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RP: Bahram Wing [Bahram Wing Side Story] The God of Fire

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The Pixel Knight
Inactive Member
ON, Fort Jarizas, Mazerin
Upper Lounge
Yetsava 15, 935
26:19, Commonwealth Standard Time

Still pissed from her recent visit to the base's shrine, Reovan stormed down the hall and, as she passed by the lounge, stuck her head in, looking for someone to vent to. Zus, Savitar, even Zalus would likely lend a friendly ear. She couldn't believe how big of a jerk that Steward was. The Sund Wakir had calmed down a little and had managed to put her shirt back on, but she still felt like throwing something. As she glaced around area, she cursed Mu'Tasim again for having the only decent room on the entire base as she clutched her jacket close around her.

Agni sat idly in lounge AWOL from his position at the Armory and Supply Station. The Sentulri was, as always, bored out of his mind. He looked around, hoping to find some sort thing to catch his interest. Luckily, Reovan had stuck her head at the exact right time. Oooo, young, brown, and beautiful. Agni grinned lightly, smiling lightly at her as she seemed to look around. He waved his hand at her, trying to grab her attention, but he quickly withdrew his hand and his grin quickly turned around. Sund Wakir, shit. He groaned loudly, relaxing back into his chair, hoping he may not have gotten her attention.

Seeing the wave from the highly tattooed man, Reovan entered the Lounge and walked over to where he was sitting. His reaction confused her, however, wondering if perhaps he had mistaken her for someone else. "Can, I help you with something," she asked, looking at his half-uniform, "Lantulri?"

Agni looked at her for a moment, his face inspecting her, as if he was trying to size her up. In reality, the Lantulri's brain was wracking over what to say to the girl. Until it finally came to him, "Oh, I'm sorry!" He said apologetically, "You just look like a woman I once knew, I could've sworn you looked somewhat like Cheska." He spoke as if it were a name that Reovan could recognize with.

"Cheska?" The Sund Wakir repeated as she tried to think of anyone she knew by that name. She stood there for a couple seconds, but nothing was coming to her. "Ah, I'm sorry Lantulri," she apologized, "I don't think I know a Cheska. My name is Reovan Mehta. Vayshirin. Assigned to Bahram Wing under Marranr Nejem."

Her response was ideal, at least to Agni, and he stood to properly greet the woman. "Oh it's quite alright. I am Lantulri Agni Dev, Quatermaster, and sincerely sorry for the mix up. I almost thought you'd be a little offended there."

"Offended?" Reovan asked, the confusion clear in her voice. "Why would I be offended?" She paused for a second, considering what he said and then added, "Should I be offended?"

Reovan was a little offended. While she did exercise a lot, she never thought of herself as particularly strong. At least, not unless someone was calling her weak or doubting her ability. Then the Sund Wakir would easily brag about being as strong as a herdtitan. In any case, it wasn't that big of a deal, the Lantulri did say he had bad eyes. "Circus?" she asked inquisitively. "You used to perform in the circus?"

"Back in the day, and sometimes still now, I was known as 'The God of Fire', or just simply, 'The Fire God'." He seems proud of declaration, then goes about in a more story telling sense. "I was known for my amazing abilities, one of them, being to breath fire on my foes!"

Reovan crossed her arms, blatantly disbeliving his outrageous claim, "Because of all the sacra you smoked?" she asked with a challenging glare in her orange eyes.

"Hah! You wouldn't be the first to blaspheme the God of Fire." Agni crossed his arms as well, in complete mimicry of her movements. "I can do things that you could only dream of." A challenging glare returned from his emerald eyes, but it eventually broke off as he turned to the kitchen.

"Hey! Chef! I need a nice bottle of 'Fiery Sandrat'." He yelled, calling into the room. For a few minutes, the sound of mixing is heard, and out came the Chef with a bottle of reddish looking liquid. Agni took it and nodded to the dismal looking Chef, and then presented to Reovan. "Behold, one of the many fonts of my 'power'."

"If you spit that in my face Jafar help me I will shove my sandal so far up your ass you'll be hacking it out your mouth," the Sund Wakir girl said, quite annoyed with the showy way the Eyr Ranr was dragging things out.

"My sweet sarngika, if I do, you have every right, but I wouldn't waste my fiery strength in such a foolish way." Agni grinned at her slyly, producing a small match and popping off the top of the bottle. "Now, observe the power of the Fire God."

Agni took a swig of the drink and then lit the match, he then crossed his arms, match safely away from him and bottle in the other. He swished the liquid around in his mouth, looking like he was waiting on a cue.

Even though she didn't believe he was actually going to breathe fire, with the way he was waving the match and bottle around still looked dangerous, so she took a cautious step back. Okay, maybe she did believe, just a little bit. At the very least, he was going to have something spewing forth from that mouth of his.

