Star Army

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RP: UOC Government Big Trouble: The Pirate Issue


Inactive Member
(In regards to the events in viewtopic.php?f=80&t=2279 )

In spite of the protests of several guards and personnel; Saito entered the chambers, unannounced, and with a serious look on her face.

"We have a problem...CLOSE THAT DOOR!"

She said, frightening the usher who slammed the door.

"...It seems that some pirates realized that the Kyotos we had were converted into Aether Bombs for the Mishhu...they stole a MIKO and were chased into 4th SF space, where they then folded and sent a detonation signal."

"I request that you open up a channel to Yamatai...and set up a permanent liaison between the government and Peacekeepers. As of right now, there is no official communication whatsoever, nor interpretation of our rather broad law system...we're like chickens severed at the head. While I am certainly not trying to say this as an excuse for what's tells me that it can wait no longer."
Ayana rose from her seat looking incredibly angry, "Kyotos converted into WHAT? How did they steal a MIKO in the first place?!" Her entire body was trembling with anger, to say this was bad was putting it mildly.

"I want to know what the hell just happened before I go running around the barnyard without a damn clue of what and how this just happened! I don't think this requires a vote but anyone opposed to the idea of Crown Prince Motoyoshi Tio acting as diplomat between us and Yamatai until we get this resolved?"
Tio sat quietly, unlike Ayana he did not respond immediately. He gathered his thoughts and said quietly. "This pirate problem of ours seems to be getting bigger by the day. Surely Yamatai will try and pin this on us." He checked his datapad, searching for information through MFY.

He said, "The MIKO was being prepared for a UOCPF ship, looks like the pirates hit the shipyard and stole the unit. That is likely how they got the information."

He took a sip of his water, stating "Surely tensions will be high, if there are no objections, as the Prime Minister has asked. I will gladly try and work to bring a diplomatic resolution to this mess."

"In the meantime, it may be wise to show we are proactively dealing with this pirate issue, we should begin getting them out of our territories." Tio was concerned, but he did not show it. He felt a churning in his guts, he didn't like any of this.
"And will someone be assigned to communicate this Assembly's decisions to the Peacekeepers?"

Saito added, having thought that point lacking even before this incident.
"Miss Saito, please assign someone from your staff to act as liaison, there needs to be some better form of communication between our branches of government. We're too used to having direct monitoring from the Yamataian military so we hadn't thought about this with all of the other things going on. I would like to hear a better accounting of what the peacekeepers need and are doing from the mouth of an officer that knows," Ayana responded a little more calmly.

It was true perhaps that it had never occurred her that the military hadn't been keeping an ear out during their meetings or trying to pro-actively do things on their own as they had before. This was a dangerous oversight, but such are the pains of a new government that had been newly released from an all seeing-all knowing military network...