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RP Blood Money; Meet & Greet


Well-Known Member
RP Date
YE 41
RP Location
Sirris VI, obsidian city
"Mister Pine will see you now," the AI chimed to Weiss. Letting out a soft hum, the elf slowly got to her feet from the leather seat she had been lounging in. Adjusting the blood red tie that augmented the sharp, white business suit well. A glance down at the similar coloured handkerchief that was neatly folded in her pocket. As a final, her hand traveled up to the white ballistic mask on her face, adjusting it to ensure the straps were still in place. A large, black spade painted on it. Symmetrical with the holes for her eyes.

Without any further ado, the elf pushed open the door and stepped into the office. Glancing around momentarily to take in the new surroundings. Before her eyes befell Jack.

Though she remained silent. Waiting for his command to approach.

Jack was sitting behind a desk made of onyx, the black mineral having been detailed and inlayed with small amounts of gold. The rest of the room was an amalgamation of wood furnishings, leather apolstry, and framed pictures. The pictures framed were confined to the back wall, almost arranged like a timeline of sorts. Beginning with a group photo of nep marine unit, then the time he was a mercenary as well, second hand gear and a look of anger. The context of the photos lightened in mood as they further progressed.

Next was a small group including the man before her standing outside a warehouse. Those following were almost a show of progression as the group expanded and gained more traction. Mixed within were photos of the family that grew along the way, and friends met along the way. In a way it would tell Weiss much about the man before her, more then even a short conversation could, for after all a picture is worth a thousand words.

"Please have a seat miss, forgive the delay, it's always busy around here.", Jack said from his chair beckoning her forward. Despite his very formally decorated ofice, the lord himself was rather informally dressed. Black cargo pants, boots, a white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket adorned the snow white haired man. The only thing that would obviously note him as nobility was the heraldry patch stitched into the jacket's shoulder. His crimson eyes would regard her analytically as she approached.

"No need to worry," Weiss answered, stepping forward. A hand trailing across the seat, before she sat down. Prim and proper. Lifting one leg to rest it over the other. A soft huff produced as she sought out eye contact with the man. "I'm sure you've recieved my application, resume and all other documents required?"

"Not ones I could forget either, which brings me to a question. Why Queen of Spades? Is there some sort of meaning behind that?", Jack asked as he looked over the paper copies briefly, despite having the files up on his HUD as well.

"Oh," Weiss cracked a soft chuckle. Tapping the ballistic mask. She held up her hand, opening her blazer slightly. "I'm taking something from my pocket. I'm not reaching for a pistol," she assured, before pulling out a pack of cards.

Flicking the deck around, shuffling it with a surprising sleight of hand, she placed the deck on the table. "Take the first card," she suggested. The crystalline blue eye visible through the holes in the mask giving a wink.

Jack leaned forward and took a card as instructed after a pause and a raised eyebrow.

As possibly expected, the Queen of Spades was the top card. An amused huff as Weiss sat back in her seat. "Shuffle it, take a look in the deck, let me pick one," she requested with a soft chuckle.

He did as instructed, slipping the card back in before shuffling it between his hands. Once doing so for about 30 seconds, he then looked in the deck before offering to her to pick a card. He had a feeling that his trick would end the same, but wasn't sure how it related to her skills. It was a highly irregular demonstration.

Flicking over the queen of spades, Weiss cracked a soft chuckle. "A sleight of hand, mere trickery to amuse children. I enjoy doing it, but it serves no other purpose," she explained, leaning back into her seat. "It's always the queen of spades. That's why I picked the name."

"Well, I suppose I only have one other question, as the resume speaks for itself. Why us? We generally aren't normally willing to hire mercenaries, as they don't have the usual loyalty we want, only to the paycheck given to them. That is not the kind of system we run, so why should we hire you Miss Queen of Spades?", Jack asked rather cutly, although his tone still gave the impression he expected a good answer.

Weiss leaned back in her seat, slowly lacing her fingers together as she shifted her legs around, before folding them over one another yet again. "I'm sure your palette of usual soldiers covers the duties of your usual soldiers," she added. "Though, they rarely are in touch with the underworld, barely have any expertise nor connections. I provide that - knowledge and a hardened soldier," a soft breath. "That is why I'm charging a-... Exurbitant amount." A soft chuckle. "Which is still open for discussion and negotiation."