Agni shrugged, a closed smile on his face, he tossed the match up in the air, and then bent his knees. He extended his arms out in a presentable fashion, bottle still in one and then as it seemed the match was going to pass his face, he adjusted a spewed out the Fiery Sandrat. The result, a magnificent blue flame that seemed to extend a length of two feet from his mouth. When he finished he held his pose, his mouth open, steamy smoke coming out of his mouth.

The result, a magnificent blue flame that seemed to extend a length of two feet from his mouth. When he finished he held his pose, his mouth open, steamy smoke coming out of his mouth.

And when he finished Reovan, too, was standing with her mouth open, her arms uncrossed, a look of total shock. The self-professed "Fire God" had indeed did as he had promised and spit a gout of flame. "I never dreamed I'd see someone actually breathe fire," she breathed, when she finally found the words to speak, very impressed with the performance.

Agni laughed heartily, and help up a finger, signalling he wasn't finished. He stood straight up again and then took another swig of the Fiery Sandrat, then spat the drink back into the bottle. With another swipe across his leg, he lit another match, and then opened his mouth.

The Quartermaster stuck the match in his mouth, placing it on his tounge. A blaze started in his mouth, he quickly removed the match and then close his mouth, seemingly eating the fire and swallowing it. He followed it with a satisfying sigh, more steamy smoke coming out of his mouth.

"That's amazing," the dark-skinned girl admitted, having enjoyed the pyrotechnic display. The fire act had cooled her own hot temper and she applauded the Lantulri's performance. "Simply amazing," she repeated.

"Lady Mehta," Agni said sincerely, "Amazing is but a word, a word we use to describe what we consider grand and fantastic." He drank from the bottle again, then lit two matches both in his right hand, and pulled them to his mouth. With his mouth closed, he ejected the liquids from the corners of his mouth, sending the flames two ways.

"You see," He spoke with more smoke exiting his mouth, ", you call my skills amazing, I call you captivating, but those are only words to describe feelings." He chuckled a little bit. "Though, I'm getting off subject," He smiled warmly at her, "Now, do you believe I am, 'The God of Fire'?"

Less impressed with his way of speaking than with his stunts, the dual flame trick was quite the feat. "Alright, alright," she admitted, shaking her head in disbelief with a smile on her face, "I'll agree. 'God of Fire' it is."

That one usually at least catches their ear... Agni sighed mentally, Eh, I don't feel like puttin' that much in for a pair of Ds. Though, the Quartermaster was very good at keeping his mind from his body, and he held his smile and stance like a pro. "Well now, don't you feel better? Just a minute ago you walked in, rather sullen, and now you're all booms and sparks."

Reovan considered the Eyr Ranr's words for a second. He had managed to distract her from dwelling on the anger and now, it was all but gone. "Yes, thank you Lantulri Dev. I do feel a bit better." She bowed her head to him. That stupid Dream Steward obviously didn't know what he was talking about.

Agni tilted his his head to the side for a moment, his gaze shifting to the side, he seemed to be thinking about something. Eh, she's got me curious now. He pushed up his glasses and spoke again, "Well, if you don't mind, what happened to be bothering you? Along with performing awesome miracles, a god listens to the ails of others."

"Ah, it's no big deal," she said dismissively. She certainly didn't want to burden her troubles with Mu'Tasim on this guy, nor whine to a Senior Officer about her difficulties with a senior member of her wing. "Just some personal issues I probably shouldn't be talking with the Quartermaster about." She shifted her stance and thought about what she had just said. "Buuuuuut, now that I think about it. I could use a small favor, if you would. It's oftly cold around here. A nice heatlamp for my quarters would help a bunch." The tone of her voice took on a lilting sound as she asked.

Mmmm, she's being shy. Agni chuckled a little bit, "Well, for the price of a personal issue, I might stick that heating lamp on the Temple Guard's request form that's being put out today." Agni shrugged, and shook his head, "For some reason he needs another Book of Dreams or some nonsense, so if you want that Lamp soon, I can throw your request under his and it should come in pretty quick."

The desert-born girl clasped her hands together, elated at the ease with which the Eyr Ranr aquiesed. "Oh, if you could? A small Nuocr Lamp, like they have in the shrine, that would be perfect." She brushed some of her dark, wavy hair behind her horn on one side. "Thank you very much."

"Whoa whoa whoa, I don't think ya heard me." Agni waved a finger in her face, "Do you know how much strain there is in pulling back a request form after it's been submitted for transmission? A 'lot', I gotta explain why I'm pullin' it back, and then fill out the necessary paperwork." His sly smile appeared on his face again. "The only thing I ask is here why you were so flustered."

Of course, he was lying. Being the Quartermaster, he could do whatever he want with his orders and no one care twice.

