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[Battle of Yamatai] Yui's Gamble


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NMX Flagship XSS Tiamat

"Overlord Sprufnikkamazzar, our intelligence agents have confirmed that the Yamatai Central Defense Fleet has left Yamatai. They appear to have left the system entirely. Also, we are unable to reach our forces in the Nataria System."

Sprufnikkamazzar pondered this for a moment. The events seemed clear. Yamatai had risked its defense fleet in a bold move to retake the neighboring Nataria. "And Yui's Fleets?"

"They have left the UOC and have set course for the central YSE but they have not arrived at Yamatai yet, despite having the time to do so

"It is likely that they are at Nataria then," the Mishhuvurthyar fleet commander mused to himself. "What about Fifth and Ninth Fleets?"

"Fifth Fleet has left for Nataria in the last 24 hours, and Ninth Fleet is away from Yamatai, looking for terrorists called the Independent Worlds League," the intelligence chief reported.

Sprufnikkamazzar wrinkled his brows. "So essentially they are wide open right now...what about the parasite insurgency?"

"Our parasites have been mostly neutralized but we have some that have acquired weaponry and are reporting that that they can probably disabled at least 25% of planetary defense weapons from the ground."

"Really? That is an impressive amount. We have been planning an attack on Yamatai for a long time now. Nataria is probably going to be lost with 4 fleets attacking it, but if we move quickly we can land a fatal blow against the Yamataian homeworld. If we can take the system, they will not be able to get it back. We simply have more ships. This is the opportunity I have been waiting for..."

- - -

Yamatai System

NMX ships began appearing in massive numbers at the edge of the Hill Sphere around Yamatai. As they entered the system, they spread out around the system from most directions and began to approach the planet.

On the South pole of Yamatai's large moon, the 2500 ships of the Central Defense Fleet sat unpowered on the surface, hidden under moon dust, radar scattering nets, and by the moon's electromagnetic field...
NMX Flagship XSS Tiamat

"Now entering the Hill sphere of the Yamatai system. The enemy has engaged us with its perimeter defense systems."

Sprufnikkamazzar nodded his giant Mishhuvurthyar skull. "Keep us moving. We do not want to be bogged down. I give them about five to ten minutes before their Nataria forces come screaming back here. Hopefully they are still in combat at Nataria but we cannot count on that. In any case, the numbers are in our favor; our fleet is larger than what they can field.

Blue and gold energy beams shot back and forth across space as defense stations took on the giant NMX fleet. The NMX ships didn't slow down to fight them. They were breaking through the defense lines.

- - -

Across the planet Yamatai, all viewscreens and volumetric projectors began displaying emergency warnings.

Progress to Yamatai: 10%
With Yamatai's perimeter defense systems now in ruins, the NMX guns fell silent as they continued their path to Yamatai. Their dark pink hulls glimmered with the orange lights of their fellow ships' aether engines pushing them at flank speed towards the seemingly defenseless capital world of the Yamatai Star Empire.

As they approached, the large bays of each began to launch every available fighter small craft. The NMX fleet was quickly surrounded by swarms of lights as over a million fighter pods took to space.

Progress to Yamatai: 25%
Fighters cleared out of the way as the NMX ships opened fire, pouring precise destruction into Hoshi no Iori from afar, working on softening up the planetary defense shields and weapons it contained.

At the edge of the Yamatai system, Yui appeared with three fleets:
  • First Fleet
  • Third Fleet
  • First Expeditionary Fleet

"There she is," Sprufnikkamazzar said. "Too little, too late. Tell the fleets to stay focused on the ring."

NMX Progress to Yamatai: 50%
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