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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Approved Submission [Black Syndicate] Hades Star System


DEFCON Everybody Dies
Submission Type: Star System
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:hades

Faction: Black Syndicate
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When): Yes over skype.
Faction requires art? (Yes/No): Many shiny artz.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No): No.
Contains New art? (Yes/No): Some planet art that hasn't been in submissions yet.
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected): No

Notes: This is both an infrastructure build up for Zen Arms and once I get them approved the home of my Jiyuuian corporate and its government trappings all under one roof. This is also intended as a major area for the Black Syndicate.

Edit: Also altering the Zen Arms logo into something easier to stamp onto rifles.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'd like to object to whoever ends up reviewing this due to the 8 million Neps who are popping out of nowhere on their own colony that has apparently existed since YE 30. Did a search and it hasn't been RPd.

Materializing resources only works for new factions as an exception, like when the Iromakuanhe started or, more recently, the Ersetu.

And please tag the Nepleslian FM instead of just saying "over Skype." Gotta confirm for the record.
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I hate to be That Guy™, but I have to ask:

However this debauch reputation has been tempered somewhat by the arrival of a Jiyuuian population in YE 36, this group rapidly settled on and colonized the second planet in the Hades system, naming it Oshima as their own. The group, mostly the persons and their families involved with an upstart idea of re-founding the various industries of the United Outer Colonies with their collective knowledge to benefit themselves and the survivors of the culture. Having approached Zen Armaments and or the Black Syndicate for assistance, and seeing the promise and potential to boost their image in the ship construction industries, a deal had been struck resulting in Jiyuuian settlement in the Hades Star System.

Where did these Jiyuuians come from? They can't have come from Nepleslia due to the fact that there simply isn't enough of them in Nepleslia to begin with, nor has there been any RP of discontent from the many, many, many Jiyuuians that re-integrated into Yamataian society - so are these Jiyuuians ex-pirates or something? It'd make sense, given that they'd get along pretty well with the Blacks - but then why would they be so focused on something as...resource-intensive as shipbuilding, when pillaging/looting/raping/etc. is so much more "entertaining?"

Also...how large was this group to begin with, anyways?


Well, there goes the whole pirate theory, which brings us back to the first problem - where did these Jiyuuians come from? - and also raises several other issues:
  • Why would a group of Jiyuuians - who according to this article "avoid violence," "[are] devoted to the foundations of peacekeeping and diplomacy," and "are against Slavery, and [the] ownership of individuals" willingly approach an organization that according to this article promotes violence (via "arms manufacturing and dealing"), actively shuns peacekeeping and diplomacy (they're a crime syndicate!), and profits from "organized" crime (which according to this Wikipedia article includes human trafficking)?

  • What "hired help" is the article referring to? For the above reasons, wouldn't the Jiyuuians want to avoid using any locally-hired help - and if they hired contractors from outside the system, then why are we only hearing about this system now, three years after the Jiyuuians settled there? Additionally, where's the RP?

  • If these Jiyuuians wanted to rebuild "the various industries of the United Outer Colonies with their collective knowledge to benefit themselves and the survivors of the culture" and promote the "reestablishment of Jiyuuian technological industry for their benefit," would it not have made more sense for them to have coordinated with "familiar" corporations like Peacekeeper Heavy Industries or the United Manufacturing Cooperative instead of the decidedly unfamiliar Zen Armaments? Granted, the former was founded in YE 37 (a year after these Jiyuuians supposedly colonized Oshima), hence it's understandable that they wouldn't have immediately known of its existence - however the same cannot be said of the latter, seeing as how it was founded back in YE 30...which in my humble opinion is kind of strange, especially when one considers just how fervently dedicated these Jiyuuians are to the United Outer Colonies. I mean, look at it this way: they had a chance to directly connect with their old comrades and rejoin them in working together as part of a Jiyuuian company - yet they instead decided to seek the help of a Nepleslian company (and one that shares absolutely none of their beloved values) instead. Why is this?

  • Why go all the way out to the middle of nowhere when there's not one but two Jiyuuian colonies that are outside of Yamataian territory (providing, of course, that's the reason they colonized Oshima in the first place) and still relatively close to their Jiyuuian comrades in the YSE? According to this article, Jiyuuians are "very social" and "are deeply devoted to their families and friends" - yet how does being anti-social via effectively isolating themselves from their "family and friends" correspond with this? I'm sure it'd also be quite more peaceful, given that they wouldn't have to worry about having a "wretch[ed] hive of scum and villainy" for a next-door neighbor...

