl was dressed rather modestly in a light, loose-fitting kurti and salwar combination that was mostly yellow, with striking red designs. Around her neck and covering her shoulders was a darker red dupatta with yellow trim that she pulled up to cover her head and hair as she left her helmet on the vehicle's seat. Whereever she had ridden in from, it must not have been too far as she didn't look dressed to deal with a some of the harsher weather that could hit out in the expanse. She wasn't even wearing proper riding shoes, but thin sandals that showed off the makeup she had on her feet.

The liftcycle itself was an Ahmida Civilitech "Ravas," and it looked pretty beat-up, a stark contrast from it's rider. The front flaring looked like it had seen it's share of impacts, and the liftjets in the rear were definitely not stock. The frame itself was tarnished with what was probably some pretty hard riding, but it looked to be in better shape than the front. Satisfied with her hair, Reovan picked up her helmet, and headed in towards the camp.

Having been in the camp for a while now, Savitar was a rogue with a long list of offenses to people's civil morals, but nobody could ever outdo him. Not in wit or on a liftcycle. He'd grown up in an area similar to this place and knew how to handle every single bit of terrain common to it. He was sitting on a barrel near a Janis Wyrm corral where two of the stately beasts rested, apparently his or someone else's. He was wearing a simple wide-brimmed hat cut to expose his horns; a dark tan duster with a black vest under it, his legs covered with rugged looking pants with chaps over that for protection. "Well, well. Look what the Floaticrabs brought in. A newbie." he chuckled, glancing over at her as he poked his hat up, looking her over with a bright purple eye. His liftcycle or equipment wasn't within sight as it was concealed with a canvas tarp-like cloth. "Hello there."

The young Sund Wakir out from the desert walked over to the man in the wide-brimmed hat. "Divine blessings," she said, rather informally for what was usually a more formal, and longer, greeting. Placing her free hand on her hip, she gestured out towards the rest of the buildings and into Atangr proper with the helmet in her other hand. "Know where I could get some parts for my bike?" she asked, her orange eyes flashing in the shade provided by her shawl. "The GPS conked out again and I need a replacement for one of my signal lights."

The experienced but still young Curdatl eyed her for a moment and smirked slightly as he did. "Such a lovely young woman. I'll show you there myself, these people tend to be uptight if you don't know how to deal with their parts dealers." he said to her and showedher the way through the maze of buildings. He was obviously confident, the way this young man carried himself bled it everywhere as well as a feeling of "Yeahm whatever." A born rebel, through and through; he was constantly being looked at with scorn mostly due to his habit of being bluntly honest about what he thought of people. "Here we go baby." he said nodding with his head toward a seedy looking building. "It looks like crap but they have some of the best parts." he said and kicked the door open with a booted foot. "Hey old geezer, you got a customer." he called.

"Baby?" the girl asked with a defiant air, as she prevented the door closing with her forearm. "Sand in the desert," she intoned, indicating the usefulness of using such a term to describe her. With a smirk she dissapeared into the old man's shack and after a bit of loud haggling, came out with a small box and two blister packs containing small electronics parts sitting in her helmet. Reovan thanked the young man with the violet eyes and added a small request, "How about you show me back to my bike?" She probably could've found her way back easily enough, but the young Curdatl man had that air of mystery about him, and some of the looks and feelings she got from the people they passed just added to that.

Savitar looked at her and cackled softly as she gave him the defiant answer, then spited him with the extra commentary. It amused him greatly. She had a wonderful wit to her and ontop of her extremely beautiful features, he was attracted to that quickness. He'd lean against the wall as she haggled with the old man inside and finally got what it was she was looking for and returned to the scorching light of the desert day. "Sure I can if you really want a roguish scoundrel like me to accompany such a desert bloom." he chuckled and winked at her slyly. The looks he was getting were positively scatching and dismissive; people looked at him and shook their heads, especially the monks because he'd always rubbed them the wrong with his how he dismissed the spiritual. "Look at all those tools...they stick so hard to their religion that they dont' ever seem to have fun with their only life.." he said nodding over to a group of monks that were scowling at him.

