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RP: Bahram Wing [Bahram Wing Side Story] Why Do I Feel So Alone?

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The Pixel Knight
Inactive Member
ON, Fort Jarizas, Mazerin
Base Shrine
Yetsava 15, 935
25:13, Commonwealth Standard Time

A few hours after Bahram's first mission, Zus had managed to clean up, change, and procure the bottle of Hlaraian wine that Serhan had promised herself and the rest of the wing. The girl made her way to the base's shrine, expecting to simply drop off the bottle, possibly with a note, and then leave. She received a mild, but good, surprise upon finding the shrine keeper within.

Mu'Tasim had been occupying himself with his new position ever since he had landed. Most of the time, he had spent meditating, as he had no prior visitors. Though the moment Zus had walked in, the Guard was informally dressed, meaning he lacked his robe. He was napping on one of the pillows near the center lamp.

The girl smirked; she had caught the man napping, literally. She decided to wake him up, comically. Placing the bottle on the floor nearby, she spoke up loudly "Surely here is a fantastic student of Dahbi, Here we see him practice his skill in sleeping, just as we've seen him show skill in a frame, and skill in ejecting unwanted persons"

"Vayshirin Storhan, did you know that a Babhi Meditation can be conducted in any position as long as it is comfortable?" said a supposedly sleeping Mu'Tasim, his eyes still closed.

"Can it now?" Zus retorted playfully. "It must have been a long time since your last Babhi meditation then, It seems your mind is over-clouded" she said, seeming to know more than she should.

Mu'Tasim opened his eyes, a smile present on his face as he began to stand. "Well," He grunted, standing up, "A lot of things have happened in the past few weeks. It has gotten to the point where I can't even properly concentrate anymore. Though, I doubt you came here to hear me roll of the tounge."

Zus giggled a bit. "no, I did not, necessarily. I actually came to present my bottle of wine to the Shrine." she answered, truthfully.

"Ah! Thank you, once again. I appreciate your donation, and so do all the Stewards of the Vigil." Mu'Tasim bowed a bit. "Though, I have to say, are you sure you wish to give it up so easily?"

"Simple. I do not drink often, and when i do, it's strong stuff. Wine does not have the bite I need when i want to drink something alcoholic, and if i did drink the bottle myself, it would go bad before i had two glasses. It would be such a shame to waste such nice wine. And besides, you yourself have said how important wine is to a shrine."

You are very kind, is there any way I can compensate you?"

"Yes, I suppose, but not in any way that would be very expedient." the girl muttered to herself, meaning several things at once.

He arched a brow, "What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean many things, all of which include learning something." she said, ignoring the arched brow. "Although, I would not doubt some of it I could learn from Interrogating your frame" she said, half-jokingly.

"Famasir?" Mu'Tasim said the VANDR's name in disbelief, "The ANIOS is not exactly capable of small talk."

Zus begins to smirk, saying "Obviously, you don't know your way around a good fact-finding discussion."

Mu'Tasim chuckled, finding her inquisitive nature amusing, "Well! I'll be sure to question your VANDR when the time comes."

"Will you now?" Zus replied, sounding at least partially serious. "I'll have you know that my VANDR's Memory banks are erased each time I leave the Cockpit."

"Afraid of someone learning... secrets?" Mu'Tasim chuckled.

Zus eyed Mu'tasim an an accusing way. "And what is wrong with that? I have worked hard to learn what I have learned. People only deserve knowledge if they make the effort to work for it."

Mu'Tasim frowned at her, "Did I make you work for the knowledge I gave you?"

"Perhaps not directly, or with forethought, But it took me time and effort to get where I am, and I am certain that I have done something to deserve it."

"Yes, knowledge is to be gained, and for those gained it, be proud of their work in discovering that information. However, it is the same responsibility of those who gain knowledge, to teach it to those who do not have the same grasp."

"If they have the thirst, the passion, and give the effort for knowledge, then yes, they deserve it. IF somebody wanted to learn about me, they would have to do it the hard way. My secrets are secret for a reason, and that reason is not simply broken by something as base as prattle"
He chuckled a little bit, smiling at her warmly, "You're very wise."