"Well, not exactly a skillset I don't have a few with, but then again there just that, a few. Too bad you aren't enlisted, would make a hell of a WRAITHS member. As for pay, how about 65,000 DS per month?", He stated giving a thoughtful stroke of his snow white goatee.

"Hrmm," Weiss leaned back in her seat. "I'll take that as a compliment~" she answered with a soft, surprisingly musical chuckle. A hand moving up to adjust the mask ever so slightly. Those piercing, ice cold blue orbs from behind almost mesmerizing with the mask as backdrop. "80, I hope you weren't thinking I wasn't planning on driving negotations."

"80 it is then. Lucky for you I can't haggle worth shit, I'm not a business man. So with pay settled, anything other requests, questions, or mysterious backstories before I pull up the finalized contract?", Jack said easily agreeing to that as to him that wasn't too much of a raise in pay.

"Oh my," Weiss answered as she sat back with a soft chuckle. "If I had known that, I would've charged more," she added with a soft, though pleased little hum. "Merely a request - I'd like to buy a domicile in the city. Do you know any of the more-... High end real estate agents?"

"You won't find real estate agents here I'm afraid, as all housing was government built. All apartments are the same in size and layout, as extravagant housing was the last thing on our minds when building the city."

"Hrm," the mercenary hummed softly, somewhat disappointed. The office she was currently in seemed more than lavish. But it wasn't entirely unexpected. "I see," Weiss answered after softly clearing her throat. "Well, then there is nothing else."

"Well then welcome aboard, I look forward to seeing how well you do in the field. So if there is nothing else, then that concludes this little meeting.", Jack said sliding the contract forward.

Weiss nodded gently, leaning forward, producing a pen seemingly out of nowhere, before skimming across the contract herself and signing it. Leaning back, she offered a a soft chuckle." I look forward to work as well." The elf stood up, straightening out her vest and slacks. "It was a pleasure to meet with you, Lord Pine."

"Like wise, please enjoy your time working with us. If you need a tour, my granddaughter can show you around.", he said returning the sentiment as he filed the contract.

"I would love to be toured, get a lay for the land," Weiss answered with a nod, taking him up on his offer. Both because of the reason she mentioned and she was fairly certain the man had meant Nora.

Who she would've loved to see. The sentiment caught her off guard.

If Weiss stepped out and waited, she would see the familiar short woman approach down the corridor. She was dressed nice in a formal button up dress top and a pencil skirt with heels. Though her hair still hung free behind her. The young woman's face held a mostly genuine smile, recent events and what not making a full one hard.

"Hello, I'm Nora, my grandfather said you were wanting a tour. Sorry if I'm a little late, I was talking to my dad for a bit.", she greeted somewhat cheerfully, finding a odd feeling about the woman in the mask, but pushed the thought back as she offered a hand.

The elf made her way outside. Waiting besides the door with her gloved hands folded behind her back. Legs slightly apart to give a solid and stable stature. The clicking of heels causing her to snap to the sound. The young woman on approach. She was - different. Odd, had she forged a proper and genuine mask, or was she genuinely smiling? Weiss couldn't tell the difference. Which in and of itself caused some stress. Was she growing soft?

"Queen of spades - I know it's a mouthful, Q is fine," she offered, accepting the gesture and shaking Nora's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, miss Nora." So Lazarus was around as well. Things promised to become interesting.

"Well it's nice to meet you Q. Is there any particular kind of place you would like to see first?", Nora asked once the handshake was over, keeping up the false smile.

Offering a nod at the common courtesy being exchanged, Weiss tilted her head for a moment, before taking a step back. "If you will, the available housing," she answered with another curt nod.

Nora's brow furrowed as the woman took a step back, which she found odd, "Oh yeah, well there are plenty of apartments that are not currently owned, infact quite a few in my building. A man named Craig Mulder moved in across the hall from me, also a mercenary, so you'll probably see him often while working here. He's a bit cocky, but also a man of few words, so kinda...odd. Dad lives next door, though I kinda have someone staying over at my place.....sorry I'm rambling, but yeah there are plenty to choose from. If you want we can head over there." She finished a tad nervous, realizing she had talked more then simply answer the question, though it probably hid her discomfort well.