Well, there went trying to get it for nothing. Reovan bit her lip and looked over to the side. "Well, okay. The thing is, one of my wingmates said some fairly disparaging things about me, my family, and friends," she said, avoiding looking directly at the man, "And that's why I was in a bad mood." It was the truth. Mostly. Sort of. Well, it was truth enough. Just not very detailed and leaving out some important information.

A loud snerk escaped the Lanturli's closed mouth, a little mirth escaping from him. "Okay, if you're not just flat-out 'lying', then that's just not enough to get your lamp."

"I'm not lying," she assured him adamantly, now looking directly at him. Though, doing so she could see the disbelief and humor reflected in the Quartermaster's face. She dismissed the cobwebs in her head with a wave of her hand. "Look, everything was going fine, but then he started saying that I wasn't a proper rider, and talking bad about everyone back home. So, I got mad at him and told him where he could stick it and of course he didn't like that and so I left." She took a deep breath and let the memory of the situation wash away from her.

"He?" Agni grinned childishly. "Now, tell me, who exactly would talk bad about 'you'?"

Reovan looked away from the Eyr Ranr again. "Is that part of the payment, too?" she asked sourly.

"Well, I need to stay up to date on the resident assholes." Agni shrugged, a little of concern seemed to trickle in his voice, even it had may of been false.

The orange-eyed girl paused to consider her options. Any way she looked at it, it didn't seem right to rat out Steward Farouk. She was still mad at him, to be sure, but he didn't deserve to have his name drug through the mud like this to this guy she hardly knew. Also, he was the only other Sund Wakir she knew aboard the base.

Finally, after debating with herself, she answered Agni firmly, "If it is, then I guess I'm going to have to stay cold."

"Really? Hah! I enjoy the cold too." said Agni, seemingly forgetting the whole thing. "Well! If that's the case, I'm going to get Vaytulri Farouk's signature for his request form." The Quatermaster turned for a moment, failing to say goodbye to her, "I just hope the rumors about him don't turn up true."

"Rumors? What sort of rumors?" Reovan hurridly asked after the senior officer. "Hey, wait," she called to him, taking a couple steps in his direction. "What about Steward Farouk?"

"What," Agni seemed overly surprised, "You havn't heard?"

"No, no," Reovan responded, shaking her head and sounding generally concerned. "I haven't heard."

"Really now, I'd expect you'd hear it first, he's the Temple Guard that's in your unit." Agni arched a brow in disbelief. "Well, you didn't hear this from me, but the guy supposedly has rage issues. Originating from things I've heard from his dead Gual, or the fact that he lost his entire unit raiding a pirate ship. You hear about that? He was honored for it, shame he was in a prajna tank during the ceremony. They say he's also got some kind of 'war lust', meanin' y'know, he loves killing people.

Other than that, they say he's just a plain old, stuck-up, sandrat. Oh, he's also got a bit of a loose 'heckle', y'know what I mean? They say he's already sleeping with some blonde girl, Louise Storehand, or somethin'."

The girl couldn't believe what she was hearing. So many bad things about Mu'Tasim and he hadn't even been on the base that long. Reovan felt the need to defend him well up in her, but she suppressed it. This guy didn't know. These were just rumors after all. Plus, there's no way Agni could've known she had been complaining about him. "Well, I hadn't heard any of that," she told the Quartermaster matter-of-factly. The Sund Wakir had half a mind to call the Eyr Ranr out and go to the shrine with him, but she reminded herself that he was an Eyr Ranr after all, and probably didn't mean anything untoward by it. "Thanks for talking with me anyway," she told him trying to decide what she was going to do after he left, "Even if you couldn't help me with the cold."

"Actually..." Agni grinned childishly again, speaking in an oh-so-innocent tone.

Reovan's eyes lit up and she looked up at the man, not exactly getting what he was implying. "Then, you'll change the order?" she asked, a twinge of hope returning.

Agni burst out into laughter, unable help himself. This is so cute it should be fattening. "Y'know what? Sure, I'll put one down." The Eyr was still chuckling.

"May the Dreamers look upon you with favor," Reovan said, bowing slightly in thanks. "You've been too kind."

"Yeah, I'Timad bless you." Agni said relaxedly, he started to turned but stopped. "Oh, and if you ever need me," Agni put his hand to the collar of his chest and seeming pulled a playing card out of thin air, though it was just another one of his tricks, card in the collar. He presented it to her...

"Here's my card." ... and then took off, not particularly caring what she had to say about it. A closer examination would reveal it to be the Trickster card, the wild card in most Iromakuanhe card games. On the back, the Lantulri's room number.

OFF, Fort Jarizas, Mazerin
Upper Lounge
Yetsava 15, 935
26:37, Commonwealth Standard Time
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