"A scoundrel for sure," the buxom girl laughed at the self-effacing humor her guide displayed. "Disparaging stewards like that. What sort of dreams do you have that you say that? The eternal Makuori and the sleeping Iromakuanhe, reason and consciousness, perception and contradiction." The last part was a sutra from the Book of Dreams, a bit of a test for the man beside her. While it did talk about the connection between the Makuori and the Iromakuanhe, it was part of a lesson on how they were different and why the distinction was necessary. To wit, she was mocking the monks as well for living their lives solely at the behest of the Makuori rather than keeping the teaching of the Vigil at heart and still contributing to the good of Iromakuanhe society.

Even if he couldn't get the subtleties of what she was saying, the mischievious look in her orange glowing eyes as she watched him and awaited his answer made it clear that there was some sort of teasing going on.

"Hn hn hn." He chuckled a bit before starting to laugh a bit as she mentioned the words his mother and father had struggled to make him remember because he'd repeatedly run out of the lessons, eventually having to have been tied down. "Those monks could due with cutting back, getting shitfaced and probably laid. That way they'd understand what Makouri really wants out of them." he chuckled a bit. "But people like me, rebels and free-spirits can balance ourselves out by remembering our own duties. But you know wha tI say about that? Screw that, it's too damn boring." Savitar said with an affirmative nod. "By the way, I"m Savitar."

Reovan laughed at his further observation of the monks and on his own way of life, "Well, we all follow the dreams in our own way," she said in a mocking, sage-like tone. It sounded like something her father would say to explain his actions to her mother and that amused her to no end. "It was nice to meet you, Savitar. I'm Reovan," the girl introduced herself, holding out her hand, which had been made-up with some traditional designwork, much like her feet. The sweet smell of the paste used was still evident, despite the riding she had done earlier. "It was a pleasure to meet you."

Savitar nodded to her and took her hand gently and instead of shaking it, he showed he was a gentlman as well and kissed the back of it and winked at her with a playful grin. "If you want, I can fix your cycle up as well free of charge...well not quite." he said adn eyed her blatantly. To give her the idea he was thinking lecherous things for a moment. "It's very nice to meet you Reovan." he nodded. "and like I said, I'll fix that bike in exchange ...for a race." he smirked at her.

As the man in the wide-brimmed hat took her hand for a kiss, Reovan quickly snatched it away. "Fix my bike and then challenge me to a race?" the dark-skinned girl asked with equal ammounts of incredulousness, annoyance, and a bit of playfulness. "A self-confessed scoundrel at that? You'd probably just gum up the intake or loosen the bolts on my steering jets. And if you win, what then? Ha. I've been riding since before I was old enough to go to the Monastery. Plus, it's not like I need a GPS or signal lights to beat you in a race." She shook her helmet, rattling the parts inside around for effect. Stopping, she looked him up and down as if sizing up his racing ability. "What sort of bike do ya got, anyway?" Her eyes reflected pure curiosity at this point.

Savitar watched her and shook his head some, he didn't mind havng his words played back on him. "I'm honest about racing. I'm using a Ravas liftcycle just like you are, except with a few modifications." he explained and shook his head. "I'd gladly fix your bike to it's best available performance for a good race." he said. "I may be a scoundrel but I'm honest."

Ha! What, do you think I'm just borrowing that thing? That's my bike and you'll be eating my dust, I guarantee." Savitar's words had sparked a fire in her. Him, help her with her bike? Not likely! Even her brothers were loathe to touch her baby.

That was it, that was the type of fire in racers Savitar expected. He knew he could drag it out of her obstinate personality, it in turn fueled his own. "You're on then." he said. "And babe, you're the one who's going to be eating my sand." he ponted out and cackled openly at her and smirked. Oh yeah he was confident, even a little arrogant but it was probably in excitment perhaps. "I'll meet you at the gates of the city in two hours, get something to eat and a rest. It sucks to race on an empty stomach and sore muscles." he said and tippedh is hat to her and turned to head off once he'd gotten her back to her bike.

Two hours? What was he going to do with all that time? "You're on!" she almost spat back at him, as if the words were trying to escape before she could actually say them, a large overconfident grin gracing her own face. She set her helmet on the ground and opened the storage compartment under her seat. At the very least she'd have enough time to eat the lunch she packed and put on her coveralls. It wasn't really what she had planned to do with the day, but she wasn't going to let this cocky Curdatl get away with saying he was faster than she was. Out in the desert? Out in her home?