"I'll make an effort to avoid conversation with him, then," Weiss added with a bemused - albeit mirthless chuckle. Before folding her arms and waiting for Nora to finish. "If you please," Weiss added, before clearing her throat. "Seeing an empty apartment is one thing. Seeing it furnitured and lived in gives a much clearer example. Unless, they're furnitured on purchase."

The shorter woman, gave Weiss a nod as she began to lead her towards the exit to outside, "They come with the basic furnishings already, with anything additional having to be brought in, or purchased." She said this as they walked, the young woman feeling a growing sense of discomfort around this shady woman. But she couldn't place the reason for it, and that was the most worrying part. Sure her behavior had been odd, and seeminlgy veiled, but that never usually bothered her.

"I see - thank you," she answered. Following Nora, exactly one step behind, a bit to the side. Though noteworthy was her silence. Not just being silent, but actually making no sound at all. As soon as Nora looked away, there was no indication of the masked woman being close. No footsteps, no bodily sounds. Zero auditorial clues she was following.

"I presume you have bought extra furnishing?"

"I myself have purchased a few things. You'll have to place an order for anything you're lacking. They will arrive a few hours after ordered, so you should get what ever you order today. That should handle furnishings, and any groceries can easily be acquired with most other things from the mall. Weapons and ammo can be purchased from the commercial armory. You were given keys to a vehicle yes?", Nora answered before listing off the other places to acquire food and supplies. The whole creeping act was creeping her out. For Goddess sake, who needed to be that quiet out in public unless they were up to something.

"I... Was not," Weiss answered, scraping her throat momentarily. "I've been utilising public transport to meet your grandfather," she explained with a soft sigh, straightening out her tie. "Does the commercial armoury have Revenant armour for sale? I'd much rather have one with a custom paint job. Mercenary colours and all that," she added with a chuckle.

"Yes, as I said, it's a commercial armory. As for a car, we can get you one....either a bike, car, or jeep. Which ever you prefer I guess.", Nora answered as they exited outside. She thought commercial armory would have described it well enough, as well as the publicly available list of products sold. But that didn't matter as the raven haired young woman pulled out a fob and beeped her MRGT Hound jeep. Once it reported back with the audible sound, she triggered the engine to start before walking over and climbing in with ease. "We can carpool there."

"Hrmm, I'm even offered the choice of corporate car, my last employer was far less favourable," Weiss added with a soft chuckle. Moving through the door and nodding her gratitude as Nora held the door. Sauntering over to the jeep, climbing in next to Nora, pulling on her seatbelt and scraping her throat. "If you please," she answered with a gentle nod.

"Well corporate implies we're a company, it's more of a government provided transportation. But hey, it's a free car, so it's already a sweet deal.", She answered as she pulled the jeep out of the parking lot and turned it onto the road. It was an open cab, the wind blowing the black locks behind her as Nora drove them towards the residential district. "Out of curiousity, how is the city for you so far? Not quite what you were expecting of a colony this far out?"

"A sweet deal it is," Weiss agreed. The masked woman lounged back in her seat, cracking her neck momentarily. Watching the buildings pass by. "Which models are available? Or at least - which are standard issue?" She asked, before glancing over at Nora. "Alright, I'll go first - it's impressive all this was built so quickly. Then again, not entirely unexpected. My personal opinion?" Another soft chuckle. "Haven't been here long enough to form a proper one."

"There's the MRGT Hound which we're in now. It's all wheel drive, comes in jeep, turreted jeep, and APC. Next is the Raven Sport which is a nicer and more comfortable sports car, and then there is the DR1 which is a fusion powered crotch rocket of a bike. Also I'm glad you're enjoying the city so far, and hope it's an adequate home while you stay with us.", Nora reported cheerfully, faking it as best as she could, "We're almost there, just another right up ahead."

