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RP: Bahram Wing [Bahram Wing Side Story] The Great Tail Hunting Expedition

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manus dei

Inactive Member

Zalus entered the bar and looked around. "Well this is what I'd call a target rich environment!" He looked back to Shokhi wow was still in the hall. "Get in here would you?"

Shokhi wrinkled his nose a little uncertainly, then after a moment's hesitation followed Zalus into the bar. "Did you honestly just say 'target rich'?" He sounded incredulous. "Really?" It smelled of alcohol, which Shokhi had mixed feelings about. He recalled the hangover and the not being able to stand up... he also recalled everything feeling awesome.

Alia was already there, several bottles strewn across the bar top around here. Taking a moment to pick one at random, she took it, and pried it's cork off with her teeth, only to spit it out like a bullet and shot gunning the bottle whole.

Zalus nodded over to Alia. "Well she looks like she is having fun." Zalus walked up behind Alia and sat down next to her. "Well it looks like someone hates their liver!"

Alia finished the bottle in short order to answer Zalus. "I don't hate it, per say. I do like the symbiote I was given for my job though." She said as she dropped the empty bottle and looked for another, STRONGER drink to replace it.

Shokhi followed after Zalus and set down across from Alia. "I would say she hates her brain, actually, but judging by the behavior, I would suggest she has little to hate." He wrinkled his nose. "I didn't think we came here to harass a mechanic, Zalus?"

"That's right! Oh I'm sorry we are here to find you a girl to bring home! Ok so pick one out." Zalus motioned to several of the women in the bar.

"I drink to escape the insanity that befalls me as a mechanic." Alia muttered as she picked a bottle and unscrewed its cap to sniff the contents. She wrinkled her nose and coughed slightly, before shrugging and drinking it anyway.

Shokhi furrowed his brow bemusedly, and chuckled at Alia. There was something wrong with her, very wrong. But as long as she could keep things running... "Daaa.... pick one out?" He stared at Zalus, and then looked around the bar slowly. "You mean at random?"

Alia took a second from her apparently deplorable drink to look at the two. "Tail hunting?"

"Hey hey hey! Some of these ladies have some class... but yea Tail hunting." Zalus laughed. He looked back at Shokhi and shook his head. "Nooo Pick one you would like to know better and I will help you."

"Want to help us there Alia?"

Shokhi furrowed his brow further and scanned the bar furtively. "None of them have the same... palpable mass as Vayshirin Mehta." Which was a really awkward way of saying 'boobs', to be sure. "How am I supposed to tell I would like to know someone by looking at them?" Shokhi, clearly, was a rookie at the fine art of tail-chasing as well.

Alia finished her drink and spun around on her stool. "Shokhi sounds pretty green at this Zalus." Alia pointed out. "Palpable mass, for example." Alia said, while poking one of her breasts.

"You just insulted the poor girl!" Zalus spun Alia back around in her chair. He motioned to her chest while placing his hand on her shoulder. "You see my boy, Bigger isn't always better. The little ones can be more sensitive and they don't get in the way!"

"Some say my size is the best, Not to large as to flop everywhere, and not small enough to lack the tactile stimulation related goodness." Alia said all the while sporting a predatory grin.

"Insulted?" Shokhi looked very... nonplussed. He often looked nonplussed. "I did not mean to insult her. I was simply commenting that..." The conversation about size silenced him, and Shokhi looked absolutely bewildered. "I am afraid you have lost me entirely. What tactile stimulation are you speaking of?"

"Very green." Alia muttered with a nod.

"This kind my friend!" Zalus gently squeezed Alia's breast in a playful manner then jumped back out of striking distance.

Alia squeaked loudly, blushed and quickly brandished a liqueur bottle into the space Zalus was in. "Never do that unless I say so!" She hissed, and then pointed to her rank badge. "Higher up then you."

Shokhi stared at the exchange quite curiously. "That is a tactile stimulation? It looked more like squeezing." He looked like he was on the verge of explosive laughter, but he was controlling it quite stoically. "I have decided that I want that one." He motioned in the general direction of the other side of the bar, his hand waving noncommittally.