Two hours later, Savitar was waiting for her there sitting astride a desert tan and black streaked liftcycle. The frame enhanced for durability and sleekness with a modifed seat to more lay over the back of it than sit up. He was spinning the hat on his fingers when she showed, his hair the same color of the golden-tan sand that stretched out for thousands of kilometers before them. He was whistling an old song he'd heard years ago and had changed clothing to a lighter coat and a body armor like undershirt and a helmet. "Hm good to see you again Reovan." he said as she showed.

Reovan pulled up her liftcycle next to his and looked it over. A well-cared for vehicle, that was for sure. She wasn't sure how good that seat would be for his aerodynamics, but perhaps he was just that confident. It was in better condition than her Ravas, but what really counted was the performance. She was wearing black coveralls over her normal clothes that fit her much more snuggly and better showed off her curves. Without her dupatta covering her hair, Savitar could see her horns were clearly polished and well taken care off. It was surprising she didn't seem to take as much care of her bike the way she did of herself. "Well, you'd better get a good look, because all you're going to see soon is my jets blowing back at you," She laughed with reckless abandon and secured her helmet in place.

"Yeah says you babe." Savitar said and fixed his helmet into place and flicked the visor down to protect his eyes from the flying sand. "Oh I'm looking, you're hard to miss. Because you look just so sexy on top of that machine it almost pains me to have to lay down to pilot this beast." he said, giving her a confident grin. His horns were cropped and a darker shade of his hair but laquered to be the color of his skin. He started his liftcycle, the ionizers giving off a finely tuned hum.

As the sound of his jets starting to flare hit her ears, Reovan's fingers twitched over the accelerator and the altitude control causing her liftcycle to leap into the air and out into the vast dune sea. She laughed at her early lead on the chatty scoundrel and started searching for the nearest liftcycle signature to open a channel to so she could gloat and taunt him. "I see you'd rather talk my horns off then race, eh?"

There was no response as the sand suddenly burst out from beside her as he shot out of the loose dune sand and cackled at her, his bike easily keeping up with hers. He was leaning over the back of it, shooting along with nearly maximum aerodynamics working in his favor. "Say's you" He said and easily kept pace beside her as if to taunt her even more.

Pleased that he wasn't all talk, Reovan started maneuvering her bike closer to the sand to take advantage of the speed boost from the lifters repelling off of a semi-solid surface. The dunes she used like waves, riding their crests and sailing from one to another to get the maximum amount of boost, while not slowing down too much to climb each successive incline.

While she did that, Savitar took to the air using the wave-like dunes as a ramp, screaming over them and taking flight before continuing on. He was laughing and fully enjoying himself as he kept going. He would land and was screaming across the sand, getting up to his maximum speed of his liftcycle. He'd speak to her over the communications system their cycles shared. "Watch out for that dune, it's got a rock hidden in it." He warned her having a slight lead on her for the moment.

"Thanks," she answered sincerly as she swerved her liftcycle to avoid the dangerous dune. Being competative was no excuse for endangering each other's lives and both racers recognized this. Even though it had cost her the lead, Reovan wasn't out of tricks yet. She eased her cycle into Savitar's slipstream and after a couple of moments, used the built up momentum from the ease on her lifters to slingshot under him as he lept over a dune. Reo grimaced as she could hear the underside of her vehicle scrape sand, but she had at least gained a little ground and put them back on more equal footing.

He nodded as he kept going and sped up to get into her slipstream, keeping his cycle close to the sand to give it more power to go forward. "I have to hand it to you, not many others can pull off the slingshot." he complimented her. He'd let her keep the lead but had eased off his acceleration to let the sand push him forward and consume less energy, letting her fall into overconfidence. "Damn, I think the sand's clogging my intake..." he said, letting himself fall behind some but remained in her stream to let it help pull him along as well.

Noticing that he was falling back, there was no way that Reovan was going to let him pull the same stunt back on her, so she eased off her accellerator as well, trying to keep their cycles beside each other. "You must be one of the Makuori if you' dream you're going to get away with that," she laughed over the channel. If she gunned the accellerator after the next dune, he might not have enough time to slip in behind her. If she could catch him off guard, that is.