  • Where's the RP/news/events/anything associated with the "word of a new Jiyuuian settlement spread[ing]...until Oshima became a colony in its own right"?

Anyhoo, that's pretty much it - and if I seemed rude/disrespectful/etc. I apologize; I'm merely just someone who's concerned about maintaining Jiyuu's continuity within the setting, due to the fact that I'm working on an ex-Peacekeeper character of my own...


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Alright lets begin with origins first of all, this was left vague and non-existant for a reason. Some may be revealed at least on an individual level through NPCs related to the ONI (Oshima National Industries) and ONA (Oshima National Authority) projects one being a corp and the other being the related faction. But overall there are a lot of Jiyuuians out there, some are in Nepleslia, some are in Yamatai, a good chunk (4 billion on Asura thanks to me) still floating around in the former UOC either stuck under Yamatai or among whats left the Lorath Matriachy. Two reasons for the vagueness, one this is a open wound issue that tends to spark OOC drama and I'd rather avoid it by simply collecting the assumption that a certain percentage of all would want to carry on with individual nationalism and would find their way down to Hades. Second being vague means character origins can be far more open and flexible for those wishing to create ex-UOC coming out of this colony. (Exact numbers will come with a Oshima planet article which is somewhere in my project que behind faction pages and a fuckton of tech across...... *Hands full* but that number is a mixed species one).

As far as them bending or ignoring their morals this is a group that just stared into the eyes of species and cultural extinction and narrowly avoided becoming a page in a history book, they're the Israelies in 1948 struggling to hold on to a national identity. At this point working with Zen Arms and or the Black Syndicate is simply a move toward survival since despite being a devil its a devil that will abide by its deal as long as its end is held up and as you've seen this Oshiman colony will be able to deliver. Hired help would be refering to other skilled Jiyuuians and simply making the suggestion that a project is starting that might pull them out of being a simple refugee. Additionally on the avoid violence and their cultural values the more right wing mentalities would probably look at the limitations their previous more peace loving government inflicted on them and corrolate that with them nearly being completely subsumed by the Mishhu. Hence they're now going into full Rhodesia/IDF mode with a more self reliant war-like mentality. They're swinging to the right nationalist hard and are going to do anything and make any deal as long as survival, security, and self control of their own destiny stay within their hands.

Why have they made their own company? Why haven't they simply linked up with others that have sprung up? Two reasons, one the UMC died when the Lorath began to leave the site, two PHI is basically a newish Yamataian company (which is now dead with no new updates since may of last year) and I'd imagine the memory of having their Yam-tech stripped away is probably still a raw nerve hence the want to setup their own in house instiutions toward developing what will probably be slightly less advanced (I plan on using fusion for power for example) but still hardy and functional sleek looking tech. Admitably this is partially a convient arrangement for me since I need a place to setup all of that Jiyuuian tech I've worked on for the last few months and this being tied in with a plan to update and improve the Black Syndicate/Zen Arms is another bonus.

As far as going down below and outside of Nepleslia again its self reliance and the want to start their own thing back up without any ties to other nations and interests, arguebly that have some of those with Zen Arms but those are purely a business relationship which can be eventually weaned off. Remember those two Jiyuuian colonies are outside of Yam territory but they're inside and under Nepleslian control, which isn't a bad thing but to a group with such a nationalist bend it wouldn't be something to continue.

Also addressing the age issue the Jiyuuians didn't pop in during the year of YE-30, that was just when the Syndicate rolled in and setup a safe house beginning the systems march toward colony status.
a good chunk (4 billion on Asura thanks to me) still floating around in the former UOC
And they're loyal Yamataian citizens.
a certain percentage of all would want to carry on with individual nationalism and would find their way down to Hades.
This was never roleplayed, and is kind of hard to accept. Feels like you're pointing at other factions' resources and saying "well these are now mine."
Also addressing the age issue the Jiyuuians didn't pop in during the year of YE-30, that was just when the Syndicate rolled in and setup a safe house beginning the systems march toward colony status.
This should have happened back then if you wanted it to.