"I'm sorry Ma'am! They just looked so appealing. I'll be sure to ask you before I grope you next time." Zalus had a big smile on his face. "Damn it Shokhi! I guess we will have to do everything for you then won't we." Zalus looked back to Alia "After you Ma'am?" He motioned towards the direction Shokhi pointed.

Alia glanced over and noted one thing. "Be clearer boy. There are EIGHT women over there."

"And two men." Shokhi smiled brightly. "I would like to know all of them better before I make a choice. Choosing a potential mate strictly on visual appeal seems like a counterproductive endeavor to me. Am I wrong?"

"...You're being too logical about this."

"Here let’s go!" Zalus pulled along Shokhi towards a rather lovely looking woman sitting at the other end of the bar. She was wearing a low cut red top and a black mini skirt.

Mal stretches, yawning as he finally finished his duties for today. Smiling, he looked down at the good job, damn good job he did, content with his work. "Pretty good work, if I might say myself. Nothing like hard work to clear the mind." The spirited decided to head to the bar, to listen to some small talk.

"Wait, what do I do?" Shokhi protested quite loudly as Zalus pulled him along. "Do I start by testing the tactile stimulation of the palpable mass?" Shokhi LIKED talking; he just wasn't very good at it. And he had absolutely no idea how to go about talking to women. This forced him to ad-lib. "D-b-d-ba..." He stuttered a bit. "Err. Hi?"

The short-haired Mazerinii girl turned away from her friend and looked at the approaching group. "Yes? What can I do for you?" she asked, dubious of the trio's intentions, especially since her friend had pointed out the number of empty bottles at the table they had come from as they had begun their approach.

"Hi there. My name's Zalus and this is my very socially inept Wing mate Shokhi. I'm trying to help him learn how to speak with new people. Would you like to help us?" Zalus smiled at the cute girl.

Alia followed the pointed finger, and then raised a hand. "All mine, they're sober."

As Mal entered the bar, he could only facepalm at the sight of his wing mates, muttering "damn it Zalus" as he walked over to Shokhi and Alia.... Only to see the large amounts of alcohol. He facepalmed again. "Damn it Shokhi, You know what happened last time."

Alia paused for a second."That voice..."

"I am not socially inept; I just don't know what I'm supposed to be doing!" Shokhi practically wailed that. "I don't know what 'tail hunting' is and I don't know what tactile stimulation feels like and I have no idea who you are!" He paused there. "I ah..." That was a good place to start. "What is your name? Zalus... told you already I am Shokhi Miyorh." A bit less loud, but still nervous as all hell.

"Riiiight," her friend replied to the mechanist as the short-haired girl giggled.

"Nice to meet you, Zalus. I'm Nola and this is my friend, Fatima," she introduced herself and her friend. She didn't look too impressed as Shokhi began to whine. "Perhaps maybe you should've given him some drinks, too."

Alia sighed, and then removed herself from near Shokhi. "Doomed." When she turned around she was face to face with Malik. "You!" She shouted, and pointed at him.

Malik turned his head inquisitively to the side. "What, me?" To be honest, he didn’t even remember Alia. Not from the hallway, and not from the hangar, probably given how he ended up thinking more about Khiyai than time spent thinking about Alia.

"You're that damned fool that bodily injured Shamsir!"

Zalus chuckled and nodded his head. "Well maybe I should have. Might loosen him up a bit!" Zalus heard the fight starting behind him. "Well Ladies why don't we go take a seat at one of the tables... and away from this storm..." Zalus pointed to the two behind him.

Oh, it was on now. Malik was still a bit touchy about the friendly fire incident, and the thought of someone blaming HIM for Savitar's and Zus' actions was not a good thing. His eyes narrowed as he glared at Alia. "I wasn’t that damaged until Savitar Anata and Zus Storhan decided to fire their entire weapon load at my frame. So, technically, they damaged MY Partner."