He smirked and slowly accelerated some and smoothly shifted course to head for a steep dune and got halfway up on high acceleraiton and hit his booster, giving him a massive amount of thrust and sent him airborne. He was getting major hangtime and pulled off a backflip on the cycle before sticking it perfectly and roared ahead of her. Savitar laughed wildly as he pushed the back down jus ta little and sent up a cloud of sand to obscure her vision some as he goa big lead on her. She'd hear him on the comm going "SHIT!" then saw him ahead of her coming to a measured but abrupt stop. As she'd draw near he was pulling his cycle to shelter on the leeward side of a large rock and anchored it down and began to look through a storage compartment for a canvas tarp.

The Sund Wakir's jaw dropped as she watched the other cycle soar over her head as she attempted to make her own move. Damn, must have used some sort of propellant in his ionizers to get his jets to provide so much extra thrust. When she cleared the dust Savitar had kicked up from his landing, she too saw what had made the Curdatl curse. A sandstorm, and a rather large one at that, was headed directly for them. Skidding on the edge of a nearby sand dune, Reovan tapped the accellerator and plopped her bike down right next to where Savitar had anchored his. Quickly she slid off of her ride and began preparations herself, locking down her liftcyle and lifting up the seat to get at the supplies contained underneith. She pulled a large blanket out from the bottom of the compartment and yelled, "Here! We can use this!"

Savitar nodded and grabbed it and stretched it over the liftcycles and used the one he had and overlapped them and used anchored them into a few solid but small stones, wedging it under them and hooking the stake-holes on hooks he'd attached to his lift cycle in case of this. "Yeah great timing on the sandstorm huh? He asked once he'd gotten it secured down the best he could. "Let's just hope this rock here take the edge off it." he said, sitting under the makeshift tent and leaning against his bike.

Hooking her end of the blanket onto the rings on the back of her own liftcycle finished the temporary shelter for the both of them. "Muna, why didn't we get some sort of warning?" Reovan grumbled about the incliment weather that was almost on top of them. It hadn't occured to her that they were well outside of Atangar's weatherwatch service range. She removed her helmet and sat down next to Savitar, leaning her back similarly on her own bike. "I dream it's a small one," she observed, digging out some titanjerky from a pocket in her coveralls and offering some to the violet-eyed scoundrel.

Savitar pulled his helmet off as well, showing his roguishly handsome face once again now that it was free of the visor as he set it aside. That's why he liked coming out this far really, far and away from the bothers of civilization. He was intimately familiar with this area as he'd crossed this area to get to that city to start with from home. He tilted his head, back, listening and feeling out the environment, as if trying to figure out how big the storm was. "It may be but we're better off waiting here instead of praying it's one size or another, all we can do is that. he chuckled and accepted her and nodded his thanks. "Well prepared, I like that in a woman." he said producing a couple canteens that were completely full and offered her one.

"Save it," Reovan said with a wry smile. "I've got a couple myself in here," she patted the side of her liftcycle for effect. The storm really couldn't have come at a worse time. Now, not only was their race a total wash, but so was the end of her leave. She let out her anger with a fierce bite into the jerky strip. "Too bad you wasted that propellant there," she observed, not wanting to ride out the storm in silence, "I hope it wasn't expensive."

"Not at all, I have a friend that owes me a series of favors hook me up for free." Savitar said, imagining how his brother hated him for it too. "I didn't know that this thing was coming but I'm glad I did it, because I saw it on the horizon when I went into the air like that." He said, brushing his hand through his hair and took a swig of his water in the canteen she didn't want. The storm was howling close and they could hear it on the other side of the rock. His leave was drawing to an end as well which bummed him out as this was really fun. "I love being out here though, I'll take the sands over the loud city anyday, how about you?"

"I grew up in a caravan out here," she openly admitted to him, "so give me the open sand any day." She laughed and blindly reached into her liftcycle's storage, fishing out a canteen of her own. Reovan popped it open and gave herself a refreshing drink of the water inside. She was still hot from the exhiliration of the race, and the two close bodies under the heavy blanket wasn't helping to cool her down.

