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RP: Bastardpiece Theater [Bastardpiece Theater] Act I: First Steps

Amy's embarrassment at being wrong was only compounded by the nature of clothing they were going to wear. It wasn't that she disliked dressing up necessarily, merely that it was something she had call to do much.

At the question, Amy sized up Vel Steyr again apraisingly, grateful from the distraction of looking at clothes. "Not bad I suppose." Amy shrugged. He actually looked quite dashing, but she wasn't going to give him that much. "lives up to your name, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, Prettyboy. We're here to protect her, not bone her.... or dance." She returned to staring at the clothing options in front of her trying to not look as lost as she felt.
Walking through the rows of clothing, he eventually found what he was looking for. Grabbing from one rack and another, he walked toward the changing room, passing the others as Amy gave a verdict on Fian. "Looking good, brother. Very.... Respectable." Commented the man as he passed with the small bundle of clothes under his arm before grabbing a pair of of above the ankle height dress boots. The side zip variety the he could easily get a small blade or a backup sidearm into.

Quickly starting the process of getting changed, he cringed as he glanced at the red tie he had chosen. Shrugging it off, he wrapped the tie around before deftly securing it purely by muscle memory. After ensuring it suit was acceptable by marine standards, he exited the changing room wearing a pair of black pants with a black shirt and a green vest that was exact color of the marine corps fatigues along with the maroon tie. Buttoning up the black blazer before sliding his .45 into the inside pocket, before seeing the finishing touch sitting on a rack. A knee length black coat. Grabbing it from the rack and pulling it on, he glance over to Amy.

"Since you're the one making judgement calls. How do I look?" Asked the man as he gave her a wink. "Completely irresistible right?" He added with a chuckle.
"Completely. I can barely keep my hands off of you." Amy replied dryly. At least there was no shortage of confidence in this group.

She finished picking her outfit out and took a deep breath and entered the other changing room and quickly began throwing on her chosen outfit. With yet another resigned sigh, she emerged fastening a single button on a women's suit jacket.

She gave a small spin in front of a mirror, examining the outfit she chose. It was a sharply cut women's suit with a red shirt under it that was clearly visible at the chest with a short black business skirt underneath. Her legs were covered in dark stockings up to her thighs to hide several scars, and on her feet were a pair of fashionable but practical flats. She nodded in satisfaction. It looked good enough she thought, but it might need some tweaking.

"Hmm, I need a little bit more red I think, any ideas?
Dick came out of his dressing room wearing a cream coloured shirt, forest green trousers and jacket, a blood red tie, and dark brown dress shoes that matched his belt. He figured this aught to look professional, but also was slightly similar to what he wore to pharmaceuticals conferences. Shaking the thought out of his head though, the chemist made his way back to the group and looked around.

"I'm guessing you don't want to be seen," he remarked to Dex, being the first person he saw. Then he got a look at Amy and his eyes widened for a few seconds then regained his composure. "Very," the scholar stumbled, "very nice." Dick then slowly looked away from her to keep from staring too long.
Shrugging his shoulders inside the jacket to get comfortable. "I don't mind being seen. I elect not to be as.... Visible as others." he said giving the man a quick look from head to toe. Holding his marine issue combat knife as he glanced at his outfit attempting to find a way to secure it that he could reach for it quickly. Unfortunately, the design of the grip and length of the weapon did not allow for it to be secured to his forearm, which caused him a bit of irritation. Noticing the inside of the jacket had a few small loops on the inside, he deftly fastened the sheath to them with the grip down so he could quickly reach it.

"I need to get a shoulder holster. Can't keep my sidearm inside the overcoat all the time and I would hate to get caught without a weapon." observed the man to Nacon. Glancing back to see Amy in her suit. He couldn't resist shooting the woman another wink. "I never thought I would ever say a suit looked good. But you definitely pull it off." stated Dex.
"He looks presentable" Kurt simply grumbled out, dressed in a very basic, black-colored three piece suit, with a red necktie to match the required dress etiquette. "Don't let fashion overtake practicality. You still need to be able to conceal a firearm on your person, so watch out for the tight fitting stuff."

At that point, Kurt slipped on a pair of black gloves that looked slightly large for his hands. Stretching his fingers around and making sure it was a good fit, Kurt went back to observing the others.