Through all of your points and explanations the main thing that stands out is that you're pilfering stuff from other factions without any supporting in-character posts. Why not just make your own group of NPCs and start fresh? Why not start a colony project that begins in YE 39 or 40 and do the RP legwork to set it up?

The UOC didn't pop up out of nowhere in the first place—Andrew spent a ton of time as the GM of the 5th XF and then broke away after tons of RP. In comparison, this submission is legitimately a retcon of established canon so that you can use things outside of what roleplayed history has demonstrated.
As a heads up, I'm currently debating with myself in which direction to take this review, as both sides do have their own merits and downsides.
Having looked over previous roleplay, I've found that, yes, Jiyuuian dissatisfaction with Yamatai has been done. Additionally, it is both logical and unsurprising that the Jiyuuians, who had departed Yamatai previously due to dissatisfaction with the military and government, would continue to harbor the same feelings. This is also something that has been shown in RP, and I wouldn't be surprised if many of them were frustrated, angry or what have you considering their dreams were crushed by the Mishhu. Which, Yamatai was involved with creating. For this reason, the article is on reasonable ground. What this article still requires however, is a reduction in population - we're not rabbits even though some of us try to one up them - and additional detail regarding the Jiyuuians and their circumstances.

I would emphasize in the article that the population here consists of those who are clinging to their ideals particularly hard and do not wish to return to Yamatai. That would help to help explain why they're out here, and more details regarding the circumstances which lead them to go as far as cooperate with the Blacks would do the same as well. It's also a good idea to note how the destruction of the UOC influenced their attitudes as well. These are some ideas, but you get the point.
Having looked over previous roleplay, I've found that, yes, Jiyuuian dissatisfaction with Yamatai has been done. Additionally, it is both logical and unsurprising that the Jiyuuians, who had departed Yamatai previously due to dissatisfaction with the military and government, would continue to harbor the same feelings. This is also something that has been shown in RP, and I wouldn't be surprised if many of them were frustrated, angry or what have you considering their dreams were crushed by the Mishhu. Which, Yamatai was involved with creating. For this reason, the article is on reasonable ground. What this article still requires however, is a reduction in population - we're not rabbits even though some of us try to one up them - and additional detail regarding the Jiyuuians and their circumstances.

I would emphasize in the article that the population here consists of those who are clinging to their ideals particularly hard and do not wish to return to Yamatai. That would help to help explain why they're out here, and more details regarding the circumstances which lead them to go as far as cooperate with the Blacks would do the same as well. It's also a good idea to note how the destruction of the UOC influenced their attitudes as well. These are some ideas, but you get the point.
I'd like to see RP of this personally, based on the wikis and what RP I've ever known to suggest there wasn't anything sizable that was rowdy. This is also matched by the fact no territory that controls to Yamatai or Nepleslia was ever taken from them and a lack of rebellions.

I'd also like to point out that projects like the re-integration of Jiyuuians into Yamatai and the entire relocation efforts that took place for a very short time in Nepleslia all went successful. It's why there hasn't been any RP or Jiyuuians that were on their own since all of this. Even with a reduction in population, this party of people willing to betray their morals further (working with the Black Syndicate, for one) and yet still somehow have held a system for... 3 YE without IPG or SAINT discovering and making efforts to extinguish it?

This is a point that was similarly aimed at me when I created the BRR, as the Bernese Red Rebellion has always been asked "how it went unnoticed". I made direct notes to this to amend the issue (they'd been known but hadn't been militarized, along with having partially helped the Nepleslians upon landing via their old establishments being unintentionally useful). The Reds are an almost identical faction in their seldom/non-existent usage once they were basically added back into bigger groups. In that exact same regard, I again hope you will forward the RP and make direct references in the article as to how and where this group came from. If they're part of some pirate fleet that realized Yamatai would win entirely? I could maybe understand it once paired with a population drop. Because, even though it is pulling them from nowhere (until I've seen RP that suggests it's possible, I personally can't believe it exists), it would be explaining and putting at least some sort of answer to where they came from that at least isn't "Oh, well they existed."