"That sounds better than what I suffered." Savitar sighed, relaxing back and began to undo the body armor he was wearing to protect against sand and flying rocks and other things. Making various "clicking" sounds as he did. "My mom was really into the spirituality of our race, while my father raised livestock for food and sport." the young cuadatl said. "My twin brother went the way my dad did after they practically disowned me when I refused to take the spiritual beliefs." he sighed loudly in relief as he pulled the armor off and set it aside. She could see a healing wound on his shoulder and side as he stretched, being shirtless now while he got a shirt out to wear instead.

Reovan looked over at the young man beside her and frowned, both at the wound on his chest and the one on his soul. "You don't dream of the Makuori," she asked, concerned, "or is it something outside of the dream that you disagree with?" The ways outside the desert were different, Reovan had been told, and even experienced to some degree, but to meet someone who claimed to not believe at all was something she'd never imagined.

"I just can't stand how everyone puts so much importance on dreams. Dreams aren't real unless you work hard and make them real. I didn't want to spend my entire life worrying about what the Makuori thought of me. So I rejected the stricter facets of it and decided to live my life on my terms; not some intangible being's ideal of it." Savitar said and took another swig of his water and wiped his lip with the back of his hand when he finished. "I say since everyone has one life to live: Live everyday to the fullest right?" He smiled at her for a moment. He seemed unconcerned about the wound but he was uncomfortable with it as his body language said.

"It's not that they dream your life for you, it's that they dream for our peace. They set forth an example for us to follow," the dark-skinned girl considered reaching for her copy of the Book of Dreams from her liftcycle, but decided that might just serve to push him away even further. "Like those monks from earlier, they don't live their lives except in service to the Makuori, helping others to live better lives and be granted enternal salvation when they pass on." Reovan placed her hands behind her head and entwined her fingers, finding the position more restful as she explained her own views on the dreams and dreamers. "It's not that you have to live a perfect life, or dedicate yourself to serving those dreaming. I mean, do you think that I don't live on my own terms?" That last sentence was definitely phrased as a challenge.

Sensing this, Savitar closed his eyes and let out a soft "heh" as he listened to her explanation and her challenge. "I'm all for peaceful living and all, and I believe everyone has the right to choose how they want to live." he said. "Helping people isn't a bad thing but when you do it nonstop and forget to live your own life. That's when it becomes a problem." Savitar said and looked at her squarely with bright purple eyes. "Oh I can tell you do. It's in how you carry yourself and your personality that says it all. You like to help people but you also know not to get overly involved as well as knowing when to stop doing that and help yourself when you have to." he said. "Am I right?"

He was trying to be careful not to push her away but wanted to assert his own views strongly enough to stand to criticism. It was just part of how Savitar was: blunt and honest about things like that. "And those monks earlier... they didn't like be because I told them point blank that they needed to get laid." He chuckled softly.

Meeting his gaze with her own orange eyes, Reovan caught herself and looked aside, her cheeks starting to burn a bit. Was she embaressed by his bluntness, crudeness, or was it the compliment? In any case he had certainly taken the wind out of her sails with his soft-spoken words and strong conviction. "We-- Well, I try to help," she answered, but without the previous confidence she had been displaying.

Watching her for a moment, he tilted his head a bit as he saw her starting to blush and smiled a bit and relaxed back against the liftcycle as he heard the sandstorm howling outside, luckily the rock taking out some of the bite. It was luck that they got into cover so early before it collided with them, things may have been really bad if they'd gotten caught up in it outside of protection of where they were. "Trying to help is sometimes all we can do for each other. I mean, right now: we're helping each other stave off loneliness in this storm." He pointed out and leaned to the side as if shifting position, letting his hand rest for a moment on her thigh for a moment as he did. Truth was he could feel the sand coming in on his side. Savitar removed it and instead did the unusual. He hooked his arm around her shoulder and pulled her gently into a side-on-side hug.

Reovan shifted as he placed his hand on her thigh, first just as a bit of shock, and then to get into a better position to see what he was doing. She became even more confused as he put his arm around her's and pulled her in close. "Wha--?" she babbled almost incohernatly as her mind raced, trying to understand what exactly he was doing. "Is there something--?" the Sund Wakir tried to ask, but the complete sentence she just couldn't get out, as if she intended him to know what it was she was asking. She tried shifting her weight in case there was a sandrat or cactus lizard that had sought shelter under their blanket.