I am not entirely certain I am wise. Knowledgeable, yes, but wisdom does not merely come from knowledge. My family raised me with secrets, hidden reasons for why our family is so odd. I will be nice, and give you the knowledge that our reasons were from the Vigil, which is why it interests me. I was never able to pry all of it out of them" The girl said, frowning at the end, a past failure that she would some day need to make up for.

"Secrets? Oddness? Do Eyr Ranr intentionally live complex lives?" Mu'Tasim asked her, trying to lighten the mood a little bit.

"Well" the girl began, thinking a little, deciding wether she should tell the temple guard the next bit of information. "Eyr Ranr are a frakishly open race, for the most part, Living so openly that they care too little for things like whom their body belongs to, where their family comes from, and often forgetting the vigil" she said, shaking her head, slightly ashamed of her heritage. "It seems that my family arose in the wrong place, acting more like Sund Wakir in terms of faith"

"So..." Mu'Tasim started, appearing think on this for a moment, he decided to make a shot in the dark. "Your family was ashamed to live among the Sund Wakir?"

"No. I beleive my family loved the sky too much to stay with the Sund Wakir. I myself am much happier in the sky, But i would rather not be tagged by the assumptions made of my people" the girl said, coming close to her limit of what she would give up.

"Mmmm..." Mu'Tasim began to meditate on this for a moment, being so close to her, he could sense agitation. Unsure of whether it was his prying or her relunctance, he decided to try and go in a different direction, "The Saints tell us that ethnicity and lineage means nothing, it is who we are that we should truly recognize. I recognize you, Zus, and I like who you are." He said in a satisfied tone.

Zus blushed at the Dream Steward's admission that he liked who she was "Re-Really?" she asked, taken by suprise.

He chuckled a little bit, "Yes, it is hard to find such a beautiful, if not locked mind in these days."

Zus' blush deepened and she turned away, "m- my- my Mind?" she stuttered, completely taken off-guard. "I believe... you are the one, that has the beautiful mind. Your knowledge and experience.. True wisdom is obvious within your eyes, In your touch..." the girl trailed off, her face looking like a runyean by now.

Mu'Tasim tilted his head at her, he beamed at her a little bit. A wise tone seemed to take his voice, "Could I ask you to look into my eyes?"

"I... I suppose you could" Zus responded, taking a deep breath to calm herself. when she believed she was sufficiently calm (and sufficiantly normal in skin tone) she turned around, locking gazes with the darker man.

Mu'Tasim squinted a little bit as he searched Zus' face. His golden eyes widened to normal, "True, my eyes hold wisdom behind their gleaming walls, but it does not make my mind beautiful. My drive is curiosity, to learn what works around me.." He smiled once more, "Your eyes, they seem to possess such a determined edge to them. An edge that symbolizes someone with a drive, in your case, knowledge. You are driven to learn all and everything. That is what trully makes you beautiful." He didn't seem to realize how he neglected to say she had a beautiful 'mind'.

At the guard's words, Zus' blush deepened once more. She was silent, and turned her face away to hide the rush of blood to her cheeks. She felt extremely honored, and something inside her drew her towards Mu'tasim. She did not know what to do; taken completely aback. Furtively, the Eyr Ranr chanced a glance at the man, a glint in her eyes that spoke something different from what they had before.

The gaze she seemed to cast on him caught Mu'Tasim off guard. He could sense her feelings waving off of her like the heat of the Nuocr sun. Though, it was her eyes that enraptured him, and he could not help but feel invited to it. "I..." He tried to speak, attempting to make sense of himself. Then suddenly, panic, the Guard quickly lost his nerve, jolting and turning away from her, putting about two feet between them. "I... I apologize..." He said in a rather dishonored tone.

Zus closed her eyes and turned away, blushing again. Perhaps she had come on too strong? Doubt fogged her mind as she decided that she was scaring the man off "No,.. I.. Apologize. I did not mean to offend you..." She said, trailing away, tears beginning to form, and she moved to walk away, towards the door.

