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RP: 188604 [Bigger Problems] A failure to plan

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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188604, Queen's Slave, 5AM

Raph strode up the ramp of the Queen's Slave bright and early. It had been some time since he had been back on 188604. "Uso." He called out as he flexed his wings. He was stiff from sitting in that damnable shuttle.

"Whats so important we have to do it this early?" Uso asked, still wearing fuzzy pajamas as she welcomed Raph back. "Ivory... something... won't let you out...ugh... too early, snarky bits not working right..."

He rolled his eyes. "My mother broke into the house and gave me this." He said handing Uso the datapad that his mother had left. "She wants all our spaceborn assests to assist her and her forces in taking on the local NMX fleet. She said if we dont cooperate she is going to come here and start killing people to prove a point." He said, delivering his mother's message with disdain evedent in his voice.

"Yeah, I figured something like this was coming," Uso said, perking up a bit. This wasn't the time to be sleepy. The neko would take the Datapad and head back into the ship, "Come on, you're in on the planning for this... probably means we need to wake everyone else too... You up for some spaceship stuff?"

Uso would also open up a line to Vier,

"Heeey, Vier, would you mind waking up everyone? We got a thing."

"I am not your personal assistant." Vier replied through the ship's speakers.

"Well, yeah, but you're gonna do it right?"

There was silence... but a message was sent out all the same.

Raphael nodded. It was time to get to work.

A few minutes later, a dropship hit the dirt outside and Cyrus stepped out of it. He met Raph on the ramp and they shook hands. "Long time no see brother. How's Ivory and the kid?" He asked as the pair walked towards the CIC.

"They are both doing well. How's Ragnarok?" Raph asked in return.

"Same ol' shit. Different day. We have expanded a bit. Put a few more comanies into rotation on some minor contracts." He replied.

"Morning Uso." Cyrus said as they entered the room.

"Is Werner still working with you guys?" Uso asked.

"He is to a certian extent. I will put in a call." Cyrus replied.

An U-1, it's jet black paint job with crimson markings glissening in the sun as it sped over head to come to a dead stop above and lower to the same height of the cargo bay before slowly moving in and landing. A figure in a black under suit and a helmet disembarks and walks towards the group.

"Alright Uso, mind telling me what pulled me away from my family this morning?" Jack said removing his helm. He was a twenty one year old nepleslian male with the features of snow white hair and crimson eyes whose irises glowed red, with the scar that ran down his right eye and the double helix tattoo curving around his left being the only other noticeable features.

Uso frowned, "Well, we can pass the briefing along to everyone else when they show up." While they were waiting, Uso had moved the briefing to the display room on the Queen's Slave... a large, circular, table with projection equipment that was setup in a large open room. Some gun parts were on the floor, and in the seats up against the wall a half-dissasembled power armor had been left.

The data they had avalible was already being shown as a floating image.

"The Elysians are being thin on the details, but it looks like they are getting their allies together for a strike on a NMX...ship....thing... I don't know, what would you call this Raph?"

The target in question was a gas giant in a system far to the galactic west, nearly on the edge of the Kyoto sector. Raphael had been briefed on it before. The NMX had some kind of production facility there... ships occationally came out of the gas giant at least, transports occationally brought stuff in. Anytime the Elysians tried to attack it they were met with a large number of older NMX ships that managed to push them back.

The Elysian attack plan's broad overview was also included.

They had been dumping large amounts of rock into deep space for the past year, forming a giant wall of material several thousand kilometers long and a few hundred kilometers high. Their plan was to use the massive amount of material as cover for their combined fleet of ships... get in close enough to the gas giant, and then burn the whole planet.

"Couldn't we just build a force of drones to do this?" Candon asked as he boarded the ship his YV1 visible in the distance, "the loss of life will be extreme, I'm not sure our corporation can afford to lose anyone."

"I'm not thrilled about throwing away Vier's drones at it either... but we can't just sit out. We need to be there so we can know what is going on, and react accordingly.

It should go without saying that everyone is looking out for themselves here.

If the Elysians get their way, the NMX are destroyed and the fight weakens all of their allies' fleets. That leaves them in the strongest posible position going forward.

For us, it would be best if both of their fleets get wiped out during the fight..."

"The Elysians will be trying to do the same," he commented, "do we have any way of ensuring they'll be there, at the battle? It sounds like a trick."

"They are the ones that want to meet up... I suppose we could send a scout ship in just to make sure they have what they say they have. Raph can confirm their fleet is larger than ours, not just in ship numbers but in size and capability too...

... I mean, yeah, its some scheme to get what they want but isn't everything?" Uso asked.

"Yeah, that's true," Candon admitted, "Jack knows that too." Giving a sideways glance and grin.

"S6 and it's fleet of six Broadswords and five Indigo class guided missile frigates are ready for tasking. It sounds like we need to participate in some form, or this won't be pretty no matter which side wins. And unlike you Candon, I do not hide behind veils of obsurities and lies. I get what I need to reach my goal through action and people I can trust who have the skills to get us there. You asked me before what I and Section 6 stood for. I give you the same answer I gave before. Stop being an annoyance and either help, or stick to your shadowy corner where you sit and plot. Asteria has become our newest potential contact, and will hopefuly be very fruitful. But again, if this isn't resolsolved that may be for nothing." Jack said with clear irritation at the shady man's words, his helmet hiding his face behind a polarized visor, which his glowing eyes could still be seen through.

"Hey Uso, you ever get that urge to just build a ton of drones and just fly them into people's engines?" Candon asked Uso jovially, feigning ignorance toward what was a traitor.. or trader. Both had been accomplished by the man.

"Kids. Place nice. The Elysians have plenty to gain from just wiping out this operation so I can't just threaten to blow up the planet to keep them from getting their hands on it.

Do we need to talk something out right now or can you two get along?" Uso asked.

"Can I answer that from a shadowy corner while I'm plotting ammo production for this?" Candon asked sarcastically, "it's a damn good thing I've had Donovan stockpiling positron shells, and should I bring those really big EMP missiles again?"

"Section 6 will be equipping it's fleet with starfire munnitions. Each round detonates on impact with the heat and intensity of a micro sun. It's a plasma based ammo, but has proven quite effective, and can be sized in any caliber." Jack said proudly as he brought up the related docs and testing footage on the display table.

[a vid plays of Rose firing a shell from a rail gun, and in a flash of light the tank hull used as a target disappears leaving a large smoking crater.]

"Yes, bring all the toys. We've got about a day or so to get ready. I'll be showing up with Vier's drones and we can all just... like, try to help but not REALLY help... let the Elysians trade their ships as much as possible you know?"

Raphael and Cyrus stood silently in their own corner of the room as they discussed what was going on. They two gave each other a glance and finally spoke. Cyrus spoke first. "I will lead the Fyrst Company into this engagment. They are my perosnal Comapny and are the most expirenced in Zero G combat." He said simply.

Raphael then stepped forward. "Make no mistake, we could not go toe to toe with my mother's fleet. They out number us at least 20 to 1." He said looking at everyone in turn. "I will accompany Cyrus and his company with some of my own Zero G skilled operators. We will be ready for a boarding action if that is nesscary. I will also play backup tactican if we need it." he added.

"S6's fleet will most likely bombard enemy forces witht he starfires which should weaken their defenses and tear through them if said defences break. We'll also most likely be purchasing quite a few U-1's as well to help mop up lighter units as well as help defend our forces." Jack added thinking the situation over carefully.

Uso gave it some consideration,

"Just keep it tight. I've got no idea how this is going to play out so we'll need to be flexable. Expect me to change up our strategy depending on how this goes..."
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