Savitar nuzzled against her gently and whispered to her, in her ear. "All I'm seeing here is you Reovan." he purred to her softly and ran a finger over her horn, knowing it was sensitive to touch. "I'm glad I met you, I really am." He said and surprised her more probably. How? He kissed her cheek and along her jawline teasingly and nipped at her neck playfully. He was being assertive but not domineering, if she was uncomfortable she could escape as well or just as easily return it. His other hand sliding down to her waist and caressing her gently along the side. His light touch, compensating for the clothing, would more than likely provoke a bodily reaction in the form of endorphin release. Or so he hoped.

The young desert-born girl shivered as he ran his finger down the length of her well-polished horn. She was usually very protective of them, but the closeness and the feelings just made her feel safe, and that everything was okay. "I-- I'm glad I met--" she started to tell him as he began to make his assault on her face with his kisses, but she couldn't finish. The only thing that came out was a soft sound that wasn't really any sort of word at all escaping from her lips as his other hand moved down the side of her coveralls. She raised a hand and lightly pressed it up against his shirt. He was being so forward, and the little voice inside her head was telling her to get away, but everything just felt so right.

The Cuadatl was going on instinct really, her reactions spurred it on as well; she wasn't pulling away and wasn't seeming about to go aggressive. Savitar was anything except shy about this kind of thing: cautious yes but shy? Hell Friggin' No. He paused a moment when she lifted her hand and pressed it against his shirt, trembling all over for a moment at her electrifying touch. "I know." he said and continued to tease her with his hand and lips. There was no need for more words anymore was there? He was letting his gestures do the talking for him, gauging her reaction.

She seemed content enough to let him continue going on as he was, as she was losing herself in the moment. As the storm continued outside the makeshift tent, inside the storm seemed to be just beginning. The orange-eyed girl didn't even answer him any more, but as his lips neared his, she took a bit of intiative and tasted his back, testing the waters in her own way.

When their lips met he shivered all over, the jolt shocking his own body into activity. But he'd shift to kill the urges reflexively and did press against her a bit more. To her the only real sensation she'd get is the pure, free-spirit he had; tasting wild, untamed and rebellious as he reacted and took possession of her lips. Savitar's hand ran over her thigh again, this time purposefully taking it to cause even more stimulation to her. Savitar was growing bold and ran the side of his hand along her hip and teased her thighs a bit more, nudging them slightly. But kept his hips from tilting toward her own keeping it to touching only.

As the situation under the blanket got hotter, the inkpaste on her skin began to release even more of it's sweet-smelling purfume into the air. Savitar's hand grasping the girl's thigh caused her to exhale as if she'd been holding her breath the entire time. Even the simple act of breathing itself was difficult for her to focus on as he seemed to know just where to touch her and her head kept swimming as if she was in a dream she didn't want to wake up from.

He would reach up and slowly began to unzip her coveralls, noticing how hot she seemed to be and her own rushing blood and body producing more heat in response. It was only fair he help her cool off and avoid heatstroke by fully unzipping her coveralls to expose the lighter undergarments to the air that was blowing through the tent, not hard but enough to keep it from being unbearable. Once she was fully unzipped, Savitar's hand would slip under it and began to shift her kurti open to at least expose her abs before using his knuckles to urge the coveralls down more and ran his fingers over that newly exposed area in a sensual massaging motion but also to move air into it and against her skin.

Reovan's breath became noticably quicker as Savitar unzipped her coveralls and exposed more of her mocha-colored skin to the air. As he began to lift the light cloth of her shirt, her whole body shivered again and she lifted her head so that her lips could find his again. It was clear as his hand brushed against her skin that she quite warm to the touch. The extra layer of clothing had definitely caused her to heat up more quickly than he had. She shifted her hips and moved her legs to assist him as he removed her outer layer.