The young woman travlled all the way to the residential district and turned off the road and down the ramp for an underground parking garage. Once there, Nora lead them into the building. "Well this is it, home, I'm up on the 12th floor. Looks like according to the building roster that there is a room across the hall diagonally to my apartment

"Turreted jeep, huh," Weiss chimed with a soft chuckle, shaking her head. "I'm presuming these aren't for civillians and mercenaries that are recently employed." The elf glanced back at Nora, before at her nails. "Hrmm... I'm more leaning to the Raven - how much horse power does it hold?" She asked, glancing back at Nora. The twitch on her lips, the somewhat furrowed brow before straightening out, the hesitantly yet acted cheerfulness - it was at this point Weiss managed to catch on.

Good - though not good enough.

Weiss left the jeep, buttoning her blazer up slightly, patting out any of the creases before adjusting her tie again. Taking a deep breath before clearing her throat. "If it's an invitation to have a civilized neighbour, I'm glad to accomodate. Though I refrain from making decisions just like that, I'd much rather see the room first." She retorted, offering a curt nod.

The elevator ride would be rather short, but Nora still took the time to answer, "I can't say for sure sadly, as I'm not really versed in those kinds of things. I can ask one of our engineers though. However, that is a popular choice due to the nice leather interiors they have." When the doors opened and the pair stepped out into the hall, a rather unexpected sight awaited them. Lazarus was leaned against the wall next to Nora's door as if waiting for her. He was dressed in what looked like a nice suit, raven black like his hair, and a crimson tie the color of blood. It was obviously well made, and custom tailored, speaking volumes of the cost he must have paid for it.

"Hey kiddo, got back from my business trip and figured I'd check on things. Your aunt didn't like me coming in, so I decided to wait here instead of listening to her nag...Hmm?.......who is your lovely friend here?", Lazarus asked as they approached, his expression a much more practiced mask, his eyes looking over Weiss with the hidden predatory intent of a wolf sizing up it's prey behind them. He offered a hand, a small grin offered as well as he did, "Name's Paul."

"Hrmm. I'll see when I get there," Weiss answered with a soft breath. Glancing up as they ascended floors swiftly. With a soft chime of the elevator, after it had come to a halt, the doors slid open and Weiss followed Nora's movements. Stepping out and adjusting her tie. For the umpteenth time already. Before her eyes befell Lazarus. She didn't seem to shrink away or even as much as flinch at the gaze. Shaking the offered hand curtly, yet firmly. "Queen of Spades - Q for short, a pleasure."

"You definitely seem like a strong woman, and a skilled fighter as well. By the way you're dressed, I'd have to say you're a contracted merc? Maybe I'll have work for you in the future. I hope however, that my daughter has been helpful enough in your tour?", Lazarus asked kindly, even giving a small smile. One so innocent seeming, was quite frankly so out of place on his face, one that only a year ago had nothing but madness in it. Even with this newly developed mask, it was clear that a order had somehow crept into his mind.

"I try to be," Weiss answered with a soft chuckle. Rolling her shoulder momentarily, before adjusting her tie for the umpteenth time. "Correct assumption. I just had a... Semi-genuine soliciting talk with Lord Pine. Though I never shy away from more work." A soft, almost menacingly musical giggle resounded. "If it doesn't garner hostilities against the NDC."

Weiss glanced over at Nora, before nodding. "Far more helpful than I had hoped."

"Good good, maybe I'll come over for dinner later. Just need to run a few errands, but do let me know if I am needed by either of you for something. Nora can give you my contact info. Now if you'll excuse ladies, I must go for now.", Lazarus said before beginning to walk away with a nod.

"Well that was a happy detour, though we're here at the apartment.", Nora said after waving farewell to her father. With a signal from her Geist, the front door slid open, revealing a white haired lupine inside. "Ah hello Nora, you're back. Who is this with you?", Neera greeted.

"Ehrm-... Dinner?" Weiss asked, slightly off guard, her head inclining ever so slightly. Letting herself recover from the surprise, she played it off as; "Thanks for reminding me. I should go get groceries." She glanced at Nora briefly, before back to Lazarus. Offering a nod in return. "Goodbye for now."

