Star Army

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RP: NovaCorp/Horizon City Betrayal Part 1

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Inactive Member
"Saromi-sama! We're coming up on Fenyar now!" Hiro grinned. His troops respected him... even if it was only because he could easily kill any one of them in single combat. "Excellent" he said quietly. "Open a communications channel to this 'NovaCorp'... maybe they need some vetrans - they're a relatively new corporation or so I've heared."

In the comunications room of the YSS 'Horizon', a screen buzzed, drawing the attention of it's operator and then filled with static. "Dammit! I hate this goddamn comms room" muttered the operator, feverishly adjusting settings on his control screen. The static slowly drained off the screen and a grizzled, gray-haired Nepleslian came into view, grinning wolfishly. "Problems with your communications? just like us." The man's face became serious as he said, "We are experienced guardsmen and soldiers - mercenaries. We heard over the purchase nets that you were looking to tighten up your security - we think we would be the right men for the job."

Back on the Ki-F5 'Claymore', Hiro grinned his best wolf-like grin again and the comms operator smiled back, weakly. "One moment," he said and left the screen.

YSS 'Horizon', Head of Security William Baker's office - A patchy voice came through the speakers in Baker's desk, waking him from sleep and ending his buzz-saw snore. He looked around blearily then heard the voice again. "Sir? Sir? Are you there?" said the comms operator. Baker hurriedly pressed a button that activated his end of the line, knocking over his stone-cold mug of coffee. "Sh*t!". His voice roared through the speakers on the comms room, causing the jittery operator to jump. "Sorry ... err... Henry? I didn't mean to startle you" said Baker, blushing. "Henley sir. No problem at all sir. We had a transmission from a ship a minute or so ago, it's a group of mercenaries looking for a job. Should i patch them through to your office?" said the operator. "Yes please, Henry. Make it snappy! Last time you said that the repairman you were patching through had to land to repair the system you were trying to put him through!" Baker snorted at this last remark, thinking to himself "rather witty if i do say so myself". The comms operator grew red in the face and angrily hit the switch that would divert the signal.

Ki-F5 'Claymore' - The picture on the communications screen went fuzzy for a second and was then replaced by a face. A fat, red cheeked face. A fat, red cheeked face with a nasty looking sneer. Head of Security William Baker's face. "Yes? What? More mercenaries Henry... or was it Henley... anyway, more mercenaries! To be honest I hate you guys and you'll probably hate me so try to stay out of my way when you land." He paused for a second then continued, "Oh and you're hired. I saw the prices you transmitted just now, you must think I was born yesterday! ... But I'll hire you at that price anyway because I don't have time to haggle! Hah! Oh yeah, follow the automated beacons in... and try not to hit anything as you land!" He sneered again and the comms screen went blank. "Well, this should suit us very nicely. We'll be earning a decent wage here and we can leave any time we want... that guy must have been born yesterday!" He grinned his wolfish grin again, even broader this time, as the 'Claymore' accelerated on into the heart of Fenyar, unaware of the danger that he and his men were flying straight into.
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