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Bio-Tangler Grenade


Inactive Member
Bio-Tangler Grenade

The Bio-Tangler Grenade is one of Emrys Industries newest inventions, a genetically designed weapon, designed to incapacitate a target.

In form it appears to be a dull-metal orb, 7cm by 7cm, which is criss-crossed with deep lines. When thrown and when it makes contact on the ground the orb blow apart upon these lines, and a biological goo (coloured green) is spread across an area of 3m3, covering any object quite heavily. Once it hits a target the goo quickly tenses around the target. This tensing itself makes it impossible for a human to move, or even slow a powered armour suit. To deal with the different amounts of tension required for these different strengths, the goo reacts to any attempt to get it off with slightly more strength than was used against it. Thus it won't crush a human to death, but is capable of stopping something with more strength. In addition it has small spikes in its substance, which pierces any skin or clothing it comes into contact with and injects a weak neuro-toxin designed to make that persons muscles unresponsive, and preferably to render them unable to mount much resistance to the goo.

The goo is not a perfect non-lethal detainee, since if a subject squirms too much it can make it so they can't breathe just out of reflex. In addition it is vital that there is someone to tend the felled person, since the goo can cover the head, making it impossible to breathe.

Even if the goo is not strong enough to detain a subject, it is extremely hard to get off, sticking to the subject and limiting their flexibility. This can jam a machines joints or circuits, and generally make itself a nuisance.

Due to the biological nature of the Bio-Tangler Grenade, it will only last three weeks after being bought. If you wish to keep it for longer, you can open up the red panel which is on the side, and put in some nutrient tablets that it will digest.

When you buy a Bio-Tangler Grenade you are also given a small plastic vial containing a liquid that when sprinkled on the goo will render it docile, and so possible to remove.

Cost: 25ks


These are the Bio-Tangler Grenades that Emrys Industries uses, and that Seru directed the production of. Much like the Bio-Tangler grenades above there is one major difference: What they inject isn't a neuro-toxin, it's a pheromone based drug. These tend to either be one that sends the subject to sleep, or in other cases Torment.

Cost: These grenades are not for sale to the general public.
I thought that NovaCorp was a coporation--They're trying to make money, right? So, why then are they making items that civilians cannot buy and the military will never pay them for?

Also, I don't see any way any amount of liquid that could be contained in a grenade could stop a Mindy from moving.
Emrys Industries actually, there's a subtle difference.

Seru likes the creation of things out of a subtle degree of eccentricity, he likes to know that they exist, and at least he and some other people can use them. If no-one else does it's not an enormous amount of skin off his nose.

It was never designed to stop a Mindy. That's too much power for the stuff. Think more something like the Enforcer, or other armours along those lines.
Right, on this thread their have been no technological objections to this weapon, apart from that it can not take down a Mindy. The only other problem was a query of whether a company would make it.

First: This grenade is not designed to take down Mindy. It is made to take down armoured individuals, including those in some forms of exo-skeletons, and those of relatively high strength. For example a augmented human. Emrys Industries did not design this to take down something as high powered as a Mindy, and it incedently does not have that sort of capacity.

Second: Why would Emrys Industries make an item that no Civilians could buy and which the military will never pay them for? To answer this, it is important to understand a little about Seru, since he does run the company. Seru does not create something because it will sell, at least not usually, he has something created because it is yet to be done, that the idea apeals to him, and that it fits in with his own moral codes. That it won't be profitable doesn't matter to him, at least not much. That allows him to finance and develop something like this, because he would like to carry one, or because he simply likes that he exists.

Or that because it is a biologicly based substance its research furthered Emrys Industries ability in the genetics market.

On those notes, is there anything stopping this from being approved? It has been at least 2 weeks since it was posted. Unless there are other points for me to answer to, what is there that holds this up from aproval?
Sorry it took me so long to get around to replying here (NOTE: this is probably going to be kind of short as IU am in the comp lab at school and need to be leaving soon, it will be expanded when I get home).

This thing would not be capable of taking down any sort of exoskeleton (where part of a armor suit or not), and its fairly iffy on a moderately strong person. The organic makeup means that it would take it quite a long time to reorganize itself into a effective system (cardiovascular, nervous, and respiratory [even if it is just absorbing it through its exposed surface] systems), assuming much of its body mass didn't die before it succeeded in that (which is fairly likely). The fact of the matter is that the myomers (either natural or artificial) have anchorages so that they can gain leverage; the "gooâ€
I'll let British tom deal with the tech part of this first before I have a go at it, but I think he'll be able to defend himself. After all if the US already has a weapon like this the SA equivilent shouldn't be to far behind.

You claim the point of a busness is to make money, which is generally true IRL however this is star army. Busness here does not solely exsist to make money as there are no real economies to function in. Corporations can not buy the resources they need, corporations can not even buy outsourcing programs, accounting firms, research, or even put their money in the bank. Money can not improve a person's life signifigently here and the bottom line is money is not very useful.

The primary point of a busness is whatever they want it to be.

Even putting all of this aside, there are two more key facts. The first being that corporations CONSTANTLY put out products they do not intend to make a profit on. The reasons for this vary of course but generally it is done to gain a greater understanding of the market. Second, it isn't your corporation so you have no say in what he wants to do with it. If he wants to put out a product that won't sell then that is his choice and it has no bearing on if the item itself is approvable based solely on the technology involved.
Alright, in this universe we have seen organisms possesing extrodinary strength, and as such this organism can easily be strong enough. For example one of the Early Neko could lift 6100 pounds. Previous genetic experiments have set a precident in this strength. Unless you can prove that there is a limit to how fast or strong an engineered organism can be, taking into acount these precidents that is.

The muscle, which makes up a large proportion of this organism, if not most of it, is designed to quickly form these organs and restrain by contraction, while long kevlar like strands organise themselves to make it aditionaly hard to move. The 'anchorages' as you put it aren't needed, since it's more like a hand grasping a cup than anything else, where are the anchorage points there?

And it is less than lethal, in that tranquiliser darts work. Under your reasoning these should kill everyone they hit no?
I suggest that this remain un-approved

-The biggest problem with this is that there is little to no description on how the weapon works rather it is focused on what the effects of the weapon are. As it is I can't really see something so small becoming large and massive enough to effectively entangle a creature after taking time to harden. Mainly because it can't harden instantly as it won't entangle the creature and if it entangles to slowly then the stuff will not set because of the creatures movements. The exact right setting would be very hard to get and would be different depending on body mass , size, and ect. More description on how the weapon brings about the effects is needed because I could see some sort of quick forming Kevlar esque strings being able to restrict movement.
-As for power armor., do you really think an artificial muscle that is smaller than pie 6 squared can output more force than an artificial muscle of larger size with a dedicated power source?
-A sphere can't be 6cm by 6cm. It can have a 6cm diameter or radius though.
-5m3 is what? 5 meters cubed?
-A liquid that spreads and solidifies would have a hard time forcing solid objects inside of it through any object unless the liquid already had some sort of bands that wrap around an object to push the spikes in.

I could see that this stuff would be a nuisance to get hit with but right now it is just doing far to much for its size and composition to be reasonable.