The Guard was extremely confused at the moment, he seemed unable to handle his rising feelings. As Zus turned to leave, he began to feel an inward frustration building within himself. "WAIT!" He exclaimed all too loudly, the Guard clearly taking leave of his senses.

Zus froze, somewhat surprised by the man's shout. She turned around, looking mildly more pale. "..w- what? she half-whispered, shocked.

Mu'Tasim appeared defeated at the moment, unable to handle what he was feeling. "I-... Just-..." The Guard spoke in a rather pained tone. He walked over to her, and placed his hands onto her arms. Starting at the elbows, those hands slid down to her hands, gripping them. "Don't go." was all he could muster.

"o.. okay" she muttered, gripping back. "if you wish" was all she said, looking back into the man's pained eyes. Obviously, something was on his mind, something important. her hands touching his, however, somehow felt comforting, despite the obvious confusion he held.

It was clear that Mu'Tasim had no idea what he was going to do next. He knew that he had ruined any passion held in the previous moment, and now it had shifted to somewhat awkward. Though, he felt reassurance with her hands in his. "Zus..." he stumbled with her name, his mind a whirlwind. Suddenly, something lit a fire within his soul and he leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers.

Zus' eyes opened wide in shock, but soon became a more normal size, and slowly began to close. She leaned into the kiss, a light moan escaping her throat. His lips were firm, yet surprisingly soft, Gentle, yet awkward in their motions. The Temple Guard's beard tickled the thin girl's face, but she didn't seem to care, letting gor of the mans hands, and allowing hers to snake beneath his arms and around his back.

Mu'Tasim chilled as he felt her arms wrap around him. The Guard's blood pumped through him quickly as he slowly ecompassed her in his own arms, bringing her in tightly. Their moment of passion would last for a little longer, until he broke off their kiss, his face showing the same redness she had earlier. He seemed confused, helpless, and a tad embarassed, by the look of his face.

Zus followed Mu'tasim's lips partway as the Guard pulled back, before pulling back herself, face as read as her counterpart. The girl smiled at Mu'tasim's face, once again mirroring the man. She started speaking, but only managed to let out would could be described as a soft coo before lening into the Dream stewards shoulder, and just staying there, holding him.

Her warmth, her acceptance, and her closeness seemed to reassure Mu'Tasim as they seemed to melt into an embrace. Words were not coming to him, though the urge to speak rose. "I... cannot describe the way I feel..." He spoke softly, his arms rose her back a little bit.

Zus moved a hand up to Mu'tasim's lips, pressing a lone finger against them, while whispering "Shhhh... Don't describe it then." she moved her hand, grabbing his, and pressing their palms together. "I know you can show me, Dream Steward"

"I..." Mu'Tasim began to speak again, "I'm not... good... at showing..."

Zus bit her lip for a moment, deciding she wanted to know how he felt bad enough to let him know how to show her. "Just, empty your mind, and let it flow to me... if you concentrate on it, it won't work"She whispered to him, demonstrating by letting some of her emotions trickle through her arm and out her fingers, to Mu'tasim. He would feel a warm feeling, that could be best described as love, a soft one that felt like comfort, and something bouncing that must be happiness, as well as a tiny bit of bitterness, almost imperceptible, that was her fear, fear of going to far, of losing herself to someone she just met, fear of being rejected.

Mu'Tasim recieved her warm feelings, a nit of her bitterness made him tense up, yet not enough to let him improperly return the feelings. Unlike hers, his emotion came to her like rushing water, a flow of affection, interest, and love. It felt like the warmth she had gave him, then came an intense burst of fear. A fear that seemed to result from his responsiblity, a fear of losing what was close to him, a fear of missing out on what may be his chance to leave Ahni's Shadow, a fear of his own emotion.

Zus squeezed herself closer to the man as his emotions flooded over the link, trying to comfort him. She then leaned back slightly, looking Mu'tasim in the eyes. Smiling, cheeks still a little flushed, she whispered "Was that so difficult, Steward?"

"It is hard to pass on emotions I rarely ever feel..." Mu'tasim said guiltfully, his eyes seemed to possess more strength now.

