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RP: Bastardpiece Theater [Bastardpiece Theater] Act I: First Steps


Well-Known Member
The bar was dark and grungy like many, many Nepleslian bars.

Smoke in the air was faintly outlined by the low, dim lighting as people quietly went about drinking, playing pool or occasionally throwing darts. The rough and tumble jokes and banter between airbikers could be heard in the background while the bartender worked to clean the oaken slab - though drinks were once slid across its length, the wood was now marked by years of countless careless cigars. Those early days were nothing but memory now.

Off to one side of this small bar was a small, rounded table. Lit by a single bulb overhead, it sat there, lonely and unoccupied. Needless to say though, it would have guests soon. They knew, were told in fact, to come here to this bar, sit there in specific, and then talk about something trivial, common and profitable. Business as usual of course. But, they weren't there yet, and so the table waited, all alone, and not even accompanied by chairs.

To fix this, a single short and fat little Delsaurian waddled about, methodically bringing one chair at a time over to this very table.
Amy Sidone walked into the bar. The smell of smoke, cheap whiskey, and desperation filled her immediately; she smiled a little at it's comforting presence. She spotted the table quickly and made her way to it just in time for a second chair to be placed. She nodded at the Delsaurian in thanks and acknowledgement, doing a quick inspection of him while doing so.

Amy took one of the chairs and moved it so that she could sit at the table facing the way she came. By habit, she quickly examined the bar, looking for escape routes and contingency plans and sighed quietly as she caught herself doing it.

An old habit, but maybe not a useless one in this new line of work. She briefly wondered what the specific job would be. Probably something nasty given her employer's reputation, but between prison and outfitting herself, she didn't care as long as it paid well.

She dimly thought of her brother. Darius, I bet you don't have to buy your own weapons before a mission. she thought, and wondered how he was doing. Probably off being a big damn hero like he always wanted. She sighed again and refocused herself, watching the bar for approaching patrons.
Dick Mariner was slow and careful with his entry into the seeming pit of scum. His brown eyes scanned the place for all its various permutations of filth, grimacing to himself in the process. "Easy now," He thought to himself, "The best medicines are always a bitter pill to take, and you were called because Nepleslia needs a refill on its prescription."

The pharmacist sighed, then looked over at the table he was supposed to show up at and noticed the "pretty little thing" already at the table. "This could be a good thing, or a bad thing," he mumbled to himself with another sigh before making his way over. When he reached his destination Dick gave a pleasant smile, "May I join you?" he asked Amy, gesturing with his hand towards the second chair as a third appeared.
Amy watched out of the corner of her eye as Dick entered the bar and his slight recoil at the surroundings. Well. This one was obviously one of her new co-workers. Great. Hopefully he can at least stomach getting his hands dirty she mused while taking a sip of her whiskey. She looked again on her second pass through the bar as he approached, noting his build and the scar on his brow. At least he looks like he can take a punch.

After his approach, she raised an eyebrow at the out of place polite gesture. "Not the usual pick-up line around here." she smirked and leaned back in her chair. "Still. You look more interesting than the bikers over there, so you have my attention for now." she gestured in the direction of the bikers with a nod of her head. "Name's Amy. Yours?"
Dick chuckled at the pick-up comment, but refrained from looking at the group of bikers; only bad things could come from them even perceiving that they were being stared at. "She has a sense of humour at least," he thought to himself as he took a seat, positioning himself a third of a turn from Amy in the direction of the bar. "Call me Sarin," he replied, recalling his training in identity.

"Do you come here often?" Dick asked wanting to keep a light, social atmosphere going. Might as well follow the pick-up flow, he figured, since that would be the most expected thing until more arrived.
Amy smiled. "Oh dear, you traded one cliche for another it seems." she leaned forward from her languid pose to place herself closer to the table. "Not this bar in particular, but you could say it's my kind of place." she took a sip of her whiskey again. "Word of warning, the drinks are about as smooth and clean as a streeter whore's pussy." She swirled the drink in her glass for emphasis. "maybe a bit rough if you're not used to it."
The smell of the smoke and liquor hit his senses before the ex-marine even entered the small bar. As Dex entered the dingy building, he quickly assessed the situation, prioritizing individuals according to their inherent threat level. Though he knew that even a young Nepleslian child could be a threat should the occasion arise, his attention focused on the bikers for a split second. Pulling a pack of Nepleslian Greens from his pocket, he deftly placed it between his lips before igniting the small flip lighter, taking a long drag of the cigarette.