"Why don't you guys get us some drinks and join us here at our table?" Fatima asked, fluttering her violet eyes that matched her dark hair. They provided a stark contrast against her light flesh. Nola giggled and nodded, agreeing with her friend.

Shokhi bowed his head briefly. "I am sorry, Nola, you are very pretty but I am..." He didn't finish the sentence, just trailed off, his eyes shifting as though he was ready to bolt at any second. "...alcohol... does not agree with me? I could not walk last time..." Shokhi didn't just look ready to bolt. He looked ready to do something that would destroy Zalus' game too.

"You were the one who engaged an unknown hostile in open combat, and got captured for it." Alia fired back. "Their alpha strike, while not a well thought out move, wasn't aimed for Shamsir or your worthless carcass inside him."

"Someone had to engage him and keep him off Reovan and Shokhi while they escaped with the transport! And I was mostly doing fine until I got turned into a human shield!"

"And what the hell do you mean, engaging an unknown hostile? What, was I supposed to just leave him be? At least by keeping him distracted, Marranr Nejer was able to sneak in and capture him and his unit!"

"It was still your fault that Shamsir was injured." Alia protested. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to console an NI when it fails its duty?"

"I think that you're just trying to place all the blame on me! Probably because you care more about the VANDR than the Runner! Last I checked, both were of equal importance!" Malik rebutted.

"Sit down and have a drink or I--" The strawberry blonde Nola had began, but Fatima cut her off.

"We," her friend emphasized.

"We," the Mazerinii continued, "will be quite insulted."

Zalus smiled at the two girls and then looked over to Shokhi. "Well you heard the ladies." Zalus put his arm around Shokhi's shoulder and led him to the bar. "You don't need to drink if you don't want. You can get whatever you want to drink just don’t upset the ladies. You have the innocent cute thing going for you so you have a shot."

"The VANDR is the important one! It has thoughts and feeling just like you, but unlike you, it's the one that directly faces harm. Sure you'd both die if it was destroyed, but if it's injured you only get neural feedback while it's actually hurt!"

"I... ah... da..." Shokhi stuttered some more. He was sixteen! He wasn't supposed to be dragged into things like this! Zalus, unfortunately, gave him no choice in the matter and he found himself dragged off to another place. "I would not wish to insult either of you." His cheeks were burning, furiously.

Malik slammed both hands on the table, glaring directly at Alia. "SHUT UP! AND LISTEN! A frame Runner leads the VANDR onto the battlefield, It's Gallant pilot. A Frame Runner and its partner are connected on such an intrinsic level, when the VANDR gets damaged, we can almost feel its pain! Yes, I messed up, and my partner was almost destroyed because of my goof, but we'll learn from our mistakes, and get better. That's what it means to be a frame runner, an instinctive connection with your frame!"

"Good, good," Fatima responded to the shy Ivuori, nodding her head as she entwined her fingers underneath her head and rested her chin on top.

"Thank you, dear," Nola said teasingly, her bright blue eyes shining as she put on her best display for getting free drinks from the guys.

"And I'm sure I can build that connection with Shamshir."

"You aren't getting it at all Malik!" Alia fired back. "I am talking about Shamsir's psychological trauma caused by the battle you had and the fact it failed in the one condition you and he made a partner's pact on."

"No, I'm the one who failed. I promised Shamshir that he wouldn't take any damage, and I failed at that. It serves me right for being so cocky."

"Shamsir blamed himself for that." Alia sighed.

"I'll talk to him then."

Zalus grabbed a drink for himself and the two ladies at the bar. He walked back and sat down at the table. "Here you two are. I hope you like them."

Returned to the table after Zalus, drawing in a deep breath to steel himself for the storm ahead. Women - the undiscovered country. He set down at the table, his hands folding on his lap, and glanced about wide-eyed, like a frightened squirrel. No words. He got the feeling talking about tactile stimulation of the palpable mass hadn't been the smoothest move.

"Thank you, Zal, was it?" Fatima said as Zalus set the drinks down in front of her. She flashed a knowing gaze at her friend, who grinned widely back in response.