"Well then" Zus began, still smiling, "Perhaps we will have to change that?" she kissed him lightly on the cheek again, wrapping her arms back around and continuing to hold Mu'tasim.

"Perhaps..." Mu'tasim trailed, wrapping his arms around her. "Perhaps we can." He said with a little more confidence, the feeling seemed to come off him.

He leaned back a little bit and stared into her eyes. The Guard had caught a second wind. "I won't ask you to share yourself with me. I don't know how to explain why I want to be with you, right here, right now." Mu'Tasim appeared firm, above and below.

"Oh!" Zus started, jumping back a little. there was an odd feeling against her waist that hadn't been there before. Eyr Ranr or not, Zus was still very Naive and innocent, and didn't know what it was beyond something that was suprising and brought a new kind of blush to her cheeks.

Mu'Tasim cleared his throat with embarassment, "I think I became a little too confident." He chuckled a little bit, putting both hands over his mid-section.

"oh... Oh.. OH!" Zus said, suddenly realizing what had happened. She turned away, closing her eyes in embarrassment, and apologising "I'm.. I'm sorry, I didn't.. mean to.. well" She fumbled, stumbling over the words she was too embarrassed to say.

Mu'Tasim began to laugh a little bit, covering himself still. "Nothing to be embarassed about! I just got a little excited. I hope I didn't shock you too much there." He leaned over, making himself easier to hide.

"I... I see" Zus said, clearly embarrassed, She began eying the door furtively. "Well... Perhaps I should give you some time then? I must be bothering you, coming to see you so often" she said, finishing in a halfhearted way, hoping that she wasn't being too much for the man, or for herself.

"W-wait! I di-" Mu'Tasim started, but stopped, suddenly realizing how idiotic he must've looked. He straightened himself up and turned, he cleared his throat and moved over to his Robe, which hung on a notch in the wall. "If you must, then Parolov's blessings be with you." He said sternly, feeling his fears had come true.

Zus stopped. "... Yes... I almost forgot..." She turned around, still blushing, but now able to look at the guard without too much embarrassment, as his robe was now on. "I forgot to thank the saints, and ask for a blessing. would.. Would you do the honors, Dream Steward?"
Mu'Tasim appeared a different person when his rose to meet hers. He was very calm and unbothered, more so as he beamed at her warmly. "Of course." He walked over to her and possessed the same inquisitive look as before. "Did you have a certain Saint in mind?"

"I did not" Zus admitted, smiling softly, but still blushing. there was a little bit of awkward tension, but it was slowly easing as Zus noticed Mu'tasim becoming more comfortable again.

Mu'Tasim nodded to her, and placed his hands on her shoulders, and then leaned his head towards hers. "Zus Storhan, your blessing is of Bukor." He said in a whisper, though, it seemed to strain at the end. "May you find a way to make your future the brightest." He pressed his lips on her forehead and then wiped the spot with his thumb.

Zus closed her eyes as she received the blessing, listening to the words as Mu'tasim spoke them. "Thank you, Dream steward" she said, smiling at him again. Opening her eyes, she began to walk away, but stopped for a moment, just short of the door. "oh, I hope the shrine can find some use for the bottle of wine I had brought in" before walking through the door and into the hallway.

"It will." Mu'Tasim responded simply.

Zus continued down the hallway, her body moving towards her room, her mind, however, straying back to the shrine, and it's now lone occupant. She wondered if she should go back in, but decided that she didn't want to push it any further, at least not tonight.

I let her go... Mu'Tasim thought silently, standing at the center the room. He began to pace back and forth, going over what happened in his mind, becoming more and more frustrated with how it finished. He balled his fist for a moment, and then approached one of the Shrine walls, and gave it a strong right. Of course, the wall won, causing three of Mu'Tasim's knuckles to crack. He gripped his hand, wincing at the pain it had caused him. The hand started to burn hotly, though instead of hiding the pain like he would have normally, he went to his knees, cursing lightly.

Why... why do I feel so alone now?

OFF, Fort Jarizas, Mazerin
Base Shrine
Yetsava 15, 935
25:34, Commonwealth Standard Time
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