Glancing once again at Nora, Weiss nodded to her remark. Hands folding behind her back again as she followed the shorter woman with. Meeting yet another stranger. Though quick on the uptake, she took a step forward and offered a handshake. Tilting her head as if smiling. "Queen of Spades - Q for short, contracted merc," she introduced herself with a soft tune to her voice.

"Oh, Lieutenant Neera Pine, or Lady, but I don't much care for that title. Didn't realize we had become so popular for hired guns lately, but I suppose another gun can't be argued with. Goddess knows we need anyone we can get these days." Neera greated as she reached to accept the hand. Her canine nose twitched for a moment as she smelled something familiar, but put the thought aside for now.

Nora chuckled as she entered as well, finding her fathers outward appearance and attitude amusing. "Yes, this is my aunt, who's been watching Mia for me since she's on medical leave for the time being."

"I'll stick to Lieutenant Pine, then," Q retorted with a soft breath, before folding her hands behind her back. The lanky elf's ears twitched ever so slightly at Neera's sniffle. "Mia? Your daughter I presume?" Weiss glanced around the apartment, before the oddly lucent blue eyes settled back on Neera. "Medical? You have my best wishes," the elf started. "I hope whatever it is - it'll stop plaguing you soon."

"Oh, don't worry, it hasn't proven too critical as of yet. The issue still isn't even quite clear." Neera replied almost apologetically.

Nora quickly ducked into her room as the two talked, returning shortly later with an infant in her arms, cradled gently against her bosom. "Why yes, Mia is my infant daughter. I've been proudly raising my little girl since last year when she was born."

"I see, but nevertheless, I hope it'll clear up sooner, rather than later." Weiss added with a soft scrape of her throat. "Though I have to admit curiosity, what is wrong, if I may ask?"

The masked mercenary glanced over at Nora as she entered the room again. With an all too familiar child she had carried and cared for after the attack she herself organized and led. A soft twitch of her eye that would go unnoticed thanks to the mask she wore. "A beautiful name - for a beautiful child," she complimented.

Neera gave a nod, "Just like her mother. As for medical, I got out of a two month long coma three months ago. I've been experiencing some....odd nightmares, and neural related glitches with my Geist. Nothing big so far."

"Thank you both, you're both very kind. It's hard to juggle work and caring for Mia, but auntie has been more then helpful lately. I have plenty of family around to help when needed, so things are good. Lot better then a few months ago." Nora thanked as she took a seat on the couch, very modern in aesthetic like the rest of the living space.

"Hrm, can't say I know much of anything regarding the Geist implant," she answered with a soft sigh. "I'm sorry to hear that, though." The mercenary added with a soft nod, before turning her attention back to Nora and, by extent, Mia. Scraping her throat momentarily, she spoke again; "if, for some reason, everyone is unavailable, I can take over the babysitting," she offered.

Neera tensed ever slightly at that offer, but it was Nora who was to speak up. "I'm sorry, but I'm very careful with who I leave my child with. No offense to you, but I don't know you, maybe when we are less like strangers hopefully in the future." Nora said firmly, albeit politely.

"It was just that - an offer," Weiss answered, inclining her head as if smiling. "None taken, you needn't worry," she added, before raising the sleeve of her jacket and glancing at her watch, tilting her head with a soft hum. "Well, I'm certain I have taken up enough of your time," she glanced back up at Neera and Nora. "And I've a myriad of bussiness still to attend to myself, such as transport, furnishing and groceries," she explained with a faint chuckle. "It was a pleasure to meet you two," glancing at Mia, she corrected herself. "Three."

"It's been a pleasure to meet you Miss Queen, and to be honest....It's almost been like meeting an old friend again. Who that would be, I can't quite put my finger on, but it's a good thing regardless. Maybe we'll get to work together while you're here, and if you need anything, you know where I live." Nora said offering the masked woman a apologetic smile.

"Indeed, and thank you again for understanding. Hopefully my condition will clear up soon, and then I too can join you both." Neera added with a nod.

Weiss nodded. "I'm sure we will work together soon," she responded in kind, then glancing over at Neera. "And of course, I wish you both the best. With Mia and with your ailment," dipping her head slightly, she turned around and left.

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