"How about," Nola started, as Fatima pushed her drink in front of Shokhi, "We drink this one together?" The Mazerinii asked, trying her best not to giggle again. She wrapped her fingers around her own glass. "It'll be fun."

Zalus put back down his drink and handed it to Fatima who had given up her drink to Shokhi. "Well this may be interesting..." He said while looking over to his wing mate.

"D-aaaaaa...?" Shokhi's eyes went even wider, if such a thing was possible. And the burning sensation returned to his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. "Drink it... together..." He looked terrified. Absolutely terrified. "I... ah... alright." He lifted the glass and took a quick sip from it then offered it back, his hands trembling a bit.

Fatima downed Zalus' drink like a champ and slammed the empty glass down on the table as she sighed happily. Nola, on the other hand, mirrored the Ivuori's movements as he took a sip. As he went to set the glass down, however, her other hand struck out like a snake and pressed the bottom of his glass, hoping to tip it down his throat. Meanwhile tipping her own glass back further to gulp down as much as she could.

Zalus laughed as Nola started to down her drink and forced Shokhi to do the same thing. "Drink boy Drink!" Zalus looked over at Fatima. "Well that was a wonderful sight there my girl."

Shokhi yelped in surprise, nearly choking as Nola tipped the whole glass down his throat. He sputtered and coughed for a few seconds, looking thoroughly flustered and a bit dazed, and then stared at Nola for a moment, setting the empty glass down. Then he burst out coughing again, buried his mouth in his shoulder until it passed...

"I keep telling her she has to learn to open her throat more," the violet-haired girl told Zalus, which made her blue-eyed friend blush as it took her a good couple more gulps to finish her drink.

As Nola set her own empty glass next to the other one, she smiled at Shokhi, rubbing his back to help facilitate the burning liquid flowing down his throat. "Ready for round two? It's on Fati." Her fair skinned companion rolled her eyes as Nola was offering her hard earned Kuon Dalri instead of the Mazerinii's own.

"Alright, alright," Fatima said, standing from her seat, but instantly regretting it as the dizziness hit. She promptly sat back down and took a tagcard from her purse. "Here," she said, handing the card to Zalus, "How about another round for all four of us?"

Zalus took the card and stood up. "I shall be right back dearies." Zalus walked over and bought another round and walked back to the table carrying them to the best of his ability.

"Panty waists." Alia muttered from her seat, with her massive collection of bottles.

"I... ah... yes another round sounds... very nice..." The liquor hit him quick, and it hit him hard. It was only his second time drinking - ever. Never mind alcohol tolerance, Shokhi could get inebriated off of fruit juice. Zalus returned with another round and Shokhi grinned broadly and raised his glass. "To palpable masses and overbearing wing mates! And Mazerati... Mazerinii...... Mazer..." He stumbled over his tongue slightly, and promptly shut his mouth.

Looking over at the group. Alia glinted with a vicious little thought. "Hmm, four would be so much more fun than just one..." Picking herself up, the head machinist walked over and asked if she could join in.

"Maz. Er. In," Nola sounded out, using her forefinger to pat the top of the tip of the Ivuori's hawkish nose. Her friend may be able to swallow a glass in one go, but she couldn't hold her liquor like the shorter haired girl could. Fatima finished her second glass almost as quick as her first, and was feeling loopy enough that she didn't even think to ask for her tagcard back. "Repeat after me," the Mazerinii instructed Shokhi wit

Alia joined mischievous grin and her second glass untouched. "Ma. Zer. In."

Zalus handed the now tipsy girl's tagcard back. "Mazerati! Hey!" Zalus finished off what was now his first drink and looked over to Alia. "Why not Ma'am!" Zalus slid over and pulled the seat out that was between him and Shokhi for Alia to sit at.

Alia sat down and welcomed the drinking game, since she was immune to it. "Looks like I might be too late to the game."