[Mature Content Warning]
Savitar fully pushed her coveralls down around her legs after a bit of help from her, his lips finding hers again. This time he stepped a bit more boldly and licked her lip after a little bit of time. Savitar used his knuckles to lift the hem of her paijama pants and extended his fingers down into it and teasingly caressed her pubus, using his thumb to rub her waist area. She was so warm and tasted too divine to let go of at this point; Savitar was deciding in his mind even before this that he'd pursue this woman even after they parted ways here. Soon pushing his hand in further and ran his finger tips over her inner thighs to try and surprise her a bit more. At this pace he'd soon be stimulating her directly with his fingers instead of just teasing her luscious skin.

As the scoundrel boldly moved toward her nether regions, Reovan instictivly and quickly closed her legs around his hand, preventing him from getting much furthur. Her mind was still racing with everything that was going on, but as he continued to massage her down there, slowly she untensed and let him continue to take control. The one hand she had on his chest she tried to move up, under his shirt, and the other one she placed on the outside, but it was all a half-hearted attempt that didn't really go anywhere. Even the little warning voice had vanished and even the storm didn't reach her ears. All she could hear was his breathing and all she could feel was his touch.

Her hand could feel the muscle, the finely toned steel under his bronzed skin it rippled minutely at her touch again and flexed before relaxing again. Savitar respected her willpower to try and resist everything and had she managed to make a good rebutall he'd have backed off her to show the fact he respected her. He'd wait as she tensed up and subsequently relax again. Savitar would take control of the situation, in a gentle guiding hand as his fingers began to flex and move again, brushing over her center, tracing the outer edge of it, applying gentle pressure before his fingers met home on her clit. That little hardening nub of pleasure, full of nothing but eight-thousand pleasure receptors; all primed and full or filling of blood. His fingers would rub against it, using the pad of the fingertip, moving in small circles on it before coming together to rub it with his middle and index fingers, with the tip of his middle finger pushing her center open a bit before pressing in slowly. But being very careful not to go too far in and accidentally tear any hymen she may have. Savitar paused, mentaly, wondering what else she liked and nibbled her neck again and actually licked along the rim of her ear and her horn.

The Sund Wakir girl could only moan and make noises to beg him to continue as her toes curled and her back arched. Her hands had moved around his close body, as if she was barely grasping to hang onto him. Her hips moved in time with his finger, trying to catch Savitar's rythym and perhaps his skilled digit as well. Even the best Ahni Meditation she had ever had came no where close to the feelings that this man was making her feel. Finally, it was all too much for her and with a throaty call of joy, her whole body convulsed and her grip on him tighted as she reached climax. Reovan pulled herself as close to Savitar's body as she could. If it were possible, she would've preferred to melt right into him.

Satisfied with the fact she'd received such sublime pleasure, Savitar grit his teeth and squirmed to alleviate some of the discomfort caused by his own body pressing against the fabric of his pants. Yeah things biting into other things wasn't comfortable by any means. He'd help her ride her orgasm to completion and withdrew his hand from her and instead settled to wrap both arms around her and held her close, rubbingher back. The effort of it and the energy expended by her was more than likely going to make her doze off at least for a few moments. Savitar would stay up for a bit to make sure she was alright and comfortable before dozing off himself, having not satisfied his own needs. He wouldn't force her into it, nor would he do anything she may regret later on. He'd just stiffle it and knew it'd eventually fade away as he slept, that was the normal case really.


By the time morning came, the storm had long been gone. And though last night might have seemed like a dream to Reovan, the morning brought only dread. She was to have gotten back to the base today and with still a ways to go, the desert-born girl was certain that she didn't have enough time to make it back. Quickly she unhooked the blanket and stuffed her coveralls and canteen into the storage compartment on her liftcycle and slammed the seat down to close it. "Sorry, but I'm going to be AWOL if I don't leave right now," she apologized Savitar's apparently still-sleeping body, as she knelt down and kissed him on the forehead. "Thank you."

The next morning would dawn clear and a bit nippy but wasn't too bad at least. Savitar would detect her departure and stirred soon after her kiss to the forehead and groaned. Damn, he still had to get back to report in for duty! Shit and he'd overslept it too, sonuva... not to mention Reovan was already long gone judging by her footprints and liftcycle marks. "Oh well. I'll see her again one day, I just know it." he said, feeling like he'd dreamed about it. Casting it out of his head, he quickly broke his camp and packed it in and started off to return to base as well.
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