Another thing I'm concerned about is the lack of mention about the Black Syndicate's numbers. How many of them exist in this system? Because while it is out of date, their own wiki suggests they'd have nowhere near the amount of people to run their operations throughout Nepleslia. This also includes the sort of "homebase" they've established in Fortuna, based on how they run a large legal gambling business there. Seriously, I don't know how this was looked over especially with the FM approval here. The Black Syndicate themselves would need updates (I would imagine) to their numbers and resources to handle an entire far-off system colonization. Being rich doesn't mean you have the manpower... and that's a big thing about the Syndicate. They'd need to have some legal window to utilize Zen Armaments (which I don't know why Zen Armaments alone would be able to explain setting up shop outside of Nepleslia due to the fact they're comprised of MANY Nepleslian manufacturers, but they do sell to other nations... so maybe there's a stretch?) to even remotely handle a system-wide colonization effort.

Sorry, but I've been sorta watching this (due in part to it being tied to Nepleslia via the Black Syndicate), and this has been stuff that hasn't really been addressed atop the lack of where this RP occurred. If it occurred, it needs to be brought out and shown, especially since this isn't just some new faction. These are factions that have existed and haven't been getting attention until just recently for what's been IC and OOC years. Even USO, for what I might not like in it, was able to RP and prepare footwork for everything they've got. There isn't really any for this, nor is there any readily presented old stuff to back this up. As a concerned member, I don't want people (even old members) to suddenly start pulling things out of thin air with supposed RP and "FM Approval on Skype" and that sorta stuff. It seems way too shady without anything being thrown up to back the idea, whether it's a good one or a bad one.
The thing I like the most about SARP is that it's such a detailed and lively setting that it's easy to overlook something. Like a quashed rebellion for an example. Knowing about all the details takes time and experience, so it's unsurprising that you missed it. Even Gunhand didn't realize that Nepleslia is culturally at-odds with Yamatai for an example, so you're not the only one. Regarding this in particular however, I suggest you go read over Task Force Lantern. It was brought to us by none other than some of the people originally involved in creating the UOC as well, so it's definitely legit. It got too smut-heavy for my tastes however, but when people weren't doing that, they were trying to win the hearts and minds of the Jiyuuians. And when that didn't work, the guns came out.

As for the Blacks, you are correct that they need updating. This, I believe, is part of that. Given the many years that had passed in-character, it would be unsurprising that their business ventures have grown, and that their employee base has as well in order to meet demand. Nobody expects to check on a bunch of people several years later and find out that their numbers are exactly the same - they expect that there will be more people. You are correct that the population is still a concern, however, I had already addressed that.

Right now we're waiting to see what changes Arieg will make and if they are acceptable.
I'll definitely be going and trying to read over it, as the wiki seemed to assert that their efforts were still (in the end) successful in quelling and calming issues. I don't think the few years this article has likely sat out of date would explain the Black Syndicate being able to control an entire other system atop handling their various Zen Armament factories and the gambling operations on Fortuna, but at least we can agree their numbers are equally wrong for this system.

In the meantime, hopefully the numbers can be made to be far more realistic to the situations of both factions present inside the system. I still think it'd be good to hand up these threads for others who might be concerned on the matter of the Jiyuuians, but I can simply repost here once I've done my reading.
Having looked over previous roleplay, I've found that, yes, Jiyuuian dissatisfaction with Yamatai has been done. Additionally, it is both logical and unsurprising that the Jiyuuians, who had departed Yamatai previously due to dissatisfaction with the military and government, would continue to harbor the same feelings.
Citation needed.

Or better yet: the approval of the FMs of active factions in which Jiyuuians currently reside.
You can go ahead and read the last few chapters of TFL yourself if you don't believe me. Though, frankly, if things aren't harmonious and happy, there's more conflict. Which means more problems for plotships to solve and be the big heroes over. As for FM's, we're not playing a strict numbers game here where we're literally subtracting them from the factions population, so this should not need their go ahead. This article is simply working off of pre-existing history and fact.

The Jiyuuians had a dream - building a better home than Yamatai, and watched it burn. Of course they're not going to be happy, and of course some of them will want to try again. I mean, Yamatai is top tier, so aiming even higher has to be a noble goal. Who can blame them for that?

Again though, my next decision will count on Arieg's changes.
Population reduced to 724,320.

Expanded on this being quite the known hell hole to both intelligence organs for possible plot hooks, however be warned if you tred there your under the watchful eye of the creator myself and the Syndicate FM Soresu.

Expanded on this being a deal with the devil they knew, trading a bit of their morals for the simple chance at having another shot at a Jiyuuian state.