"Maz. Er. In." Shokhi repeated gingerly, and then took a long drink from his second cup. "Ma. Zer. In." He swayed slightly back and forth in his seat. "I feel light as air! Like the time I fought the villainous Lasif for control of the roof! A great victory for Iromakuanhe everywhere!" He was inebriated enough to start talking without inhibition. "Err... I don't know if the Ma Zer In benefited from it or not, I never met any before I joined the..." Trailed off suddenly to drink some more.

"Ohmygod," Nola said, switching her gaze to her friend sitting, almost falling off her chair by this point, really, across from her. "I think this handsome guy's a Frame Runner." Her voice was positively giddy.

"Yesh," is all Fatima could say in response.

Zalus jumped on the opportunity that had just been presented. "Why yes my dears we are Frame runners of the Barham wing. Just the other day Shokhi here saved a bunch of civilians that got ambushed by rebels and I "took care" of two of their frames myself!"

Alia decided to go fetch another round of drinks. On her this time.

"Took care of?" Shokhi rolled his eyes. "Zalus here charged like a drunken idiot and proceeded to make the whole operation more chaotic. Not as bad as Malik... he was the one screaming earlier... he and Savitar got themselves in way over their heads. And Zus! First she shot the civilian transport and then she shot Malik!" He finished his second drink, his eyes - and arms - beginning to animate the story. "Weren't for Nejem half the wing would be dead, and I swear Mehta and I were the only ones who had any idea how to proceed..." He probably wasn't helping Zalus much, but that was the unfortunate side effect of Shokhi drunk. Although he caught himself, quite late, and added another piece to his story. "Of course at the end Zalus, he put it together. Heroic resolve he has, truly heroic!" He clapped his hands together resoundingly to accentuate the point.

"Oh?" Nola asked inquisitively, her blue eyes staring deep into Shokhi's. "How very brave of you." With a grin she added, "And how very heroic of your friend." Her second drink was still untouched and upon noticing this, Fatima practically clawed and climbed on the table to reach the beverage.

"Girl gotta know how'ta drank," the violet-haired girl sputtered as she kicked back her friend's drink and slammed it down. "Thas it fo' me," she said, staring at Zalus's... shirt.

"You sir... are wasted!" Zalus shook his head at Shokhi. "Weee, should go somewhere and recover from this hard drinking. What say you guys?" Zalus kept an Eye on Fatima who he was sure might end up sick form the drinking

Alia finally returned with the new round, and the bottle that they came from. "Come one everyone, drink up, it's on me!"

Zalus intercepted Fatima's drink and sat next to her. "Come on dear you don't need any more you've already had 5 you don't need anymore."

"Wasted?" Shokhi wrinkled his nose and sniffed, and then Alia brought a new round. "I disagree! And we have a new round Zalus mustn't be impolite!" He had certainly gone a long way from not wanting to drink AT ALL only a short time before. He took a quick drink from the round Alia brought then leapt to the top of the table... and very nearly overbalanced backwards, but managed to steady himself with some wild flapping of his arms. As if he didn't look birdlike enough already. "We should DANCE!"

Alia, being the quick one she was, helped Shokhi not kill himself.

Fatima held out her arm to grab her drink from Zalus, but she had neither the strength, will, nor peace of mind to be able to accomplish anything more than lazily draping her arm over the Eyr Ranr's chest, her hand landing on his shoulder.

Nola applauded as the purple skinned frame runner leaped up on their table. "Woo~" she called out to him. "Dance! Dance!"

After helping Shokhi not hurt himself, Alai slid over near Zalus and whispered something into his ear.

Zalus gently pulled Fatima closer and let her rest on his shoulder. "Take a rest there Fatima. If you don't you're going to be sick." Zalus gently rubbed the back of her neck right between and above her shoulder blades. Zalus smiled and nodded to Alia. "I don't think they need much more then they have." Zalus winked to the Eyr Ranr mechanic. "Hey guys why don't we bring this party elsewhere funner? Alia any ideas where we could go for some 'coffee'?"

The digital stimulation of her neck entry ports made the violet-eyed girl giggle.

"Yeah, after all this drink, some nice "hot coffee" would be perfect." Alia said, masking a truly shit eating grin.