Seeing the small table with two individuals sitting there already. Making his way to the table, it was obvious from the way he carried himself that there was a deeply embedded pride and confidence in the man. Quickly closing the gap, he pulled out a chair and took the third seat, nodding a greeting to the two sitting at the table. "Evening." greeted the man while he exhaled a cloud of smoke to his right.
Amy examined the next fellow coming to sit in the corner with them. At least this one didn't flinch at the sight of the bar she thought. She raised her glass in greeting to the newcomer. "Evening." As the two relatively large men sat at the table, she began to question the wisdom of placing herself against the wall.
It seemed that, for the time being, the group was still waiting for everyone to show up.

The mood in the bar was laid back and easygoing despite its grizzled appearance. Aside from the group of airbikers, and now a handful of truckers gathered around a billiards table, there wasn't much else going on at all. Walking over to the three on short little legs, the Delsaurian waved a three fingered hand to get their attention. "Hello - anything I can get for the three of you?" he asked in a friendly voice, large yellow eyes taking their time to look at each person in turn.

He wasn't much taller than the table, yet despite his looks, the Delsaurian's speech was immaculately Nepleslian.
Smoke filled the air around the pool table, occupied by a small group of men of varying shapes and sizes. More than likely a mixed group of locals that had walked in from work and regulars to this bar, judging from the fact that no one wore any of the protective and outlandish gear Airbikers and gang members wore, respectively.

For Kurt McNair, he elected to dress rather simply - a black shirt with a grey hoodie over it, unzipped in the front, with a pair of green khaki shorts, a black beanie and a pair of running shoes

Kurt had just finished his turn by failing pool in spectacular fashion - knocking one of the other teams' balls into one of the pockets. Between the normal spats of argument and laughter regarding the failings and success of each person at the table, Kurt had been watching the newcomers arrive, taking extremely quick glances at them and their location in relation to the Delsaurian - making sure that none of them would do anything to disturb the "down to earth" tranquility of this fine establishment.

"You motherfuckers" Kurt threw back a glass of rye and placed the now empty glass on the edge of the pool table, seemingly unafraid of an errant ball careening into the fragile vessel. "You fuckin', probably sneak off from your shit-ass jobs, pay the security guard at the back gate in blowjobs to not report your asses, and come down here to drown yourself in booze and pool-" Kurt was being interrupted now by some half-hearted arguments "...drown yourself in booze and pool to forget about said blowjobs. Keep fuckin' playing."

His turn over, Kurt took a seat on one of the chairs near the table and faced toward the Delsaurian - staring at him to catch his attention, then moving his eyes in the direction of the newcomers and raising an inquisitive eyebrow - for confirmation.
Dick shrugged in response to being called cliche, while at the same time hoping someone else would show up and trying not to show it. This sort of conversation, even as a mask, required at least a drink going. "I'm sure the drinks aren't too much worse than what I've had before," the pharmacist responded, a slight sigh following.

Dick looked over at the ex-marine as he got close; a reminder of his father popped up in his mind just long enough to be pulled back down again. "Good evening," the pharmacist nodded, burying his relief. Still more chairs showed up and he started to wonder how big this was going to be.

When the Delsaurian came by, Dick ordered a neat double of whisky and a tall glass of water on the side. This would normally be just a start, but he was working now, and the water would be needed to ensure he didn't kill the whole glass too quick. He then looked around the new number of chairs, "Quite the little party we'll be gathering," the chemist noted, including the would be bartender in the attention of his comment.
Another cloud of the strong scented smoke entered the space between the three of them. Glancing over to the Delsaurian who had just arrived. Ordering a whiskey in a just as friendly tone, giving a nod of thanks to the small individual. Hearing the man speak up, he turned his electric blue eyes to him.

"It would seem so. Should make doing business an interesting experience." he replied as he began following the orders he had received. Go to the bar. Meet the others and talk of business and profit.
The four foot tall Delsaurian turned his head so that only a single eye rested on Dick. "Double whiskey and water, alright." Still happily smiling away, he enthusiastically nodded to the Nepleslian.

And at the same time, to McNair, his other eye locking with the former Marine unbeknownst to Dick and the rest.

"Ok, two double whiskeys then," he noted, clasping his three digit hands together. The large green eye he cast on the growing group flicked over to Amy, seemingly a little curious. "And what about you miss?" the short Delsaurian asked, the stocky tail on his end wagging a little.

"Would you care for anything else to drink?"
Amy nodded in acknowledgement to the Delsaurian. Well gee, our own personal waiter. There goes any doubts about whose going to be giving us orders today she thought bemusedly. "Just water please. I believe we're about to start talking trade in earnest soon." she lifted her empty glass for emphasis.

She looked around at those gathered at the table. It could definitely be a worse group to be working with. "So:" she turned to Dick. "I take it you're the one I've been hearing about? The one looking for partners in a certain profitable venture?"
Dick smirked at the the other man's comment. "Yes, very interesting," he added with a nod and the restrained, curious concern of an academic. He then nodded at the confirmation of his order before setting his attention to moving about the group with the flow of conversation. When asked about the business venture however, the chemist's eyebrows raised.

