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RP: Lorath [Balance] Binge and Purge


Inactive Member
Nyli III - Royal Palace - Throne Room

"What in the Goddess' name is this?" Velor asked as he looked over a listing of information which was presented to him. "Why is this even a concern?" Velor asked as he looked to a Vice Admiral which had brought a resource requisition form to him.

"We're in need of materials, food, and maintenance supplies." The Vice Admiral stated as she stood at attention before the High Priest. "Our ship compliment has expanded, and we need additional resources."

Velor quirked his brow at the request. "The issue is?" He asked sharply.

"The issue is that these three systems are unable to sustain our fleet." The Vice Admiral stated in reply as she looked quite troubled. "As long as we're on station in defense, we're unable to maintain a supply line which is sufficient with the planets we are defending."

"Then utilize alternative supplies." Velor stated as he tossed the datapad aside crudely. He was agitated with the matter, he stood up and strode to a nearby monitor which flickered to life, displaying the one-hundred-sixty Wh'ki shipyard network. "We'll branch out the Wh'ki network, and utilize them as supply stations. Assign two-hundred-fifty ships to every twenty Wh'ki. They will be able to sustain your needs indefinitely. Even our soldiers can be brought back aboard these compounds."

"That would be a suitable solution, your wisdom guides us." The Vice Admiral spoke as she bowed slightly. "Then we will be able to accommodate our fleet as it is, and with the passage of time, we'll be able to prosper." The Vice Admiral gave a sharp salute before she took a knee. "I am sorry for troubling you with this apparently trivial matter. We will remove the excess ships which are draining system resources, and assign them to Wh'ki clusters."

"You are forgiven, you may rise and convey my orders to those above and below you. Dismissed." Velor stated as he looked upon the Vice Admiral with a soft smile. "Do not worry, the Goddess provides what we need to survive."

The Vice Admiral smiled in return and rose from her knee, then quickly strode out to carry out the orders she was given.
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