His attention focused on Dex, who was trying to fit a large, fixed-blade knife into this mission. "Hey, fucker." Kurt walked over to the man. "Are you trying to get caught? Only former military or asshole military geeks wear that color" Kurt pointed to his vest. "Further-fucking-more..." At this Kurt shook his jacket, causing the heavy knife to show itself "...Take this fucking knife and replace it with something more discreet. We're not in the fucking trenches."

At that, Kurt stepped forward while still grabbing Dex's knife side jacket and pulled it more towards his back, while driving his left pointer finger into his chest in a "gun" mockup. "Kind of hard for you to reach it if your jacket gets all fucked up, huh?" Kurt let him go and turned to the others.

"Keep your weapons fucking discrete and on your person at all times. Your coats and shit are there to conceal it. This isn't some fucking action movie where you assholes are all sneaking past guards with 20 guns inside your trench coats." At that, Kurt pulled out a cigarette and lighter, and within a few seconds he was smoking.

"Speed and accuracy. Those are the most important considerations. If you can find a light gun that you can shoot accurately - and by that I do not mean a fucking hand cannon or a combat axe- you will come out on top."

Kurt turned towards Amy, feeling a brief spark of desire, but quickly suppressed it with sheer "professionalism."

"You did a good job picking something respectable. Don't want you to get drowned in a crowd of horny old fucks. If you decide to carry, make sure it's in places that noone will ever look outside of a bedroom. Men know the figure of a woman, and they'll know something is fucked up if there's something sticking out on her hip."
Immediate first reaction at being grabbed was to plant his fist right below the chin on the "button" however he stayed his hand. Eyeing Kurt coldly, Dex fought with himself over whether getting into a fist fight in the middle of the store would be a remotely plausible idea. The rational part of his mind took over almost immediately and cowed the thought. "Maybe you should spend time in the trenches, spook." Replied Dex. He had seen IPG operators in the field. Once. That was all it took to sour his image of Nepleslia's cloak and dagger division.

Readjusting the coat before reaching into his pocket and pulling his own cigarette from it. Idly brushing a stray bit of hair out of his face. He normally attempted to befriend every member of his team. Made him more effective when it came to providing combat care. Though right now, he had doubts he would rush to Kurt's aid should he get hit. His rational mind reminded him he had taken an oath to aid the injured. An oath he would uphold. No matter how much he was growing to dislike the man.
Dick listened to Kurt's advice and took off again to find a coat that had room, but didn't look like he was swimming in it. He replaced the previous coat with the larger of the same forest green colour then started wondering about where he could get a spring loaded folding blade. The pharmacist then wondered how he could get to stay up his sleeve.

"This should be an improvement," he commented when he got back to the group, "but will we be heading by some place for the right tools?"
Kurt met Dex's angry look with a simple smirk, grabbing his hand and throwing it off to the side and away from his throat. "So then, are we going to have to abandon this mission because your first reaction upon being grabbed is to go for someone's throat? There's going to be a lot of drunk fucks there that'll do this just for fun."

Kurt flicked his cigarette against Dex's shoe, almost daring him to try and pull that little maneuver again.

"And I have been in the trenches. I've been around Marines that would eat you alive. Real Marines that wouldn't give any of my provocations the fucking time of day. Make no mistake, this is war, but you can't afford to blindly go in like some fucking action hero. We won't have gunships and quick response teams to extract you if you fuck up."

Kurt turned towards Dick, "Yes. After we're done with this little shopping session, we will be acquiring what we need to accomplish this mission. I swear to fuck, I had better not see any of you try to buy heavy artillery. We want to come out of this mission without killing everyone at this party."
"Don't worry," Dick sighed, "I don't require much to make a person's day a bad one." He then returned to his change room to get back into his regular clothes and readied his new suit for purchase. The pharmacist also checked the professional trousers especially to make sure it had the right percentage of lycra in it to ensure they will stretch if he has to do any 'fancy footwork'.
The Delsaurian had lightly chuckled at their initial reactions, but soon vanished amongst the racks of clothing as they talked amongst themselves.

Soon enough however, Nacon came back with his own purchase, neatly zipped up in its covering, the entirety of it all dangling off of his claw by the hanger hook. "Come on, let's all get along. We may be just getting off the ground for the first time as hired help, but it's silly to insult your own boss Dex!" he exclaimed before looking to Kurt. "Though, I do think it would be good to put the kiddie gloves on, yes?" he asked, nodding with a smile.