"I hope I'm not disappointing you in saying I didn't call this meeting," he hedged, "However, depending on certain skill sets, a dedication to quality, completionism, and professionalism, I'm sure some arrangement can be made at this table before the night is out." Dick did his best to move his attention around the group as he spoke, giving a slight nod with each point.
Shrugging at the man's statement. Continuing to play the charade he had been told to play until the contact arrived, he nodded his thanks to the Delsaurian, noticing that the bright eyes of the short creature seemed to be staring past him. Doing his best not give himself away, he lightly scratched at his tattooed neck while he glanced over his shoulder. At first all he could see were the air bikers. Then the bright green of a pair of shoes caught the Marine's eye.

"I think it would be safe to assume that whoever called this meeting is watching us." Whispered the man into his drink before the liquid touches his lips. "On our six." He added as he lowered the glass.
Sudden movement by one of the bodies at the table, a man with tattoos on his neck scratching it - albeit not a sudden and rash move, but it was an indication that his presence had been noticed. He saw the sideway profile of a face, and eyes cast downward, possibly noting his distinctively green shorts.

Kurt calmly put his pool cue away and slipped from the large group that was surrounding the pool table. Lighting a cigarette with a swift motion, Kurt walked slowly and waited for the tattooed man to return attention to his drink, before placing a firm foot on one of the feet of the man's chair, pushing it forward just slightly - enough to jarr the man.

"Hey, fuckface. I caught you glarin' at me from across the room. Is there a fucking problem here?" Kurt had both hands on his hips, leaning against the chair. "Because your face is about as ugly as the fucking tats running down your shitty neck. I think I'd like to rearrange both of 'em."

He shot a glance at the Delsaurian that spoke Are you fucking kidding me?
Amy sighed both at Dex's words, and at the boisterous turn of events. Trying to interject and break up the possible fight would only really be more suspicious, and it might help him learn to be a little more discreet. Still, she didn't know if this new fellow was part of the team as well, but she could at least remind Dex why they were here.

"Hey boys, mind taking your flirting outside? I'd love to get some business done tonight, and I don't fancy none of your blood getting on the bartering table."
"Sure thing then - two whiskeys and two glasses of water then," the little Delsaurian noted, sauntering away on short legs.

Before he could get very far though, things quickly took a turn for the worse. Already, the bikers behind Kurt were standing up, knuckles cracking. "What'r you doing - you picking a fight with our new buddy? Huh?!" a fat, greasy haired biker yelled, quickly taking a step forward. The others were already right behind him, and Amy's go at cooling it off only poured gasoline on the fire.

"Shut your mouth c***, or we'll stuff it shut for you!" another called out, his words quickly followed up by jeers at the young woman. The PMC personnel sitting back quickly caught on to this and added their own lewd suggestions into the mix - the situation was quickly spiraling out of control, and with guns so readily at hand, easily thrown into the mix, it could all explode at any second. The Delsaurian bartender saw this, and was quick to turn about on his feet - he quickly did his best to stomp out the fire before it spread, shooing at the three.

"Up you three! Up! And out! No fighting in the bar! No fighting!" he almost childishly pleaded. Looking back over his shoulder at the others, he went on, "That means you all too. No doing the nasty with the females in the bar, that's a health violation!" The bikers and soldiers for hire quickly burst into laughter, clutching their sides. Situation temporarily diffused for the moment as the stout little alien took the opportunity to shove them out the back, slamming the metal door shut behind him.

Green eyes swept over them all as the Delsaurian carefully took them in, mouth curled downwards in a faint frown. "Well, you're all certainly bottom of the barrel, eh? I suppose that's to be expected with our venture though."

"My name is Nacon Thornley by the way - we'll get to the meat of business somewhere more private I think. Nice to meet you all by the way," he spoke, bursting into another happy-go-lucky smile, wagging his short tail ever so slightly.

From inside the bar, the familiar sound of a massive brawl could be heard.
Amy was just about to get up and leave before the Dalsaurian 'suggested' it. Well. So much for keeping a low profile. she thought grimly. She briefly entertained the idea of asking the two if they were happy, but knew one or both of them would only end up deflecting the blame back on her.

"Well. I suppose it's nice to meet you Nacon." she said, while carefully appraising the other team members now that she knew for sure they were partners. She hoped the one in the green shorts could better control that temper, or this was going to be a real rocky working relationship. "Amy." she said while gesturing to herself. "I don't believe I caught the name of you two before being chased out of the bar." She crossed her arms; if the significant height disadvantage bothered her, she didn't show it.
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