Shokhi hadn't actually meant to dance, but now that Nola had encouraged him he couldn't exactly refuse. "This... is a re-enactment of the glorious battle of the roof!" He announced that quite boldly, took a dramatic forward step, and managed to trip over his foot on that first step, flailed crazily, and promptly went crashing down. "D-aaa!" He didn't seem hurt, but he was blushing quite furiously. Oops.

"..." Alia watched Shokhi's stage dive with a neutral expression. "OK then! Coffee it is. Before someone here hurts themselves worse!"

The Mazerinii girl was quick enough to not only avoid Shokhi's death leap, but also fast enough to grab his arm on the way down. Hopefully enough to keep him from face planting, but unfortunately enough to twist it back in what might be an equally painful maneuver. "Oops," she said, surprised at the whole thing, "Are you okay?"

Shokhi yelped slightly as his arm was twisted, but it saved his face, so it was a fair trade.... "I am fine! Fine! But that was more accurate of a re-enactment than I intended. Lasif pushed me off the roof, I broke a horn." Shokhi was grinning very broadly. "I guess I don't dance well?"

Zalus laughed at Shokhi. "I've seen better dancers in my life." Zalus whispered in Fatima's ear. "I'll show you how good of a dancer I am later if you want Hun."

"You danced beautifully," Nola said beaming a smile as she let go of the Ivuori's arm and dug into her purse. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to decline the offer," she said, looking over at Zalus as she pulled something small out of her handbag and placed it in Shokhi's front pants pocket, letting her hand linger for a moment before removing it. She gave the purple-skinned boy a private wink and put a finger to her lips, then stood up straight as Fatima managed to squirm out of Zalus's grasp and sit down on the floor. "I should really get her home and in to bed. She's got to get up early for work tomorrow." She punctuated the last sentence with a laugh and shook her head at her friend's sorry state.

"Aaaaah Leavening so soon? Don't go please!" Zalus pouted a little as the two got up to leave.

"Beautiful~!" Shokhi remained in his semi prone fallen-from-the-table position, his cheeks burning brighter and his eyes flashing quite dreamily. And then Nola slipped something into his pocket, and he raised both his eyebrows quizzically - he was about to ask what it was but she put the finger to his lips and silenced him, leaving him to burn in his curiosity. "If you must go, dream of wonderful things. Like warm... things..." What had been a very nice thought was derailed by Shokhi's diminishing cognizance. "I will miss you!" RAPIDLY diminishing cognizance.

Alia watched the other two ladies get ready to leave. Now that her idea was dashed, she seemed rather bored.

Zalus leaned back and watched the girls leave and then looked over to Alia. "After we drop off the boy want to go get some coffee?"

Nola knelt down next to her friend who was happily sitting on the floor. Fatima said something to the Mazerinii that sounded like, "Drank an werk an okay okay? okay." The short-haired blonde just smiled and shook her head as she helped her up and stumbled as the drunken girl put all of her weight on her friend.

"Have a good night," Nola repeated as she slowly helped Fatima towards the exit. "Easy now," she said softly to her friend. "You're quite a handful, you know."

"I don't mind. All this booze has left me a little parched." She said, giving him a sharp smirk.

"Will I have to ask you for permission this time around?" Zalus leaned in and smirked.

"You just did, didn't you?"

Once Nola had left Shokhi, still lying on the floor with his legs braced by the table, sought out the object she had left in his pants and inspected it curiously. "Zalus, did I 'get some'?"

"Well do I-" Zalus was cut off by Shokhi's drunken ramblings. "Yes boy... yes you did." Zalus got up and went over to pick up the young Runner.

The some he 'got,' was a business card. Her full name: Nola Legosse, an address and contact information were all printed right there on it. Apparently she worked at a place called "Dreamcuts," a salon that advertised Mazerin-style hair styling and horn polishing.

Zalus hefted up Shokhi and started towards the door. "Let's go home..."

Shokhi managed to take his feet with a lot of help from Zalus. "It's... okay that I didn't test her palpable mass... right..?"

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