Putting his own purchase aside, he brought a stool right up to Dex. "And your tie is a little too tight!" the Delsaurian exclaimed as he clambered up to the man's height. Reaching out to adjust it, his reptilian mouth opened up to speak, only his tongue moving to work with his alien voicebox to make the words. They were so soft, that only Dex could hear it over the hustle and bustle of the mall as it poured in through the front doors.

"Say that word about boss Kurt again, I kill you."

Still smiling, he pulled back after fixing his clothes up. "There, much better, yes? Doesn't feel like something biting down on your neck so much!" Nacon jovially exclaimed. Hopping off of his little step stool, he waved a clawed hand at Amy. "You look perfectly fine - your shirt is red, so no need for the tie if you want to go without if you'd like." Deferring to Kurt again though, he spoke, "Just to remind you boss, we'll be handed the weapons for this. We're just going to need fitting for our concealed holsters for the Zen .45's they all use - if everyone's done here, we can likely go for that next. I know a good one nearby," Nacon explained to their 'leader'.

Death threat side, he was nice and happy as ever it seemed!
Kira got The Call. It took almost a year withouth anything, but now the call was here. So she packed what she needed, sat on a ship and flew to Planet Nepleslia as the instructions said. Except it ran late. When she arrived to the bar the "merc group" she was supposed to join was gone. There was just some bikers giving her lustful eyes.

Kira did not mind that and quickly relocated. Luckily she had a contact on the merc group and called. Strange sound voice told her to come to a clothing shop. Kira shrugged it off and went just there. Shopping was fun so why not?

She arrived looking around until she found a group of intersteing individuals. She also heard the voice from the call, it belonged to adorable little lizard-man.

"Hello," She said to the group as she walked to them. "I was told to look for Boss Kurt yes? I wish to join your mercenary group. Mr. Lizard-man told me to come here."

Amy nodded in response this. She was already well aware, but it certainly wasn't bad advice to keep in mind. Still, she tended to try to avoid violent trouble when she could, so it wouldn't hurt to ask for his opinion.

"Yeah. Do you have any good recommendations for a good concealed pistol?" she asked before nodding and acknowledging the newcomer. She smiled at her but remained wary of possible trickery.
Dick returned to the group having made his purchase to see a new person show up. He looked at the new girl for a moment, then looked back at Amy, then back and forth as the thought of night and day game to his mind. "This is going to be trouble," the chemist thought to himself as his brow furrowed, "Either the dorm is coming back to haunt me, or we'll be breaking up catfights soon."
As the little Delsaurian made sure Dex knew what would happen should he refer to Kurt as a "Spook" again, he simply nodded once. Shrugging that off as well, he begrudgingly removed the knife from his coat before securing it on his belt, out of site though in reach should he need it. 'As much as I'm starting to dislike that fuck, he was right.' thought Dex before shaking off the foul mood he was starting to fall into.

Quickly disappearing into the changing room, coming out a few moments later in his normal rig. As he finished tying the coyote colored tactical scarf/face wrap around his neck, he replaced his .45 in the drop leg holster. Grabbing the outfit he had chosen in it's cover, he tugged lightly on the gloves and he flexed his hands to ensure they were tight.

Hearing another voice that didn't belong to any of the individuals he had already met, he turned to find a woman had chosen to come out of the woodwork. Saying nothing, deciding he would speak when spoken to for the time being until he got to know them all a bit better, he gave her a smile before digging another cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it, though he watched her carefully out of the corner of his eye.
Nacon's scaly head quickly turned, his green eyes locking on to the redhead.

"Ah, there you are! Yes, yes, glad you came - this is Kurt here," he jovially spoke to the newcomer as he waddled over, gesturing to the stoic, intense looking man. "He's the leader of our group, but I'm the one that takes care of the paperwork and the money," the Delsaurian explained to her. "We're all in the process of picking presentable clothing for our first business venture - a little bit of protection for a concerned father's daughter," the short alien added. "Let's get you dressed!"

Excitedly walking over to some business suits, Nacon suddenly stopped and slapped himself on the top of his elongated head, running his fingers through the ridges. "Silly me, I haven't introduced you to everyone!" Pointing to the brunette of their group, he started. "This here is Amy - she's a nice person. And over here - " he went on, walking over to a man with artificial blue eyes " - is Dex. Solid thinking I think." Coming over to the last man, the one with tattoos, the Delsaurian introduced him last. "And this here is Dick. He's passionate I say." Finally, coming to the young man with the moles on his cheek, the Delsaurian pointed at him with a finger. "This is Fian. I'm guessing he's considered pretty, and nobody's disagreeing, so he must be!"

"And of course, you've already been introduced to our boss, Kurt. Now, go get dressed! Black with red is the main theme! Shoo!" he went, adorably ushering her away with his hands!
"I am pleased to meet you. My name is Kira!" Kira said in response with a smile. Her thick accent coming from Kuznietski dialect. Hopefully they won't mind too much. Her eyes studied the people she will be working very soon.

A strong big man covered in tattoes with pierced ears. Was he trying to get attention or just making a statement. Just the ones around his neck were curious and Kira wondered if he had more.

"You should get a red scarf big man," Kira told him with a smile on her lips. "To cover the ink. Will look more professional yes?"

Another was the short girl. She looked more like a young boy actually. She was flat, wore a short hair. Did she tried to mask herself? That would be the guess except for the skirt she had on at that moment.

Third man was the so called Passionate Dick. He had a military haircut and was quite lean. His actualy stature was hard to guess under the suit he wore.

Last one was indeed pretty. At first Kira thought he was a girl. He could easily pass as one. So slim, with a soft face. She would bet 50 DA ladies are flocking after this guy.

"Okay I suit up then. Black and red yes, nice." She then said to everyone and dived into the shop, walking among the various clothing and picking up what she needed. At this moment she wore a simple gray jumpsuit a very work-clothing.

It was time to change that to clothing fitting her new work. Soon she huddled several things and disappeared into the changing room. When she had emerged she wore a black suit. A fit pants, classy heel-less shoes. For shirt, she picted red, donning a black tie and black over-coat on top. Last was the tight black suit-jacket reaching right under her buttocks.

"It still lacks," she said though and went to where hats where. With smile she picked up a top-hat and set it on her head. "Yes..." she said for herself and went to get one last item. One was not a stylish bodyguard without a pair of glasses.

When she returned to the group in her new outfit a par of round sunglasses were on her face. The glass was red-tinted. "What do you think? Classy enough?" She asked producing herself.
Finding himself giving the newcomer a smile despite himself, he chuckled at the statement about a scarf. "Never hurts to have one just in case." replied the tattooed marine as he looked around before removing the green vest from the cover and finding a maroon vest which then found it's way into the cover. Glancing around, he quickly grabbed a blood red scarf, which was then hastily tossed into the cover before it was zipped up again.

'Again, he's fucking right. The mean green would only fuck things up.' thought the man as he glanced back at the vest before shrugging it off and rejoining the group finding Kira had somehow managed to find an entire outfit and suit up in the minute or so he was gone.

He found his eyes wandering her form, before he glanced up to answer her. "Very classy. Another woman who can make a suit look good." answered Dex as he shot Kira a wink.
Amy relaxed at Nacon's greeting of Kira and nodded after her introduction. "Pleased to meet you Kira", she said with a friendly tone while she examined her a bit more carefully. Very cute, and the freckles didn't do her any favors in the intimidation department. She was the spitting image of the farm-girl stereotype, and she wondered if that was an intentional affectation.

Still, she was pretty, and seemed pleasant enough to get along with so far, and somebody to help balance out the raging testosterone in this group would be nice.

"Good to have another girl on the team. Let's stick together, aye?"
Fian quietly edged over next to his fellow ex-serviceman after the slightly heated exchange between Dex, Kurt and Nacon was over with. He turned to face the direction that Dex was facing and then tilted his head down so his fedora shaded his lips. "Psst, don't let him get to you, man. This is just like boot camp and we're the boots."

Except neither of them are boots, were maybe, but not since a long time ago. The tall and muscular Dex Falin and the shorter and leaner Fian Vel Steyr strongly contrasted each other, but had probably killed more people each than the rest of the non-Nacon and non-Kurt team combined, and this new country bumpkin didn't look like she was levelling that disparity much.

Fian merely raised one open palm to shoulder level and uttered a dispassionate "Hi." to Kira. He couldn't quite match her enthusiasm while knowing that these people have no formal combat training and the real thing is just maybe hours away.

"Hey, think we stand a chance?" He said under his breath at a volume that only Dex could hear.
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